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Powerbar Max Recovery Raspberry Refrigerated 1144 Gr

für 26.99€ kaufen ··· 467711 ··· 1039222497 ···
With 10 g of protein per serving premium serum -Carbohydrates high glycemic index (such as corn maltodextrin) and oatmeal high quality -Mith zinc and magnesium. Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system and contributes magnesium reduce fatigue and fatigue. Without antioxidant vitamins, not hinder adaptations induced by training in the body -Free artificial, preservatives, sweeteners flavors (by law), stabilizers and thickeners. -The carbohydrates contribute to the recovery of normal muscle function (contraction) after a highly intense and / exercise or long-term leading to muscle fatigue and depletion of glycogen stores in skeletal muscle To take advantage of the maximum training or competition, optimal recovery is key. Developed on the basis of scientific findings in sports nutrition. The powder combines high glycemic index carbohydrates with protein. Carbohydrates help replenish their energy tanks (glycogen) and proteins supporting the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. In addition to zinc and magnesium, containing ingredients of the highest quality, such as whey protein and oats. Instructions for use -1-2 servings per day, immediately after the sport. 'After intense exercise: 2 servings. After mild exercise: 1 portion. -Instructions mixing (1 serving): mix 44 g (about 3 spoons included.) With 125 ml of water. As part of a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
EAN: 4029679672710
Kat: Sport >> Energy >> Recovery
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 4.99

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23: Powerbar Max Recovery Raspberry Refrigerated 1144 Gr
5: 4.99
7: Powerbar Max Recovery Raspberry Refrigerated 1144 Gr
:::: Sport >> Energy >> Recovery
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 21.12.2020 · 23:50:22
···· & überprüft: 21.12.2020 · 23:50:22
: Powerbar : Recovery : Raspberry : Refrigerated :
