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********Stanvet M.s.m. Blister 300 Comprimidos 580 Gr

für 695.00€ kaufen ··· 129092 ··· 1034913361 ···

Marke: Stanvet
EAN: 8436020784224
Kat: Supplements
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 70
MSM is the main carrier of bioavailable sulfur. Sulfur is an essential mineral in the diet of all animals, which in other times ingested it in fresh and unmanipulated foods. Indications: Skin: Coadjuvant in antiallergic treatments, dermatitis (eliminates residual itching in dogs with allergic treatments), strengthens the nails and the pads, prevents alopecia, provides a healthy and shiny skin, improves the dermal effects after distemper. Locomotor system: Muscle aches, arthritis in prolonged treatments, rheumatism, bursitis. Metabolic function: acute gastritis, diuretic effect, respiratory allergies. Administration: 1 comp./day for every 10 Kg of weight.
15: 1616726145
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20: MSM is the main carrier of bioavailable sulfur. Sulfur is an essential mineral in the diet of all animals, which in other times ingested it in fresh and unmanipulated foods. Indications: Skin: Coadjuvant in antiallergic treatments, dermatitis (eliminates residual itching in dogs with allergic treatments), strengthens the nails and the pads, prevents alopecia, provides a healthy and shiny skin, improves the dermal effects after distemper. Locomotor system: Muscle aches, arthritis in prolonged treatments, rheumatism, bursitis. Metabolic function: acute gastritis, diuretic effect, respiratory allergies. Administration: 1 comp./day for every 10 Kg of weight.
21: Dogs >> Supplements
22: #
23: Stanvet M.s.m. Blister 300 Comprimidos 580 Gr
24: Stanvet M.s.m. Blister 300 Comprimidos 580 Gr
5: 70
6: Stanvet
7: Stanvet M.s.m. Blister 300 Comprimidos 580 Gr
:::: Supplements
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 23:24:47
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 03:35:45
: Stanvet : Blister : Comprimidos :


666.002020.07.18 » 09:54:21