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Der Umgang mit experimentellen Daten, insbesondere Fehleranalyse, im Physikalischen Anfänger-Praktikum, 10. erweiterte Auflage

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Studierende der Physik, aber auch anderer Naturwissenschaften, werden typisch im Rahmen eines physikalischen Anfänger-Praktikums zum ersten Mal ernsthaft mit eigenständig durchzuführenden Experimenten konfrontiert. Das Buch soll dem/der Studierenden in dieser Phase der Herausforderung bei der klaren Darstellung von Messdaten und -ergebnissen sowie bei elementaren Auswertungsschritten helfen. Es soll die weit verbreitete Scheu von scheinbar undurchsichtigen und aufwändigen Verfahren zur Fehleranalyse abbauen, indem es den Leser nicht mit Formeln erschlägt, sondern ihn zu einem grundlegenden Verständnis über das Warum und das Wie hinführt. Im Interesse einer ausführlicheren Darstellung dieser Grundlagen wird darauf verzichtet, auf weitergehende Methoden einzugehen. Der Studienanfänger soll mit den prinzipiellen Grundlagen einer Datenauswertung vertraut gemacht, nicht durch zu viele Verallgemeinerungen, die in diesem Stadium noch nicht benötigt werden, abgeschreckt werden. Der konzeptionelle Schwerpunkt liegt darauf, zu vermitteln, dass experimentelle Messergebnisse grundsätzlich eine Unsicherheit besitzen und dass eine ehrliche und verlässliche Aussage über die Qualität eines Messergebnisses oder daraus abgeleiteter Resultate erst durch eine angemessene Fehleranalyse möglich wird. Die grundlegeden Verfahren hierzu werden in diesem Buch erläutert. Dabei wird weitgehend versucht, die Methoden zu begründen oder zumindest plausibel zu machen, um ein gesundes Vertrauen zu den Standardverfahren zu erzeugen. Ein frühzeitiges grundlegendes Verständnis der Konzepte der elementaren Fehlerrechnung erleichtert es in der Folge, u.a. bei späterem wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, die Abneigung gegenüber einer konsequenten und sorgfältigen Fehleranalyse eigener Messdaten zu minimieren. ····· 10361108184

Aufgabensammlung zur klassischen theoretischen Physik DrostenDoktorarbeit

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Reinhard Mahnke received his Ph.D. from the University of Rostock, Germany, where he became assistant professor in Theoretical Physics in 1990. As author of numerous research papers, lecture notes and textbooks he was organizer of several summer schools on many-particle physics in Russia. ····· 10361206189

Theoretische Physik III. Elektrodynamik DrostenDoktorarbeit

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In diesem Lehrbuch zur Elektrodynamik wählte der Autor den deduktiven Weg, durch den neben der Einsicht in die physikalischen Aussagen auch das Verständnis ihrer mathematischen Struktur erreicht werden soll. Als Basis der vorgestellten Theorie dienen durchgängig die Maxwellschen Gleichungen und das Lorentzsche Kraftgesetz. Daneben enthält das Buch einen Abriß der speziellen Relativitätstheorie und gibt einen ersten Einblick in die Elektrodynamik in makroskopischen Medien. ····· 10361206193

Sternentore - Die rätselhafte sechste Dimension DrostenDoktorarbeit

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Sternentore - Die rätselhafte sechste Dimension, Das Geheimnis des Stargate: Neuartige Enthüllungen über Dimensionstore und Zeitoberflächen. Die Bibel - Hinweise vorsintflutlicher Physik Dieses Buch handelt nicht nur von Physik, sondern ist auch ein gelungener Versuch, diese, mit anderen wissenschaftlich orientierten Aspekten zu verbinden. In diesem Sinn wurde hier Wissen zusammengestellt, das die mögliche Anwendung und die Ausstrahlung und Nachhaltigkeit der Physik des Vakuums und der daraus resultierenden Technologien unterstreicht, die in diesem Buch u. A. als völlig neuartiges Eigenwerk des Autors zusammengefasst werden. In der Einleitung lernen wir in diesem Sinn wahrhaftige `Sternentore` kennen, die es in der Geschichte gegeben haben soll, und erhalten aufregende Informationen zu diesen und ihrem Umfeld. Einige Tore sind materiell, aber es gibt auch eine andere Art von Toren, die angeblich zu fernen Orten führen und nicht aus Materie bestehen. Jahrhunderte alte Erzählungen zeugen von Kenntnissen über die Grenzen der Raumzeit, genauso wie die relativ einfachen Berechnungen Max Plancks, dem `Vater des Hyperraums`. Physik und Mystik scheinen sich hier tatsächlich die Hand zu geben. Doch, um das Nichtmaterielle zu verstehen, müssen wir uns ein wenig in die bekannte, moderne Physik stürzen und ihre Geheimnisse kennen lernen. Denn nur so können wir sicher sein, dass wir auch alles verstehen und nicht etwa in die abgrundlose Welt der Magier und Dämonen stürzen, die sich ansonsten vornehmlich in unseren Köpfen abzuspielen droht. Wir dürfen niemals vergessen, dass 90 Prozent unseres Lebens nur Einbildung, und, die restlichen 10 Prozent das sind, was wir `Realität` nennen. Dennoch blieb uns diese reale Welt bisher verschlossen und wir beginnen erst mühselig zu begreifen, wie wunderbar doch die Göttliche Kreation ist, dass es einen Raum außerhalb unseres Raumes gibt und sich somit die Grenzen unserer Möglichkeiten bis ins Unendliche ausdehnen... ····· 10361206039

Theoretische Physik

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Nachdruck des Originals von 1899. ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361143924

Relationale Symmetrie des Lichts

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Manchen fällt es noch immer schwer, sich mit den Hypothesen der speziellen Relativitätstheorie über eine `Zeitdilatation` und eine `Raumkontraktion` anzufreunden, weil sie `die Fakten` nicht akzeptieren können. Diesen besonderen Menschen ist das vorliegende Buch gewidmet. Es greift die Kontroverse zwischen Newton und Leibniz auf, öffnet den Blick für den relationalen Charakter von Raum und Zeit und führt aus der Enge positivistischen Denkens samt einiger seiner `Fakten`. Als Nebenprodukt ergibt sich eine vereinfachte Kinematik, die mit den experimentellen Befunden im Einklang steht. ····· 10361184720

Density Functional Theory for colloidal spheres in various external potentials

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Understanding the physics behind colloidal systems leads to a variety of applications as these are excellent models for microscopic systems. Within this thesis, spherical colloids are studied under the influence of different external potentials by using Density Functional Theory. This mean field theory averages the interactions of particles resulting in an effective interaction potential. After presenting the basics of this theory, hard spheres on two-dimesional patterned substrates, a binary mixture of repulsive spheres under gravity as well as a colloid-polymer mixture in a one-dimensional potential are explored. ····· 10361162341

Die Physik in der Elektro-Therapie

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Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Physik in der Elektrotherapie. Es werden Themen im Bereich des elektrischen Widerstands, Elektrizitätsmenge, Apparate zur Erzeugung der Elektrizität, Hilfsapparate zu galvanischen Batterien, Ausbreitung des Stromes, Induktion, Erwärmung der Leiter und der Gesamtapparat von Brenner ausführlich dargestellt. Im Anhang befindet sich eine Tangententafel. Handlungsabläufe werden anschaulich dargestellt und durch zahlreiche Abbildungen, Zeichnungen und Berechnungsformeln ergänzt.Mit 50 Schwarz-Weiß-Abbildungen. Überarbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1875. ····· 10361138072

