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Optimum Nutrition Opti Lean Meal Replacement Powder 1 Kg Chocolate

für 27.05€ kaufen ··· 381171 ··· 1039266617 ···
Opti-Lean Meal Replacement Shake by Optimum Nutrition is a dietary supplement designed to provide all the necessary nutrients to replace a meal and achieve your nutritional objectives focused on a process of fat loss and improvement of health. Opti-Lean Meal Replacement Shake is composed of 48% proteins of high biological value, that is, it provides all the essential amino acids that your body needs to perform the different functions of the organism. It also contains 14% high quality carbohydrates from oatmeal, flax seed and chickpea flour. Also, Opti-Lean Meal Replacement Shake should be noted its high fiber contribution, approximately 7.5 grams per service, which among many other functions will give us, along with proteins, a high feeling of fullness that will make it easier to follow the diet without going hungry. In addition, fiber will help improve the blood lipid profile by raising HDL levels and reducing bad cholesterol (LDL). Opti-Lean Meal Replacement Shake has been added a multivitamin and mineral complex that provides for each service 30% of the recommended daily amount for an adult of the most important vitamins and minerals for our body. Thanks to this, we will be able to reach the recommended daily amounts improving the state of health and avoiding possible problems derived from their deficiencies. Finally, Opti-Lean Meal Replacement Shake highlight its contribution of linoleic acid, an Omega 6 fatty acid with great benefits when it comes to losing body fat and increase muscle mass, besides being a good protector against cancer and disorders cardiovascular Opti-Lean Meal Replacement Shake has been thought of as an aid to all those people who work hard to look good and take care of their health through food.
EAN: 5060469982120
Kat: Sport >> Weight loss >> Low carb protein
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 4.99

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23: Optimum Nutrition Opti Lean Meal Replacement Powder 1 Kg Chocolate
5: 4.99
7: Optimum Nutrition Opti Lean Meal Replacement Powder 1 Kg Chocolate
:::: Sport >> Weight loss >> Low carb protein
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 23.12.2020 · 05:11:39
···· & überprüft: 23.12.2020 · 05:11:39
: Optimum : Nutrition : Replacement : Powder : Chocolate :
