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Psittacus Loris Gel 5 Kg

für 857.00€ kaufen ··· 43330 ··· 103494965 ···

Marke: Psittacus
EAN: 8437002885700
Kat: Bird Food
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 0
Overall product, it is advisable supplied simultaneously with the nectar of Loris. It is designed for most species of Loris. These products have been designed to be supplied in powder or aqueous suspension adult parrots lorinae subfamily (loris). The gel can also be used as a slurry for young animals. In its composition there are highly digestible, specific diets loris components. Contains pollen, egg powder, fructose, dried apple, dried papaya, dried flower hybiscus, plant pigments, prebiotics ... and all the necessary ingredients to achieve the highest quality and palatability. It can be supplied in dry or mixed with water. It is advisable to be provided simultaneously with the nectar. Both products must be supplied simultaneously and separately. Mixed with water, it is recommended that the resulting texture is creamy (not liquid or pasty). Daily consumption As a guide, these birds ingest 7 to 10g of dry nectar gel per 100 grams. Observations It can be used as a slurry and as a food for adults. In adults it can be supplied dry (the latter is new and would be interesting to highlight). Advisable to accompany the Nectar-because loris regulate their intake of fruit needed (providing nectar)
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20: Overall product, it is advisable supplied simultaneously with the nectar of Loris. It is designed for most species of Loris. These products have been designed to be supplied in powder or aqueous suspension adult parrots lorinae subfamily (loris). The gel can also be used as a slurry for young animals. In its composition there are highly digestible, specific diets loris components. Contains pollen, egg powder, fructose, dried apple, dried papaya, dried flower hybiscus, plant pigments, prebiotics ... and all the necessary ingredients to achieve the highest quality and palatability. It can be supplied in dry or mixed with water. It is advisable to be provided simultaneously with the nectar. Both products must be supplied simultaneously and separately. Mixed with water, it is recommended that the resulting texture is creamy (not liquid or pasty). Daily consumption As a guide, these birds ingest 7 to 10g of dry nectar gel per 100 grams. Observations It can be used as a slurry and as a food for adults. In adults it can be supplied dry (the latter is new and would be interesting to highlight). Advisable to accompany the Nectar-because loris regulate their intake of fruit needed (providing nectar)
21: Birds >> Bird Food
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23: Psittacus Loris Gel 5 Kg
24: Psittacus Loris Gel 5 Kg
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6: Psittacus
7: Psittacus Loris Gel 5 Kg
:::: Bird Food
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 19:19:42
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 03:34:40
: Psittacus :


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