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Wellindal Waschbecken Aschgrau Weiß

für 109.99€ kaufen ··· 893087 ··· 102617567 ···

Marke: Wellindal
EAN: 8435318100777
Kat: Badezimmermöbel
Lieferzeit: not available
Versandkosten: 6.99
Icon: http://static.wellindal.com/media/6/photos/products/893087/893087-8435318100777-a1_1_g.jpg
Would you like to spend a good time with your friends and family doing a crepe party?It is possible with the Crepe maker GOO30!Powerful and easy to use, the crepe maker GOO30 guarantees a perfect cooking of your sweet or salty crepes!Forget the crepes that stick to the device thanks to its non-stick coating.Variable temperature to adjust the cooking to your taste.Easy cleaning of the device, ready to use in a few minutes.With the Crepe maker Winkel GOO30: treat your family and friends
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20: Would you like to spend a good time with your friends and family doing a crepe party?It is possible with the Crepe maker GOO30!Powerful and easy to use, the crepe maker GOO30 guarantees a perfect cooking of your sweet or salty crepes!Forget the crepes that stick to the device thanks to its non-stick coating.Variable temperature to adjust the cooking to your taste.Easy cleaning of the device, ready to use in a few minutes.With the Crepe maker Winkel GOO30: treat your family and friends
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23: Wellindal Waschbecken Aschgrau Weiß
24: Wellindal Waschbecken Aschgrau Weiß
5: 6.99
6: Wellindal
7: Wellindal Waschbecken Aschgrau Weiß
:::: Badezimmermöbel
···· Wellindal Deutschland - Haus, Garten und DIY Produkte
···· aufgenommen: 08.12.2019 · 12:49:39
···· & überprüft: 22.12.2020 · 00:49:30
: Wellindal : Waschbecken : Aschgrau :
