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Fibaro Radiator Thermostat Head

··· lezzter Preis 55.91€ ··· 2637986 ··· 1003112699 ···
Simplicity combined with technology is the key to revolution. Based on the cubic capacity of your room, thermostatic radiator head, calculates how much time it takes to reach the temperature you want. Moreover, the current temperature is indicated by the appropriate ring color. You no longer have to read the temperature on poor displays. Try, set your temperature and discover the color language. See how amazingly simple and efficient heating management can be. You can install the FIBARO Heat Controller on any number of radiators and they will co-operate with each other to provide the optimum temperature. No other controller offers such a level of heating comfort and such an array of possibilities. Wherever you are, whenever you are: use your hand, use your voice or use your mobile app to have precision control of the heating in every room in your home. The most advanced technology and its unique design make the device a perfect whole, able to transform your home. Managing the temperature has never been as precise and as simple before. Enjoy the convenience of an intelligently managed heating system. The FIBARO Heat Controller will react to the number of people in a room, an open window and another heat source like a fireplace. It will consider all these conditions and will provide a stable temperature ensuring comfort and savings. The FIBARO System can activate heating when you`re on your way home. Thanks to the geolocation possibilities, the thermostatic radiator head knows the time of your arrival. It will start increasing the temperature at the optimum moment in order to reach the perfect level of warmth when you arrive. This function is perfect if your working hours are irregular or you want to heat that cottage in the country you only use at weekends.
Hersteller: Fibaro
Marke: Fibaro
EAN: 5902701701062
Kat: Smart Home
Lieferzeit: 13-15
Versandkosten: 6.99

14: Fibaro
15: 1605232943
16: #
5: 6.99
6: Fibaro
7: Fibaro Radiator Thermostat Head
:::: Smart Home
···· Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
···· aufgenommen: 04.11.2019 · 15:05:04
···· & überprüft: 21.10.2020 · 17:03:44 zum letzten mal im Datenfeed gesehen
: Fibaro : Radiator : Thermostat :


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