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Jonzac Bebé Biodegradable Baby Wipes 40 Units

für 7.38€ kaufen ··· 437913 ··· 103921671 ···
Ideal for home or transfers(car, vacation, etc.)These biodegradable cleaning wipes with Jonzac soft thermal water provide a soft and relaxing cleaning that respects sensitive skin. The hypoallergenic formula is enriched with Jonzac and L-PCA thermal water that helps protect the skin's hydrolipidic film and prevents dryness. Formulated with 20% Jonzac thermal wate, L-PCA active ingredient, vegetable glycerin, chamomile floral water. Its action is completed with the support of L-PCA, a natural moisturizing factor that reinforces the skin's barrier effect, foroptimal Physiological Protection of the baby's skin. Each product meets the expected safety for the baby: - No allergens and no added sulfates) with ingredients chosen for their softness and tolerance. - Hypoallergenic. - High tolerance. - Dermatologically tested to minimize the risks of allergic reactions. Benefits: - Effective cleaning without damaging the baby's skin. - Dermo-calming. - Hypoallergenic. - No need to rinse, 100% organic cotton. - Biodegradable. - Face, hands and diaper area. - Maximum safety and tolerability of the baby's skin. - Does not irritate, soothe and soften the skin. How to use: At the time of change or for the toilet, clean the baby's skin with one or more wipes (ass, face and body). Close it well after each use. With the use several wipes can leave at the same time, this is due to the support of 100% biodegradable organic cotton. Do not flush the toilet or in nature.
EAN: 3517360012446
Kat: Childhood >> Nappies and changers >> Wipes
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Jonzac Bebé Biodegradable Baby Wipes 40 Units
24: Jonzac Bebé Biodegradable Baby Wipes 40 Units
5: 3.99
7: Jonzac Bebé Biodegradable Baby Wipes 40 Units
:::: Childhood >> Nappies and changers >> Wipes
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 31.07.2020 · 19:48:12
···· & überprüft: 21.12.2020 · 19:19:23
: Jonzac : Biodegradable :
