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Kong Intelligence Toy Ballistic Hide N Treat Assorted L

für 10.94€ kaufen ··· 141043 ··· 1034816212 ···

Marke: KONG
EAN: 0035585429014
Kat: Intelligence & Interactive Toys
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 6.17
Provides fun by dispensing treats, durable stuffed texture, offers two-in-one action, like a challenging puzzle that multiplies if the toy is closed. The Velcro used is designed to be non-abrasive. How to use Stimulating a dog`s mind is not always an easy task, thanks to Kong`s interactive toys, things are easier. With this type of puzzle, the dog will have two different types of challenges: closed-difficult or open-easy.
15: 1624993040
16: #
17: 0
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20: Provides fun by dispensing treats, durable stuffed texture, offers two-in-one action, like a challenging puzzle that multiplies if the toy is closed. The Velcro used is designed to be non-abrasive. How to use Stimulating a dog`s mind is not always an easy task, thanks to Kong`s interactive toys, things are easier. With this type of puzzle, the dog will have two different types of challenges: closed-difficult or open-easy.
21: Dogs >> Toys & Sport >> Intelligence & Interactive Toys
22: #
23: Kong Intelligence Toy Ballistic Hide N Treat Assorted L
24: Kong Intelligence Toy Ballistic Hide N Treat Assorted M
5: 6.17
7: Kong Intelligence Toy Ballistic Hide N Treat Assorted L
:::: Intelligence & Interactive Toys
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 10.07.2020 · 03:56:03
···· & überprüft: 29.06.2021 · 20:57:18
: Intelligence : Ballistic : Assorted :
