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Tropical D-50 Plus 11 L 11 L

für 1004.00€ kaufen ··· 90974 ··· 103499558 ···

Marke: Tropical
EAN: 5900469723982
Kat: Warm Water
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 0
D-50 PLUS main food for discs that enhances the color D-50 PLUS a complete flake food with high protein, disc and other fish with high nutritional requirements. Its high content of protein (50%) makes D-50 PLUS a perfect food egg laying, breeding and young fish. Highly nutritional ingredients together with vitamins and trace elements ensure balanced excellent health and physical condition and stimulate breeding in fish regularly feed on D-50 PLUS. The high content of astaxanthin ensures rich, vivid colors and positively affects many physiological processes, including growth and breeding. The natural immune stimulator - BETA-1,3 / 1,6-glucan - strengthens the immune system of the fish.
15: 1616726109
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20: D-50 PLUS main food for discs that enhances the color D-50 PLUS a complete flake food with high protein, disc and other fish with high nutritional requirements. Its high content of protein (50%) makes D-50 PLUS a perfect food egg laying, breeding and young fish. Highly nutritional ingredients together with vitamins and trace elements ensure balanced excellent health and physical condition and stimulate breeding in fish regularly feed on D-50 PLUS. The high content of astaxanthin ensures rich, vivid colors and positively affects many physiological processes, including growth and breeding. The natural immune stimulator - BETA-1,3 / 1,6-glucan - strengthens the immune system of the fish.
21: Fish >> Food >> Warm Water
22: #
23: Tropical D-50 Plus 11 L 11 L
24: Tropical D-50 Plus 11 L 11 L
5: 0
6: Tropical
7: Tropical D-50 Plus 11 L 11 L
:::: Warm Water
···· Miscota Scandinavia - Online Shop for Pet Supplies
···· aufgenommen: 09.07.2020 · 22:15:31
···· & überprüft: 26.03.2021 · 03:35:08
: Tropical :


885.002020.07.20 » 20:52:29