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Sesderma Seskavel Hair Repair 30 Ml 30 Ml

für 14.76€ kaufen ··· 27791 ··· 103921969 ···
A hair treatment added with silicone macromolecules, jojoba oil, solar filters and Vitamin E, favoring the growth of the hair doing that the nutrients arrive correctly to all the follicles and roots stimulating the production of sebum in the scalp with results is a more hydrated and shiny hair. It combats dryness and repairs split ends. Protection and repair of the hair shaft and the broken ends of the hair that regain their natural appearance. Excellent detangling, facilitates combing. Immediate recovery of the hair's natural shine, which acquires body and a silky appearance. Hair repair for damaged or damaged hair, fragile hair with broken ends and exposed to aggressions such as dyes, perms, chlorine, dryer, iron, tongs, sun, cold, heat and wind. Instructions for use: - Apply to wet or dry hair. - Deposit 2 or 3 drops of the serum on the palm of the hand and distribute especially on the ends of the hair making a light massage, until the complete absorption of the product. - The slightly oily sensation of the serum disappears very quickly as soon as it is applied to the hair. - No rinsing required. - Apply as often as necessary.
EAN: 8470002558519
Kat: Hair care >> Treatments
Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 days
Versandkosten: 3.99

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23: Sesderma Seskavel Hair Repair 30 Ml 30 Ml
24: Sesderma Seskavel Hair Repair 30 Ml 30 Ml
5: 3.99
7: Sesderma Seskavel Hair Repair 30 Ml 30 Ml
:::: Hair care >> Treatments
···· - Online Pharmacy
···· aufgenommen: 31.07.2020 · 19:49:11
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 00:23:55
: Sesderma : Seskavel : Repair :
