Venus in Furs

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Excerpt: ...and Wanda thrust forth her head full of curling- papers. `I haven`t had my hair dressed yet,` she said, smiling. `What have you there ` `A letter - ` `For me ` I nodded. `Ah, you want to break with me,` she exclaimed, mockingly. `Didn`t you tell me yesterday that I wasn`t the man for you ` `I repeat it now!` `Very well, then.` My whole body was trembling, my voice failed me, and I handed her the letter. `Keep it,` she said, measuring me coldly. `You forget that is no longer a question as to whether you satisfy me as a man as a slave you will doubtless do well enough.` `Madame!` I exclaimed, aghast. `That is what you will call me in the future,` replied Wanda, throwing back her head with a movement of unutterable contempt. `Put your affairs in order within the next twenty-four hours. The day after to-morrow I shall start for Italy, and you will accompany me as my servant.` `Wanda - ` `I forbid any sort of familiarity,` she said, cutting my words short, `likewise you are not to come in unless I call or ring for you, and you are not to speak to me until you are spoken to. From now on your name is no longer Severin, but Gregor.` I trembled with rage, and yet, unfortunately, I cannot deny it, I also felt a strange pleasure and stimulation. `But, madame, you know my circumstances,` I began in my confusion. `I am dependent on my father, and I doubt whether he will give me the large sum of money needed for this journey - ` `That means you have no money, Gregor,` said Wanda, delightedly, `so much the better, you are then entirely dependent on me, and in fact my slave.` `You don`t consider,` I tried to object, `that as man of honor it is impossible for me - ` `I have indeed considered it,` she replied almost with a tone of command. `As a man of honor you must keep your oath and redeem your promise to follow me as slave whithersoever I demand and to obey whatever I command. Now leave me, Gregor!` I turned toward the door. `Not yet - you...
Hersteller: Reference Series Books LLC
Marke: Reference Series Books LLC
EAN: 9781153738002
Versandkosten: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

14: Reference Series Books LLC
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6: Reference Series Books LLC
7: Venus in Furs
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···· aufgenommen: 26.08.2020 · 09:04:41
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