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Bactemia Microdor Bio Pets Eliminator Of Odours Caused By Pets 1 Kg

für 131.00€ kaufen ··· 120042 ··· 1034912073 ···

Marke: Bactemia Microdor
EAN: 8431886001201
Kat: Cage Cleaning Products
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 70
Eliminator of odours caused by pets. Applicable in animal bedding, sofas, cars, pet carriers, rodent spaces, litter boxes, stalls, cages, etc. MICRODOR pets is a biotechnology product that eliminates odours generated by animals. MICRODOR pets is also suitable in any location where bad odours (toilets and sinks, shoes, drains, fabrics and curtains, carpets, upholstery, garbage, etc.) are generated. Natural product that is super-concentrated, non-toxic, highly-sanitizing. Non-toxic. Made with substances derived from renewable natural resources. It does not affect the olfactory instinct of animals.
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20: Eliminator of odours caused by pets. Applicable in animal bedding, sofas, cars, pet carriers, rodent spaces, litter boxes, stalls, cages, etc. MICRODOR pets is a biotechnology product that eliminates odours generated by animals. MICRODOR pets is also suitable in any location where bad odours (toilets and sinks, shoes, drains, fabrics and curtains, carpets, upholstery, garbage, etc.) are generated. Natural product that is super-concentrated, non-toxic, highly-sanitizing. Non-toxic. Made with substances derived from renewable natural resources. It does not affect the olfactory instinct of animals.
21: Dogs >> Cats >> Small pets >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Hygiene and Cleaning >> Cleaning & Disinfection >> Cleaning & Disinfection >> Cage Cleaning Products
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23: Bactemia Microdor Bio Pets Eliminator Of Odours Caused By Pets 1 Kg
24: Bactemia Microdor Bio Pets Eliminator Of Odours Caused By Pets 1 Kg
5: 70
6: Bactemia Microdor
7: Bactemia Microdor Bio Pets Eliminator Of Odours Caused By Pets 1 Kg
:::: Cage Cleaning Products
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 23:15:54
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 05:10:36
: Bactemia : Microdor : Eliminator : Odours : Caused :
