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Megaplus Gainer 50/50 Competition 1 Kg Lemon Mousse

für 29.99€ kaufen ··· 389785 ··· 1039225280 ···
INCREASED ENERGY AND POWER GAINER 50/50 is a balanced mixture of proteins and carbohydrates reinforced with creatine. Gainer 50/50 provides the energy necessary to carry out an intense physical activity: based on a majority intake of monosaccharides along with a touch of polysaccharides, it supplies energy in a fast, continued and lasting manner. The protein contribution is provided by micellar calcium caseinate, the whey protein concentrate obtained by ultrafiltration combined with whey protein isolate obtained through membrane separation processes of cross-flow microfiltration (CFM), guaranteeing the quantity needed of proteins to ensure the protein turnover and the protection of the muscle mass at the same time that it reinforces it. The incorporation of creatine, and more precisely its phosphorylated form or phosphocreatine, provides the transport of energy from the muscle cells where it was produced to the place of utilisation; the creatine also helps to maintain the acidity or pH in the interior of the muscles, avoiding the production of acidification which would impede the intensity of the exercise being maintained for a longer time. The creatine also provides the regulation of the energy intake by means of the use of the glucose. Each intake PROVIDES 25 G OF PROTEIN, 21.6 G OF CARBOHYDRATES AND 5 G OF CREATINE RECOMMENDED CONSUMPTION In order to prepare a beverage, dissolve 50 g (3 dosage scoops) of the product in 250 ml of water; 1 scoop is equivalent to approximately 17 g. of product. Take it in the morning or 30 minutes after the exercise. It can also be taken in small intakes during the day.
EAN: 8435041064612
Kat: Sport >> Muscle mass >> Mass gainers
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 5.99

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23: Megaplus Gainer 50/50 Competition 1 Kg Lemon Mousse
5: 5.99
7: Megaplus Gainer 50/50 Competition 1 Kg Lemon Mousse
:::: Sport >> Muscle mass >> Mass gainers
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 22.12.2020 · 01:27:56
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 01:27:56
: Megaplus : Gainer : Competition : Mousse :
