Peak Hbn Bacillus Subtilis 60 Cápsulas

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Marke: Peak
EAN: 5453001866550
Kat: Prebiotics & probiotics
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 3.99
HBN Bacillus Subtilis (DSM 21097) is a very prominent exogenous bacterium from Russian research that is not yet known in Western countries. The peculiarity lies in the modulating capacity of the intestinal flora of humans that cannot be expected in this way from any endogenous probiotic known in this country. A healthy intestinal flora is synonymous with a healthy and effective body and mind. It acts as an important factor for healthy digestion. The intestinal flora is considered to be the second human brain and a key part of the body`s immune system. The very production of certain vitamins also takes place in the intestinal flora. Special probiotic Lasting effect on the intestinal flora. Lasting effect on digestion Natural carrier barley grass juice 2 x 109 CFU per serving 1 month supply
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20: HBN Bacillus Subtilis (DSM 21097) is a very prominent exogenous bacterium from Russian research that is not yet known in Western countries. The peculiarity lies in the modulating capacity of the intestinal flora of humans that cannot be expected in this way from any endogenous probiotic known in this country. A healthy intestinal flora is synonymous with a healthy and effective body and mind. It acts as an important factor for healthy digestion. The intestinal flora is considered to be the second human brain and a key part of the body`s immune system. The very production of certain vitamins also takes place in the intestinal flora. Special probiotic Lasting effect on the intestinal flora. Lasting effect on digestion Natural carrier barley grass juice 2 x 109 CFU per serving 1 month supply
21: Nutrition and Supplements >> Supplements >> Prebiotics & probiotics
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23: Peak Hbn Bacillus Subtilis 60 Cápsulas
24: Peak Hbn Bacillus Subtilis 60 Cápsulas
5: 3.99
6: Peak
7: Peak Hbn Bacillus Subtilis 60 Cápsulas
:::: Prebiotics & probiotics
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 17.12.2020 · 16:16:44
···· & überprüft: 12.03.2021 · 00:09:39
: Bacillus : Subtilis : psulas :


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