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E-Learning mit MyMathLab Deutsche Version für Basisbuch Analysis

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So lernt man Mathe heute: Das interaktive E-Learning ToolMyMathLab Deutsche Version ist die ideale Begleitung zu Lehrveranstaltungen und Vorbereitung auf Klausuren. Die große Anzahl an Übungsaufgaben, die Verbindung mit dem interaktiven E-Text des Basisbuch Analysis sowie die persönliche Leistungsübersicht unterstützen bei der Verbesserung der Leistung und der Prüfungsergebnisse. ····· 10361151466

Basisbuch Analysis

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Thomas` Calculus hat sich international als das Standardwerk zur Analysis entwickelt. Mit dem Basisbuch Analysis liegt nun endlich eine gekürzte Version der 12. Auflage in deutscher Übersetzung vor.
Mit seinen Inhalten richtet sich das Buch dabei vor allem an Bachelor-Studenten, an Universitäten und Hochschulen aus allen Fachbereichen, die einen verständlichen Einstieg in die Analysis benötigen.
Beim Kauf des Basisbuch Analysis enthalten Sie einen kostenlosen Demozugang für MyMathLab Deutsche Version, ein interaktives E-Learning Tool für Mathematik mit über 2.500 Übungsaufgaben und Beispielen, sowie die Verbindung mit dem interaktiven E-Text des Basisbuch Analysis. ····· 10361185145

Internes Steuerungsmodell von Flächenressouren an Hochschulen

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Mit ihrer Arbeit begibt sich Frau Schwanck in verschiedener Hinsicht auf wissenschaftliches Neuland im Hinblick auf Forschung im Bereich Flächenmanagement und leistet zugleich wichtige Beiträge zu Fragestellungen von hoher praktischer Relevanz und Aktualität. Die Anwendung der neuen Institutionenökonomik zur Analyse und Bewertung der Wirkungen verschiedener Steuerungsmodelle für Flächenressourcen aber auch die systematische Einordnung und Strukturierung existierender Steuerungsmodelle und die Beurteilung von deren Übertragbarkeit auf den Hochschulsektor bilden den mit der Arbeit von Frau Schwanck geschaffenen wissenschaftlichen Neu- und Mehrwert. Aktualität und Relevanz der Arbeit für die praktische Umsetzung ergeben sich aus der Suche der Hochschulen nach geeigneten Entscheidungsinstrumenten im Umgang mit ihren Flächen vor dem Hintergrund ihrer von Bund und Ländern gewährten zunehmenden Autonomie. ····· 10361186917

Procedimientos de Evaluación de los Surfactantes

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Este trabajo de investigación se fundamenta en el uso importante que presenta los Surfactantes a nivel industrial. Actualmente los surfactantes forma parte de un gran sector de la ingeniería química y los encontramos a menudo en nuestra vida cotidiana (pinturas, tintes, jabones, detergentes, etc.). Los surfactantes también se utilizan como disolventes o reguladores de la espuma, es decir, pueden estabilizar o reducir la espuma. Sin embargo, los surfactantes también tienen su lado perjudicial. Si utiliza en exceso un suavizante de tejidos con surfactantes, las propiedades de disolución de la grasa pueden atacar al recubrimiento natural de la grasa de la piel y provocar alergias. Demasiados surfactantes en las aguas residuales también pueden tener efectos desastrosos. En los años 50 en Europa esto se tradujo en problemas muy graves con el agua, es decir, la formación de montañas de espuma. Se tuvieron que introducir leyes sobre detergentes o agentes limpiadores para detener el problema.Por ello es muy importante determinar de forma eficiente las propiedades de dichos sistemas y conocer los procedimiento de evaluación de los surfactantes. ····· 1036190261

Canal MIMO - Estimación de Parámetros

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La presente publicación pretende introducir al lector en la estimación de parámetros para la caracterización de un canal MIMO. En esta obra se considera un sistema MIMO lineal uniforme y 4 algoritmos diferentes de estimación de parámetros: Beamforming, MUSIC, 2D Unitary ESPRIT y SAGE. Tras la presentación de los diferentes algoritmos se lleva a cabo la simulación de los mismos variando los parámetros fundamentales para comprobar la bondad de cada uno de ellos en las diferentes condiciones. Finalmente, y para comprobar el correcto funcionamiento de los mismos, se realiza una comparación de los resultados obtenidos con medidas reales tomadas en campo. Resumiendo, esta publicación pretende ayudar al lector en la comprensión de la caracterización de un canal de comunicaciones para un sistema MIMO indicando también, en función de las necesidades, el algoritmo que puede resultar más adecuado en la estimación de los parámetros que caracterizan dicho canal. ····· 10361136396

Analysis in einer Veränderlichen

····· lezzter Preis 26.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der `mathematische` Übergang von der Schule zur Universität ist für viele Studenten eine schwierige Situation. Daher strebt dieses Buch nicht die größte Abstraktion an wie die vergleichende Literatur. Vielmehr werden auf der einen Seite die Grundbegriffe der Analysis auf die Weise eingeführt, wie sie von den Studenten in der Schule erlernt werden, auf der anderen Seite geschieht dies unter Berücksichtigung der mathematischen Präzision. Das Buch ist somit didaktisch komplett den Bedürfnissen der Leser angepasst und aus diesem Grund jedes Kapitel in zwei Teile geteilt worden:
1. Einführungsphase: Hier werden die Ziele und die Hauptergebnisse des Kapitels erklärt.
2. Hauptphase: Dieser Teil besteht etwa zur Hälfte aus Übungsaufgaben. Die Theorie dazu wird kurz und deutlich, aber vollständig behandelt. Beweise werden an dieser Stelle nur gegeben, wenn Sie besonders einleuchtend und nicht aufwendig sind. Aufwendige Beweise werden separat aufgeführt.
Von Anfang an werden numerische Methoden zur Berechnung der eingeführten Zahlen und Begriffe diskutiert.
Dieses Buch liefert somit die moderne, pädagogisch überfällige Darstellung der klassischen Analysis für Erstsemester, insbesondere für Mathematik- Physik- und Informatikstudenten. Es bildet eine wichtige, solide, praktische und theoretische Grundlage der Analysis für das weitere Studium.

····· 10361185125

El mall: Imágenes para el deseo

····· lezzter Preis 29.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los autores desarrollan un profundo análisis en donde convergen la Sociología de la Postmodernidad y el Psicoanálisis lacaniano. Esta articulación teórica recurre a una metodología basada en un análisis de discurso, aplicado a malls de distintas ciudades para lograr una cabal comprensión del consumo como práctica central que constituye a los sujetos contemporáneos y caracteriza a la sociedad postmoderna, caleidoscopio con efímeras imágenes cada vez más evanescentes, donde los sujetos se encuentran y alienan, instancia imaginaria que sirve para el establecimiento de identificaciones con visualidades siempre en fuga. En un escenario como el descrito, el mall surge como una arquitectura ad hoc para el consumo de todas aquellas mercancías que se autoproclaman en las vitrinas como objetos de deseo por antonomasia, pues su contemplación y/o consumo, evidencia profundas subjetividades que son develadas en el presente libro, una obra fundamental para quienes tengan un interés en analizar la sociedad de consumo contemporánea desde una perspectiva que abre nuevas preguntas de investigación. ····· 1036122881

Sistemy differentsial`nykh uravneniy`s obobshchennymi koeffitsientami

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S tochki zreniya klassicheskoy teorii differentsial`nykh uravneniy sistemy differentsial`nykh uravneniy, soderzhashchie proizvedenie obobshchennykh funktsiy yavlyayutsya nekorrektnymi, v svyazi s etim voznikaet neobkhodimost` korrektnogo opredeleniya ukazannogo tipa sistem, poskol`ku poluchaemoe reshenie sushchestvenno zavisit ot ispol`zuemogo sposoba opredeleniya proizvedeniya. V nastoyashchee vremya odno iz napravleniy issledovaniya differentsial`nykh uravneniy s obobshchennymi koeffitsientami predpolagaet ikh izuchenie v ramkakh teorii algebr novykh obobshchennykh funktsiy ili mnemofunktsiy. Dannaya kniga posvyashchena issledovaniyu zadachi Koshi dlya sistem differentsial`nykh uravneniy s obobshchennymi koeffitsientami i sistem differentsial`nykh vklyucheniy s obobshchennoy pravoy chast`yu v pryamom proizvedenii algebr mnemofunktsiy. V knige provoditsya klassifikatsiya assotsiirovannykh resheniy ukazannykh sistem v pryamom proizvedenii algebr mnemofunktsiy v sluchayakh kogda pravaya chast` soderzhit proizvedenie lipshitsevykh funktsiy i obobshchennykh proizvodnykh funktsiy ogranichennoy variatsii, razryvnykh funktsiy i obobshchennykh proizvodnykh nepreryvnykh funktsiy ogranichennoy variatsii, razryvnykh funktsiy i obobshchennykh proizvodnykh kusochno-postoyannykh funktsiy. ····· 1036121253

Entorno Económico del Sector Automotriz en México

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Los automóviles como productos son importantes porque contribuyen con el desarrollo de México, en esencia constituyen medios de transporte que permiten remontar la distancia geográfica entre diversas localizaciones, reduciendo el tiempo de traslado y repercutiendo en la productividad de los agentes económicos. Los automotores modernos incorporan significativos adelantos tecnológicos, además de incentivarlos. Los fabricantes que participan en el mercado mexicano operan adecuadamente bajo estándares de eficiencia e impulsando la innovación debido a la demanda de los productos. Otra característica interesante de la industria automotriz en México es su interrelación con otras actividades económicas e industrias, lo que genera eslabonamientos, por ejemplo, con los sectores que suministran insumos como, el caucho, hierro, vidrio, combustibles fósiles, etcétera y, con los bienes intermedios como, las partes eléctricas y electrónicas, los motores, las autopartes, las carrocerías, los sillones y asientos, entre muchos otros los automotores tienen que ver, incluso, con la generación de infraestructura vial y carretera, con el sector construcción que contempla lugares para estacionamiento. ····· 103611780

Análisis del deslizamiento de los Rodillos de un Rodamiento

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Este libro se centra en el estudio de un elemento completamente integrado en nuestra vida diaria: el rodamiento. A pesar de ser un elemento ampliamente estudiado, el rodamiento no tiene un funcionamiento perfecto, normalmente aparecen distorsiones entre los resultados reales y los que se hallarían de forma analítica. En ocasiones, esto es debido a factores que se encuentran fuera de nuestro alcance, sin embargo, es común que en el estudio de rodamientos se parta de hipótesis de trabajo simplificativas, con el consecuente error en los resultados que esto supone. Una hipótesis simplificativa comúnmente utilizada en los trabajos realizados hasta el momento va a ser el punto de partida de este libro: Los elementos rodantes presentan rodadura pura, sin deslizamientos. ····· 1036122067

La modernización de la justicia en Chile. Un conflicto entre Poderes

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Se trata de un estudio que describe la modernización de la justicia en Chile, realizando un análisis de discurso que considera a dos actores fundamentales: La Corte Suprema y el Ministerio de Justicia. En esta interacción pública, podrán develarse los principales elementos sociales, políticos y económicos que configuran la interacción social entre los dos Poderes del Estado que entran en conflicto en torno al significado del proceso modernizador. Resulta interesante destacar que la perspectiva del libro, se posiciona desde un análisis estructural de discurso, a partir del cual, se indagan intereses, estrategias y racionalidades que no son considerados por los enfoques de análisis de contenido o politológicos convencionales. En consecuencia, estamos en frente de un trabajo no sólo innovador desde la perspectiva teórica, sino además metodológica, pues utiliza una herramienta de análisis que podrá ser aplicada en los más variados campos psicosociales para comprender, interpretar y analizar los cursos de acción que han seguido y pueden adoptar actores y actrices sociales frente a un escenario de conflicto, permitiendo interesantes acciones político estratégicas. ····· 1036122338


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Über eine Faktorisierungsmethode für stochastische Evolutionsgleichungen in Banachräumen

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····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361164315

Análisis del sector turismo de naturaleza en Colombia

····· lezzter Preis 35.91€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Analizar el Turismo de Naturaleza en Colombia toma verdadera importancia, porque el Gobierno en el Plan Sectorial de Turismo 2011-2014, lo ha considerado como fundamental para comercializar los destinos turísticos del país basados en una propuesta de valor diferenciadora, que permita generar empleos de calidad e ingresos que aporten al PIB lo que implica, una investigación para conocer su situación actual, marco normativo, brechas y oportunidades así como, conocer sus perspectivas como sector, su nivel de competitividad frente a otros países y sus retos para garantizar que sea una actividad sostenible e incluyente. ····· 1036123053

Analytische Studien: Theorie der Gammafunktionen

für 36.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Detailliert erläutert der deutsche Mathematiker Oskar Schlömilch (1823 1901) die Theorie der Gammafunktionen. Mit zahlreichen Beispielrechnungen.Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1848. ····· 10361139355

Analysis 2

····· lezzter Preis 39.95€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Lehrbuch Analysis 2 inklusive Zugang zu MyMathLab Deutsche Version - eLearning für Analysis 2: Integrierter E-Text des Lehrbuchs Analysis 2 sowie über 2.000 interaktive Übungsaufgaben, Tutorien und Prüfungssimulationen für Naturwissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.

