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Haya Labs Antioxidant Complex 120 Tabletas

für 11.59€ kaufen ··· 475273 ··· 1039253702 ···
HAYA Antioxidant Complex contains multiple antioxidant ingredients that reduce the free radical process that takes place in the body during oxidative metabolism, food processing and exposure to toxins. The complex is a combination of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants that includes a range of minerals, vitamins B, C, E and herbal extracts among other ingredients Benefits: Enhances the immune systemExposes cleansing and preventive propertiesHas a regenerative cellular impactContains many vitamins and minerals HAYA The Antioxidant Complex combines the most effective endogenous and exogenous antioxidants to slow the aging process, promote cell regeneration and fight free radicals. These ingredients work together with N-acetyl cysteine to improve glutathione levels in the body that protect the immune system. The product also includes zinc, calcium, selenium and manganese, minerals that aid biological processes and help build up the all-important vitamins B, C and E. HAYA Antioxidant Complex works at the cellular level and supports both the immune and cardiac systems. Its synergistic properties optimized by the formula of the antioxidant complex HAYA are reinforced by the extracts of herbs such as green tea, rosemary, garlic and ginkgo, among others. Include HAYA Antioxidant Complex in your diet today and take advantage of the benefits of having a healthy and rested body from within.
EAN: 854822007583
Kat: Sport >> Athlete's health >> Anti oxidants
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Haya Labs Antioxidant Complex 120 Tabletas
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7: Haya Labs Antioxidant Complex 120 Tabletas
:::: Sport >> Athlete's health >> Anti oxidants
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 23.12.2020 · 01:05:39
···· & überprüft: 23.12.2020 · 01:05:39
: Antioxidant : Complex : Tabletas :
