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Api Fish Bacter Stop 237Ml 160 Gr

für 10.55€ kaufen ··· 137793 ··· 1010325347 ···
Antibacterial natural with Melaleuca cajeputi Look after wounds and after ulcers Draft effectively the decay of fins and tail, veiled eyes, foam in the mouth and strengthens besides the immune systems of fishes. Is also used in prevention during the introduction of new fishes Does not destroy the biological filter, does not color the water and suits in aquariums of fresh water and sea water Can be associated with all the products API Instructions for use: well shake before employment(use). Remove the activated charcoal of the filter. Pay 5 ml for 40 L of water of aquarium. In case of wounds and diseases: deal every day during 7 days. Change then 25 % of the water of the aquarium. In case of addition of new fishes: deal every day hanging three day
Marke: API
EAN: 3370730221189
Kat: Peces >> Tratamiento y mantenimiento >> Mantenimiento del agua
Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 días
Versandkosten: 5.99

15: 1608643020
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23: Api Fish Bacter Stop 237Ml 160 Gr
24: Api Fish Bacter Stop 237Ml 160 Gr
5: 5.99
6: API
7: Api Fish Bacter Stop 237Ml 160 Gr
:::: Peces >> Tratamiento y mantenimiento >> Mantenimiento del agua
···· - tienda de animales online
···· aufgenommen: 22.10.2020 · 10:42:47
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 14:17:00
: Bacter :