Die Analysis-Buchreihe von George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir und joel Hass ist eine didaktisch hochmoderne und unter Studenten erfolgreich erprobte Darstellung der Analysis. Gerade für Studenten, die die Analysis als Teil von Prüfungen fürchten, ist dieses Buch eine unverzichtbare Hilfe. Die vorgestellten mathematischen Methoden und Konzepte werden im Buch intuitiv anhand ausgewählter Alltagsaufgaben fächerübergreifend eingeführt. Herleitungen und konkrete Beispiele mit ausführlichen Lösungswegen begleiten den Leser schrittweise zur formalen Beschreibung des mathematischen Sachverhalts, wie er an Universitäten und Hochschulen vermittelt wird. Hier wurde bewusst darauf geachtet, möglichst viele Beispiele unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades aus allen Fachdisziplinen mit vollständigen Lösungswegen sowie Übungen mit Rechenergebnissen zusammenzutragen.

Der verständliche Schreibstil und die über 1.100 farbigen, zum großen Teil 3D-Illustrationen fördern und begleiten die schnellen Lernfortschritte. Ca. 1.000 Aufgaben sorgen dafür, dass das mathematische Handwerk sich durch Übung vertieft und keine Fragen offen bleiben. In Kombination mit dem Buch und dem einzigartigen Online-Tutorium MyMathLab Deutsche Version gehört die Angst vor der Mathematik der Vergangenheit an. Analysis 2 richtet sich in erster Linie an Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, aber auch an Studenten der Mathematik im Haupt- und Nebenfach.

····· 10361185144

Quality analysis of guava fruit using visual appearance

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This research work is related to quality analysis is purposed work in which computer vision system, human vision system and image acquisition system are used to identify and measure quality level of a guava fruit and that (fruit) may be un-ripe, partially ripe, ripe (ready to eat) and also be a over ripe fruit. The computer technology is used to quality analysis of guava fruit by means of grayscale color recognition by using visual appearance of the guava fruit. Further this research work provides an accurate, simple analysis of any size and shape using correct electronic nose and other resource, which gives its big advantage in business of food industry, food marketing and engineering.In this research can be used also for analysis internal quality by using destructive method which related to internal parameter of fruit product. Which also used for colored images for both internal and external inspection by X-Ray machine methodology. This work can be implemented for more different vegetables and fruits, where color play a key role for quality analysis, so this research can be taken in P.hd. level or higher level work and it is also very costly because laboratory work involve. ····· 1036131

Control Schemes for an Analytical Process Data

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Research work is motivated by variable data from an industrial process and its demand for improving the existing available statistical methods. Industries and other similar environments employ statistical methods for monitoring, controlling and improving the quality characteristics of their product and or process. Engineer equipped with support of statistical methods and Statistician provoked by engineering problems can provide spectacular results. Research work contributes the literature of control charts by two new charts, single process variable chart a EWMA type and their multivariate extensions. The new EWMA type chart is called Modified EWMA chart, because it is modification of EWMA. MOEWMA chart is a quality control chart for auto correlated normal process applied directly on the original observations unlike all other charts for the purpose, which are applied to transformed /residual observations. This chart monitors small as well as abrupt shifts in the process simultaneously. Data provide immense challenge and directs us to identify pitfall in the statistical methods those when handled contribute to the statistical literature positively. ····· 1036165

Analysis of existing Salvage shops of Shekh Para in Khulna City

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This book has described the Salvage activities in Bangladesh. Salvage activities play important role in national and local economy. But the unplanned Salvage activities make serious problems. Here clearly described the process salvage business, its forward and backward linkage and importance. Total Salvage shop in Shekh Para is 182. Nine types of shops like Battery, Bottle/Glass, Electric wire, Iron pipe, Iron Rods & goods, Iron sheet, Iron wire, Tin broken & plastic and Wood shops contains this number. It s a profitable business and also sustainable resource management procedure. But socio-economic conditions of Salvors have been affected by the mismanagement procedure, not only the study area but the city s overall condition is same. If the true and appropriate steps are not applied just now it would turn to a hazard for the society in our country, because Salvage activities are now progressive business. ····· 10361514

Advanced Analysis

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The main focus in this book is on the relation between special values of functions of global Fields and orders of cohomology algebras, groups and theory groups attached to rings of integers, a relation extending cohomology groups.The book is useful to advanced postgraduate learners and researchers in analysis. We lay emphasis on special characteristics of new fields and functions. Modern approaches and applications are given in order to tackle some applications. ····· 10361554

Funciones de Oscilación Media Acotada

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Estas notas están dirigidas fundamentalmente a los estudiantes de los últimos años de la carrera en Matemáticas así como a quienes cursan estudios de Posgrado en las Universidades donde se imparte instrucción en la lengua castellana, como una guía de iniciación a uno de los fascinantes temas del análisis armónico. Este material se ha ensamblado siguiendo un esquema de auto contención, requiriendo sólo del lector que éste esté familiarizado con el Teorema de la convergencia dominada, Lema de Fatou, Teorema de Fubini y rudimentos de análisis funcional. ····· 103611503

Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing service is the next gigantic concept for both computation and business policy. Cloud service is the most efficient service of modern day. The vast power as well as the unlimited space at the most effective cost makes this service to hold the top position of modern world business. At the same time huge computation is available through Cloud service, is just in reach of hand. I here try to find out the performance of Cloud Computing. I choose Google App Engine as the cloud service provider. On the cloud environment I implement the Traveling Salesman Problem and try to solve it using Genetic Algorithm. The same implementation has been used for Desktop environment. Based on the result of two different environments I reach on the decision that, Cloud service is much faster than the desktop environment. ····· 103613245

Kashmir Dispute: Pak-India Peace Process During Musharraf Regime

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The events of 9/11 changed the pace of the events in world politics. United States declared a war against terrorism and grasped massive support from the world community. The events of 9/11 also impacted heavily on Kashmir s freedom movement, as India succeeded in linking the freedom struggle with terrorism. The study takes into account, among others, American interest as a factor in shaping post-9/11 developments on Kashmir issue. The author has ably analyzed and investigated CBMs analyzed the Composite Dialogue investigated the reciprocal impact of CBMs and Composite Dialogue, and traced out the factors militating against the substantial outcome of peace process. To the end, the author has made very practical recommendations on moving towards the solution of this long outstanding international problem. ····· 103613285

Blood Flow into the Main Artery via Mitral Valve

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Mitral Valve failure causes death if it is not corrected surgically. Such surgical repair can be improved by understanding mitral biomechanics. A two-dimensional FSI model of the Mitral Valve was generated using the ADINA simulation. A simple approximation of the heart geometry was use, the valve dimensions were based on measurements made. The viscosity of blood and the elastic properties of the valve leaflets were obtained from the literature. In this book, numerical modeling was used to determine the correlation between the degeneration of the Mitral Valves rigidity and backflow problem based on several critical parameters of blood. Two stages of Mitral Valve simulation, systolic and diastolic stage and also with ventricle and without ventricle are investigated. ····· 103613349

Predel funktsii

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Ponimanie temy `Predel funktsii` i umenie vychislyat` predel funktsii yavlyaetsya vazhnoy neobkhodimost`yu pri izuchenii kursa vysshey matematiki. Dannoe posobie-samouchitel` posvyashcheno izlozheniyu temy `Predel funktsii` i vklyuchaet v teoreticheskoy chasti opredeleniya i osnovnye teoremy s po vozmozhnosti maksimal`no polnym ukazaniem i raz`yasneniem tonkikh, no printsipial`no vazhnykh momentov. Prakticheskaya chast` posobiya posvyashchena izlozheniyu vsekh naibolee chasto primenyaemykh priemov vychisleniya predela funktsii, za isklyucheniem pravila Lopitalya. Posobie vklyuchaet obshirnyy spektr primerov zadach i podrobnoe izlozhenie ikh naibolee ratsional`nykh (optimal`nykh) resheniy s po vozmozhnosti maksimal`no polnym ukazaniem i raz`yasneniem tonkikh, no printsipial`no vazhnykh momentov. Posobie budet polezno dlya studentov VUZov i nachinayushchikh prepodavateley VUZov. ····· 103615284

Representation Theorems of abstract Banach lattices

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The space of integrable functions with respect to a vector measure finds applications in important problems as the integral representation and the study of the optimal domain of linear operators or the representation of abstract Banach lattices as spaces of functions. Classical vector measures are defined on a -algebra and with values in a Banach space. However, this framework is not enough for applications to operators on spaces which do not contain the characteristic functions of sets or Banach lattices without weak unit. These cases require the vector measure to be defined on a -ring. In this work we are mainly interested in providing the properties which guarantee the representation of a Banach lattice by means of an space of integrable functions with respect to a vector measure on a -ring. The analytic properties of a vector measure are directly related to the lattice properties of the space L1. It will be also the aim of this work to study the effect of certain properties of the vector measure on the lattice structure of the space L1w. We also study the spaces Lp, Lpw for a vector measure on a -ring and the corresponding representation theorems by means of these spaces. ····· 1036118709

Convergence Theorems of Fixed Points for Classes of Nonlinear Operator

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The main purpose of this thesis is to establish the convergence theorems of fixed points for classes of nonlinear operators in difierent types of spaces such as normed spaces, Banach spaces, uniformly convex Banach spaces, and convex metric spaces. In Chapter 1, contains some fundamental concepts. In Chapter 2, we establish approximate common fixed points of three quasi-contractive operators on a normed space through an iteration process with errors. And we show that the Noor iteration converges faster than the Ishikawa and Mann iteration for the class of Zamfirescu operators. In chapter 3, we prove the convergence theorems for nonexpansive nonself mappings. In Chapter 4, we prove some strong and weak convergence theorems for generalized three step iterative scheme to approximate common fixed points of three asymptotically nonexpansive nonself mappings. In Chapter 5 we prove the convergence of the three-step iterative scheme for three mappings of asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive type in convex metric space. ····· 1036119259

Irrattionality of Mock theta Functions

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In this book in addition to introduce Mock theta functions of order three,five and seven,The convergence of mock theta functions of order three, five and seven to an irrational number at an infinite points is discussed.more over the Irrationality behavior of four of the Ramanujan s infinite series,and three of the G.N Watson Mock theta functions of order three at infinite points is also discussed. The applications Mock Theta function in Connection with characters of infinite dimensional Lie super algebras and conformal field theory is also introduced. ····· 1036119518

Some Topics in Complex Analysis and its Apps. in Special Functions

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The subject of the special functions of the single complex variable and several complex variables occupies a great attention in almost all disciplines Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. The present work is devoted to study this subject, taking it into account as one of several theses, which presented and still being presented by Specialists in complex analysis. The main aim of this thesis de ning and studying of some special functions which contain two complex variables such as Bessel matrix function, Tricomi matrix function, Horn matrix function and Struve matrix function and also providing special inequalities of Bessel functions and modi ed Bessel functions and Tricomi functions of two scalar index of two complex variables and of their ratios. ····· 1036119759

Hydrochemical Characteristics and Quality Assessment of Supply Water

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This book provides an overview of hydrochemical characteristics and quality of supply water served for drinking purposes at different food shops of an urban city in a developing country like Bangladesh. The results of the water analyses show that pH varies from 6.30 to 6.94, TDS from 525 to 1223 mg/l, salinity from 0.33 to 1.17 ppt. The results of the potability assessment also reveal that almost all of the water samples satisfy the Bangladesh drinking water quality standard except calcium parameter and only 20% of the water samples are above the permissible limit of magnesium. Finally, the study suggests that the served water at different food shops can be used for drinking purposes with no health risk if E. coli counts in drinking water satisfy the country standard and the present study has developed a framework guideline to meet the standard of drinking water for the food shops. ····· 1036119985

New contributions on the Potential Theory

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The development of potential theory has highlighted the importance of a class of functions, called class of excessive functions. This was studied by P.A. Meyer, G. Mokobodzki, N. Boboc, Gh. Bucur, L. Beznea, etc. If has been shown that by giving a proper sub-Markovian proper resolvent on a measurable space the set of excessive measures on this space forms a H-cone. We put conditions on a H-cone of a positive measures on a Lusin measurable space to exists a resolvent of kernels on this space such that this H-cone is equals with a H-cone of excessive measures. This work should be useful to professionals in Mathematical Analysis, to those involved in the Potential Theory, a research field still open for new developments. ····· 1036120074