Universalgeschichte der Zeit

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Das Werk verbindet einen umfassenden Überblick über die vielfältigen natur- wie geisteswissenschaftlichen Aspekte moderner Zeitforschung mit einer tiefgründigen Darstellung von Zeitbegriffen und Zeitrechnungssystemen zahlreicher Völker aus allen Epochen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Diese breit gefächerte Darstellung ermöglicht den Blick für das Ganze und seine Entwicklung.Eingebettet in die Zeitskalen der Natur ist die Zeit des Menschen, sein individuelles Zeitempfinden und seine gesellschaftlich determinierten Zeitbegriffe. Diese finden ihren Niederschlag in der Sprache, im Messen von Zeit und in den Zeitrechnungssystemen.Eingehend werden die Prozesse behandelt, die auf unterschiedlichen Kulturstufen zur Herausbildung differenzierter Zeitbegriffe und im Ergebnis dessen zu einer Vielfalt von Kalendern führten. Eine bedeutende Rolle dabei spielen magisch-rituell bzw. religiös motivierte Feste. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt - soweit es Zeitbegriffe und Zeitrechnung betrifft - dem Vergleich zwischen unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen. Ihre Querverbindungen und Wechselwirkungen werden herausgestellt. Doch auch den physikalischen Zeitbegriffen sowie dem Zusammenhang von Zeitmessung und Astronomie spürt der Autor nach. Ausführlich werden die den gewöhnlichen Kalenderbegriff erweiternden Zeitskalen der Erdgeschichte und der Biologie beschrieben. Ein Kapitel über das Messen kurzer Zeitabschnitte behandelt außer den Uhren zahlreiche spezielle Verfahren und technische Anwendungen. ····· 10361158392

La teoría de perturbaciones en la mecánica cuántica

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El objetivo de esta monografía es presentar un nuevo método para resolver los problemas perturbados independientes del tiempo en la mecánica cuántica no relativista. En este método se desarrolla el operador de evolución de la ecuación de Schrödinger dependiente del tiempo en serie de Taylor, y se identifican los términos de dicha serie con los elementos de ciertas matrices triangulares. A partir de esta observación, se construye un conjunto fácilmente soluble de ecuaciones diferenciales para las matrices triangulares, y se encuentra de manera simultánea la corrección a la energía y la corrección a la función de onda. Dado que el método que resulta utiliza matrices, se le bautizó como `Método matricial`. Presentamos también algunos ejemplos y aplicaciones a la óptica cuántica y a la ecuación maestra. El método matricial tiene las siguientes ventajas: i) el desarrollo es sistemático, la corrección de cualquier orden es obtenida en forma directa y general, ii) al tomar en cuenta todos los términos se obtiene la serie de Dyson, iii) las correcciones a la energía y a la función de onda son obtenidas en una sola operación de manera simultánea, y iv) pedagógicamente es más conveniente. ····· 103612766

Los Estados Cuánticos de la Materia-Energía

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Los Estados Cuánticos de la Materia-Energía es una teoría que plantea la rotura de la velocidad límite de la luz en el vacío, sugiere así la elasticidad tanto de la luz, como del tejido espacial-temporal que la envuelve. Esta elasticidad nos sitúa en las coordenadas de la tercera y de la cuarta dimensión, así como en un estado interdimensional, y su análisis a nivel subatómico nos remite a los grados de velocidad de partículas superlumínicas que intervienen en los estados de la materia, que modifican nuestro concepto del espacio y del tiempo. La posterior deceleración de una partícula superlumínica abre un nuevo campo de estudio que permite centrarnos en el fenómeno de la decoherencia de Schrödinger, la cual soluciona una singularidad que se crea en un entorno cerca de la longitud de Planck y que nos permitirá estudiar fenómenos singulares. Esta teoría se completa con una segunda parte llamada `Los Estados Dimensionales versus superstrings`, que estudia las dimensiones macroscópicas. El estudio de las superficies que se generan al cerrar las D-branas relativas a las dimensiones macroscópicas junto con un estudio sobre el conjunto vacío ayudan a cerrar esta teoría. ····· 1036122628

Problemas de Física Moderna

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La Física Moderna es fundamental para comprender las nuevas tecnologías y los descubrimientos científicos del siglo XX. La Física Cuántica está en los fundamentos de los dispositivos electrónicos de los ordenadores. El láser permite realizar operaciones quirúrgicas antes impensables. Las aplicaciones de la Física Nuclear en Medicina permiten obtener imágenes precisas de los órganos internos y poderosas herramientas para la lucha contra el cáncer. La Teoría de la Relatividad es necesaria para comprender el funcionamiento de las centrales nucleares y cuál es la fuente de energía del Sol. La Física Moderna es la base de nuestra comprensión actual del Universo. Este conocimiento, aparte de su propio interés intelectual, también es importante en Filosofía, pues describe la posición del Hombre en La Creación y establece fundamentos firmes para responder a las eternas cuestiones de quiénes somos y de dónde venimos. El libro está divido en cinco capítulos que contienen problemas resueltos relativos a los principales temas de Física Relativista y Física Cuántica. Esta obra está dirigida a estudiantes universitarios de primer curso que necesitan afianzar sus conocimientos en Física Moderna. ····· 1036122725

Comportamiento térmico y electromagnético de material cerámico

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En el presente trabajo se describen los procesos experimentales y se plantean varios modelos teóricos que permiten determinar el comportamiento electromagnético, térmico, óptico y en frecuencia de materiales cerámicos amorfos, en condiciones de laboratorio utilizados en el proceso de fabricación fundamentalmente, de piso cerámico. Uno de los aspectos relevantes de los resultados presentados en este informe, es la posibilidad de usar esta clase de materiales para la fabricación de sensores de humedad y detección de campo electroamgnético, debido a la presencia de histéresis magnética y respuesta piezoeléctrica a la deformación mecánica de su estructura molecular. Cabe destacar que la presión de prensado y la humedad relativa de las muestras objeto de eestudio, juegan un papel preponderante en el momento de construir prototipos de sensores de humedad, pues dependiendo de ellos, los datos medidos deben ser tratados con un modelo estadístico. ····· 1036189580

Dosis por exposición a fuentes ambientales de radiación en Cuba

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El texto plantea modelos y soluciones para evaluar las dosis que por las fuentes ambientales recibe la población cubana. Se evaluaron las dosis recibidas por exposición externa a la radiación cósmica y la terrestre, así como por irradiación interna debida al potasio-40 del cuerpo y por la incorporación de radionucleidos presentes en el medio ambiente. Se propone un nuevo modelo para estimar las dosis debidas al potasio-40 basado en una red neuronal, más realista en tanto considera las especificidades morfológicas de cada persona, y se obtienen valores de las dosis que recibe la población cubana. Se identifican las fuentes que contribuyen significativamente a estas dosis. ····· 1036124191

Ludwig Boltzmann - Populäre Schriften

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Ludwig Boltzmann war ein österreichischer Physiker und gilt als Begründer der Entropieformel der mikrokanonischen Gesamtheit:S = kB ln Seine Populären Schriften sind eine Zusammenstellung der eigenen Werke und Vorträge zur Physik, Mathematik und Philosophie sowie einiger Worte zu Kollegen seines Fachs. Boltzmanns Leitspruch: Bring vor, was wahr ist schreib so, dass es klar ist und verficht`s, bis es mit dir gar ist! findet sich auch in seinen Schriften wieder. Seine klare Ausdrucksweise und anschauliche Erklärung physikalischer Phänomene machen dieses Werk trotz seines komplexen Inhalts zu einer äußerst lesenswerten Lektüre. ····· 1036174698

