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Scenes of Clerical Life

··· lezzter Preis 0.99€ ··· 9783849650490 ··· 1036145936 ···
The first of the three stories, `The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton,` is the slightest and simplest. Mr. Barton, a curate, with an income of eighty pounds a-year, with an angelic but sickly wife and a host of hungry little children, allows himself to be duped by the title of a `Countess Czerlaski,` the handsome English widow of a Polish dancing-master. The countess quarrels with her brother, Mr. Bridmain, and throws herself on the hospitality of the Bartons. Her visit lasts beyond all reasonable time, the unfortunate couple are eaten up by the expense of providing for her, Mr. Barton`s character is aspersed on account of his kindness to her, and Mrs. Barton dies of working for her. Mr. Barton loses his curacy, goes into another neighbourhood, and, after many years, revisits his wife`s grave in company with his children. The next story tells how the Rev. Maynard Gilfil loved Tina Sarti, an Italian orphan, who had been brought to England by Sir Christopher and Lady Cheverel, and lived under their shadow in a dignified country house. Tina, however, had fixed her affections on Sir Christopher`s nephew, Captain Wybrow and when the captain pays court to a beautiful, rich, and lofty heiress, the little Italian girl is so exasperated by his conduct, that she resolves to stab him at an appointed interview. She is happily spared this crime, as, on reaching the place of meeting, she finds the faithless captain dead from a sudden attack of heart-disease ...
Hersteller: Jazzybee Verlag
Marke: Jazzybee Verlag
EAN: 9783849650490
Kat: Nonbooks/Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur/Hauptwerk vor 1945
Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar
Versandkosten: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

14: Jazzybee Verlag
15: 1605240477
16: #
5: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland
6: Jazzybee Verlag
7: Scenes of Clerical Life
:::: Nonbooks/Belletristik/Erzählende Literatur/Hauptwerk vor 1945
···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
···· aufgenommen: 30.07.2020 · 03:41:22
···· & überprüft: 13.10.2020 · 23:16:42 zum letzten mal im Datenfeed gesehen
: Scenes : Clerical :