Residential Rental Determination in Sweden and Germany

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The Swedish residential rental system and market has been discussed and criticized diligently the past years. Therefore, a reformed rental law was implemented the 1st of January 2011, which has the purpose to better reflect the consumer s priorities with a more market related rental determination. With this change, it is of interest to compare it to another rental system, with market rents. In the German rental system, free rental setting is allowed in new leases. This thesis aims to compare and evaluate these residential rental systems. The comparison was done after reading several reports, articles and literature as well as interviews with Swedish and German actors. Results show that the reformed Swedish law will not lead to major changes, though it might lead to a more adequate rental determination system. Free rental setting allocates diversity in the market and contributes to a heterogeneous market, as it is possible to meet different consumers demand. This thesis will further discuss what a well functioning rental market is and how such is achieved. ····· 1036120647

Image Denoising and Qualiy Enhancement of Corrupted Images

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Image enhancement methods are often ad-hoc and might perform well for one specific application or class of images, but may fail for other applications. In this book we have concentrated on different filters to improve the quality of corrupted images removing different image noises. To complete this work we performed different filters operation on different type of corrupted images. As a simulation tool, we have used MATLAB (Version (R14), Service Pack 3). ····· 1036120792

Statistical Analysis of Determinants of Arv Drug Toxicity

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One of the many challenges related to the implementation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the occurrence of toxicity. Drug toxicity may lead to drug substitution, morbidity and mortality risk factors of HIV/AIDS patients. The objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors associated with toxicity occurrences among HIV/AIDS patients based on data obtained from Dilla and Hawassa Referral Hospitals recorded from June 2007 - June 2009. Logistic and multiple regression methods were applied. The results of the analysis was discussed: the occurrence of toxicity, the causes of change in drug regimen, the main risk factors associated with drug change and the risk of being toxic, predictors affecting the base function status, factors that affected CD4 count, CD8 count, Base line functional status and Base line WHO clinical stage of patients. The analysis would help physicians shed some light on toxicity and its causes, and would be useful in determining the effect of drug regimen and development of new regimens, or anyone else who may be study on drug toxicity. Finally, this book is also helping how to apply statistical concepts. ····· 1036121255

Steady state analysis of induction motor with state variable technique

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The application of thyristor switching to induction motor speed control has resulted in a number of unconventional supply systems. One such technique, which has been successfully employed in a number of applications, is variable voltage control by means of symmetrically triggered thyristors in the stator phases of a wye-connected machine. In our project, an analytic method for predicting the steady-state performance of such a system is presented using the state variable technique. The use of symmetry of the solution permitted an additional reduction in the computation time. Since matrix techniques are utilized throughout the analysis, and the equations are implemented into a digital computer program. Hence, the method is well suited to the evaluation of proposed motor designs when used in conjunction with thyristor voltage control. The torque-speed characteristics of a typical drive system simulated using the MATLAB Simulink models are included and the results compared to an analytical solution formed. It is demonstrated that a computed solution will favorably predict the performance of an actual system. ····· 1036124492

Iterative Methods for Nonlinear ILL-posed Problems

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Many problems in science and engineering have their mathematical formulation as an operator equation of the form F(x) = y, where F is a linear or nonlinear operator between certain function spaces. In practice, such equations are solved approximately using numerical methods, as their exact solution may not be often possible or may not be worth looking for due to physical constraints. In such situation, it is desirable to know how the so-called approximate solution approximates the exact solution, and what would be the error involved in such procedures. The main focus of the book is on the study of stably solving nonlinear ill posed operator equations of the form F(x)=y, with monotone nonlinear operator F in an infinite dimensional real Hilbert space X, that is , F obeys the monotonicity property. It is assumed that the exact data y is unknown and usually only noisy data are available. Problems of this type arise in a number of applications. Since the solution does not depend continuously on the data, the ill-posed problem has to be regularized. We considered iterative methods which converge to the unique solution of the method of Lavrentiev regularization. ····· 1036124624

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Pipes

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This study deals with structural behavior of reinforced concrete pipes under various loading and support conditions by using nonlinear three-dimensional isoparametric 20-node brick elements. the computer program of three dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures, written by Al- Shaarbaf is utilized. The behavior of concrete is investigated by using twenty-node brick elements. The reinforcement bars are idealized as axial members embedded within the brick elements with perfect bond between the concrete and the steel curved bars in a brick element were approximated by straight bars parallel to the main coordinate axes. The behavior of concrete in compression is simulated by an (Elastic- Plastic Work Hardening Model) followed by a perfect plastic response, which is terminated at the onest of crushing. In tension, a smeared crack model with fixed orthogonal cracks has been used with the inclusion of models for the retained post-cracking tensile stress and reduced shear transfer modulus. Loading of the pipes and support conditions were properly considered according to the characteristics of the problem. ····· 1036187211

Global analysis of electricity security

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Energy security is a key driver of energy policies in most countries. Security of electricity supply is increasingly considered a central part of energy security. This study focuses on two key areas of electricity security: diversity and aging of power plants. It is an analysis with global coverage with aggregation of data at the level of individual countries. This thesis uses the more advanced `triple concept` approach to measuring diversity of fuels in the power sector which includes the `distance` between the types of fuels as well as the number of types and the evenness of spread between them. It also analyses the physical diversity of power plants. This study also assesses the aging of power plants in a new and novel way, using a specifically developed Aging Index. The study then assesses which countries are vulnerable under each of the areas of analysis. ····· 1036188992

Conocimiento Didáctico-Matemático de los Profesores sobre la Derivada

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····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 1036190421

Classical Music Classification using DSP Techniques

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The classification of music is a vital part of Music Information Retrieval. We have a number of ways to classify music based on its features either audible or extracted and viewed. We can use Low or High level characteristics to proceed with this classification. We also select the salient themes in a track to portray its content and classify it. There is a link between certain features we use for classification and determining the beat of a track. All three processes have been used with a relatively high accuracy every time, with the exception of jazz and classical music due to its unstructured and complex content. More features can be selected and used in its classification. Another possible way of classification is by using spectral plots of the features of a signal which is again obtained by processing the signal and then plotting the information received. This method is more efficient method of classification of classical music because of the distinct forms of plots generated in the processing of the signal. This approach is discussed in this scholarly work. ····· 1036191295

Analysis of Dichotomous Outcomes

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What influence do demographic, socio-economic and political characteristics of Constituencies have in influencing the results of an election To answer this question, the Hosmer-Lemeshow logistic regression technique for step-wise analysis of dichotomous outcomes was used on election statistics of 2006 and data from surveys carried out in Uganda. Participation of the Constituency voters, their average monthly per Capita incomes and political party dominance characterising a Constituency were found to be reliable, statistically for the restricted model , in correctly predicting 70% of the data. The results would imply, for strategists in multiparty systems, that political and coalition actors could optimise their decisions or vote chances by articulating alternative policy matters in their campaign agenda. Unobservable income and other forms of inducements or coercion on which data are seldom collected or lacking may influence outcomes of polls. These could provide room for future studies. ····· 1036191381

Analysis of unsatisfactory academic performance of the students

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In this research project, we tried to determine the factors which have negative impact on academic performance of the students of the University of Dhaka in order to improve the academic performance of all students by recommending appropriate interventions to the University authority.Many factors mentioned are supposed to have negative impact on the academic performance of the students.The findings of the study will help the university authority to take proper steps to improve students performance.It is expected that the implementation of recommendation given from study will decrease the number of drop out students from the university and the number of students taking readmission in the same year and helps the students to increase their GPA. ····· 1036191882

An Application of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM)

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While a number of neuromorphic studies have been based on understanding and building the brain in software and hardware, a recent theory has been presented from a high level, top down approach, with the view of understanding how the human brain performs higher reasoning, and then designing software infrastructure based on that theory namely Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM). Current opinion raises question marks as to whether this theory is sound, feasible, coherent, logical and correct. This work aims to, if not answer some of those questions, at least get closer to understanding the brain and therefore implementing HTM theory in software for further use in an embedded environment. The final output of this thesis is a Hierarchical Temporal node, designed in software, and demonstrating learning using pseudo-random input sensory data and the spatial temporal framework. ····· 1036198371

On Strong Semilattices of Some Types of Algebras

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Our work in this thesis is deeply influenced by the idea that the class of Clifford semigroups is one of the most convenient classes of semigroups viewed as generalized groups. In the sense that , much of the theory and , hence, applications of groups can be extended smoothly to Clifford semigroups with the same flavor and spirit of the realm of groups. One natuaral reason for this is that Clifford semigroups have that structure theorem of strong sort that turns them into strong vi semilattices of groups. As pointed out in [6], one may expect that the same assertion holds for strong semilattices of other kinds of algebras. Perhaps the first published work that introduced a theory of strong semilattices of (arbitrary) algebras is the paper of Plonka and Romanowska [23]. These general strong semilattices of algebras have been known in literature as Plonka sums. A partial group is introduced in [6], (see also [1]) as a characterization of a strong semilattice of groups based on generalizing the notions of the identity and inverses in a group . This was followed by studying various algebraic and categorical (universal) constructions for partial groups viewed as generalized groups , [ ····· 1036199129

Reinforced Concrete Members with and without Seismic Retrofitting

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This book presents the development of a new method to predict load-deformation responses of reinforced concrete (RC) columns both with and without fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) jacketing under seismic loading. In the case of the flexure mechanism, the section analysis was applied considering the confinement effect of FRP jacketing. This section analysis was combined with the shear mechanism, which was modeled based on the truss mechanism. The flexure-shear models showed significant interactions due to the reduction of reinforcement secant stiffness after yielding and concrete deterioration. The analytical method was verified using an experimental program consisting of square columns strengthened with FRP-jacketing that was tested under reversed cyclic loading, and various parameters including steel reinforcement and fiber ratio were investigated. The proposed analytical method is more effective for predicting the load-deformation relationship, including the post-peak behavior of FRP-jacketed RC columns, than the conventional analytical method and proves that fibers with high fracture strain can provide good ultimate ductility. ····· 1036199932

A market research on antacid conducted among doctors and chemists

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The project entitled A market research on antacid prescription by a survey conducted among doctors and chemists assesses the antacid market in Ahmadabad city and broadly analyses the antacid market dynamics, share of various brands in the market and the most prescribed antacid brand by the doctors and the brand most sold by the chemists. The survey was conducted among doctors of various hospitals, clinics and druggist stores in the Ahmadabad city. The survey reveals the different kinds of antacids available in the market and the promotional strategy adopted by various antacid brands. The survey was conducted among doctors of various hospitals, clinics and druggist stores in the Ahmadabad city. The survey reveals the different kinds of antacids available in the market and the promotional strategy adopted by various antacid brands. ····· 10361100284

Durability Analysis of Air Induction System Assembly of an SUV

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Plastic air induction system being mounted in the engine compartment is subjected to high magnitude of vibration acceleration loads. It is essential to determine the structural integrity of the AIS component under this. Therefore durability analysis of an AIS assembly of an SUV is performed here. In this project work the frequency response and dynamic stresses in the AIS structure were simulated using the steady state dynamics. The acceleration response and dynamic stresses in the AIS structure due to vibration acceleration loads were determined, subsequently the high stress region in the structure was identified and the life of the structure at this region was determined. It was observed that, the preliminary AIS design was safe for all loading cases except vibration acceleration loading of 8g, wherein the high stress region in the AIS structure under this load has a minimum life of 1E7 repeats. Therefore this region is prone to failure, however by increasing the wall thickness in this region by 35 %, the minimum life increased by 30 %. ····· 10361100339

Performance Improvement of RMPA by Artificial meta-material structure

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This book presents a new design of compact microstrip antennas, where metamaterial are placed on structure substrate, have been proposed.The newly designed microstrip provide an optimized patch area resulting into a substantial reduction in size compared to a typical microstrip patch designed at the same frequency of operation.The antenna potential characteristics such as return loss,gain and bandwidth has been calculated for the proposed antenna system and measurement has been done by FS-315 spectrum analyzer and SWR Bridge. ····· 10361100406


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The present work of the book is devoted to the study of fixed point theorems in complete metric spaces, metrically convex spaces, symmetric spaces, non-Archimedean Menger PM-spaces, fuzzy metric spaces, normed linear spaces and Banach spaces under different contractive conditions and weaker forms of commutativity for single-valued and multivalued mappings. The book ends with some fixed point theorems by using iterative procedures. ····· 10361102511

Double Sequence Spaces and the Difference Operator

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The term sequence has a great role in real Analysis. The generalized notion of single sequences are the double sequences. Every double sequence is an infinite matrix. various types of linear spaces of double sequences are constucted and studied their properties. The difference operator is used on the double sequences to construct a new double sequence. The double sequences may be bounded, unbounded, convergent, non-convergent or some other. Depending on the behaviour of the sequences the sequence spaces are constructed and some properties of functional analysis are established. The book intends the role of infinite matrices to construct sequence spaces. Efforts have been done for the readers belonging to Analysis, Linear algebra and functional analysis. The studies on double sequence spaces are new in functional analysis. A few works have been done on the studies of difference double sequence spaces. Hope that readers will be benefited for introducing new ideas from this book. A complete development on the studies of double sequences and difference operator is depicted in the first chapter of the book. In the remaining two chapters some new results are added. ····· 10361102828