Production of Carbon Nanotubes

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Carbon Nanotubes have aroused great excitement recently. What is so special about them The answer lies in their unique physical properties, which span a wide range from structural to electronics. Carbon Nanotubes are cylindrical molecules with a diameter of as little as 1 nanometer and length up to many micrometers. They consist of only carbon atoms. Carbon Nanotubes have a light weight and high elastic modulus, and they are predicted to be by far the strongest fibers that can be made. Their high strength is accompanied by their ability to buckle in a reversible manner. In this book, 3D multi species heat and fluid flow analysis of argon ferrocene mixture in a high temperature reactor has been carried out by using CFD tools, GAMBIT for modeling & meshing and FLUENT for analysis. The data is generated by considering different boundary conditions and different mass flow rates of argon and ferrocene. ····· 1036199294

Repulsive electron-electron interaction and nuclear charge screening

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The development of simple analytical method(s) for solving the first-order wave functions and the second-order energy for two-electron atoms has remained a major challenge of theoretical atomic physics. The failure to overcome this challenge has motivated progress in the variational-perturbation method. However, the main drawback of the method is that it fails to directly account for the mechanisms which cause nuclear charge screening usually introduced as one of the variation parameters. In the book, we have developed a simple analytical solution to the Schrödinger equation for two-electron atoms based on a model that formulates the role of the repulsive electron-electron interaction term in nuclear charge screening. We have obtained an analytical expression of the first-order perturbed wave functions for two-electron atoms in the model and applied it to calculate second-order energy. The general analytic structure of the wave functions is an important guideline in the choice of the basis functions for use in the variational calculations. ····· 1036188058

Radon (Rn) Measurement in Buildings

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THe book introduces the subject of indoor radon measurement. The book gives an account of the reasons for measuring radon in indoor spaces, highlighting the danger of high exposure to radon resulting in lung cancer. The book also cover the remedies and how to build radon resistant homes and working spaces. The book also has an international perspective and draws from case studioes from around the world. Acadaemic work is also referenced on the book to give an authentic account of the findings of its measurements from different parts of the world. The book is simple enough for readers who need an introduction to radon measurement but it also has sufficient depth to equip a researcher on the measurment techniques required at higher levels. ····· 10361135753

Lecture Notes on Atomic and Molecular Physics

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The origins of atomic physics were entwined with the development ofquantum mechanics itself ever since the first model of the hydrogenatom by Bohr. This introductory book aims to provide a gentle yet rigorous first course on atomic and molecular physics. The early atomic models to describe the atomic nuclei were explained, black body radiations laws were also explained, hydrogen atomic spectra were explained and discussed with details. The wave-particle duality concepts also re-visited and explained with more details. The hydrogen atomic spectra and their derivation from Bohr atomic model discussed and explained in more details.The discovery of x-rays and their spectroscopy is carefully explained. The special theory of relativity are carefully treated and explained. The basic concepts for molecules also included in this book. ····· 10361133001

Band Deconvolution Method for Determination of Caffeine in Coffee

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Gaussian distributions are used to model the absorbance property of an object, since they closely approximate the physical process involved electronic transition absorptions. Each absorption process involved electronic transition absorptions. Each absorption process is represented by three parameters: amplitude, band width, and location of the peak wave length. The absorption profile of a given object is represented by several overlapping Gaussian distributions. Band deconvolution is developed based on these Gaussian functions. The absorption spectrum of coffee is a convolution of caffeine and other water soluble compounds of coffee, which are considered as interfering matrix elements. The absorption profile of these interfering matrix elements are modeled by five overlapping Gaussian distributions. Subtracting the convolution of these Gaussian functions from the absorption spectrum of coffee gives the caffeine spectrum. Deconvolution is the procedure of undoing that of smearing in an effort to see what the true profile would look like. ····· 1036192243

Photoabsorption Processes in Some Free and Confined Atomic Systems

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In this book we discuss the photoabsorption processesof several closed shell systems, including atoms thatare trapped inside a fullerene molecule. Energylevels and wavefunctions are studied using Dirac-Fockmethod and we employed Relativistic Random PhaseApproximation (RRPA) and Relativistic MultichannelQuantum Defect Theory (RMQDT) to calculate thephotoionization parameters. Autoionizationresonances in Kr, Xe and Cd atoms and the Si2+ ionhave been presented and these results are discussedin the context of some very recent and sophisticatedexperimental results. The effect of confinement has beenmodeled by a spherical annular attractive shellpotential as has been done in an earliernon-relativistic study. Simultaneous effects ofconfinement, relativistic interactions andcorrelation on energy levels, wavefunctions andphotoionization parameters have been discussed indetail. This book is particularly useful for thosewho are working in atomic and molecular physics andrelated fields. This work has been done while Dr.Hari R. Varma worked as a PH.D. student at I.I.T.Madras under the guidance of Dr. P. C. Deshmukh. ····· 10361119236

Study of Phase Transitions and Critical Points

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The field of phase transitions and critical phenomena continues to be active in research, producing a steady stream of interesting and fruitful results. It has moved into a central place in condensed matter studies. Statistical physics, and more specifically, the theory of transitions between states of matter, more or less defines what we know about `everyday` matter and its transformations. The major aim of this work is to study quantum phase transitions and critical points for some chains of nuclei in the rare-earth region and to locate these nuclei on the critical points X(5) and E(5) by employing the most general form of the Interacting Boson Model (IBM-1). ····· 10361115728

Nanoscience: Nanomaterials and Photoconductivity

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We have given a brief note on Nanotechnology, Nanoscience, Nanomaterials and their applications in this book. Nanotechnology is a Study of manipulating matter on atomic or molecular scale. It creates many materials and devices with high performance for vast range of applications. Also, Photoelectric effect, Photoelectrons, Hertz effect, Photo-conductivity, Photoconducting materials, Photo-sensitivity, Photo-detectors, Nano Sized Photodetector, Nanowires and UV Photodetecting Nanowires are discussed in this work. An attempt has been made to analyze the activities of Silver nanoparticles on Gram negative and Gram positive Bacteria. Changes in Lattice constant of Silver nanoparticles have been investigated. Some of our guest lecture works, seminar presentations and research works have been compiled. This work will be helpful to acquire a basic knowledge about and nanomaterials and Photoconductivity. We feel that this book will serve as a good survey and act as a good guide for nanotechnology and nanoscience. This work is expected to throw some light on and help further studies. ····· 1036187794

Electron Impact Collision Cross Section for Atmospheric Molecules

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When we come across something unfamiliar in the ordinary everyday world, we might prod and poke it with a stick, or smell it or taste it to see what it is. There might for instance be little resistance on our stick if the object happens to be a jellyfish, or a considerable amount of resistance if it is a lump of basalt, and this resistance tells us something about the composition of the object. This is what we do with electrons we throw a few electrons at the atoms and by noticing how they respond, we get some idea about what sort of things atoms are. Electrons are our sticks, and they help us find out what makes atoms tick.In this book we theoretically calculate the probability of interaction between the target and the electrons by using a spherical complex optical potential. ····· 1036187489

Improvements determining radionuclides by gamma-ray spectrometry

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Gamma-ray spectrometry is a non-destructive technique which has the advantage of not requiring laborious sample preparation. However, in order to obtain activity concentration values in the analyzed samples or the environment, prior knowledge of the full-energy peak efficiency (at each photon energy) for given measurement conditions is required. Usually the efficiency calibration of gamma-ray spectrometric systems is based on the use of standard radioactive sources of very similar geometrical dimensions, density, and chemical composition to the sample under study. To have calibration sources similar to the samples implies conditions that cannot be fulfilled in many cases. One effective procedure to overcome these difficulties is the use of Monte Carlo simulation, which allows the peak efficiencies to be calculated taking into account the detailed characteristics of the detector and sample. In this work, examples on how Monte Carlo simulation is applied for self absorption corrections (environmental samples) and efficiency calibration of detectors for in situ measurements are presented. The methodology used for uncertainty calculation in gamma-ray spectrometry is described. ····· 1036186616

