Entanglement, Information, and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (The Frontiers Collection)

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Entanglement was initially thought by some to be an oddity restricted to the realm of thought experiments. However, Bell`s inequality delimiting local - havior and the experimental demonstration of its violation more than 25 years ago made it entirely clear that non-local properties of pure quantum states are more than an intellectual curiosity. Entanglement and non-locality are now understood to gure prominently in the microphysical world, a realm into which technology is rapidly hurtling. Information theory is also increasingly recognized by physicists and philosophers as intimately related to the foun- tions of mechanics. The clearest indicator of this relationship is that between quantum information and entanglement. To some degree, a deep relationship between information and mechanics in the quantum context was already there to be seen upon the introduction by Max Born and Wolfgang Pauli of the idea that the essence of pure quantum states lies in their provision of probabilities regarding the behavior of quantum systems, via what has come to be known as the Born rule. The signi cance of the relationship between mechanics and information became even clearer with Leo Szilard`s analysis of James Clerk Maxwell`s infamous demon thought experiment. Here, in addition to examining both entanglement and quantum infor- tion and their relationship, I endeavor to critically assess the in uence of the study of these subjects on the interpretation of quantum theory.
Hersteller: Springer
Marke: Springer
EAN: 9783540921271
Kat: Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Physik, Astronomie/Theoretische Physik
Versandkosten: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland
Icon: https://www.inforius-bilder.de/bild/?I=dE2Mnr%2FZdXj81zoA2S%2B8W6IDjtNSoza2ALg8uu4Rslg%3D

14: Springer
15: 1605045914
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5: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland
6: Springer
7: Entanglement, Information, and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (The Frontiers Collection)
:::: Hardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Physik, Astronomie/Theoretische Physik
···· Rheinberg-Buch.de - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
···· aufgenommen: 04.06.2020 · 20:20:38
···· & überprüft: 10.11.2020 · 23:05:14
: Entanglement : Information : Interpretation : Quantum : Mechanics : Frontiers : Collection :


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