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Now Foods Dextrose Powder 907 G 925 Gr

für 6.99€ kaufen ··· 383778 ··· 1035926485 ···

Marke: Now Foods
EAN: 0733739069252
Kat: Sucres et édulcorants
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 4.99
Dextroseis another name for glucose, a simple sugar that plays an important role in the production of cellular energy. Dextrose is actually the primary source of energy for most living organisms. NOW Real Food Dextroseis a natural sweetener derived from non-transgenic corn with moderate sweetness and a fine texture that the body can easily use. Dextroseis particularly beneficial for active individuals as anenergysource before and during workouts and to replenish energy levels after training.
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20: Dextroseis another name for glucose, a simple sugar that plays an important role in the production of cellular energy. Dextrose is actually the primary source of energy for most living organisms. NOW Real Food Dextroseis a natural sweetener derived from non-transgenic corn with moderate sweetness and a fine texture that the body can easily use. Dextroseis particularly beneficial for active individuals as anenergysource before and during workouts and to replenish energy levels after training.
21: Nutrition et suppléments >> Alimentation >> Sucres et édulcorants
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23: Now Foods Dextrose Powder 907 G 925 Gr
24: Now Foods Dextrose Powder 907 G 925 Gr
5: 4.99
6: Now Foods
7: Now Foods Dextrose Powder 907 G 925 Gr
:::: Sucres et édulcorants
···· - Produits pharmacie online
···· aufgenommen: 12.07.2020 · 06:45:06
···· & überprüft: 24.03.2021 · 16:50:16
: Dextrose : Powder :


5.352020.07.27 » 11:19:52
6.292020.07.23 » 02:42:17