Reconstrucción de V0`s en colisiones p-p en el experimento ALICE

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El experimento ALICE es uno de los cuatro grandes proyectos que actualmente están en marcha en el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones. ALICE estudiará la producción de un estado de materia hadrónica desconfinada conocido como el plasma de quarks y gluones. Para eso, el experimento necesita recabar información referente a la producción de diferentes especies de partículas en colisiones de protones. A ese respecto, la reconstrucción de decaimientos de partículas en un ambiente de alta multiplicidad plantea enormes desafíos en cuanto a la construcción de la maquinaria del experimento como a la implementación del software de análisis. Ambos retos tienen el común denominador de auxiliarse de simulaciones que no sólo proporcionen una idea de lo que se observa, sino que también evalúen los métodos de medición y de análisis de datos. Este trabajo constituye una guía introductoria al software del experimento ALICE para la reconstrucción de partículas extrañas neutras. ····· 1036122736

Surface Roughness Study by Atomic Force Microscopy

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AFM is becoming a key technique in many fields of nano-science and nano-technology. The AFM is capable of measuring nanometer scale images of insulating surfaces with thickness as well as measuring three dimensional images of surfaces and studying the topography. It is very suitable for biological system to determine substrate roughness analysis. The chitinous materials that mean microbiological matter are imaged for determining the surface roughness and interaction force of microbial surfaces by AFM. ····· 1036118048

Terminy i opredeleniya v yadernoy fizike

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Uchebnoe posobie k kursu lektsiy po sovremennoy programme obshchego kursa fiziki razdela `Yadernaya fizika`. Formuliruyutsya i opisyvayutsya vse izvestnye do nastoyashchego vremeni yaderno-fizicheskie zakony, effekty i yavleniya v vide kanonizirovannykh opredeleniy i ponyatiy. Dlya nailuchshego vospriyatiya dannogo razdela fiziki v nem dayutsya primery iz klassicheskikh istoricheskikh yadernykh opytov, a takzhe primery prirodnykh yadernykh yavleniy k kazhdomu opredeleniyu dany zadachi i ikh resheniya, a takzhe grafiki i avtorskie risunki, poyasnyayushchie opredeleniya. Priveden polnyy perechen` uchebnikov i uchebnykh posobiy po sovremennoy yadernoy fizike. Dannoe uchebnoe posobie prednaznacheno dlya studentov vuzov, odnako, mozhet s uspekhom ispol`zovat`sya prepodavatelyami vuzov, gimnaziy, litseev, kolledzhey i srednikh shkol. Avtory nadeyutsya, chto i shkol`niki naydut dlya sebya v etoy knizhke mnogo novogo, interesnogo i poleznogo. ····· 103614782

Medida de la contaminación por electrones en radioterapia con fotones

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La radioterapía externa con fotones es una de las modalidades del tratamiento contra el cáncer, ampliamente utilizadas en el ámbito clínico al irradiarse diversas clases de lesiones neoplásicas. Con el fin de entregar un tratamiento de calidad y garantizar que la dosis prescrita sea administrada al paciente, es imperativo caracterizar el haz de fotones para conocer tanto sus propiedades físicas como dosimétricas. Por esta razón, dentro de la gran variedad de fenómenos que se presentan en la interacción radiación materia, el fenómeno físico que se caracterizó en este trabajo fue la producción de electrones contaminantes al interior del haz de rayos X. Dicha contaminación es inherente a la producción del haz y tiene la capacidad de incidir sobre la piel del paciente produciendo un aumento no deseado a la dosis en piel. En este estudio se realizó la medición de la contribución a la dosis superficial al irradiarse un maniquí de Agua bajo diversas condiciones de haz. Los resultados mostraron una clara evidencia del aumento de la contaminación con el tamaño del campo de irradiación y dependiendo del accesorio que se interponga en el haz, se puede disminuir o aumentar dicho efecto. ····· 103612607

Predicción de masas nucleares usando reconstrucción de imágenes

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La descripción correcta de las propiedades nucleares es esencial para ampliar nuestro conocimiento del universo. Entre estas propiedades sin duda alguna la de mayor importancia es la masa del núcleo. Experimentalmente las técnicas existentes en la actualidad son de una complejidad impresionante y han permitido poco a poco el conocimiento sistemático del comportamiento de las masas nucleares como función del número de neutrones y del número de protones. Sin embargo el extender la frontera de la región de núcleos conocidos es cada vez más difícil ya que los núcleos a estudiar son cada vez mas inestables y es mucho más difícil producirlos. Debido a esto es necesario el uso de modelos téoricos para predecir el valor de la masa para núcleos que aun no han sido producidos experimentalmente. De particular importancia es el comportamiento sistemático y suave que tienen las masas en el plano (N,Z). Al graficar el valor de la masa se obtiene una superficie cuyas propiedades son pieza clave para poder predecir las masas nucleares desconocidas. En este trabajo utilizo y analizo principalmente el comportamiento y las propiedades sistemáticas de esta superficie. ····· 103611411

Numerical Approaches to Spatial Correlations in Strongly Interacting Fermion Systems

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Spatial correlations are of fundamental importance for many fascinating aspects of solid state physics, such as non-Fermi-liquid behavior, spin fluctuations, high-temperature superconductivity and quantum criticality. The major part of this book is devoted to the dual fermion approach, which combines numerical and field theoretical diagrammatic methods to describe the effects of spatial correlations beyond dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The approach is generalized in various respects. It is shown that it has superior convergence properties compared to standard diagrammatic extensions of DMFT and its applicable even in presence of strong interactions. Numerical calculations employ the recently developed continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo methods, which are generalized to compute two-particle correlations functions. These techniques are used to study the two-plane Hubbard model on the Bethe lattice, the spatial correlations around a Kondo impurity and the Hubbard model in finite dimensions. Based on a ladder approximation to the dual-energy, a scheme is proposed which for the first time will allow a realistic and computationally feasible description of strongly correlated materials for which the correlations are manifestly long-ranged. In addition to the key scientific results, this book contains significant introductory materials to the models, methods and concepts used for the theoretical description of quantum many-particle systems. In particular the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo methods are described in detail and on an elementary level. Providing technical details and complete derivations, this book is meant to help in the implementation of these novel approaches and to serve as an introduction and a reference for students beginning to work in this field. ····· 10361192717

Brownian dynamics of active and passive anisotropic colloidal particles

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The proper description of the static equilibrium properties and the dynamic behavior of many-particle systems is one of the oldest problems in theoretical physics. This very general problem is highly relevant for most fields of physics. In the present work, several aspects in the context of this problem are investigated. These aspects concern the Brownian dynamics of interacting anisotropic colloidal particles, that can be passive (colloidal liquid crystals) or active (self-propelled microswimmers). The main part of this work is subdivided into three chapters. In the first chapter, the Brownian dynamics of an individual active colloidal particle with arbitrary shape is investigated. After the formulation of the corresponding Langevin equation, analytical solutions for some special cases are derived and numerical solutions for more general situations are presented. Taking the example of a spherical colloidal particle, the effect of an imposed shear flow is discussed also. The second chapter considers the collective dynamics of a large set of interacting active colloidal particles with arbitrary shape. Starting from the appropriate many-particle Smoluchowski equation, classical dynamical density functional theory is generalized to arbitrarily shaped active or passive colloidal particles. It is proved, that this new and generalized dynamical density functional theory can be reformulated in terms of the variational optimization of a dissipation functional. This alternative representation of dynamical density functional theory allows an easier and much faster derivation of the dynamic equations of phase field crystal models with various order-parameter fields than the traditional formulation of dynamical density functional theory. The reformulation with a dissipation functional additionally establishes a basis for the interpretation of dynamical density functional theory out of linear irreversible thermodynamics. The third chapter finally treats the statics and dynamics of colloidal liquid crystals by means of microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic classical mean-field theories. Using static and dynamical density functional theory (microscopic), phase field crystal models (mesoscopic) for apolar and polar colloidal liquid crystals in two and three spatial dimensions are derived and compared with static and dynamic symmetry-based approaches (macroscopic) on the basis of classical Ginzburg-Landau theory and generalized hydrodynamics. The results obtained in this work can, for example, be applied to colloidal liquid crystals in order to explore their equilibrium phase diagram and phase transition dynamics as well as to the dissipative dynamics of topological defects in liquid crystalline phases and to artificial microswimmers or living microorganisms in order to describe their nonequilibrium swarming behavior. The results are also of more fundamental interest, since they help to clarify the relationship between classical density functional theory, phase field crystal models, and symmetry-based macroscopic approaches. ····· 10361107690

