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Orthonat Vitamin D3 In Drops 2000

für 24.66€ kaufen ··· 457128 ··· 1039260962 ···
Ortho D3 2000 UI by Orthonat is a food supplement that helps calcium fixation in the bones. Vitamin D supplement, formula supplemented with organic chia seed oil and the taste and benefits of blueberries in a dropwise presentation. Vitamin D provides nutritional support for proper bone tissue formation and mineral homeostasis. Organic chia seed oil provides omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It can be ingested with food or manufactured by the body as a result of the incidence of sunlight on our skin. People with little exposure to sunlight may need to supplement their diet with extra vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth, and is also important for a healthy immune system. It is especially recommended for older people, especially those with compromised nutrient intakes and anyone with low exposure to sunlight. Many adults are deficient in vitamin D, and low levels of this vitamin have been linked to problems in the elderly. Vitamin D is essential for overall health and well-being. Emerging scientific evidence suggests that it contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, certain forms of arthritis, kidney disease, depression, and many forms of cancer.
EAN: 5425005541306
Kat: Vitamins & supplements >> Vitamins
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 4.99

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23: Orthonat Vitamin D3 In Drops 2000
5: 4.99
7: Orthonat Vitamin D3 In Drops 2000
:::: Vitamins & supplements >> Vitamins
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 23.12.2020 · 03:33:58
···· & überprüft: 23.12.2020 · 03:33:58
: Orthonat : Vitamin :
