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Lacer Cdl-Technic-Blister Forte

für 3.79€ kaufen ··· 5536 ··· 1039246043 ···
Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Hard For people looking for a more intense brushing action and who have no dental sensitivity or gum problems. Bristles: 0.009 inches in diameter. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Medium For complete daily oral hygiene. Bristles: 0.008 inches in diameter. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Soft With soft bristles of different diameters for daily oral hygiene for people with sensitive teeth and gums. Diameter of outer bristles: 0.006 inches; diameter of inner bristles: 0.007 inches. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Extra-soft For oral hygiene in people with hypersensitive teeth and extremely delicate gums with a tendency to bleed quickly. This brush is indicated in the healing phase after use of the LACER Technic Surgical Toothbrush. Diameter of outer bristles: 0.005 inches; diameter of inner bristles: 0.004 inches. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Surgical For oral hygiene immediately after oral surgery. Its extremely soft bristles keep the healing area clean without damaging it. Bristles: 0.003 inches in diameter. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Orthodontic For daily oral hygiene for people with braces. Different size bristles arranged in a V-shape help maintain complete oral hygiene by eliminating plaque, protecting gums and eliminating traces of food and plaque trapped in braces, bands and wires. Bristles of different lengths to form a V shape. Diameter of outer bristles: 0.007 inches; diameter of inner bristles: 0.008 inches. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Gingilacer Special gum care. Microfine, flexible PBT monofilaments that take great care of gums. They remove dental plaque and effectively clean interdental and supragingival spaces while taking care of gums and preventing gum inflammation. Cepillo Dental Lacer Technic Hard
EAN: 8470001628343
Kat: Hygiene and health >> Dental hygiene >> Toothbrush
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Lacer Cdl-Technic-Blister Forte
5: 3.99
7: Lacer Cdl-Technic-Blister Forte
:::: Hygiene and health >> Dental hygiene >> Toothbrush
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 22.12.2020 · 20:41:53
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 20:41:53
: Technic : Blister :