Optimal Control for Nonlinear Parabolic Distributed Parameter Systems

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In this work, we have studied the quadratic cost optimal control problems and their numerical analysis of nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter systems. After established the fundamental existence and uniqueness results, we have developed the nonlinear optimal control theory for the equations having uniform Lipschitz continuous nonlinearity. Then we have applied the theoretical results to practical nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations including reaction-diffusion equations, diffusion Hopfield neural network equations. Furthermore, numerical evidences for these issues have also been solved by using variational method and finite element approach. ····· 10361113311

Dynamic system simulation

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Over the last years the demand for new economic and mathematical tool formation has appeared for both analysis of economical dynamics and a strategy generation of economic process management. Methods used before are not effective any more, the crises and standard of well-being decrease stemmed from it. Many economic systems are characterized by long-term memory. That is the behavior of the system is defined not only by the set of parameters at the exact moment but also by time history at previous moments. Thus, in this connection, there should be some quantitative methods enabling to disclose the dynamics of the processes at the market, factors that influence on market rates formation. This book, therefore, provides a wide variety of methods of dynamic system state estimation. The method for estimating dynamic systems in the case of measured output and the speed of its changing has been developed and optimized. The theoretical data of the paper can find an application to any dynamic system, in particular to any sphere of economy. ····· 10361114801

Some classes of nonlinear operators defined by internal properties

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It is well known that many processes in Mechanic, Physics, Economy, Biology and other sciences can be represented by operators. It is also known that many classical problems for differential equations usually involve local operators which some of them can be represented as nonlinear Nemytskii operator. This is an example of local operator which we concentrated the majority attention on this module. The Theory of Functional Differential Equations also involves inner superposition and integral operators, which are examples of disjointness-preserving and addictive orthogonally operators. These two operators was considered on this work. We also introduced the notion of partially disjointness-preserving operator. We analyzed general properties and the representation of all these operators on the space of measurable functions. Furthermore, we related one to another. ····· 10361115331

Impact of Urbanization on Microclimatic Change of Dhaka City

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In lay terms, Climate Change means a change in the earth s climate-change over a period of decades to centuries and changes that can be both natural and human-induced. Climate change of metropolitan cities in Bangladesh is a major sophisticated issue of present days and also very complex one. It contributes water logging, river erosion, heavy rainfall, flood, temperature rise and other climate disaster that hamper human life and environment cycle. Excessive and uncontrolled population growth in cities is a major problem that accelerates the climate changes. The urbanization rate of our country is more than 25 percent. It makes the cities more congested and simultaneously as a city of dwellers. Pollutions are initiated in this stage. Therefore, we are also become the victim of the global pollution. Our micro climate of cities is reaching worse and makes the cities environmentally vulnerable. Now climatic problem like drought, storm surge, flood etc. is very common that hampers the city development and destroys the positive economic, social growth. ····· 10361115382

Fuzzy C-means Clustering using Pattern Recognition

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The objective of this book is to talk about the usage of Fuzzy Logic in Pattern Recognition. There are different fuzzy approaches to recognize the pattern and the structure in data. The fuzzy approach that i have chosen to process the data completely depends on the type of data. Pattern recognition as we know involves various mathematical transforms so as to render the pattern or structure with the desired properties such as the identification of a probabilistic model which provides the explanation of the process generating the data clarity seen and so on. In this book I have focused to venture the ways in which Fuzzy Logic is applied to pattern recognition which is the collection of all approaches that understand, represent and process the data as segments and features by using fuzzy sets. The representation and processing depend on the selected fuzzy technique and on the problem to be solved. Most pattern recognition techniques involve treating the data as a variable applies standard processing techniques to it. Here I have discussed dynamic and efficient way of pattern recognition technique which should help to analyze evolving large number of data sets and making right decision ····· 10361119804

Structure Elucidation by Joint Application of Spectroscopy

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OBJECTIVE: Theoretical aspects and the applications of different types of atomic and molecular spectroscopic methods. The molecular spectra contain important information about the structure of the molecule. In this Book you will learn that how the information available from different types of molecular spectra can be used for the structure elucidation of the Organic molecules. In this context we will use the information available from UV-VIS, IR, 1H-NMR and MASS spectrometry. thus, aims to integrate the information available from different types of spectral methods and apply this knowledge to arrive at the structure of a molecule. ····· 10361131864

A general method of weights in the d-bar-Neumann problem

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This book studies the d-bar-Neumann problem in Several Complex Variables and especially focuses on a general estimate on domains which are not necessarily of D`Angelo finite type and pseudoconvexity. When the domain is pseudoconvex and of finite type, a great deal of work has been done on subelliptic estimates. The most general results concerning this problem have been obtained by J.J. Kohn in his Acta Mathematica paper in 1979 and by D. Catlin in his Annals of Mathematics paper in 1983. We use the method of weights of D. Catlin to study this problem on domains of the general type. ····· 10361131961

The inverse problem of the Schrödinger equation in the plane

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This licentiate thesis presents Bukhgeim`s result of 2008, which gives uniqueness for the inverse problem of the Schrödinger equation in the two-dimensional case. He proved that the boundary data given by an arbitrary potential in a plane domain determines that potential uniquely. After a brief historical review on related inverse problems the author starts to explain Bukhgeim`s proof. The big picture is elegant. Given two potentials which give the same boundary data there is a weighted orthogonality relation for the solutions of the two Schrödinger equations. This weight is the difference of the potentials, from which stationary phase techniques give information. This is made possible by using Bukhgeim`s new kinds of oscillating solutions. There is a point in the reasoning that is difficult to understand unless one assumes some differentiability for the potentials. This thesis tries to clarify that point. ····· 10361131997

Analysis of poverty using Social Indicators in Rural Communities

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Poverty, inequality and vulnerability are serious problems affecting every economy globally. This is why several research works are being carried out at different levels. Albeit, social variables have been little used to provide insights on poverty, against this background, therefore, this book assessed poverty using social indicators in rural communities. Furthermore, in order to intervene in the cycle of poverty in which hundreds of millions of people around the world are trapped an understanding of its nature and determinants is central. These issues are all relevant to the Millennium Development Goals. ····· 10361132438

Image Segmentation and Multi-modal Study of Neuronal Growth Cones

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This book studies the question of obtaining a general and robust Image segmentation and a method to extract shapes for shape based object recognition. A texture classification method using only three filters is proposed which till date is the minimum number of filters used for texture classification achieving top results. It also addresses the issues involved to register images taken from different modalities to study morphology of neuronal growth cones. The work was funded by EC project VISIONTRAIN contract number MRTN-CT-2004-005439. ····· 10361132690

Differential Subordination and Convolution Techniques

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Geometric Function Theory, a branch of Complex Analysis, is one of the most fascinating branches of Mathematical Analysis. In 1851, Riemann mapping theorem gave birth to the Geometric Function Theory that allows pure and applied mathematicians and engineers to reduce the simply-connected domains D problems to the special case of open unit disk. This book encompasses some new subclasses of analytic functions and their various properties in the unit disk E by using convolution and subordination techniques. We use the concepts of symmetrical points, Janowski functions and generalized concept of functions of bounded boundary rotation in order to define these analytic subclasses. Certain geometric properties of these classes such as arc-length problems, coefficient bounds, radius problems, inclusion results and rate of growth have also been studied. The investigations produce some innovative new results, most of which are best possible, remarkably unique and interesting and productive enough to be generalized to produce previously known results, by manipulating the parameters. The book is rich with pioneering ideas that can motivate and inspire many researchers working in this area. ····· 10361133615

Design of Data Acquisition System for Measurement of Power and Energy

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Various charging methods are available for charging capacitor banks. It is very much necessary to calculate its performance parameters like charging time and efficiency of such circuits. Although it is possible to write analytical equation for such circuits but the solutions are too cumbersome due to the presence of rectifying diodes, which controls the direction and flow of current depending on their bias.To know various parameters like charging time, peak current and efficiency of such schemes for the design and selection of components, it is necessary to acquire the data like instantaneous charging current and voltage over charging duration. In this project an attempt is made to give an understanding of the behavior of basic capacitor charging circuits by developing software based Data Acquisition System to evaluate their performance. ····· 10361134555

Exploratory Modeling

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Decision-making for flood defense while facing a considerable change in driving forces demands other methods than the traditional approach of forecasting and optimal policy selection. Exploratory modeling can be a candidate for helping adaptive policymaking to deal with the uncertainties that confront decision-makers. In adaptive policymaking, policies are considered as response to changes over time. This research addresses the question whether exploratory modeling is appropriate to support the design of flood defense strategies and in particular to assess the value of flexibility in such designs. ····· 10361134610

Cauchy Problem for Schrödinger Equations

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The objective of this monograph is to present the most advanced topics in analysis of mathematical structure in Schrödinger equations. Quantum science becomes important in recent years because we need industrial and electronic applications of microscopic phenomena in quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography etc. It is also expected in future that computer scientists apply the result in fundamental theory to the development of quantum devices like quantum computers. The exciting results will be of interest to researchers, graduate and undergraduate students in mathematics, physics and computer science, who are interested in linear Schrödinger type equations and understand the basic methods for analysis of partial differential equations. The author hopes to develop the further research in the relevant fields of mathematical analysis on the Cauchy problems for Schrödinger equations. ····· 10361135645

Analysis and Quality assessment of roadside dust

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Road-side dust originates from interaction of solid, liquid and gaseous materials produced from different sources. Street dusts often contain elevated concentrations of a range of toxic elements. The present study area lies in the coal mining dominated regions of Dhanbad district in eastern part of the Jharkhand state. Sampling of the road-side dusts was carried out along the roads of Jharia Coalfield. The physico-chemical parameters: particle size distribution, texture analysis, bulk density, particle density, total porosity, maximum water holding capacity, moisture content, volume expansion, specific gravity, pH, electrical conductivity and organic carbon and organic matter. Heavy metal analysis was carried out with the help of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Principal Component Analysis was conducted on the heavy metals in order to know the correlation between the variables, the sources of contamination etc. The contamination level of the heavy metals was also computed as Geoaccumulation index. The road dust samples were mainly sandy in nature and had a high bulk and particle density, low porosity, water holding capacity and low organic carbon and matter content, hence a high pH ····· 10361146986

A Concise Introduction to Tensor Products and Elementary Operators

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This book is a nice expository text to the study of elementary operators and tensor products.Technically speaking, tensor product is a technical approach used in analysis in solving problems and it is one of the nice approaches used in solving problems involving properties of elementary operators. good and simple examples are used for easy understanding of the book. There are also several examples that can help the learner to relate the ideas in this book with applications in other areas like physics. ····· 10361147217

Duraki, Dorogi, Vory

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V knigu voshli putevoy ocherk `Moye puteshestvie iz SSSR v Rossiyu, ili dialektika vorovstva`, skazki `Neobyknovennye priklyucheniya kozy Nostry` i rasskaz `Muzey voyskovykh figur`. `Moye puteshestvie iz SSSR v Rossiyu, ili dialektika vorovstva` - eto popytka avtora, `puteshestvuya` vo vremeni, issledovat` istoki i prichiny vorovstva kak nabirayushchego silu pozornogo obshchestvennogo yavleniya. Skazki `Neobyknovennye priklyucheniya kozy Nostry` budut interesny kak vzroslym, tak i podrostkam, lyubyashchim detektivnuyu literaturu. V rasskaze `Muzey voyskovykh figur` govoritsya o vechnom konflikte ottsov i detey, no tol`ko v armeyskikh pogonakh. Kniga rasschitana na massovogo chitatelya. ····· 103614273

Isogeometric finite element methods for shape optimization

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In this thesis we develop a shape optimization framework for isogeometric analysis in the optimize first-discretize then setting. For the discretization we use isogeometric analysis (IGA) to solve the state equation, and search optimal designs in a space of admissible Bspline or NURBS combinations. Thus a quite general class of functions for representing optimal shapes is available. For the gradientdescent method, the shape derivatives indicate both stopping criteria and search directions and are determined isogeometrically. The numerical treatment requires solvers for partial differential equations and optimization methods, which introduces numerical errors. The tight connection between IGA and geometry representation offers new ways of refining the geometry and analysis discretization by the same means. Therefore, our main concern is to develop the optimize first framework for isogeometric shape optimization as ground work for both implementation and an error analysis. Numerical examples show that this ansatz is practical and case studies indicate that it allows local refinement. ····· 10361108209

Procedures in Phytochemical Screenings

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The authors recognize the on-going search for cheaper sources of nutrients and medicinal agents from less known or unknown wild edible plants.The authors also felt the nerves of numerous researchers seeking experimental steps in phytochemical screenings.The book ` Procedures in Phytochemical Screening` was designed to unveil procedures for the following .To determine the proximate composition of leaves, .To determine the energy value of leaves, .To determine the minerals and vitamin C contents of leaves, .To determine the amino acids composition .To identify the antinutritional factors and .To identify phytochemicals present in the leaves. Emphasis was placed on experimental phytochemical Screenings. In the author`s opinion, the procedures highlighted in this book will be of great assistance to researchers in Sciences, Agriculture,Pharmaceuticals, Medical and their likes to carry out similar work. ····· 1036121616

Spatial decay and spectral properties of rotating waves in parabolic systems

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The three main results of this work are classified into spatial decay of rotating waves, spectral properties of rotating waves and numerical results. These issues can be found in the following sections: Spatial decay: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Section5.1-5.6, Chapter 6, Section 7.1-7.3, Chapter 8, Spectral properties: Section 7.4, Chapter 9, Numerical results: Section 2.1, Chapter 10. Of course, these topics are closely related, but the material in the corresponding sections can be read more or less independently. The Sections 2.2 and 2.3 serve as background material for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator. The Sections 5.7 and 5.8 provide a useful preparation for the theoretical part of Sections 10.1, 10.2 and 10.5. ····· 10361108144

Analysis 1

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Lehrbuch Analysis 1 inklusive Zugang zu MyMathLab Deutsche Version - eLearning für Analysis 1: Integrierter E-Text des Lehrbuchs Analysis 1 sowie über 2.000 interaktive Übungsaufgaben, Tutorien und Prüfungssimulationen für Naturwissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.

