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Novadiet Marjorana Leaves 40 Gr 40 Gr

für 1.23€ kaufen ··· 30182 ··· 1039332845 ···

Marke: Novadiet
EAN: 8425652010917
Kat: Aufgüsse und Tees
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 4.99
Pieces of completely natural Marjoram plants ofexcellentqualitypresented in bags of 40 grams. The marjoram is used above all to relieve and / or treat digestive disorders such as stomach ulcers, intestinal spasms or cramps. It also has antibacterial properties, and can also be used to relieve the symptoms of cold and flu. How to use: Prepare the infusion cup by pouring a teaspoon of herbs over boiling water, and leaving it covered for five minutes. Strain and drink hot. Add some honey according to taste, or substitute a special sweetener in case of following some regime.
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20: Pieces of completely natural Marjoram plants ofexcellentqualitypresented in bags of 40 grams. The marjoram is used above all to relieve and / or treat digestive disorders such as stomach ulcers, intestinal spasms or cramps. It also has antibacterial properties, and can also be used to relieve the symptoms of cold and flu. How to use: Prepare the infusion cup by pouring a teaspoon of herbs over boiling water, and leaving it covered for five minutes. Strain and drink hot. Add some honey according to taste, or substitute a special sweetener in case of following some regime.
21: Ernährung und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel >> Getränke >> Aufgüsse und Tees
22: #
23: Novadiet Marjorana Leaves 40 Gr 40 Gr
5: 4.99
6: Novadiet
7: Novadiet Marjorana Leaves 40 Gr 40 Gr
:::: Aufgüsse und Tees
···· - Online Apotheke und Drogerie
···· aufgenommen: 29.06.2021 · 21:25:18
···· & überprüft: 29.06.2021 · 21:25:18
: Novadiet : Marjorana : Leaves :
