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Ghf Dandelion 500 Mg 100 Tablets 100 Units

für 2.09€ kaufen ··· 409827 ··· 1039262448 ···
Dandelion, a great depurative. The dandelion, named after the small and trimmed leaves it has, is a perennial plant that grows in all regions of the world, and is ideal as a depurative when, for example, we want to facilitate the various functions of elimination both digestive and renal. Among other aspects, dandelion stimulates the secretion of the digestive organs, which is precisely why it is used in cases of digestive disorders in general (constipation or lazy liver), and in gastric hypoacidity. Not in vain, it has been scientifically demonstrated that dandelion is capable of increasing from 2 to 4 times the secretion of bile. And that is why it is recommended to, for example, stimulate those livers that are lazy. Its benefits are also important in terms of its action on kidney stones, due to its diuretic and laxative action, if redundancy is allowed. Dandelion, a plant with important diuretic properties Precisely because of what we have indicated throughout the previous paragraphs, are extremely important the various diuretic properties that have the dandelion. We must indicate that this diuretic action, without undesirable effects and totally safe, allows to eliminate and to clean of our organism the different accumulated toxins. It is for this reason that, in each change of season, it is recommended to make a dandelion cure and, at the same time, in cases of food excesses. Instructions for use: Take 2-3 tablets three times a day.
EAN: 8431081000566
Kat: Herb >> Supplements
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Ghf Dandelion 500 Mg 100 Tablets 100 Units
5: 3.99
7: Ghf Dandelion 500 Mg 100 Tablets 100 Units
:::: Herb >> Supplements
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 23.12.2020 · 04:05:27
···· & überprüft: 23.12.2020 · 04:05:27
: Dandelion : Tablets :
