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Arthur Metz Crémant d`Alsace Brut Prestige

für 8.99€ kaufen ··· 4504072573 ··· 1026710809 ···

Hersteller: Arthur Metz
EAN: 3183520704041
Kat: Bier, Wein & Spirituosen / Sekt & Schaumwein / Crémant
Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar
Versandkosten: 4,99
Icon: https://d2jdyzt6tc17s.cloudfront.net/products/images/4504072573_3183520704041_01.jpg.jpg
Bild: https://d2jdyzt6tc17s.cloudfront.net/products/images2/4504072573_3183520704041_01.jpg.jpg
The treasure of all great occasions. With a luminous golden colour, it shines and twinkles brightly, and reveals an open body in full bloom. Its soft, fruity freshness will enhance gourmet cuisine, from the aperitif to the end of the meal.
14: Arthur Metz
15: 1616861006
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19: https://d2jdyzt6tc17s.cloudfront.net/products/images2/4504072573_3183520704041_01.jpg.jpg
20: The treasure of all great occasions. With a luminous golden colour, it shines and twinkles brightly, and reveals an open body in full bloom. Its soft, fruity freshness will enhance gourmet cuisine, from the aperitif to the end of the meal.
22: #
23: Arthur Metz Crémant d`Alsace Brut Prestige
24: Arthur Metz Crémant d`Alsace Brut Prestige
5: 4,99
7: Arthur Metz Crémant d`Alsace Brut Prestige
:::: Bier, Wein & Spirituosen / Sekt & Schaumwein / Crémant
···· Combi.de - Online-Supermarkt
···· aufgenommen: 10.12.2019 · 17:24:17
···· & überprüft: 27.03.2021 · 17:03:25
: Arthur : Alsace : Prestige :
