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Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and L3 VPN features on MPC7EQ-10G-B. To upgrade MPC7EQ-10G-B to MPC7EQ-10G-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased

für 71843.87€ kaufen ··· 5985777 ··· 10179355034 ···

Hersteller: Juniper
Marke: S-MPC7EQ-10G-R
Kat: Lizenzen > Lizenzen - Divers
Lieferzeit: Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage
Versandkosten: PayPal 0.00 €, Rechnung 0.00 €, Vorkasse 0.00 €, Kreditkarte 0.00 €, SofortÜberweisung 0.00 €. Lieferung nach Deutschland.
Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and L3 VPN features on MPC7EQ-10G-B. To upgrade MPC7EQ-10G-B to MPC7EQ-10G-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased - one S-MPC7EQ-10G-IR and one S-MPC7EQ-10G-R. (S-MPC7EQ-10G-R)
14: Juniper
15: 1621332247
16: #
17: 0
18: #####
20: Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and L3 VPN features on MPC7EQ-10G-B. To upgrade MPC7EQ-10G-B to MPC7EQ-10G-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased - one S-MPC7EQ-10G-IR and one S-MPC7EQ-10G-R. (S-MPC7EQ-10G-R)
22: #
23: Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and L3 VPN features on MPC7EQ-10G-B. To upgrade MPC7EQ-10G-B to MPC7EQ-10G-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased
5: PayPal 0.00 €, Rechnung 0.00 €, Vorkasse 0.00 €, Kreditkarte 0.00 €, SofortÜberweisung 0.00 €. Lieferung nach Deutschland.
6: S-MPC7EQ-10G-R
7: Per slot license to support full L3 route scale and L3 VPN features on MPC7EQ-10G-B. To upgrade MPC7EQ-10G-B to MPC7EQ-10G-RB mode two licenses have to be purchased
:::: Lizenzen > Lizenzen - Divers
···· JACOB Elektronik
···· aufgenommen: 18.05.2021 · 12:03:59
···· & überprüft: 18.05.2021 · 12:03:59
: license : support : features : upgrade : licenses : purchased :
