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Acana Heritage Sport&agility 11,4 Kg

für 77.19€ kaufen ··· 671 ··· 10284134 ···
ACANA SPORT & AGILITY is naturally balanced to support strength and endurance and is made bursting with premium meat ingredients (a full 60%!)including free-run chicken and whole eggs from local prairie farms, and pacific salmon from Vancouvers cold pacific watersworld-class human-grade ingredients delivered FRESH EACH DAY, so theyre never frozen and use no preservatives. Free of antibiotics or added hormones, our free-run chicken is grain-fed on local prairie farms and passed as fit for human consumption before arriving at our door freshnever frozen and with no preservatives. The perfect protein, our Canada Grade A eggs are delivered to us fresh (never frozen, no preservatives) from Albertas Prairie Farms. Simply the best source of DHA and EPA essential fatty acids, Pacific salmon (including Chinook and Coho species) are caught off North Vancouver Island, packed on ice and delivered to our door fresh (never frozen, no preservatives). Ingredients: Chicken meal, steamed oats, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols and rosemary), peas, fresh free-run chicken, brown rice, fresh boneless salmon, fresh whole eggs, chicken liver, salmon oil, sun-cured alfalfa, leaf pumpkin, chicken cartilage (natural source of glucosamine), psyllium fiber, red delicious apples, carrots, turnip greens, cranberries, Saskatoon berries, organic sea vegetables (kelp, bladderwrack, dulse), burdock root, marshmallow root, juniper berries, fenugreek, sweet fennel, angelica root, sea buckthorn, chicory root, stinging nettle, red raspberry leaf, milk thistle, peppermint leaf, marigold flowers, chamomile flowers, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium.Vitamins (vit. A, vit. D3, vit. E, niacin, riboflavin, lysine, thiamine mononitrate, vit. B12, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin). Minerals (iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, manganese proteinate, cobalt proteinate, copper proteinate).
Marke: Acana
EAN: 0064992530112
Kat: Cães >> Ração >> Ração seca
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 0
Bild: http://static.miscota.com/media/1/photos/products/000671/671-064992530112-acana-heritage-sport-agility-11-4-kg-front_1_g.png

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23: Acana Heritage Sport&agility 11,4 Kg
24: Acana Heritage Sport&agility 11,4 Kg
5: 0
6: Acana
7: Acana Heritage Sport&agility 11,4 Kg
:::: Cães >> Ração >> Ração seca
···· Miscota.pt - Racao para caes e racao para gatos
···· aufgenommen: 23.01.2020 · 11:13:34
···· & überprüft: 08.05.2021 · 09:04:33
: Heritage : agility :


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