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Afp Bandanas Refrescante Chill Out M 56 Gr

für 15.19€ kaufen ··· 145132 ··· 1034819427 ···

Marke: AFP
EAN: 0847922080129
Kat: Accessories
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 6.17
ALL FOR PAWS REFILLING BANDS CHILL OUT When summer arrives, high temperatures come and your dog loves to enjoy the sun, but we have to be very careful. They can suffer the effects of high temperatures or something much more serious like heat strokes. & nbsp; With the refreshing bandanas you can protect your dog from heat shocks and you can keep it very cool. & iexcl; Protect your dog from a heat stroke! It is important that when summer arrives and high temperatures take care of your pet from the effects of heat, because they can be very harmful to our dog, that is why we have to always stay tuned and keep our best friend hydrated and fresh. The refreshing bandana works perfectly to keep your pet fresh. & Nbsp; Just soaking it in water and putting it in the refrigerator gets a cool effect, ideal for this hot weather. Simply Sum it up in water You will simply have to soak the bandana in water by working on the special material inside the bandana. In this way the refreshing bandana for dogs of All For Paws will produce. a thermal cooling effect thanks to which the heat of the dog`s body comes out and the skin of your pet stays cool. The bandana is not toxic and is very safe and, in addition, your dog will feel. Very cool and cool, even in the hottest days of this year. The refreshing bandana is on the shelf. Made with high quality materials which makes it very resistant and durable, & nbsp; in addition, the bandana is easy to clean simply have to clean carefully with water and soap and let it dry before storing it. It is very easily placed as it has a Velcro. The refreshing bandana is part of the All For Paws Chill Out dog line which is available for purchase. specially designed for the summer and the hottest days of the year, a diverse variety of products so that you can have fun at the most in summer, but at the same time take care of your pet to avoid the dreaded blows of heat. Thanks to these summer products you can keep your dog cool and hydrated while you play and have fun together. & Nbsp; Main characteristics of the refreshing bandanas - Safe and not toxic & nbsp; - Protect your dog from a heat stroke & nbsp; - Thermal cooling effect
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20: ALL FOR PAWS REFILLING BANDS CHILL OUT When summer arrives, high temperatures come and your dog loves to enjoy the sun, but we have to be very careful. They can suffer the effects of high temperatures or something much more serious like heat strokes. & nbsp; With the refreshing bandanas you can protect your dog from heat shocks and you can keep it very cool. & iexcl; Protect your dog from a heat stroke! It is important that when summer arrives and high temperatures take care of your pet from the effects of heat, because they can be very harmful to our dog, that is why we have to always stay tuned and keep our best friend hydrated and fresh. The refreshing bandana works perfectly to keep your pet fresh. & Nbsp; Just soaking it in water and putting it in the refrigerator gets a cool effect, ideal for this hot weather. Simply Sum it up in water You will simply have to soak the bandana in water by working on the special material inside the bandana. In this way the refreshing bandana for dogs of All For Paws will produce. a thermal cooling effect thanks to which the heat of the dog`s body comes out and the skin of your pet stays cool. The bandana is not toxic and is very safe and, in addition, your dog will feel. Very cool and cool, even in the hottest days of this year. The refreshing bandana is on the shelf. Made with high quality materials which makes it very resistant and durable, & nbsp; in addition, the bandana is easy to clean simply have to clean carefully with water and soap and let it dry before storing it. It is very easily placed as it has a Velcro. The refreshing bandana is part of the All For Paws Chill Out dog line which is available for purchase. specially designed for the summer and the hottest days of the year, a diverse variety of products so that you can have fun at the most in summer, but at the same time take care of your pet to avoid the dreaded blows of heat. Thanks to these summer products you can keep your dog cool and hydrated while you play and have fun together. & Nbsp; Main characteristics of the refreshing bandanas - Safe and not toxic & nbsp; - Protect your dog from a heat stroke & nbsp; - Thermal cooling effect
21: Dogs >> Collars, Leads and Harnesses >> Accessories
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23: Afp Bandanas Refrescante Chill Out M 56 Gr
24: Afp Bandanas Refrescante Chill Out M 56 Gr
5: 6.17
6: AFP
7: Afp Bandanas Refrescante Chill Out M 56 Gr
:::: Accessories
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 18.07.2020 · 20:02:14
···· & überprüft: 29.06.2021 · 21:02:46
: Bandanas : Refrescante :