Statics and dynamics of solvent-free models for liquid bilayer membranes

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Collective phenomena in lipid membranes, like pore formation and fusion, selfassembly, or lateral demixing of lipid mixtures, have attracted tremendous interest over the last years. Often, collective phenomena involve mesoscopic time and length scales, microseconds and micrometers, which are difficult to observe directly in experiments and which are at present beyond the scales that can be addressed by models with atomistic resolution. The reduced number of degrees of freedom and the softer potentials in coarse-grained models open up the opportunity to address the mesoscopic scales computationally and to gain qualitative insights. In this work we present a solvent-free, coarse-grained model for amphiphilic bilayers. The molecules are represented by linear bead-spring chains and the non-bonded interactions are derived from a classical density functional, which is an expansion of the free energy in terms of weighted molecular densities up to third order. Within the mean-field approximation the involved expansion coefficients and weighting functions can be utilized to tune the equation of state and the local, fluid structure of the model independently. We employ Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) simulations to study the properties of the model numerically. ····· 10361107306

Kvark iz temnoj materii

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Otkrytiem bozona Higgsa zavershilos` zapolnenie spiska jelementarnyh chastic. Standartnaya model` jelementarnyh chastic poluchilo polnoe podtverzhdenie. Odnako nekotorye detali jetoj teorii ostajutsya do sih por neponyatnymi. V chastnosti, do sih por ne yasna priroda kvarkov, hotya pochti ves` spektr mass jelementarnyh chastic sostavlen na osnove jetih kvarkov. V nastoyashhej knige vyyasnena priroda kvarkov, kotorye yavlyajutsya osnovnymi jelementami temnoj materii, kotorye v svyazke kvark - antikvark perenosyat jenergiju iz podprostranstva temnoj materii v vakuum. Ponyatie kvarka yavlyaetsya sinonimom ponyatiya spinor v OTO, vvedennogo Shipovym G.I. Kniga adresovana studentam, prepodavatelyam vuzov i ljubitelyam fiziki, kotorye stremyatsya otkryt` novye tajny mirozdaniya. ····· 1036119035

Breast Cancer rdiotherapy by Gamma Photons and Nanotechnology

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Gold nanoparticles are characterised by their small size to volume ratio and extensive thermal stability. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are an obvious choice in medical application due to their amenability of synthesis and functionalization, less toxicity and ease of detection. The present paper focuses on treatment of the breast cancer by high energy photons of gamma ray nd gold nanoparticles while preserving the shape of the breast and prevents the risk of recurrence of breast cancer. This of course in a minimum dose given for patient i.e. enhancing the radiotherapy that is used in breast cancer treatment due to pair production phenomena ····· 103613796

Radioactivity in Northern Sudan

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Northern State of Sudan showed the highest rate of cancer prevalence according to the national cancer registry program, and it is claimed to be attributable to radiation as a caustic factor. This study is primarily conducted to investigate the presence of up normal radioactivity in the State as claimed publicly to provide more rational and scientific forum to address the public outcry over the issue of cancer incidence. Extensive measurements of the contents of natural radionuclides in soil samples has been done. Activity concentration of gamma emitters in soil samples have been measured using high resolution -spectrometry, absorbed dose rate in air at a height of 1m from the surface was calculated using seven sets of DRCF and the corresponding annual effective dose was estimated. Prediction maps for activity concentrations and absorbed dose rate was produced by using GIS to show its trend which found to be consistent with its geological formations .The results obtained in this work provides a better understanding of the causes of fluctuation in dose rates of environmental radiation in the investigated areas and help tailoring public radiation programmes on sound scientific bases ····· 10361146642

Positron Lifetime Changes in Gamma- and Beta-Irradiated Polymers

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Positron is the simplest antimatter particle, and it is the electron`s unsociable twin, they have identical characters with opposite electric charges. Thus, when they meet spatially they annihilate each other. This particle has drawn attention since the early days of nuclear era, since it proved vital theories such as Einstein`s mass-energy equivalence law. The existence of such natural entities is, however, ruled by many physical laws similar to those of the (negative) electron. This book discusses the physical nature of positrons in a straightforward yet explicable way and reviews the wide scientific applications, specially experimental ones, by means of the nondestructive Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS). The applications are focused on solid organic polymer samples, vis., LDPE, HDPE and PMMA, subjected to gamma and beta low dose nuclear radiations. PALS spectra are collected in the laboratory and used to calculate the free volume (Vh), a micro-physical quantity aimed to explore the molecular structure of industrial substances. The correlation between radiation damages and Vh is thoroughly discussed and compared for both types of radiations. ····· 10361100953

Study Of Photoinduced Ferromagnetism

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Effects of photo-excitation and spin wave scattering on magnetism of the diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) (Ga,Mn)As is theoretically studied. The exchange coupling energy between Mn+2 spins local moments is computed starting with the zeeman energy. Its equivalence with the Rudermann-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) exchange energy which is known to have an oscillatory characteristics and contributing to an indirect exchange, expressed based on the Zener model is described. This energy is shown to rise to maximum near/at resonance. Green function formalism is used to find expression for ferromagnetic transition temperature TC, magnetization and magnetic specific heat Cmag starting with a model Hamiltonian consisting of magnons, photons and an interaction of magnons with photons. TC is indicated for zero impurity concentration, x = 0. Unusual upturn in magnetization and negative magnon specific heat are observed at very low temperature values for larger magnon-photon coupling constant, in which an increase in this coupling is found to decrease Cmag, and enhance the magnetization and the ferromagnetic ordering. ····· 10361241

Ultrasensitive Magnetometry and Imaging with NV Diamond

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NV centers in a diamond are proving themselves to be good building blocks for quantum information, electron spin resonance (ESR) imaging, and sensor applications. The key feature of the NV is that it has an electron spin that can be polarized and read out at room temperature. The readout is optical, thus the magnetic field imaging can also be done easily. Magnetic field variation with feature sizes below 0.3 microns cannot be directly resolved, and so in this region magnetic resonance imaging must be employed. To realize the full sensitivity of NV diamond, the spin transition linewidth must be as narrow as possible. Additionally, in the case of NV ensembles for micron-sized magnetometers, there must be a high concentration of NV. To this end three techniques are explored: (1) Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) imaging with microwave field gradients, (2) Magic angle rotation of magnetic field, and (3) TEM irradiation to optimize the yield of NV in a diamond. ····· 1036199576

Quantum Entanglement and Geomtric Phases

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With the reliance in the processing of quantum information on a maximally entangled pure state resource combined with the field interaction, we look, in this thesis, at various means of recovering the pure entangled states. Primarily, we investigate the quantum entropy and Pancharatnam phase in some optical systems. par To be more precisely, the aim of this thesis is, on one side, to illustrate and analyze various puzzling phenomena that are due to the quantum entanglement and related to the atom-field interaction.On the other side, the aim of the thesis is to discuss some main basic concepts, methods and results of the already very rich body of knowledge obtained recently at the attempts to understand, qualitatively and quantatively, quantum phase (qp) as well as its properties, structures and potentials for applications. The Pancharatnam phase of a $Lambda$-configuration three-level atom placed in a photonic band gap (PBG) material driven by a classical laser field and coupled to a continuum of vacuum modes of an electromagnetic field is disussed. ····· 1036199036

