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Living World Medium Exercise Ball

für 121.00€ kaufen ··· 21509 ··· 103492524 ···

Marke: Living World
EAN: 0080605617254
Kat: Toys
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 70
Living Worlds Exercise Ball provides a safe, mobile environment that lets small pets get the exercise they need. Simply place your pet inside the Exercise Ball for safe, interactive and healthy activity, and be sure to monitor your pet closely. Exercise is very important for small animals, as it helps keep them strong and healthy. The Exercise Ball is made from non-toxic, non-breakable, clear plastic and is well-ventilated to ensure continuous air circulation. Cleaning is easy, just use warm water and a mild detergent and rinse thoroughly. For hamsters. Medium.
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20: Living Worlds Exercise Ball provides a safe, mobile environment that lets small pets get the exercise they need. Simply place your pet inside the Exercise Ball for safe, interactive and healthy activity, and be sure to monitor your pet closely. Exercise is very important for small animals, as it helps keep them strong and healthy. The Exercise Ball is made from non-toxic, non-breakable, clear plastic and is well-ventilated to ensure continuous air circulation. Cleaning is easy, just use warm water and a mild detergent and rinse thoroughly. For hamsters. Medium.
21: Small pets >> Toys
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23: Living World Medium Exercise Ball
24: Living World Medium Exercise Ball
5: 70
6: Living World
7: Living World Medium Exercise Ball
:::: Toys
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 18:42:51
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 03:34:22
: Living : Medium : Exercise :
