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König Nutriderm Spray 100 Ml

für 117.00€ kaufen ··· 52727 ··· 103496517 ···

Marke: König
EAN: 7791432000531
Kat: Conditioning Products
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 70
Skin lotion spray oils rich in essential fatty acids and desensitizing agents and emollients. Properties Nutriderm Spray contains a combination of refined oils and Neem Ribes nigrum with known compounds and emollient desensitizing activity: PEA, ac. Glycyrrhetinico and Ichthyol. Thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids omega-6 (major component of the lipid layer) promotes the integrity of the protective layer of the skin. The high content of gamma linolenic acid promotes the integrity of the lipid layer of the skin. Neem oil present in its formula helps maintain skin hydration. The PEA (Pamitoiletanolamida), the glycyrrhetínico acid (extracted from licorice) and gives it its desensitizing Ichthyol and emollient properties. Spray Nutriderm indications is indicated as sole or adjunctive treatment (depending on the severity) of any allergic or inflammatory skin and localized process, commit or no itching or stinging. A good choice for the treatment of localized itching and allergies dog and cat. Management Mode From a distance of about 20 cm spraying the affected area two times daily.
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20: Skin lotion spray oils rich in essential fatty acids and desensitizing agents and emollients. Properties Nutriderm Spray contains a combination of refined oils and Neem Ribes nigrum with known compounds and emollient desensitizing activity: PEA, ac. Glycyrrhetinico and Ichthyol. Thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids omega-6 (major component of the lipid layer) promotes the integrity of the protective layer of the skin. The high content of gamma linolenic acid promotes the integrity of the lipid layer of the skin. Neem oil present in its formula helps maintain skin hydration. The PEA (Pamitoiletanolamida), the glycyrrhetínico acid (extracted from licorice) and gives it its desensitizing Ichthyol and emollient properties. Spray Nutriderm indications is indicated as sole or adjunctive treatment (depending on the severity) of any allergic or inflammatory skin and localized process, commit or no itching or stinging. A good choice for the treatment of localized itching and allergies dog and cat. Management Mode From a distance of about 20 cm spraying the affected area two times daily.
21: Dogs >> Cats >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Grooming & Wellbeing >> Conditioning Products >> Conditioning Products
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23: König Nutriderm Spray 100 Ml
24: König Nutriderm Spray 100 Ml
5: 70
6: König
7: König Nutriderm Spray 100 Ml
:::: Conditioning Products
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 19:39:10
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 05:09:46
: Nutriderm :
