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Versele Laga Can - Tax 20 Gr

für 46.00€ kaufen ··· 52466 ··· 103496468 ···

Marke: Versele Laga
EAN: 5410340602164
Kat: Supplements
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 70
presentation: Complementary feed for birds. Oropharma Can-Tax is a red colourant based on canthaxanthin. This dietary supplement colours red canaries, intensifies the red colour in other birds and ensures a beautiful even red colour. As feathers consist of dead cells and are consequently not fed by the metabolism, they absorb the colour when they are formed. On average, the plumage is changed once a year. However not in one go. The moulting of the old feathers is stimulated by the formation of new ones and this is a gradual process so that the bird keeps a full plumage. When adding Can-Tax to the food canthaxanthin is transported to the place where the feather is growing and it is given the more intense red colour. Beta-apo-8-carotenal ensures even better absorption of canthaxanthin. The feather formed retains its colour until the formation of a new feather. Directions for use: Packs of 20 g and 150 g: 1 level measure (= 1 g) per 100 g Orlux eggfood or per 200 ml of drinking water. Pot of 500 g: 1 level measure (= 5 g) per 500 g Orlux eggfood or per 1 litre of drinking water. - During the breeding season: 2 weeks before laying the first egg. - During the moulting: daily for the entire period. - Doubling the dose is recommended during the moult. - Show birds: daily, all year round. Packings:Small box 20 g - Small pot 150 g - Pot 500 g
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20: presentation: Complementary feed for birds. Oropharma Can-Tax is a red colourant based on canthaxanthin. This dietary supplement colours red canaries, intensifies the red colour in other birds and ensures a beautiful even red colour. As feathers consist of dead cells and are consequently not fed by the metabolism, they absorb the colour when they are formed. On average, the plumage is changed once a year. However not in one go. The moulting of the old feathers is stimulated by the formation of new ones and this is a gradual process so that the bird keeps a full plumage. When adding Can-Tax to the food canthaxanthin is transported to the place where the feather is growing and it is given the more intense red colour. Beta-apo-8-carotenal ensures even better absorption of canthaxanthin. The feather formed retains its colour until the formation of a new feather. Directions for use: Packs of 20 g and 150 g: 1 level measure (= 1 g) per 100 g Orlux eggfood or per 200 ml of drinking water. Pot of 500 g: 1 level measure (= 5 g) per 500 g Orlux eggfood or per 1 litre of drinking water. - During the breeding season: 2 weeks before laying the first egg. - During the moulting: daily for the entire period. - Doubling the dose is recommended during the moult. - Show birds: daily, all year round. Packings:Small box 20 g - Small pot 150 g - Pot 500 g
21: Birds >> Supplements
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23: Versele Laga Can - Tax 20 Gr
24: Versele Laga Can - Tax 20 Gr
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6: Versele Laga
7: Versele Laga Can - Tax 20 Gr
:::: Supplements
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 19:39:02
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 05:09:46
: Versele :
