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Dodot Sensitive Newborn Pack Size 1 And 2 Of 3 Pieces

für 25.69€ kaufen ··· 431674 ··· 103921574 ···
The Newborn Kit Dodot Sensitive is a pack created by Dodot and aimed at newborns, which contains: Sensitive Newborn Diaper Size 1 of 28 units: Sensitive Newborn Diaper Size 2 of 34 units: Wrap your baby in the comfort of our softest diaper. Ultra-Absorbent Tubes. They help distribute moisture evenly inside the diaper. Humidity indicator. Vary its color if your baby has done it to help you know when to change it. Soft and comfortable fit around the navel. Wrap your baby in maximum protection Its soft and elastic sidebands wrap around the protection that your delicate skin needs. Sensitive Wipes Box 54 units: Wipes designed for a softer cleaning of the most sensitive skin. It helps improve sensitive skin and protect against irritation. The contact of the pee and the liquid cups with your baby's skin alters its natural pH, leaving it exposed to irritations. Thanks to its exclusive lotion, the Dodot Sensitive Wiper instantly recovers the skin's natural pH, restoring its function as a natural protection barrier.
EAN: 8001090917188
Kat: Childhood >> Nappies and changers >> Nappies
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 6.99

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23: Dodot Sensitive Newborn Pack Size 1 And 2 Of 3 Pieces
24: Dodot Sensitive Newborn Pack Size 1 And 2 Of 3 Pieces
5: 6.99
7: Dodot Sensitive Newborn Pack Size 1 And 2 Of 3 Pieces
:::: Childhood >> Nappies and changers >> Nappies
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 31.07.2020 · 19:47:53
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 01:52:37
: Sensitive : Newborn : Pieces :