Die Analysis-Buchreihe von George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir und Joel Hass ist eine didaktisch hochmoderne und unter Studenten erfolgreich erprobte Darstellung der Analysis. Gerade für Studenten, die die Analysis als Teil von Prüfungen fürchten, ist dieses Buch eine unverzichtbare Hilfe. Die vorgestellten mathematischen Methoden und Konzepte werden im Buch intuitiv anhand ausgewählter Alltagsaufgaben fächerübergreifend eingeführt. Herleitungen und konkrete Beispiele mit ausführlichen Lösungswegen begleiten den Leser schrittweise zur formalen Beschreibung des mathematischen Sachverhalts, wie er an Universitäten und Hochschulen vermittelt wird. Hier wurde bewusst darauf geachtet, möglichst viele Beispiele unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades aus allen Fachdisziplinen mit vollständigen Lösungswegen sowie Übungen mit Rechenergebnissen zusammenzutragen. 

Der verständliche Schreibstil und die über 1.100 farbigen, zum großen Teil 3D-Illustrationen fördern und begleiten die schnellen Lernfortschritte. Ca. 1.000 Aufgaben sorgen dafür, dass das mathematische Handwerk sich durch Übung vertieft und keine Fragen offen bleiben. In Kombination mit dem Buch und dem einzigartigen Online-Tutorium MyMathLab Deutsche Version gehört die Angst vor der Mathematik der Vergangenheit an. Analysis 1 richtet sich in erster Linie an Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, aber auch an Studenten der Mathematik im Haupt- und Nebenfach. ····· 10361185143

Design an Intelligent Miner for Huge Medical Databases

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In this work, the suggested system is a Miner of obtain accuracy and comprehensible classified association rules (MOACCR). In this programming system we aim to extraction knowledge base in the form of classified association rules.Our suggested system consists of three process stages, each one processed to handle one of the main challenges in KDD.In first process stage, we build a novel tool called Developed Random Forest Local Least Square(DRFLLS) to estimate the optimal missing values in the databases having missing values.In the second process stage, we proposed adboosting algorithm as we proposed adboosting algorithm as one of the ensemble classification algorithm to find the class for each record.In the third process stage, we try to satisfy the goal of reducing the dimensions. We suggest using the correlation structure among the predicator variables in order to reduce in three main dimensions (features, samples and value of features). We suggest new algorithm called Frequency Pattern-Knowledge Construction (FP-KC).The suggest algorithm (FP-KC) generation collection of classified association rules. The result is a collection of classified association rules. ····· 1036118255

Analysis of Skew Ribbed Bridge Decks by Grillage Methods

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The book having introduction in chapter one. Many related works are reviewed in chapter two. Successful applications of these method are presented and notes on comparison are given in the same chapter . Chapter three presents a comprehensive treatment of the grillage analogies. Significant aspects such as the section propeties, shear lag effect, grillage mesh geometry and other factors are investigated . The skew ( or oblique ) grid framework method is developed in chapter four. Advantages and disadvantages of this method are reviewed with appropriate proposed equations and suggested procedure for calculations. Comparison grillage and grid framework method with published experimental and theoretical results appear in chapter five. Also certain examples are solved by the finite element methods for assessing the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed methods. The application of the grillage method for the analysis of different cases appears in chapter six. Chapter seven gives the conclusions and presents ideas for future works. ····· 103611

Analytical Pavement Design Based on Method of Equivalent Thickness

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Most empirical catalogue based methods do not readily accommodate the available materials properties and environment in to the design system.Dependency on factual physical changes within the pavement layers due to traffic loads and incorporating individual materials properties are key features of the analytical pavement design process.Using mechanistic-empirical (M-E) method based on Method of Equivalent thickness (MET),pavement design charts which are very easy to use,ensuring the desired pavement life in engineered way has been developed.By using this method an approach has been made to transform from catalogue based system to easy to use analytical system. As the existence of a system is depends on its sustainability, the study examined the sustainability in terms of engineering, economic and manoeuvring the proposed method. To examine the reliability of the proposed method a full scale experiment has to be performed.Provision of incorporating local available materials properties in to the design process, easy to use design charts, reasonable cost efficiency, accommodation of drainage characteristics and acceptance makes the proposed analytical design method sustainable. ····· 1036118645

Theoretical Analysis of Laminated Rubber Bearing

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The most interesting applications of the seismic isolation concepts have been recently used in structures to reduce the effects of forces generated by earthquake ground motion. In fact, seismic base isolation systems constitute an accepted design philosophy, new strategy and innovative structural design for earthquake protection and seismic resistant of structures and their sensitive components. These approaches have considerable potential to prevent the structures and their equipments from earthquake destruction by eliminating the buildings from horizontal components of the ground motion. ····· 1036118909

Performance Assessment of Container Crane Under Stochastic Wind Field

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Seaport container cranes are highly vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes and severe windstorms. Damage to container cranes affects the functionality of seaports in terms of economic loss due to repair/ replacement and downtime. In addition, it may accrue considerable amount of business loss owing to permanent traffic rerouting. Although a significant number of wind-induced failure of container cranes have been reported, literature related to cause of such failures is inadequate. This document provides an approach for systematic investigation of response of seaport container cranes under wind loading. Emphasis is placed on estimating the effect of structural configurations and stochastic of wind field on failure vulnerability of modern-day sea container cranes. The failure vulnerability of container cranes has been estimated by means of fragility analysis with respect to different parameters such as boom positions, yaw angle, gradient height, and gradient wind speed. Also introduced are the Monte Carlo simulation and sensitivity analysis for probabilistic assessments of performance. Finally, a few relevant research needs in this area have been identified. ····· 1036119453

Potential Heavy Metals in Canned Foods and Drinks

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Modern Science as well as medical sciences is drifting from curative to preventive measures. In This monograph `Potential Heavy Metals in Canned Foods and Drinks` the Author brought to awareness some of these toxic metals under headings of medical,homeuse and scholarly importance like: Sources of these Heavy metals Their target organs Mechanism of their toxicity and Their symptoms. The chemistry behind the detining of tin plate cans, subsequent corrosion and leaching of metals from cans to the food or drink contents was simplified. Besides the role played by certain physicochemical parameters, the book also covers the quantitative estimation of these metals using the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy prior to wet acid digestion methods. Experimental details and preparation of reagents will be highly appreciated by users. Another striking feature of the book is the computed series of health implications and the concluding fact that `canning of semi -solid to liquid food and drinks could be a menace especially for foods in lead soldered unlaquared tin plate cans` ····· 1036120884

A Study of the Practice of E-governance in the Developing Countries

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Widespread global acceptance of electronic governance designates that E-governance has revolutionized the governing systems in the world to a degree. Many developing countries around the world has initiated and implemented several ICT projects in different ministries to build basic infrastructure, to impart IT literacy to the employees and to make some of the government services IT enabled. E-governance promises transparency, shortened service delivery time, mitigation of poverty, corruption, and strengthening of democratic practices through people s participation, and support for good governance. Though the governments of the developing countries are concerned about the issue E-governance , in many developing countries E-governance is not in the best practice level thus the advantages of electronic governance are not delivered in full fledge. This paper aims to investigate the maturity level and practices of E-governance currently being followed by the selected developing countries. The authors followed qualititative research approach to investigate the maturity level and current practices of the selected countries E-governance. ····· 1036125455

Covariates of Early Childbearing

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Early childbearing means the early growth that is the growth capacity of teen ages women. It is apparent that early childbearing vary with varying demographic and socio-economic variables. Very little attention is given as to how to capture the pattern of early childbearing with respect to age, age at marriage, duration of marriage, children ever born as well with varying socio-economic situation like education of women, education of husband and working status of women and so on. Among the studies available, most of the focus on the consequence for developed countries. Early childbearing in human population is the achieved fertility of a woman or a group of women less than 20 years of age. While On-time childbearing involves less, both early and delayed childbearing involve high-risk also involves in having children in quick succession as well as in having children more than three or four. Thus childbearing occurs early or late, in quick succession and at higher parity (more than 3 or 4) involves high-risk and beyond these have some low-risk. The present study is an attempt to analyze the childbearing pattern that are termed as high-risk and low-risk. ····· 1036188409

Exploration and Data Aggregation in Distributed Sensor Networks

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Coverage is an important issue in WSN. The problem is to ensure full coverage of a region whose geometrical details are not available. A set of mobile sensors is to be deployed in the unexplored region to form a mobile sensor network. In the first part, our work is on the field of Exploration in sensor networks. We have proposed an incremental algorithm to explore the region. First a general algorithm is given for a completely unknown region. Next with a little modification it is applied to the case of partially known region. Later we have discussed about some more special cases and related algorithms. In the second part, we have worked on another important field of sensor networks - Data Aggregation. Here we have discussed about the k-selection algorithm. Given a general connected network of diameter D, consisting of n nodes, each node containing m number of numeric elements, we are to find the kth smallest element among the elements across the network. In our work, there is no imposed assumption or constraint on the magnitude of the elements or the size of the network or the range of element-values. We have proposed a deterministic algorithm with much improved complexity. ····· 1036188986

Human Gait Analysis using Wearable Sensors

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Biometrics is concerned with measurement and analysis of a universal, unique and measurable physiological or behavioural characteristic. Biometric data is taken from individuals, extracting feature sets from the data and comparing it with the enrolment set in a database. Existing analyses techniques using wearable sensors are applied to gait analyses in children for biometric gait recognition. The performance degradation for children walking compared to adult walking is approximately 100%. A 6.21% Equal Error Rate (EER) for adult gait recognition was reached compared to 12.69% for children. Carrying an object showed that the performance actually improved compared to normal walking. However, faster walking was unstable resulting in a higher Equal Error Rate (EER). Age and gender differences showed significant variations in EER values. A coupled approach of statistical time-domain and frequency domain methods was employed to match biometric gait signals. Using root mean squared, crest-factor and kurtosis obtained similar matches in gait signals of children for the ages of 5-16 than for the traditional methods. ····· 1036189073

Sistemas diferenciales monótonos y convexos

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Desde los trabajos de M. Hirsch que dan inicio a la teoría general de sistemas dinámicos monótonos en los años ochenta, se ha generalizado la aplicación de métodos dinámicos al estudio de sistemas diferenciales monótonos. Aplicando este tipo de técnicas para sistemas dinámicos no autónomos monótonos, junto con herramientas de dinámica topológica, cálculo diferencial y teoría ergódica, realizamos un estudio cualitativo de las soluciones de los sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales, ordinarias o con retardo, no autónomos monótonos y convexos objeto de estudio. Prestamos especial atención al efecto que produce la casi periodicidad de los coeficientes en la dinámica de las soluciones, estudiando la posible presencia de dinámicas casi periódica y casi automórfica. Además, aportamos teoremas de atracción para sistemas dinámicos no autónomos monótonos y convexos en los que existe una región invariante acotada, limitada por dos conjuntos minimales ordenados. Aparte del interés puramente teórico de esta situación, destacamos su aplicación práctica a numerosos problemas de biología matemática, ingeniería y otras ciencias, a la que se dedica la parte final del libro. ····· 1036190635

