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Calier Cutaneous Solution For Irritation Of The Pads

für 8.60€ kaufen ··· 49145 ··· 103486189 ···

Marke: Calier
EAN: 8422320023262
Kat: Cleaning & Disinfection
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 5.32
INDICATIONS Prevention of pad irritations in dogs and cats. It increases the resistance to graze. The periodic use of ADO-QUATRO S allows maintaining the adequate sporadic as well as sustained resistance of dogs and cats pads. It avoids irritation, usual cause of lameness. POSOLOGY Apply directly on the pads. Varnish uniformly with the brush throughout the pad. Avoid the animal licking the treated area minutes after the application. Posology: apply daily on irritated pads during one or two weeks. Prevention: apply three weeks before starting the haunting and racing season, apply every two or three days.
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20: INDICATIONS Prevention of pad irritations in dogs and cats. It increases the resistance to graze. The periodic use of ADO-QUATRO S allows maintaining the adequate sporadic as well as sustained resistance of dogs and cats pads. It avoids irritation, usual cause of lameness. POSOLOGY Apply directly on the pads. Varnish uniformly with the brush throughout the pad. Avoid the animal licking the treated area minutes after the application. Posology: apply daily on irritated pads during one or two weeks. Prevention: apply three weeks before starting the haunting and racing season, apply every two or three days.
21: Dogs >> Cats >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Paw Care >> Cleaning & Disinfection
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23: Calier Cutaneous Solution For Irritation Of The Pads
24: Calier Cutaneous Solution For Irritation Of The Pads
5: 5.32
6: Calier
7: Calier Cutaneous Solution For Irritation Of The Pads
:::: Cleaning & Disinfection
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 19:28:26
···· & überprüft: 29.06.2021 · 20:58:50
: Calier : Cutaneous : Solution : Irritation :
