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A Portal on Knowledge Organization Using XARAYA

··· lezzter Preis 71.10€ ··· 9783848491636 ··· 1036125344 ···
Knowledge organization encompasses every type and method of indexing, abstracting, cataloging, classification, records management, bibliography and the creation of textual or bibliographic databases for information retrieval. A Knowledge Organization portal is viewed as a shared information work space that can facilitate communication and collaboration among organizational workers, as well as support the browsing, searching, and retrieval of information content. The mission of a Knowledge Portal is not only to provide a library-like pool of information, but to actively support the user in his or her business processes. This book investigates how portals can promote knowledge creation, distribution, and use. Adopting an information vantage point, the book uniquely explores the human issues surrounding knowledge portal adoption and use, as well as the utilization of intelligent agents to ameliorate the use of portals for knowledge-based tasks. The result is a novel, rich and comprehensive discussion on the factors affecting the design and utilization of Knowledge Organization portals for knowledge work, suitable for both master-level students and organizational workers alike.
Hersteller: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Marke: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
EAN: 9783848491636
Kat: Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Informatik, EDV
Lieferzeit: Print on Demand
Versandkosten: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

14: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
15: 1605240460
16: #
5: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland
6: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
7: A Portal on Knowledge Organization Using XARAYA
:::: Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Informatik, EDV
···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
···· aufgenommen: 30.07.2020 · 02:47:03
···· & überprüft: 13.10.2020 · 19:26:48 zum letzten mal im Datenfeed gesehen
: Portal : Knowledge : Organization : XARAYA :
