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Petsafe Busy Buddy Treat Holding Dinosaur 150 Gr

für 97.00€ kaufen ··· 128026 ··· 1034720833 ···

Marke: Petsafe
EAN: 0729849157507
Kat: Balls
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 56
The new Petsafe toys bounce unpredictably and thus captures the attention of the dogs, which remain outstanding game. The dosing Treat Meter randomly dispenses prizes. Dishwasher safe, only the top tray.
15: 1616869367
16: #
17: 0
18: #####
20: The new Petsafe toys bounce unpredictably and thus captures the attention of the dogs, which remain outstanding game. The dosing Treat Meter randomly dispenses prizes. Dishwasher safe, only the top tray.
21: Dogs >> Toys & Sport >> Balls
22: #
23: Petsafe Busy Buddy Treat Holding Dinosaur 150 Gr
24: Petsafe Busy Buddy Treat Holding Dinosaur 150 Gr
5: 56
6: Petsafe
7: Petsafe Busy Buddy Treat Holding Dinosaur 150 Gr
:::: Balls
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 08.12.2020 · 21:19:50
···· & überprüft: 27.03.2021 · 19:22:46
: Petsafe : Holding : Dinosaur :
