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****Artero Metallic Brush Extra Large

für 15.55€ kaufen ··· 29924 ··· 103483118 ···

Marke: Artero
EAN: 8435037108467
Kat: Brushes & Combs
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 7.5
Artero brush extra long metal spike Brush butter type dogs long barb. Especially for thick or curly hair medium length or long. Ideal for detangling deeper layers. Features: long, soft stainless spikes that do not break the hair. Special spike finish and soft surface to avoid damaging the skin. Barb length 25 mm. The termination of the barb is not rounded to prevent hair fromtangling.
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16: #
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20: Artero brush extra long metal spike Brush butter type dogs long barb. Especially for thick or curly hair medium length or long. Ideal for detangling deeper layers. Features: long, soft stainless spikes that do not break the hair. Special spike finish and soft surface to avoid damaging the skin. Barb length 25 mm. The termination of the barb is not rounded to prevent hair fromtangling.
21: Dogs >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Brushes & Combs
22: #
23: Artero Metallic Brush Extra Large
24: Artero Metallic Brush Extra Large
5: 7.5
6: Artero
7: Artero Metallic Brush Extra Large
:::: Brushes & Combs
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 18:16:45
···· & überprüft: 29.06.2021 · 20:58:28
: Artero : Metallic :