Frames and Their Generalizations in Hilbert and Banach Spaces

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Applications of frames in different sciences encouraged the author to present some extensions of frames in both Hilbert and Banach spaces. Some years ago, Ole Christensen published two great books on frame theory. His books provide the fundamental theorems and properties of frames in Hilbert spaces. The main aim of this book is to provide the new applications of frames, have been motivating the existence of some extensions and generalizations of frames. During the past few years, frames have become increasingly popular and several explicate contractions and applications motivated the researchers for introducing some new concepts that originally coming from frame theory, like continuous frames, fusion frames, g-frames, continuous g-frames and etc. ····· 10361100412

Fixed Point Theory

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The theory of fixed points has been emerged as one of the most powerful and major theoretical tools of modern mathematics. In addition, by the development of accurate and efficient techniques for computing fixed points the effectiveness of the concept for applications have been increased enormously. In recent years fixed point theory has grown rapidly into a flourishing and dynamic field of study both in pure and applied mathematics. It has become one of the most essential tools in the study of nonlinear phenomena. The iterative methods for approximating fixed points are of great importance for modern numerical mathematics. In this work fixed point theorems for various classes of 1-set contraction mappings have been proved under different conditions. In the second part of the book several iteration processes have been constructed and convergence theorems are established for the class of Zamfirescu operators. This book and the recent references in it will be of great help for the young researchers in fixed point theory and those interested in this field of study. ····· 10361102580

Lipschitzian and Non-Lipschitzian mappings

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In the last few decades, the landmarks in the field of functional analysis are mainly the new imaginative ways to use the fundamental tools of functional analysis, either in theory where they had not been applied before or in the construction of more powerful methods to handle functional analysis. This book can be looked at as a study in a part of pure mathematics and application of the same in the Fractal theory. In the first four chapters, the developments of various mappings and iteration processes has been studied and theorems are proved which shows improvements over many well known results. In the fifth chapter a study on Fractal dimension has been done. Where as in the last chapter improvements in Iterated Function System has been explored. ····· 10361115793


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The proposed book is devoted to proving necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for some classes of optimal control of discrete systems with a variable structure. The book consists of an introduction and two chapters. The first chapter has six sections The main results of the presented book are the followings: 1) Necessary optimality conditions of first order for two classes of discrete control problem with delay and variable structure with free right end of the trajectory. 2) The necessary conditions for optimality of like a discrete maximum principle for discrete control problem with variable structure in the presence of functional constraints as equality and inequalities type. 3) Necessary optimality conditions of first order for a class of step discrete systems with controlled switching conditions. 4) A sufficient condition for optimality type Krotov. 5) Necessary conditions for optimality of singular, in the sense of Pontryagin maximum principle controls for certain classes of discrete systems with variable structure. 6) Necessary conditions for optimality,of singular controls for a class of discrete control systems with varying structure. ····· 10361116167

Conjuntos equicompactos de operadores definidos en espacios de Banach

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El estudio de la compacidad de conjuntos de operadores compactos se remonta a los años 60 en los que A. Anselone y T. Palmer establecieron condiciones necesarias y suficientes para asegurar la compacidad de tales conjuntos. En principio, el estudio estaba motivado por la resolución de problemas relacionados con el estudio de ciertas ecuaciones integrales, pero pronto sus aplicaciones trascendieron este ámbito aplicándose en diversas ramas del Análisis Funcional. Los autores, profundizan en este estudio introduciendo el concepto de conjunto equicompacto y relacionándolo con el concepto de conjunto colectivamente compacto (concepto con el que arranca la teoría) demostrando que son conceptos duales. Se consiguen nuevas demostraciones de los teoremas clásicos y se obtienen resultados nuevos entre los que caben destacar diversas aplicaciones al estudio de los conjuntos uniformemente completamente continuos, nuevas condiciones necesarias y suficientes para que un espacio no contenga a l_1, etc. En los capítulos 2 y 3 se extienden estas ideas a conjuntos de operadores débil-compactos y se estudian problemas de compacidad en la topología débil y otras topologías uniformes. ····· 10361116659

Aplicaciones del teorema de punto fijo de Banach

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Para aplicar el teorema de punto fijo de Banach (T.P.F.B.) o método de las aproximaciones sucesivas, se necesita una aplicación contractiva de un espacio métrico completo en sí mismo este resultado garantiza la existencia y unicidad de la solución de un problema específico. El teorema de punto fijo de Banach nos proporciona un método iterativo, para construir la solución aproximada, la cual converge a la solución exacta, con cierto margen de error previamente fijado. Por lo mencionado, el T.P.F.B. se convierte en una potente herramienta del análisis, lo que quedará evidenciado, luego de presentar algunas importantes aplicaciones, en diferentes tópicos de las matemáticas, como por ejemplo: métodos numéricos, ecuaciones integrales, ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, ecuaciones en derivadas parciales, el problema de Sturm-Liouville y dinámica compleja. ····· 10361117179

Machine learning in agroecology

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Simulation models are a widely used tool for modelling systems for which it is hard to obtain real data. However, the simulation models are usually complex and it is not an easy task to induce new knowledge and find relationships and dependencies among different parts of the simulation model. Previous attempts to analyze the outputs from simulation models were mainly focused on speeding up the simulation process. In this monograph we are proposing a methodology for analyzing results of complex simulation models. The methodology combines simulation outputs, background knowledge, and machine learning, to obtain new and interesting knowledge about a certain problem of interest. We apply our methodology to three different simulation models that simulate the co-existence between genetically-modified and conventional crops at different levels. The induced machine learning models provide us with new co-existence knowledge about the positive and negative influences on the co-existence between genetically-modified and conventional crops. The results encourage us to try the same methodology on different types of simulation models and different scientific areas. ····· 10361135502

Industrial Pollution and its Consequences on Environment and Human Health

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There are many large and small garments or textile industries are located in ASHULIA Thana, which discharge a large amount of pollutants in surrounding area by their operation. Because, absence of treatment plant in these industries, the environment component such as water, air, soil etc. are adversely polluted by industrial pollutants. Human health of this area is suffered from various diseases due to the industrial pollution. These are several conflicting views on the effect of the pollution of textile industry on human health. This study is an attempt to examine systematically the nature and characteristics of the effects of those pollutants on human health and environment. It was assume from various newspaper and magazine reports that industrial pollutants have negative effect on health of general people who live in industrial area. To inquire about above facts, a questionnaire survey was conducted also identified the hazardous and toxic pollutants such as, Al ,V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Rb, Sr, Ag, Cs, Ba, Pb) of the major industries pollutants were analyzed. Whose are directly and indirectly affects surroundings environment and human health. ····· 10361147153

Seismic behavior of clay embankment

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Chapter 1 includes background and importance to consider this as a research topic. Chapter 2 describes mainly literature review and the state of art methodologies available to carry out this research work. The literature review includes various methods available for slope stability analysis including force based and displacement based approaches and sliding block theories. In Chapter 3 describes mainly objective and scope of this study. Chapter 4 describes analytical procedure to estimate FOS, yield acceleration and permanent slope displacement and its influence using a typical example of slope. The various important results found has been critically analyzed and discussed in details. Chapter 5 describes mainly experimental parts conducted in the laboratory after developing a scale model using pure clay and manually, loads have been applied systematically by fixing on the tripod stand to the model embankment and load time history has been recorded through sensors which has fitted with the steel tank and displacement has been measured subsequently after each manual impact on it. Chapter 6 describes the results and discussions found based on the present study. ····· 1036125617

Über lineare Differentialgleichungen der zweiten Ordnung

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Über lineare Differentialgleichungen der zweiten Ordnung ist die Veröffentlichung der sauber und sorgfältig handschriftlich niedergeschriebenen Vorlesung eines der letzten Universalisten der Mathematik und Mitbegründer der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung Felix Klein.Der Abdruck seiner in Schönschrift und mit vielen Rechenbeispielen daherkommenden Ausarbeitung ist ein wahres Liebhaberstück für alle Mathematiker und Mathematikbegeisterten. Sorgfältig bearbeiteter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1906. ····· 10361138953

Predicting Breast Cancer Survivability Using Data Mining Techniques

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This book concentrates on Predicting Breast Cancer Survivability using data mining, and comparing between three main predictive modeling tools. Precisely, we used three popular data mining methods, and aimed to choose the best model through the efficiency of each model and with the most effective variables to these models and the most common important predictor. We defined the three main modeling aims and uses by demonstrating the purpose of the modeling. By using data mining, we can begin to characterize and describe trends and patterns that reside in data and information. The preprocessed data set contents were of 93 variables and 90308 records for each variable, and these dataset were from the SEER database. We have achieved more than three data mining techniques and we have investigated all the data mining techniques and finally we found the best thing to do is to focus about these data mining techniques which are Artificial Neural Network, Decision Trees and Logistic Regression by using SAS Enterprise Miner 5.2. Several experiments have been conducted using these algorithms. The achieved prediction implementations are Comparison-based techniques. ····· 1036187918

Analysis of water quality index of Jayakwadi Dam

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The physico-chemical characteristics of Jayakwadi dam water has been studied during Jan 1989 to Dec 2010. Seasonal variations in water quality parameters in rainy, winter and summer seasons are observed. The result revealed that there were significant seasonal variations in some physico-chemical parameters and WQI . An attempt has been made to develop water quality index (WQI), using water quality parameters such as Turbidity, pH, Chlorides, Free saline ammonia as N, Albuminoid Ammonia as N, Dissolved oxygen, Nitrate, Total hardness , Total dissolved solids, Fixed Solids, Iron (Fe), Fluoride (F), Total alkalinity as CaCO3 etc of raw water from Jayakwadi dam through M.S.Pipe line to Farola water treatment plant and filtered water are measured by Regional public health laboratory Aurangabad, Water Quality Index is a dimensionless number with values ranking 0 to 100 A lower index values represent good water & higher index value indicates poor water. This numerical index can be used as management tool in water quality assessment. The water quality index results indicate poor status of raw water during rainy and winter season. ····· 10361932

Static and Dynamic Nonlinear soil Behavior by Bounding Surface Model

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This work studies the non-linear behavior of a clayey Iraqi soil taken from Baghdad city, using bounding surface plasticity model under static and dynamic loadings.There is a necessity to provide and determine the properties and the input parameters that the bounding surface plasticity model required in order to use them in non-linear soil behavior analyses under static and dynamic conditions. Site investigation is carried out and undisturbed samples are obtained.The soil test results are used in a computer program named EVAL to compute the soil properties and input parameters that are required in the bounding surface plasticity model. After input parameters became available, one could use them in finite element computer programs for static and dynamic analyses. Two-finite element programs are chosen. One for static analysis and the other for the dynamic one. The first program, named ACED used for solving coupled problems under static loading. While second program, named DLEARN, is used for solving a one-dimensional problem under sinusoidal loading and a two-dimensional problem of San Fernando dam under an earthquake load. ····· 1036119245

Cauchy and Riesz transforms in geometric analysis

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The theory of singular integral operators was developed by Calderón and Zygmund in the 1950s, and since then it has become a central topic of study in harmonic analysis, with many applications in both pure and applied mathematics. Two relevant examples of such operators are the Cauchy and Riesz transforms, which play a fundamental role in complex and harmonic analysis, and which have plenty of applications in PDE`s, geometric measure theory, and mathematical physics. In this book, some topics concerning the Cauchy and Riesz transforms and other singular integrals are studied from the geometric analysis point of view. Most of these topics are connected to interesting open problems, such as the relation between Riesz transforms and rectifiability. Geometric properties and applications of some capacities defined in terms of the Cauchy and Riesz transforms are also studied. This book, which is the publication of the author`s PhD dissertation, is suitable for graduate students and researchers in mathematics interested in Calderón-Zygmund theory and geometric analysis. ····· 1036189188

Fuzzy n-normed linear spaces

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L.A.Zadeh introduced the notion of fuzzy sets which contributed to the Mathematical study of uncertainty. The fuzzy concept has invaded almost all branches of Mathematics ever since its introduction. There has been a great deal of interest in the area of fuzzy normed linear spaces. This book comprises of eleven chapters and deals thoroughly with the theory of fuzzy n-normed linear spaces and fuzzy n-inner product spaces including convergence sequence, Cauchy sequence and completeness of fuzzy n-normed linear spaces. The concepts of intuitionistic fuzzy compact and bounded linear operators are explained in a fascinating way. Cartesian products of fuzzy n-normed linear spaces and best approximation sets are also discussed. Some fixed point theorems in intuitionistic fuzzy n-normed linear space are proved and the notion of interval valued fuzzy n-normed linear space is also developed. This book will be of much use to learners and researchers in this field. ····· 10361101803

Stability of Functional Equations

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A basic question in the theory of functional equations is as follows: When is it true that a function, which approximately satisfies a functional equation, must be close to an exact solution of the equation If the problem accepts a unique solution, we say the equation is stable. The first stability problem concerning group homomorphisms was raised by Ulam in 1940 and affirmatively solved by Hyers. In 1978 Th.M. Rassias generalized the Hyers result to approximately linear mappings. In this book, we present the general solutions of several functional equations, and we investigate the stability of these functional equations. ····· 10361101866