Resonancias y transformaciones de Darboux-Gamow en Mecánica Cuántica

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La transformación de Darboux es una herramienta poderosa para encontrar solución a ecuaciones diferenciales. Aplicada a la ecuación de Schödinger permite la construcción de nuevos potenciales exactamente solubles. En este trabajo combinamos el método de Darboux con funciones del tipo Gamow-Siegert (GS) para construir potenciales complejos cuyo espectro de energías es real. Los nuevos potenciales se comportan como un dispositivo óptico que emite y absorbe ondas de luz simultáneamente. El método es aplicado a potenciales truncados (caracterizados por una función suave y un parámetro de corte) tanto lineales como radiales. Las funciones GS son soluciones de la ecuación de Schrödinger con eigenvalor complejo que satisfacen una condición de onda puramente saliente y que representan estados de resonancia de la energía. Aquí mostramos que las discontinuidades (truncamiento) de un potencial, cuando se presentan por pares, inducen la presencia de resonancias. También mostraremos el efecto de estas discontinuidades en la parte discreta del espectro. Para el estudio de resonancias asociadas con potenciales suaves se introduce una generalización del bien conocido método semi-clásico WKB. ····· 1036123095

Measuring the spin-transfer coefficient for n-

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Scientists use carefully designed experiments to acquire basic understanding of the physical world. A large number of physics experiments are done by scattering various particles to study their behavior thus to gain insight into how they interact. In studying the nuclear force, neutron-proton scattering provides an unique angle into learning how fundamental particles such as nucleons interact with each other. One basic parameter in describing the Nucleon-Nucleon (NN) interaction is the NN coupling constant, the precise value of which has been in great controversy. Different models of physics give values differing up to 10%. The accuracy of the NN coupling constant is important in understanding nucleon-nucleon interactions as well as other related phenomena such as chiral symmetry breaking in field theories and properties of two-nucleon systems such as the deuteron. In neutron-proton (np) scattering, the spin-transfer coefficient KNN` is a measurable quantity which directly relates to the +/- NN coupling constant, g2c. Precise measurement of the spin-transfer coefficient can be used to put constraint on the coupling constant, thus improve the accuracy of its value. ····· 1036186789

A Phenomenological Study of Quark Structure of Baryons

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The study of internal structure of baryons is considered as one of the active areas in hadronic physics as it provides valuable insight into the nonperturbative aspects of QCD. The structure of baryons at low energies is probed through the spin and flavor dynamics of quarks. In low energy regime, Chiral constituent quark model with spin-spin generated configuration mixing successfully explains the spin and flavor structure of baryons. The application of this model has been extended to study the various low energy hadronic matrix elements having implications for the flavor and spin dynamics. In particular, a satisfactory fit is obtained for the quark and antiquark flavor distribution functions, magnetic moments, charge radii, quadrupole moments, weak vector and axial-vector form factors, etc.. We have found a good overall agreement with experimental data as well as with other phenomenological models. The results can perhaps be substantiated by a measurement of the these observables by the future experiments. ····· 1036187907

Study of Atmospheric Ozone Variations from Surface and Satellite Data

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As it is more or less agreed that atmospheric ozone is created by the action of sunlight on Oxygen, it might reasonably by expected that the Ozone amount would be at maximum in Summer and at a minimum in Winter. Observations show that this is not the case, But theories suggest a maximum Ozone in quantity in Summer (June) and a minimum in Winter (December) in N-hemisphere whilst in reality the maximum in high N-latitudes is about March and the minimum about October. The discrepancy between theory and observation is most probably due to meteorological processes. One of the most important minor constituents of air is triatomic Oxygen (O3). Ozone has been existed in the atmosphere. Results had demonstrated and suggested that the absence of the part of the sun s spectra in the Ultra-Violet band be due to absorption by atmospheric Ozone. There are many kinds of measurements and observations of the total amount of Ozone. The measurements come from the ground-based instruments (DOBSON and BREWER Spectrometer) during scientific missions and TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) Satellite. ····· 1036188042

One- and Two-photon decays in Atoms and Ions

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The way matter changes its state is through emission or absorption of light quanta, the so-called photons. Things around us are exchanging photons between themselves in a continuous, unstoppable chain of interactions. This is what makes the Universe alive. This book guides the reader to understanding how matter and photons are described in quantum mechanics as well as to mastering their interactions. ····· 1036189294

Moderne Physik

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Moderne Physik

Das moderne Leben wäre ohne `moderne Physik` nicht mehr vorstellbar - auf ihren Gesetzen beruhen Transistoren, Computerchips, Mobiltelefone, Flachbildschirme, Navigationssysteme und zahllose andere Gegenstände des Alltags, an die man vor 100 Jahren nicht einmal zu denken gewagt hätte. Zugleich sind Relativitätstheorie und Quantenphysik Grundlagen unseres gegenwärtigen Naturverständnisses und die wohl am besten experimentell überprüften wissenschaftlichen Theorien überhaupt. Ein grundsätzliches Verständnis dieser Theorien und ihrer Anwendungen ist unerlässlich, um sich mit Fragestellungen zeitgenössischer Physik auseinandersetzen zu können und um ein Verständnis für moderne Technologien zu entwickeln - oder auch nur, um die Neugierde zu befriedigen, wie die moderne Naturwissenschaft weiteste Bereiche der Natur beschreiben und erklären kann! Hierbei leistet die `Moderne Physik` von Harris in seiner zweiten Auflage einen großen Beitrag, in dem sie in einer großen Gesamtschau die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der Physik der letzten 100 Jahre zusammenfasst, ebenso anschaulich wie gründlich erklärt und dabei die notwendigen mathematischen Vorkenntnisse so gering wie möglich hält!

····· 10361185127


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Die Phänomene von Elektrizität und Magnetismus durchziehen unser Leben und begegnen uns ohne Unterlass - in modernen Informations- und Kommunikationsmitteln, der Unterhaltungselektronik, in Haushaltsgeräten, Flugzeugen, Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen, Kraftwerken und Raumschiffen. Die theoretische Grundlage dieses Kerns unserer modernen Zivilisation stellt die klassische Elektrodynamik da, die alle diese Phänomene auf lediglich vier Gleichungen zurückführt, die Maxwell`schen Gleichungen. Ein Verständnis dieser Theorie ist unerlässlich, um die Vielzahl der Phänomene zu begreifen. Griffiths Einführung in die Elektrodynamik legt sorgfältig die mathematischen Grundlagen der Theorie, behandelt alle wichtigen Aspekte der Elektrodynamik ausgehend von statischen elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern über die besonderen Phänomene in Materie bis hin zur Strahlungs- und speziellen Relativitätstheorie.

Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Naturwissenschaften, insbesondere der Physik. Es ist für Studierende von Bachelorstudiengängen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen konzipiert und schlägt die Brücke zwischen dem konzeptionellen Kern der Elektrodynamik und der manchmal subtilen Anwendung auf reale Probleme. Dazu werden zahlreiche, pädagogisch ausgewählte Fallstudien vollständig ausgearbeitet, um den Stoff mit Leben zu erfüllen. Abgerundet werden alle Kapitel durch eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben aller Schwierigkeitsgrade, die den Studierenden erlauben, ihr Wissen zu vertiefen und unmittelbar anzuwenden. Neben einer Vorlesungsbegleitung eignet sich die `Einführung in die Elektrodynamik` daher auch hervorragend zum Selbststudium. Die vierte Auflage dieses überaus erfolgreichen amerikanischen Standardwerks der Elektrodynamik wurde zu diesem Zweck an die besonderen Bedürfnisse der deutschen Leserschaft angepasst und komplett überarbeitet.

