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Weider Premium Bcaa Powder

für 23.96€ kaufen ··· 96315 ··· 1039245242 ···
Recovery and protection - Recovery combination of BCAAs (2:1:1) with a Glutamine plus. - Delays fatigue, improves performance. Description After numerous tests Weider has developed Premium BCAA Powder the definitive formula for the development of muscle mass. Its formula based on branched amiono acids (BCAA) and L-Glutamine ensure the best results. It doesn't matter what sport you practice. This magnificent formula consists of: - BCAAs are the essential and branched amino acids Leucina, Isoleucina and Valina. They have recovering and energetic properties. When we should take them: - After training, because they accelerate the recovery of muscle damage caused by intense training. According to studies, Leucine initiates the processes of protein synthesis, but has to be accompanied by Isoleucine and Valine so that these can be carried out. Hence the 2:1:1 ratio between them. - Before training, protect the muscle mass because they are able to enter the energy cycles providing energy, so we can use them as anti-catabolic and muscle mass protectors if we take them before and during training. They avoid the use of muscle glycogen and therefore delaying fatigue. This fact is fundamental in moments of strict diet or definition. They also delay fatigue because they compete with the amino acid Tryptophan, responsible for the central fatigue syndrome, thus reducing the feeling of tiredness. - L-Glutamine: the most abundant semi-essential amino acid in the body, essential for protecting and repairing muscle tissue. Helps the recovery of both muscle fiber (because it promotes protein synthesis) and glycogen depleted in training. It also increases and improves the function of the immune system and decreases the "over-training syndrome" (OTS).
EAN: 4044782317013
Kat: Sport >> Muscle mass >> Amino acids
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 4.99

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23: Weider Premium Bcaa Powder
5: 4.99
7: Weider Premium Bcaa Powder
:::: Sport >> Muscle mass >> Amino acids
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 22.12.2020 · 20:21:12
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 20:21:12
: Weider : Premium : Powder :