Solution of Random Operator Equations and Inclusions

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Research in probabilistic operator theory generally includes the solutions of random operator equations and random operator inclusion, random extension theorems, limit theorems, measure theoretic problems, spectral theory of random operators and semi groups of random operators and their properties. Various ideas associated with random fixed point theory are used to form a particularly elegant approach for the solution of nonlinear random systems. Now this theory has become full- fledged research area lying at the intersection of nonlinear analysis and probability theory. In this monograpgh those aspects of random solution of random operator equations and random operator inclusion, which fall within the scope of investigation of random fixed point are discussed. ····· 10361113901

Periodic Solutions of Symmetric Systems of Van Der Pol Equations

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The van der Pol equations are related to the so-called self-excited dynamical systems arising in many models of mechanics, electronics, and biology. This book presents the applications of degree theory to set up a standard framework for analyzing the van der Pol systems with symmetric, which provides an equivariant topological information about the existence of solutions and their symmetric properties, and illustrated by several examples. The equivariant degree computational techniques are based on the reduction to the so-called basic maps and the usage of the splitting lemma and multiplicativity property. ····· 10361114395

Álgebras y módulos de convolución de tipo Sobolev

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En este trabajo se estudian álgebras de Banach y módulos de Banach sobre ellas para la convolución sobre la recta real, definidas por condiciones de tipo Sobolev expresadas en términos de derivación fraccionaria de Weyl. El estudio se lleva a cabo en varias direcciones y en todas ellas la transformada de Laplace resulta ser una herramienta fundamental. El texto está basado en la tesis doctoral del autor, dirigida por los doctores J. E. Galé y P. J. Miana, y leída con calificación de sobresaliente `cum laude`, en la Universidad de Zaragoza en 2008. Las álgebras y módulos de Banach mencionados aparecen en la literatura ligados a la obtención de soluciones de ecuaciones de Cauchy abstractas, como dominios de apropiados semigrupos de distribuciones, siendo el presente trabajo el primero que aborda explícitamente aspectos referentes a su estructura interna. La investigación realizada abarca una amplia gama de temas del análisis y combina conceptos y técnicas propios de áreas como el análisis funcional y teoría de operadores (álgebras de Banach, operadores, transformadas integrales, ecuaciones diferenciales) junto a otros de álgebra (semigrupos, ideales, módulos, representaciones). ····· 10361117472

On Asymptotic Solutions of 1-D Wave Equations with Boundary Damping

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There are examples of flexible structures such as suspension bridges, overhead transmission lines, and dynamically loaded helical springs that are subjected to oscillations due to different causes, such as windflows or earthquakes. In some cases, the so-resulted oscillations may cause undesirable behaviour. In some flexible structures (such as an overhead transmission line or a cable of a suspension bridge) various types of wind-induced mechanical vibrations can occur. Vortex shedding for instance causes usually high frequency oscillations with small amplitudes, whereas low frequency vibrations with large amplitudes can be caused by flow-induced oscillations (galloping) of cables on which ice or snow has accreted. These vibrations can give rise to material fatigue. To suppress these oscillations various types of dampers have been applied in practice. Simple models which describe these oscillations can be expressed in initial-boundary value problems for wave equations or for beam equations. The operator and boundary conditions describing these problems are usually of a non-selfadjoint nature. ····· 10361119137

Some Aspect of Water and Waste Water Treatment

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ADVANTAGES OF PRESENT STUDY TO SCIENTIFIC, INDUSTRIAL AND GENERAL PUBLIC: 1. This study will help to bring down fluoride level in water to less than 1.5 ppm. By installing household kits with fluoride catalyst adsorbent will improve water quality. 2. In Industries, particularly aluminum, phosphoric acid and glass manufacturing unit, by installing the column of suitable adsorbent, their fluoride discharge problem in waste water stream can be minimized. 3. By reducing COD content in drinking water, it will not be having foul smell and will be free from organic and biological growth. In industries, by reducing COD, they can discharge the waste water safely in waste water channel or can be reused hence water conservation can be achieved. 4. Conversion of toxic cyanide into safe products likes CO2 and N2 hence there will not be disposal problem. Moreover, cyanide free waste water can be recycled. 5. The chemistry described in projected treatment is thought to a process with minimal cost and non-toxic product. This chemistry will provide economically and environmentally friendly process for the treatment of waste water. ····· 10361133964

Analysis of Composite Concrete Beam -Slab System Under Dynamic Loads

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The book is divided into eight chapters: chapter one give the necessary information to the problem. A review of the literature and research on the behavior of composite concrete beam-slab, shear connectors, interface elements, and dynamic behavior are presented in chapter two. In chapter three, a description of types of dynamic loading is given.Chapter four presents the basic concepts of the finite element and dynamic finite element formulation for beam-slab structures. In chapter five, materials modeling is presented for the reinforced concrete beam-slab suitable for the linear and the nonlinear dynamic analysis. Concrete, steel reinforcement, and the interface representations are also described.In chapter six, numerical application is performed to verify the finite element formulation and the materials modeling for the composite reinforced concrete beam-slab and the results are compared with available test results.In chapter seven, conclusions and recommendations are given. ····· 10361146432

Equivalent Frame Approach for Nonlinear Modeling of Masonry Buildings

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Unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings occupy significant portion of building stock in earthquake prone areas of the world. Many building codes as well as FEMA 356 allow implementation of performance based concepts on these buildings. The work presented in this book is about performance assessment of URM buildings through a new nonlinear equivalent frame modeling technique. After reliability of the model is tested with a reversed cyclic and a dynamic shake table tests, it is applied to existing buildings. Pushover and nonlinear time history analyses of three unreinforced brick masonry buildings which are damaged in 1995 earthquake of Dinar (Turkey) is conducted and performance assessment of the buildings are made. Application of the proposed model is easy to apply with commonly used analysis programs. Thus, the book would be helpful for engineers designing and assessing URM buildings as well as for civil engineering/architecture students interested in the subject. ····· 10361146445

A GIS based Approach

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Khulna, the third largest metropolis of Bangladesh has been identified as one of the 15 most vulnerable coastal cities under climate change and it is believed that this scenario will be exacerbated with time by cyclone, saline water intrusion, submerging low-lying areas, and tidal and urban floods, etc. The city accommodates around 1.3 million people. The poorly drained city is approximately 2.5m above mean sea level. Climate change effect, especially sea level rise and flooding which is a major concern for the development of the city, was not considered when the structure plan 2000-2020 was prepared. First objective of the research is to analyze the land use policies under Structure Plan and second is to assess potential flood damage using secondary data namely Digital Elevation Model of Flood for 2020 and stage-damage functions for different major land uses with Geographic Information System grid-based approach. This research would provide a better understating of the future flood risk and facilitate the decision makers to review the existing and proposed land uses for taking mitigation and prevention measures. ····· 1036125261

Clusters una estrategia para generar ventajas competitivas

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En este estudio se establecen las estrategias y acciones necesarias a través de un plan estratégico para llevar a cabo el proceso de integración inicial que de lugar a la instrumentación y desarrollo de Clusters específicos, en localidades identificadas con aglutinaciones productivas viables. En el cual se describe el marco conceptual, políticas, lineamientos, procesos y estrategias de operación para su integración. La localidad identificada para realizar el análisis de competitividad es el municipio de San Miguel de Horcasitas, ubicado en el centro del estado de Sonora, México. Es una microregión con vocación ganadera y agrícola, dedicada a la producción, comercialización de carne, leche de bovino a nivel local y exportación de hortalizas. Sin embargo, sus cadenas productivas son poco calificadas, debido a la baja calidad en sus procesos y escasa tecnificación, el análisis se realizó para aprovechar las ventajas competitivas de la región que permitan la integración de un Cluster como estrategia de desarrollo económico, justificado por un déficit de producción y desabasto a nivel local y nacional y al dinamismo en la creación de Clusters observado en los últimos años. ····· 103612657

Análisis Numérico para la Simulación en 2D de Células Solares

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El diseño de nuevas estructuras de células solares de alta eficiencia implica el uso de técnicas de modelado que permitan no sólo analizar y estudiar por separado los diferentes efectos que puedan tener lugar en las mismas, sino también, reducir el coste del desarrollo de nuevos diseños minimizando el número de iteraciones necesarias en el ciclo del prototipo de fabricación. A medida que la tecnología se ha hecho más refinada, se han ido demandando descripciones más exactas sobre el comportamiento de los dispositivos electrónicos en general y sobre las células solares en particular, e indudablemente se gana en exactitud si las ecuaciones que gobiernan el comportamiento de dichos dispositivos se resuelven numéricamente ····· 1036190288

Simultaneous estimation of antihypertensive drugs by HPLC

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Every year many new drugs and newer drug combinations enter the pharmaceutical area. Analytical methods for these new and first timer drugs are mostly confined only to the manufacturing company. However, availability of multiple analytical methods for the same drug/drug combinations in their formulations is always advantageous. Moreover, development of such methods helps in training the analysts for skillfully handling the sophisticated analytical instruments and the way for research approach. The present work is also planned on similar lines. A simple, precise, rapid and accurate Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography method is developed for the simultaneous estimation of Amlodipine Besylate, Olmesartan Medoxomil and Hydrochlorthiazide in dosage forms. Chromatography is carried out isocratically at 25°C ± 0.5°C on Liquid chromatographic system from Young Lin 9100 comprising of hyperchrome C-18 column (4.6 x 250mm, 5 particle size), manual injector, YL 9110 quaternary pump and Photodiode array YL 9160 detector connected to software YL clarity. Parameters such as linearity, precision, accuracy, recovery and specificity are studied as reported in the ICH guidelines. ····· 10361532

Analiz na kvazimetricheskikh prostranstvakh.

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Pod kvazimetrikoy obychno podrazumevaetsya neotritsatel`naya funktsiya d= d(u,v), opredelennaya na A×A, gde A nekotoroe mnozhestvo, takaya, chto dlya nee vypolnyayutsya metricheskie aksiomy tozhdestva, simmetrii i obobshchennoe neravenstvo treugol`nika. Para (A,d) nazyvaetsya kvazimetricheskim prostranstvom ili kvaziprostranstvom. Izuchenie kvaziprostranstv motivirovano zadachami teorii subellipticheskikh uravneniy, singulyarnoy geometrii, i dr. Chastnym sluchaem kvaziprostranstv yavlyayutsya kvaziprostranstva s kvazimetrikami, ekvivalentnnymi metrikam Karno Karateodori. V rabote issledovana geometriya podobnykh kvaziprostranstv kak takovykh (metriki i kvazimetriki, gorizontal`nye krivye, lokal`nye approksimatsii model`nymi prostranstvami, razlichnye tipy podoblastey), a takzhe lokal`nye svoystva sistem vektornykh poley, zadayushchikh takie struktury, i sootvetstvuyushchikh eksponentsial`nykh otobrazheniy. V tsentre vnimaniya nakhoditsya slozhnaya dlya analiza situatsiya struktur maloy gladkosti. Dokazany teoremy o sushchestvovanii odnorodnoy nil`potentnoy approksimatsii dlya bazisnykh vektornykh poley pri minimal`nykh predpolozheniyakh na ikh gladkost`, postroeny primery ravnomernykh i NTA oblastey v geometrii Karno Karateodori, i dr. ····· 103614886

Teoriya plyuripotentsiala. Primeneniya

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Teoriya plyuripotentsiala, osnovannaya na operatore Monzha-Ampera, yavlyaetsya odnym iz perspektivnykh napravleniy sovremennoy matematiki. Ona yavlyaetsya neposredstvennym prodolzheniem i dal`neyshim razvitiem klassicheskoy teorii potentsiala, osnovannoy na operatore Laplasa. V otlichie ot klassicheskogo sluchaya, uravnenie Monzha-Ampera ne lineynoe poetomu postroenie teorii plyuripotentsiala trebovalo inoy podkhod i inuyu metodiku. V techenie 1976-82 godov provodilis` intensivnye issledovaniya, napravlennye na postroenie teorii plyuripotentsiala, i k 1982 godu eye osnovy byli prakticheski postroeny: vse osnovnye fundamental`nye ob`ekty teorii byli opredeleny, metodika ikh ispol`zovaniya byla razrabotana. V nastoyashchee vremya eta teoriya uspeshno primenyaetsya v reshenii razlichnykh zadach mnogomernogo kompleksnogo analiza. Predlagaemaya monografiya posvyashchena izlozheniyu etoy teorii. Ona napisana na osnove spetskursov, prochitannykh avtorom magistrantam Natsional`nogo universiteta Uzbekistana v techenie 2006-2012 godov. Kniga rekomenduetsya magistrantam, aspirantam i nauchnym rabotnikam universitetov i tekhnicheskikh VUZov. ····· 103615314

