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Frontline Spot Giant Breed +40 Kg 3 Drops

für 23.75€ kaufen ··· 88056 ··· 103489246 ···

Marke: Frontline
EAN: 8436017600636
Kat: Flea & Parasite Control Drops
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 6.17
Kills fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours. Kills fleas for up to 5 weeks in cats and up to 2 months in dogs. Kills ticks for up to a month in cats and dogs. Your pet can swim or be bathed as usual from 48 hours after application.
15: 1624993459
16: #
17: 0
18: #####
20: Kills fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours. Kills fleas for up to 5 weeks in cats and up to 2 months in dogs. Kills ticks for up to a month in cats and dogs. Your pet can swim or be bathed as usual from 48 hours after application.
21: Dogs >> Worming Tablets, Flea Control & More >> Flea & Parasite Control Drops
22: #
23: Frontline Spot Giant Breed +40 Kg 3 Drops
24: Frontline Spot Giant Breed +40 Kg 3 Drops
5: 6.17
6: Frontline
7: Frontline Spot Giant Breed +40 Kg 3 Drops
:::: Flea & Parasite Control Drops
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 21:59:23
···· & überprüft: 29.06.2021 · 21:04:19
: Frontline :