Mathematische Grundlagen: Vektoranalysis, Variablentrennung, Multipolentwicklung
Elektrostatik: Felder, Potentiale, Spiegelladungen
Elektrische Felder in Materie: Polarisationsladungen, Dielektrika
Magnetostatik: Lorentzkraft, Biot-Savart-Gesetz
Magnetische Felder in Materie: B- und H-Felder, Magnete
Elektrodynamik: elektromotorische Kraft, Induktion, Maxwell`sche Gleichungen, Erhaltungssätze
Wellentheorie im Vakuum und in Materie, Absorption, Dispersion, Wellenleiter
Potentiale und Felder
Strahlungstheorie: Dipolstrahlung, beschleunigte Punktladungen
Spezielle Relativitätstheorie: Grundlagen, relativistische Mechanik und Elektrodynamik

David J. Griffiths ist Physiker und lehrt seit 1978 am Reed College, wo er die Howard-Vollum-Professur für Naturwissenschaften innehat. Neben der Einführung in die Elektrodynamik gibt es vom gleichen Autor eine Einführung in die Quantenmechanik. Griffiths erhielt 1997 den Robert A. Millikan-Preis für seine herausragenden Beiträge zur Physikausbildung. Der Fachlektor des Buches, Ulrich Schollwöck, ist Physiker und Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Theoretische Nanophysik an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

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Lösungen zu den Aufgaben ····· 10361185227

Procedure and Analysis for Radiological Studies: On Gamma Radiation

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Radiation is only the invisible threat to the population since earth had been radioactive and it was formed about 4500 million years ago. In fact the age of the earth can be calculated from a detailed examination of its radioactivity particularly the decay of uranium to lead. Natural radioactivity contributes about 90 percent of the total radiation which originates from extraterrestrial sources as well as from radioactive elements in the earth s crust. In most places on earth the natural radioactivity varies only within relatively narrow limits, but in some localities there are wide deviations from normal levels owing to the presence of abnormally high concentrations of radioactive minerals in the local soils. So the only invisible threat is the Radiation which is continuously exposed to population and to the environmental living bodies from all around us. So the detail procedure and analysis for measuring such invisible threat of radiation has been done well. ····· 1036124879

A Comparison Radiation Analyzing Methods Between NAA and XRF

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This study focused on the performance of where elements analyzing techniques were used to detect the elements of Granite stones. Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) were applied to study the elements in the samples which were chosen from different areas of Penang Island in Malaysia colleted by geophysics group. Certified reference materials, which helped to describe and identify the elements found in the Granite stone, were used in the study procedures to control the analytical results. The integration of both methods has enabled the researcher to determine 40 elements in the samples. The use of XRF analysis with Americium-241 (Am-241) as an excitation source which has an excitation energy and activity equal to 59.53 KeV, 100 mCi, respectively. All the samples were exposed to gamma radiation for 24 hours with constant thickness (3 mm) and different weights from 8.7 to 13.34 g. On the other hand, the researcher has carried out the experiments under the certain procedures. The researcher has used NAA with the source (Am-241, Ba-133) as an excitation source but with different excitation energy (10 MeV) using Rector of Malaysia(Mint). ····· 1036191313

Nuclear Power Plant Design using Gas Cooled Reactors

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In the advancing world of today,the demand for the clean and reliable electricity is constantly increasing.The technological developments in operating nuclear power plants with higher efficiency and more safety will be possible with gas cooled reactors. Handling gas cooled reactors under critical conditions is more effective than conventional nuclear reactors. The capacity addition is only possible with advanced nuclear reactors.This book will demonstrate various aspects of Nuclear power plant design with gas cooled reactors ····· 1036119547

Single Event Upsets in Sub-65nm CMOS technologies

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Aggressive integrated circuit density increase and power supply scaling have propelled Single Event Effects to the forefront of reliability concerns in ground-based and space-bound electronic systems. This study focuses on modeling of Single Event physical phenomena. To enable performing reliability assessment, a complete simulation platform named Tool suIte for rAdiation Reliability Assessment (TIARA) has been developed that allows performing sensitivity prediction of different digital circuits (SRAM, Flip-Flops, etc.) in different radiation environments and at different operating conditions (power supply voltage, altitude, etc.) TIARA has been extensively validated with experimental data for space and terrestrial radiation environments using different test vehicles manufactured by STMicroelectronics. Finally, the platform has been used during rad-hard digital circuits design and to provide insights into radiation-induced upset mechanisms down to CMOS 20nm technological node. ····· 1036192320

D-brane dynamics on local Calabi-Yau geometries

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One of the most important findings in string theory is that of the existence of D-branes, nonperturbative objects of various dimensions in which realistic gauge dynamics can be localized. They are thus an invaluable tool when trying to embed realistic model building scenarios in string theory, since in particular they allow for the construction of localized realistic four dimensional gauge theories. In this work it is shown how D-branes allow one to engineer sectors in which supersymmetry is spontaneously broken in a metastable vacuum, the breaking of supersymmetry being transmitted by gauge mediation to a visible sector a realization in string theory of the popular GMSB mechanism in particle physics model building. The continuity of non-perturbative effects coming from euclidean D-branes as one changes the vacuum is also analyzed, showing the importance of considering multi-instanton effects for having a global view of the moduli space. This work should be of interest to those working on model building in string theory, and more generally to anyone interested in the theoretical tools used in modern string phenomenology. ····· 1036192418

Electronic Structures of Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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This book is based on my PhD thesis where I explored the electronic structure calculation of semiconductor quantum dots.All the calculations are based on density functional theory based ab-initio method.The optical properties of Silicon cluster and Quantum Confinement Effect were studied.Also the adsorption of Silicon clusters on metallic (Au/Ag) and insulating(MgO)surface were investigated in order to understand the charge transfer process between adsorbates and surfaces.This can be leading towards catalytic behavior as well studying the gas phase clusters on different surfaces.Also by exploring the nature of optical spectra of Silicon cluster one can understand the optical response of Nano cluster and this may lead to creation of Nano crystalline Silicon Solar Cell.The extensive study of electronic structure optimization of different nano cluster in different size regime had been done by keeping in mind the gloabal minimum structures.For all the calculations VASP,CPMD and PARSEC were used as computing code along with several fortran codes as the post processing program. The readers will be beneficial in terms of getting a profound knowledge in electronic structure calculations. ····· 1036198647

Optical Tweezers Generated by Microring Resonator

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Optical tweezer technique for molecular trapping is becoming of increasing importance for numerous biological applications. The main objective of this study was to investigate the dynamical behavior of the optical tweezers signals in microring resonators (MRR). Operating system consists of modified nonlinear add-drop optical filter made of InGaAsP/InP integrated together with a series of nonlinear nanoring resonators. This particular form is known as a PANDA ring resonator. Different models of operating system were designed and optical transfer functions for each model were derived by using Z-transform method. Simulation results were obtained from MATLAB2010a program by using parameters of practical devices. ····· 1036191545

Solitons and Matter

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Localised, stable structures known as solitons play a very important role in mathematical models of the physical world. In this work two different kinds of solitons are examined. The first are vortices in exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates. Exciton-polariton condensates are a novel state of matter whose peculiar properties, among which very high spatio-temporal coherence, nearly frictionless flow, non-equilibrium, are dramatically influenced by the presence and behaviour of vortices. The second are gravitational instantons, Riemannian manifolds which are exact solutions of Euclidean Einstein equations in four dimensions. According to a recent and innovative proposal, known as the geometric models of matter framework, elementary particles are to be modelled by four-dimensional manifolds. Within this framework, asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons are considered in this work as candidates for the description of multi-particle systems. ····· 1036119481


