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Sylvanian Families Walnut Squirrel Family

für 21.01€ kaufen ··· 2628322 ··· 1003112058 ···
In the Walnut Family there is a father, a mother, a daughter and a son. Alexander likes working with wood and he is really good at it! He always invents special things to do for the others in Sylvanian Village. He does lots of cool stuff that no one has seen before. Only his family knows that he has also done lots of things that failed - he stores them in his storeroom! Charlotte loves talking to the others in Sylvanian Village. Often her wild bubbly and loud laughter can be heard, and she is always with her friends. She is very proud of her bushy tail with shiny fur and makes sure to brush it every night before going to bed. Benjamin is full of energy and loves to climb trees. Benjamin once crawled up a tall tree and easily picked up a balloon for his little brother, Lucas. He says he has tried to climb every tree in Sylvanian Village, but no one knows if it is true. Vigga loves everything that is yellow. Her room has been decorated with yellow items that she has found - from yellow flowers to yellow ribbons. Her favorite thing in the collection is her yellow photo album with lots of lovely memories in it. The only yellow thing she doesn`t like is lemons - they are too sour anyway!
Hersteller: Sylvanian Families
Marke: Sylvanian Families
EAN: 5054131041727
Kat: Puppen Zubehoer
Lieferzeit: 5-8
Versandkosten: 6.99

14: Sylvanian Families
15: 1605169504
16: #
5: 6.99
6: Sylvanian Families
7: Sylvanian Families Walnut Squirrel Family
:::: Puppen Zubehoer
···· Computer, iPad, Notebooks, Smartphones
···· aufgenommen: 04.11.2019 · 15:05:02
···· & überprüft: 12.11.2020 · 09:25:04
: Sylvanian : Families : Walnut : Squirrel : Family :


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