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Schesir Schesir Mature With Chicken 12 Kg

für 470.00€ kaufen ··· 113889 ··· 1034710887 ···

Marke: Schesir
EAN: 8005852161161
Kat: Dry Food
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 188
The SCHESIR DRY LINE kibbles formula has been studied to suit the needs of any breed of dogs of medium/large size, in the various life stages and to help their wellness. All the proposed varieties contain a unique source of animal protein; they have not been added with colorings nor preservatives; they contain highly digestible protein sources and ingredients with a prebiotic action. They are cruelty free and produced in Italy. The formula has been nutritionally approved from the Department of veterinary medical Science - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
15: 1616869312
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20: The SCHESIR DRY LINE kibbles formula has been studied to suit the needs of any breed of dogs of medium/large size, in the various life stages and to help their wellness. All the proposed varieties contain a unique source of animal protein; they have not been added with colorings nor preservatives; they contain highly digestible protein sources and ingredients with a prebiotic action. They are cruelty free and produced in Italy. The formula has been nutritionally approved from the Department of veterinary medical Science - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
21: Dogs >> Dog Food >> Dry Food
22: #
23: Schesir Schesir Mature With Chicken 12 Kg
24: Schesir Schesir Mature With Chicken 12 Kg
5: 188
6: Schesir
7: Schesir Schesir Mature With Chicken 12 Kg
:::: Dry Food
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 22:17:58
···· & überprüft: 27.03.2021 · 19:21:51
: Schesir : Schesir : Mature : Chicken :