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Neben der Elektrodynamik ist die Quantenmechanik der wichtigste Pfeiler in der Physik. Viele grundlegende Bücher versuchen sich an diesem Thema, werden aber in der Beschreibung und Zugangsweise demselben aber nicht immer gerecht. Es geht um die Fragen, wie wendet man die Quantenmechanik an und wie geht man mit den Problemematiken der Quantenmechanik um. Dieses in der internationalen Lehre fest etablierte Buch bietet Studenten genau diese moderne und nachvollziehbare Einführung in die modernen quantenmechanischen Konzepte und deren Verwendung für das 21. Jahrhundert. Neben der Elektrodynamik vom gleichen Autor schließt dieses Buch die große thematische Lücke in der Quantenmechanik im deutschen Lehrbuchbereich. ····· 10361185126


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Die Quantenmechanik stellt die zentrale Revolution der modernen Naturwissenschaft dar und reicht in ihrer Bedeutung weit über die Physik hinaus: weder Chemie noch Biologie auf der molekularen Skala wären ohne sie verständlich. Moderne Informationstechnologie, vom Laptop über das Mobiltelefon und den Flachbildschirm bis hin zum Supercomputer, wäre ohne quantenmechanische Effekte undenkbar. Sie beschreibt die Welt auf der atomaren und subatomaren Skala und ist damit der Ausgangspunkt unseres modernen Weltbildes. Gleichzeitig stellt sie eine Provokation dar: im Menschen tief verankerte intuitive Vorstellungen vom Funktionieren der Welt, die mit den Prinzipien der klassischen Physik noch gut vereinbar waren, müssen aufgegeben werden. Ihre Akzeptanz liegt somit vor allem in dem enormen empirischen Erfolg begründet, den sie trotz ihrer recht einfachen Grundstruktur aufweist: es handelt sich um die am besten experimentell überprüfte wissenschaftliche Theorie überhaupt, und im Rahmen der von ihr behaupteten Anwendbarkeit sind bis dato nicht die kleinsten Abweichungen gefunden worden.Nobelpreisträger Steven WeinbergDas Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Naturwissenschaften, insbesondere der Physik. Es begleitet Studierende in ihrer ersten theoretischen Vorlesung zur Quantenmechanik im Bachelorstudium und schlägt die Brücke zu fortgeschrittenen Vorlesungen über Quantenmechanik im Masterstudium. Begleitet wird der Text von Übungsaufgaben, die es den Studierenden erlauben, ihr Wissen unmittelbar anzuwenden, aber auch ihr Verständnis zu testen. Neben einer Vorlesungsbegleitung eignet sich die Quantenmechanik von Weinberg aufgrund ihrer Präzision und Klarheit auch hervorragend zum Selbststudium. ····· 10361185175

A Quantum Simulator

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This book presents the full setup from scratch of a novel experiment that aims at cooling down and manipulating two fermionic alkaline atomic species, lithium 6 and potassium 40. The goal of this complex machine is to allow for the study of ultracold Fermi mixtures with mass imbalance, and thus to realize a flexible quantum analog simulator. In fact, for certain quantum many-body problems, such as high critical temperature superconductivity and frustrated Néel anti-ferromagnetism, there is neither complete analytical nor numerical solution. Therefore, cold atoms systems, due to their purity and their high degree of tunability, even on the atomic interaction itself, offer an interesting and complementary point of view in the study of those phenomena. Several modern techniques such as Doppler cooling, Zeeman slowing, Magneto-optical trapping, photoassociation, magnetic trapping, magnetic transport, evaporative cooling, optically plugged magnetic trapping, and optical trapping are described in detail, and their performances in the considered experiment are fully characterized. Therefore, this book will be a useful tool for scientists building and using such experiments in the world. ····· 103611045

Problems and Solutions on Modern Physics and Electronics

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Physics is one an important research area in the field of Science. This material provides an extensive support for studying Electronics, and highlights low hanging fruits for the further work. This material tutorial is nature. They provide some hints or suggest problem-solving strategies to students in working problems or understanding concepts. This material is both useful for the students and instructors. Electronics is a far richer topic when non-trivial time evolution, multiple dimensions, fuzzy systems, and research-based topics are discussed. Muhammad .Sajid ····· 10361146419

Simulación de plasmas mediante las ecuaciones cinéticas de deriva

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En esta tesis se presenta un nuevo código de cálculo numérico diseñado para obtener la evolución de la función de distribución de iones y electrones en dispositivos toroidales de fusión por confinamiento magnético. El trabajo viene motivado por la necesidad de estudiar aspectos inabordables para los códigos tradicionales de transporte. Con la presente tesis, se ha pretendido establecer una base sólida desde la cual se pueda acceder a los estudios que la han motivado: la difícil física de los plasmas del stellarator TJ-II. Como es lógico, la puerta quedaría igualmente abierta para estudiar cualquier otra máquina de geometría toroidal. Así pues, como mínimo se ha pretendido (i) mostrar claramente el fundamento teórico del código de cálculo (ii) escoger y probar las herramientas numéricas necesarias (iii) codificar consecuentemente las ecuaciones y el software de apoyo para el an álisis de sus resultados (p. ej. la interfaz con el usuario a través de herramientas avanzadas de visualización tridimensional) y (iv) contrastar los resultados de todo el ensamblaje con la teoría básica. ····· 10361116900

Advances in Entanglement and Quantum Information Theory

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In this book, various types of entanglement have been discussed for systems start from a pure state or mixed states and many new features have been discovered. A general expression of the mixed state entanglement is obtained with the physical significance (with or without the diagonal approximation treatments). The particular advantages of using Shannon entropy are highlighted and the information entropy for different cases has been discussed. Also, the atomic inversion of cold atoms in a microcavity when its center-of-mass (CM) motion is described quantum mechanically is presented, but is distinguished from other treatments by the inclusion of the spatial variation along the cavity axis. It is shown that the spatial dependence of the atomic inversion is very sensitive to changes of the atomic CM motion, as well as the cavity length. For a three-level ultra-cold atoms, different behaviors in the atomic emission are demonstrated for the change in cavity length. ····· 10361102986

K0s Production in Deep Inelastic ep Scattering

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Nowadays, the accepted model of elementary particles is the known as Standard Model, which consists of quarks and leptons. Only the up and down quarks form the hadrons of ordinary matter. The other quarks, as the strange one, only appear in the colliding machines when the center of mass energy of the reaction is much larger than the mass of the strange hadron. Since strange mesons and baryons produced are not present at the beginning of a collision, the study of their rate production provide valuable information about the mechanism of strangeness production, both in perturbative and non-perturbative regimes, as well as the dynamics of the strong force through the flavour production in colour confinement processes. One direct application of the results of this work is the comparison of phenomenologycal models to the measured rate of strangeness, which is fundamental for the test and the optimization parameters in Monte Carlo programs. ····· 10361100342

Geometric View on Photon-Like Objects

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Photon-like objects are real massless time-stable and spatially finite physical objects with an intrinsically compatible translational-rotational dynamical structure. They carry energy- momentum and propagate as a whole in a translational-rotational periodic manner by the speed of light. The corresponding integral action for one period T is given by the Planck-like constant `h = ET`, where `E` is the full energy of the photon-like object. They are composite objects, each one consists of two time recognizable and energy-momentum exchanging continuous subsystems carrying the same stress-energy-momentum and being in a state of dynamical equilibrium. The mutually exchanged energy for one period gives the elementary action `h`. Photon-like objects follow the rule: no translation as a whole is possible without local rotation, and no local rotation is possible without translation as a whole. The adequate mathematics we came to was Extended Lie derivative and Frobenius integrability/nonintegrability theory of geometric distributions. ····· 10361119244