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Plaqueoff Plaque Off Nutritional Supplement For Dogs 40 Gr

für 148.00€ kaufen ··· 172239 ··· 1034918842 ···

Marke: PlaqueOff
EAN: 7350055513066
Kat: Dental Hygiene
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 70
Natural nutritional supplement against bad breath, plaque and tartar Natural nutritional supplement based on algae for the reduction of breath, plaque and tartar. No additives, dyes or preservatives. The ingredients of Plaque Off reach the blood flow through the digestion, thus acting directly on the saliva preventing the deposit of the plaque and tartar. The results become visible after the third week. Adding Plaque Off daily to the animal`s food is the easiest way to help clean teeth and gums from pets. Does not alter the flavor or texture of the food.
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20: Natural nutritional supplement against bad breath, plaque and tartar Natural nutritional supplement based on algae for the reduction of breath, plaque and tartar. No additives, dyes or preservatives. The ingredients of Plaque Off reach the blood flow through the digestion, thus acting directly on the saliva preventing the deposit of the plaque and tartar. The results become visible after the third week. Adding Plaque Off daily to the animal`s food is the easiest way to help clean teeth and gums from pets. Does not alter the flavor or texture of the food.
21: Dogs >> Cats >> Supplements >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Dental Hygiene >> Dental Hygiene
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23: Plaqueoff Plaque Off Nutritional Supplement For Dogs 40 Gr
24: Plaqueoff Plaque Off Nutritional Supplement For Dogs 40 Gr
5: 70
6: PlaqueOff
7: Plaqueoff Plaque Off Nutritional Supplement For Dogs 40 Gr
:::: Dental Hygiene
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 10.07.2020 · 05:23:49
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 08:10:22
: Plaqueoff : Plaque : Nutritional : Supplement :