Logiko-veroyatnostnyy analiz problem nadyezhnosti i bezopasnosti

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V knige izlozheny osnovnye ponyatiya nadyezhnosti i bezopasnosti strukturno-slozhnykh sistem (SSS) v ikh istoricheskom stanovlenii i razvitii na protyazhenii 50 let. Rassmotren fenomen logiko-veroyatnostnogo analiza (LVA), sushchestvenno otlichayushchegosya ot veroyatnostnoy logiki Dzh.Fon Neymana i Nil`sa Nil`ssona. S pomoshch`yu logiko-veroyatnostnogo ischisleniya (LVI) udalos` soedinit` dvuznachnuyu bulevu algebru s teoriey veroyatnostey ne tol`ko dlya prosteyshikh struktur, no i dlya SSS. Privedeny pouchitel`nye prakticheskie primery resheniya zadach nadyezhnosti SSS logiko-veroyatnostnymi metodami (LVM) v oblasti sudovoy elektroenergetiki i pri analize seti ARPANET, yavivsheysya proobrazom global`noy seti Internet. Vmesto zaklyucheniya privedeny otsenki desyati spetsialistov v oblasti nadyezhnosti, zhivuchesti i bezopasnosti (NZhB) trudov avtora. Kniga prednaznachena ne tol`ko dlya spetsialistov, zanimayushchikhsya ekspertizoy nadyezhnosti i bezopasnosti proektov i deystvuyushchikh sistem raznogo tipa, no i dlya chitateley, interesuyushchikhsya veroyatnostnoy interpretatsiey matematicheskoy logiki. Buleva logika pomogaet inzhenernoy logike (logike zdravogo smysla) formalizovat` mysli i znaniya ob istinnosti nashego ponimaniya rabotosposobnosti (opasnosti) sistemy. ····· 103615409

Motorcycle Safety at Signalized Intersections

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Motorcycles are overrepresented in road traffic crashes and particularly vulnerable at signalized intersections. Motorcycle safety at signalized intersections provides an in-depth understanding of hazards of motorcycles at signalized intersections and suggests some targeted countermeasures to alleviate the problem. Motorcycle safety has been examined by establishing innovative statistical models with detailed investigation on specific maneuver behavior of motorcycles at intersections. Results indicate that motorcyclists are over exposed at signalized intersections and the excess exposure is one of main contributors to their vulnerability at intersections. The presence of red light cameras at intersections not only lower motorcycle crashes due to reduced red-light running in the conflicting stream but also decrease their exposure and hence crashes due to a more restrained discharge pattern of motorcycles. Targeted countermeasures should include deployment of red-light cameras, improvement in motorcyclist visibility and increased awareness on motorcyclist vulnerability. ····· 1036118563

Chemical Analysis of Arsenic and its Removal from Water

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This book covered a broad spectrum study of arsenic contamination in drinking and irrigated water and its impact on food crops and local community lived in arsenic affected areas of Pakistan. Speciation of arsenic in water samples was carried out by advance preconcentration methods for trace analysis. It is a first attempt to elucidate the chemical fractionation of geochemical bonded fractions of arsenic in soil and sediment. Moreover, the translocation of arsenic from growing media (irrigation water and soil)to local agricultural crops (grain crops and vegetables)was addressed well. The impact of arsenic of human was also studied using scalp hair samples as biomarker and detail study of risk assessment was performed. At the end the removal of arsenic from water was done by using biomass taken from a local plant (Acacia nilotica). The effects of various parameters vis, pH, biosorbent dosage, temperature and exposure time for bio-sorption of As were investigated in detail. The complete characterization, chemical equilibrium , kinetic and thermodynamic study was carried out. The removal of arsenic by biomass of A. nilotica was 95%. ····· 1036124770

Experimental Remediation: The Adsorption-Activated Carbon Perspective

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The Book Experimental Remediation condenses most of the information required for a breakthrough in remediation studies under one cover of adsorption science. The authors attempt to concretize adsorption phenomenon, using simple homemade or lab-furnace technology to generate adsorbents (Activated carbon and Carbon animalis) from readily available biomass of both plants and animal origin respectively. The one and two ways carbon generation activation schemes along with the batch adsorption experiments were adopted. Selected simulated pollutants were those of textile dyestuff, heavy metals, synthetic dyes and herbicides. GCMS quantification, FTIR,UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, AAS and Photometer were utilized. Several kinetic and Isotherm models and their interpretations were arrayed in this book. This monograph will always be a cherish resource for Chemists, Biochemists, Environmental scientist, Water resources engineers, Chemical engineers and related fields as well as researchers in schools and colleges. ····· 1036125372

Semilinear degenerate elliptic differential equations

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Boundary value problems and smoothness of solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations and linear degenerate elliptic equations have been studied for more than a century. However, the study of nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations is not enough taken up. This book is based on research of the author on semilinear degenerate elliptic equations, i. e. nonlinear equations the principal parts of which are linear and degenerate elliptic. The first and second parts, after an introduction, cover the following topics: infinite differentiability, analyticity, Gevrey regularity of solutions. The third part is devoted to the study of the boundary value problems. Here the phenomena of critical exponents are discussed. This book will be a useful reference source for graduate students and researchers in differential equations, complex analysis, as well as in nonlinear analysis. ····· 10361100847

Analysis over Cayley-Dickson numbers and its applications

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The book is devoted to non-commutative analysis over Cayley-Dickson algebras and its applications to partial differential equations. In the first chapter super-differentiability of functions is described on regions of the real Cayley-Dickson algebra. The non-commutative analog of the Cauchy integral as well as criteria for functions of a Cayley-Dickson variable to be analytic are exposed. Among the main results we have the Cayley- Dickson algebras analogs of Caychy`s theorem, Hurtwitz`, argument principle, Mittag-Leffler`s, Rouche`s and Weierstrass` theorems, etc. In the second chapter the theory of meromorphic functions of the Cayley-Dickson variables is presented. Their properties and methods of calculations of their residues and arguments are described. The third chapter exposes material about differential equations over the Cayley-Dickson algebras. In chapter IV the technique for integration of partial differential equations with variable piecewise continuous or generalized coefficients is written. The fifth chapter contains results on the non- commutative multidimensional Laplace transforms. ····· 10361102000

Theory of Distributions for Structural Engineering Problems

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Theory of Distributions is branch of Mathematicswhich deals with discontinuities occurring infunctions. Distributions results in the solution ofproblems with less efforts. It reduces number ofintegration constants.A closed form solution ispossible in many problems involving singularities as a result of applications of distributions In Structural Engineering discontinuities occur die to concentrated loads , concentrated moments, distributed load on part of span , intermediate supports, sudden change of moment of Inertia , Internal relaxations like flexural hinge or shear hinge, settelement of supports .Distributions helps to analysis of these singularity in beams, beam columns,buckling of column , vibration problems,plate bending problems and other problems like beams on Elastic foundations. Mixed torsion,members with axial tension and lateral loads. ····· 10361113167

Volterra Type Integral Equations

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This monograph is devoted to the investigation of onedimensional Volterra type integral equations withfixed boundary and interior singularity andsuper-singularity on kernels, closely connectionwith up to now small study of the third kind integralequations. Chapter I-VI investigates Volterra type integralequation with left , right and interior fixedsingularity and super-singularity kernels. Found thecase, when general solution consideration equationcontains one or two constants, and the case , whenthey have unique solutions. In chapter VII, we investigate the symmetricalintegral equations. Developed methods in monographgive possibility to investigate many-dimensionalVolterra type integral equation with boundary andinterior domains. In particular, this theory appliesto finding other particular solutions of two-dimensionalComplex integral equation, connection withgeneralized analytic function with boundary singularor super-singular lines in kernels. ····· 10361118451

Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces

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This PhD thesis contains four chapters where research material on a range of different topics is presented. The used and developed techniques fall within the scope of analysis, probability and metric geometry, while a significant part of the manuscript contributes to the optimal transportation theory. In the second chapter the product formulas for semigroups induced by convex functionals in general CAT(0) spaces are proven---extending the classical results in Hilbert spaces. Third chapter contains a treatment of the non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation as a flow on the Wasserstein-2 space of probability measures---we prove that its semigroup of solutions possesses similar properties to the properties of the gradient flow semigroups. In the forth chapter a general theory of maximal monotone operators and the induced flows on Wasserstein-2 spaces over Euclidean spaces is developed. This theory generalizes the theory of gradient flows by Ambrosio-Gigli-Savaré. In the fifth chapter the existence of an invariant measure for stochastic delay equations is proven. The diffusion coefficient has an exponentially stable delay, and is only assumed to be locally Lipschitz and bounded. ····· 10361133993

Recent results on derivations and generalized derivations

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The first important contribution to the study of commutators is due to A. Wintner who in 1947 proved that the identity element 1 in a unital, normed algebra A is not a commutator, that is, there are no elements A and B such that I=AB - BA. In 1973 J.H. Anderson proved the remarkable result that there exists a bounded linear operator A such that I belongs to the closure in the norm topology of the range of the derivation AB-BA. The classical Brown-Pearcy characterization of the non commutators on $B(H)$ as the operators $lambda I+K$, for $K ot= 0$ and $K$ a compact operator, is the natural motivation for Anderson`s result. This leads us in this monograph to present a characterization of a commutator and to study the range of a derivation in relation to particular elements: Identity, commutant or the commutant of the adjoint of an operator. We study also the range and the kernel of an important class of elementary operators, in particular we study the range of a generalized derivation. This book is organized in a series of sections each of which develops some area of interest in operator theory, starting from a point accessible to advanced graduate students and researchers. ····· 10361134369

Extensiones a R2 de la noción de Funciones con phi-Variación Acotada

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En este trabajo se hace un estudio de funciones de variación acotada que están definidas en un rectángulo I b/a R, y toman valores en R2, pero antes haremos un recuento de la historia y los aspectos más importantes sobre el estudio de las funciones de variación acotada de una variable. Entonces, introducimos la nueva noción de variación acotada en el sentido de Riesz para el caso de funciones definidas en un rectángulo y generalizamos el resultado de Chistyakov. Ya desde el comienzo del Cálculo Diferencial fue poniéndose de manifiesto la conveniencia de considerar conjuntos cuyos elementos, a diferencia de lo que sucede en el Análisis clásico, no son puntos del espacio euclídeo ordinario, sino funciones. Y éste es el origen mismo del nombre de Análisis Funcional: el estudio de los Espacios Funcionales , es decir, conjuntos formados por funciones, dotados de determinadas estructuras que permiten realizar en ellos gran parte de las operaciones habituales del Análisis. La noción de función, tal como hoy la entendemos, no aparece claramente hasta mediados del siglo XX. Esta idea de función es la que configuran las nociones del Análisis Funcional. ····· 10361137816

Impact Failure In Metals: Nanoscience Based Finite Element Modeling

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This book presents a study on simulation of metal failure under impact loading. Numerical modeling is utilized along with constitutive modeling to mimic the failure under different conditions. Some material properties are obtained experimentally at nano scale, and used in the constitutive models in order to improve the simulation accuracy. Results show that impact failure in metals is a complex behavior and depends on many different factors that should be carefully considered in the modeling. ····· 10361118456

La figura de don Rodrigo Calderón

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D. Rodrigo Calderón, prócer de finales del XVI y principios del XVII, salió a la palestra política gracias a su ingenio y a su amistad con el duque de Lerma. En breve tiempo amasó una gran fortuna, se convirtió en un alto cargo del reinado de Felipe III e incluso, llevó las riendas del Estado Español. Todo le iba bien hasta que en 1619, a raíz de una decisión real desterraron al Duque. Por aquel entonces, la suerte de don Rodrigo Calderón dio un giro copernicano: primero le arrestaron, luego le encarcelaron y finalmente al subir al trono Felipe IV en 1621, le ejecutaron por una serie de presuntos cargos y crímenes. Analizar su figura en la literatura española del XVII al XXI es un enfoque novedoso en la medida en que por vez primera se aborda su vida y muerte desde una perspectiva literaria, es decir, reuniendo composiciones de distintos géneros literarios y siglos (que engendró su desgracia) en un mismo trabajo para dar a conocer entre otros, los entresijos de su condena a muerte, la opinión de los escritores sobre su caso e intentar justificar por qué su historia hizo correr tanta tinta desde el siglo XVII hasta hoy en día. ····· 103612117

Evolución del derecho medieval español

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En la formación del Derecho Altomedieval Español tuvo un papel relevante y poco estudiado el elemento franco. El autor pretende dar un paso adelante en el conocimiento de esta influencia ultrapirenaica tomando como referencia el Derecho franco salio, así como los ordenamientos de otros pueblos que estuvieron sometidos o influidos por el imperio franco. También se ha tenido en cuenta el reflejo que de aquellas antiguas instituciones pasó luego al Derecho francés medieval de los siglos X a XIII, así como otras figuras que, aunque no se hallaban en las antiguas leyes francas, las encontramos en el Derecho posterior y tienen su correspondencia en determinados fueros peninsulares. ····· 103612683