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Wellindal Dekorativer Vinylaufkleber Window And Bench-

für 3.39€ kaufen ··· 190132 ··· 102612232 ···

Marke: Wellindal
EAN: 8409437163364
Kat: Sonstiges
Lieferzeit: available
Versandkosten: 6.99
Icon: http://static.wellindal.com/media/6/photos/products/190132/190132-vinilo-decorativo-window-and-bench-hcn1078-87-3-ga_4_g.jpeg
Dekorativer Vinylaufkleber. Matte Ausführung. Es haftet auf glatten und gleichmäßigen Oberflächen. Original wall sticker. 3D effect image. High quality colour finish. Easy to remove and repostion. Wonderful gift item. NO returns accepted after sticking vinyl.This is an original wall sticker for your home. The image of a open window showing a natural landscape of lake and mountains. It seems to extend outside the walls, outside the `fake` window. Bring a little of the countryside to your place in the city. Feel a little of the freedom in the wilderness and the feeling of being in a larger space. Choose the one you like the most among our several models, to decorate your walls with a unique and stylish touch. Numero Bultos: 1 Measures: High measure: 52 cm. Measure width: 56 cm. Deep measure: 0.03 cm. Packing Measures: High measure: 70 cm. Measure width: 6,04 cm. Deep measure: 6,45 cm.
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20: Dekorativer Vinylaufkleber. Matte Ausführung. Es haftet auf glatten und gleichmäßigen Oberflächen. Original wall sticker. 3D effect image. High quality colour finish. Easy to remove and repostion. Wonderful gift item. NO returns accepted after sticking vinyl.This is an original wall sticker for your home. The image of a open window showing a natural landscape of lake and mountains. It seems to extend outside the walls, outside the `fake` window. Bring a little of the countryside to your place in the city. Feel a little of the freedom in the wilderness and the feeling of being in a larger space. Choose the one you like the most among our several models, to decorate your walls with a unique and stylish touch. Numero Bultos: 1 Measures: High measure: 52 cm. Measure width: 56 cm. Deep measure: 0.03 cm. Packing Measures: High measure: 70 cm. Measure width: 6,04 cm. Deep measure: 6,45 cm.
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23: Wellindal Dekorativer Vinylaufkleber Window And Bench-
24: Wellindal Dekorativer Vinylaufkleber Window And Bench-
5: 6.99
6: Wellindal
7: Wellindal Dekorativer Vinylaufkleber Window And Bench-
:::: Sonstiges
···· Wellindal Deutschland - Haus, Garten und DIY Produkte
···· aufgenommen: 08.12.2019 · 12:48:11
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 00:05:50
: Wellindal : Dekorativer : Vinylaufkleber : Window :
