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Mimasa Kuzu Boat 100 Gr

für 11.39€ kaufen ··· 456945 ··· 1039229554 ···
MIMASA kuzu comes from Kagoshima Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, where it has been cultivated for over 100 years and now produces 90% of Japan's kuzu. MIMASA kuzu is made from roots that are between 5 and 10 years old and weigh around 10 kg. These characteristics are optimal for producing the best quality. Kuzu extracts excess water from the intestines and lubricates them: it improves the symptoms of diarrhoea and constipation. It restores the strength of the intestine so that it recovers peristaltic movements and promotes a good level of intestinal flora. In this way, it is particularly indicated for constipation of the dilated intestine due to excess fruit, sugar, coffee and artificial drinks. MIMASA kuzu is prepared by diluting two teaspoons in a glass of cold water and then boiling it for around five minutes, until it acquires a gelatinous, colourless or pink and almost transparent consistency. It is seasoned with MIMASA organic tamari or MIMASA organic tamari-shoyu. In culinary preparations, it is used as a natural thickener due to its insipid flavour. It can also be diluted in cold water and added during the last few minutes of cooking soups, vegetables, stews, vegetable pies or cakes (spreading it over the surface before going into the oven). MIMASA kuzu can also be used as a salad dressing or for cooking fish, among other things. Its neutral flavour combines perfectly with any sweet or salty food and is easily digested thanks to its purity. We can add a MIMASA umeboshi to the preparation and also boil it, when we want to stimulate the liver and help regulate constipation.
EAN: 8436032153506
Kat: Herb >> Supplements
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Mimasa Kuzu Boat 100 Gr
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7: Mimasa Kuzu Boat 100 Gr
:::: Herb >> Supplements
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 22.12.2020 · 07:32:06
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 07:32:06
: Mimasa :
