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Ferplast Gaiola Dos Roedores De Jenny 80X50X79,5 Cm

für 145.49€ kaufen ··· 69942 ··· 1028429343 ···
Jenny is a rat cage with a vertical structure, his rodent providing all the space you need. Thanks to its interior shelves plastic tubes connected, your mice will enjoy themselves going into the various levels of habitat. The cage is equipped with other accessories such as a runner, a straight plastic toilet bowls and resistant steel mounting hooks. The base can be easily separated from the wire mesh structure, allowing for quick and easy cleaning. A metal stand with wheels can be purchased and is available as an optional accessory. Features - - Sturdy wire, plastic coated - Roof opening for easy maintenance - Includes two shelves encouraging the exercise of the pet - Removable base for easy cleaning - including chinchillas Accessories - Packaging `space saving` - Dimensions: 80 x 50 x 79.5 cm
Marke: Ferplast
EAN: 8010690056715
Kat: Roedores >> Gaiolas e parques
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 0
Bild: http://static.miscota.com/media/1/photos/products/069942/69942-8010690056715_1_g.jpg

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23: Ferplast Gaiola Dos Roedores De Jenny 80X50X79,5 Cm
24: Ferplast Gaiola Dos Roedores De Jenny 80X50X79,5 Cm
5: 0
6: Ferplast
7: Ferplast Gaiola Dos Roedores De Jenny 80X50X79,5 Cm
:::: Roedores >> Gaiolas e parques
···· Miscota.pt - Racao para caes e racao para gatos
···· aufgenommen: 25.01.2020 · 18:46:16
···· & überprüft: 08.05.2021 · 15:54:31
: Ferplast : Gaiola : Roedores :


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