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Iswari Spirulina Tablets Bio 100 G

für 6.39€ kaufen ··· 443778 ··· 1039266182 ···
It's an algae that has this name because of its spiral shape. Also known by its scientific name Arthrospira platensis, is a food known since ancient times for its nutritional characteristics. Spirulina is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet: it contains 65.9% easily absorbed protein (much faster than that of red meat or soy) and is also rich in iron, calcium, zinc and essential fatty acids, as well as containing a lot of chlorophyll. Benefits: *Detoxifies the liver, colon, kidneys and gallbladder. *Source of vitamin A, B, C, E, K. *Contains lots of chlorophyll. *Rich in protein (65.9%). *Rich in antioxidants, reduces inflammation. *Source of flavonoids, the antioxidants useful for the circulation. *Contains polyphenols, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory antioxidants. *Contains Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese and Potassium *Oxygenates and alkalinizes the body and tissues. *Promotes a correct pH level in the intestine, allowing good bacteria to proliferate. *Improves digestion. *Expels heavy metals and toxins from the body. *Increases the number of red blood cells. *Restores and stimulates the immune system. *Strengthens muscles, glands and the nervous system. *It is good for the skin, hair, nails and eyelashes. *Prevents colds and flu. *It improves concentration. *Reduces the feeling of hunger and helps maintain a low-calorie diet. Mode dr use: *You can add one or two teaspoons of Spirulina Iswari powder to your smoothies, fruit juices or vegetable milk for a revitalizing and detoxifying drink at the same time.
EAN: 5600317478674
Kat: Diet >> Vitamins & supplements >> Healthy diet >> Superfoods >> Superfoods >> Superfoods
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Iswari Spirulina Tablets Bio 100 G
5: 3.99
7: Iswari Spirulina Tablets Bio 100 G
:::: Diet >> Vitamins & supplements >> Healthy diet >> Superfoods >> Superfoods >> Superfoods
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 23.12.2020 · 05:07:43
···· & überprüft: 23.12.2020 · 05:07:43
: Iswari : Spirulina : Tablets :
