Specchiasol Adulto Inmunepid 15 Sobres

für 9.97€ kaufen ··· 404577 ··· 1035815972 ···

Marke: Specchiasol
EAN: 8002738989444
Kat: Multinutrients
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 3.99
Icon: http://static.carethy.net/media/4/photos/products/404577/adulto-inmunepid-15-sobres_1_g.jpeg
InfluEpid is a supplement that contains EPID purified and wax-free Propolis, Rosehip, a natural source of vitamin C, which favors the proper functioning of the immune system, Devil`s Claw and White Willow, useful to contrast localized states of tension, and Grindelia, appreciated for its balsamic, emollient and soothing action on the respiratory tract. How to use: It is normally advisable to take 1-2 sachets a day, dissolving it directly in the mouth, or, if you prefer, in a little water. To better appreciate the balsamic note of the product, it is possible to pour the contents of the envelope in a little hot water. Sweeten to taste.
15: 1616589534
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20: InfluEpid is a supplement that contains EPID purified and wax-free Propolis, Rosehip, a natural source of vitamin C, which favors the proper functioning of the immune system, Devil`s Claw and White Willow, useful to contrast localized states of tension, and Grindelia, appreciated for its balsamic, emollient and soothing action on the respiratory tract. How to use: It is normally advisable to take 1-2 sachets a day, dissolving it directly in the mouth, or, if you prefer, in a little water. To better appreciate the balsamic note of the product, it is possible to pour the contents of the envelope in a little hot water. Sweeten to taste.
21: Nutrition and Supplements >> Supplements >> Multinutrients
22: #
23: Specchiasol Adulto Inmunepid 15 Sobres
5: 3.99
6: Specchiasol
7: Specchiasol Adulto Inmunepid 15 Sobres
:::: Multinutrients
···· Carethy.co.uk - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 24.03.2021 · 13:38:48
···· & überprüft: 24.03.2021 · 13:38:48
: Specchiasol : Adulto : Inmunepid : Sobres :


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