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Hardcover/Ratgeber/Recht, Beruf, Finanzen/sonstiges Recht

Arbeitsrecht für Personalreferenten

für 12.80€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Eine Individual- und Kollektivarbeitsrechtliche Grundlagenschulung für Fachkräfte im Personalwesen ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361121209

Wenn die Rente nicht reicht

····· lezzter Preis 12.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Hilfen für Rentner

Die Zahlen sind erschreckend: Nach der Statistik der Deutschen Rentenversicherung erhalten weit über 10 Mio. Rentner weniger Geld, als ihnen über die Grundsicherung zusteht. Und angesichts des sinkenden Rentenniveaus wird die Altersarmut in Zukunft noch erheblich zunehmen.
Der Ratgeber bietet Orientierung, wie die Grundsicherung als staatliche Hilfe im Alter und bei Erwerbsminderung funktioniert und welche Formalitäten einzuhalten sind. ····· 1036173485

So schließen Sie Ihre Rentenlücke

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Haben Sie schon mal ausgerechnet, wie groß Ihre Rentenlücke ausfallen wird Das ist die Differenz zwischen Ihrem jetzigen Nettoeinkommen und den zu erwartenden Alterseinkünften abzüglich Sozialabgaben und Steuern. Fest steht, dass die gesetzliche Bruttorente derzeit lediglich 47 Prozent des Bruttoverdiensts abdeckt. Tendenz fallend: Das Rentenniveau wird bis zum Jahr 2030 auf 43 Prozent sinken. Wer über der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze verdient, muss mit einer noch größeren Rentenlücke rechnen. Welche private Renten existieren, um diese Rentenlücke zu schließen, erläutern praxiserfahrene Experten in diesem umfassenden Ratgeber. Sie stellen die staatliche Förderung sowie die Vor- und Nachteile von fünf Vorsorgeformen vor: die 2018 reformierte Betriebsrente, die zum 1.1.2018 erhöhte Förderung bei der Riester-Rente, die Rürup-Rente, die Privatrente und die Zusatzrente aus der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung. Zudem erhalten Sie Tipps, für wen welche Art von Altersvorsorge am besten geeignet ist. Die Besonderheit dieses Ratgebers besteht in der Gesamtschau aller Möglichkeiten - einschließlich der Kombination von Rente und Arbeit -, die auch die entscheidenden Aspekte von Steuern und Sozialabgaben berücksichtigt, und zwar sowohl in der Ansparphase als auch bei der Rentenauszahlung. Mit diesem Ratgeber erhalten Sie alle Kriterien für eine optimale Entscheidung - schließlich können Sie jeden Vorsorge-Euro nur einmal anlegen. Es erwarten Sie viele Tipps und Rechenbeispiele zu folgenden Themen:. Betriebliche Altersversorgung neu geregelt. Riester Rente: Mehr Zulagen und mehr Möglichkeiten. Rürup Rente: Altersvorsorge als Steuersparmodell. Private Rente: Sicher, flexibel und kapitalisierbar. Mehr Verdienstmöglichkeiten dank Flexi-Rente. Zusatzrente aus der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung durch Abkauf von Abschlägen ····· 10361178517

Vereinsrecht und Ehrenamt

····· lezzter Preis 14.63€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Wer ein Ehrenamt ausübt, tut Gutes und bereitet sich selbst viel Freude. Doch einige rechtliche Aspekte sind zu berücksichtigen. Dieser Ratgeber zeigt, worauf ein Ehrenamtler, ein Verein insgesamt, aber auch der Vorstand und jedes einzelne Mitglied achten sollten. Dazu gehören die Haftung für Schäden, Steuerfragen bei Honoraren und der Umgang mit Spenden. Immer wichtiger werden auch der ····· 1036173489

Mein Recht auf Geld vom Staat

····· lezzter Preis 14.63€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Welche Leistungen stehen Ihnen zu

Bei Krankheit, Invalidität oder Arbeitslosigkeit springt der Staat mit Leistungen ein. Aber auch während Ausbildung und Studium, in der Elternzeit oder für die Altersvorsorge hält er Finanzspritzen bereit. Fast 700 Milliarden Euro fließen jährlich in den Sozialbereich. Doch auf welche Leistungen haben Sie Anspruch Wer ist zuständig

Ein Ratgeber mit vielen konkreten Beispielen: Damit jeder das Geld bekommt, das ihm gesetzlich zusteht. ····· 1036173493

LeiDfaden Versicherungen // LeiTfaden Versicherungen

····· lezzter Preis 14.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Der `Leitfaden Versicherungen` vom Bund der Versicherten e. V. (BdV) gehört zu den Klassikern der Ratgeber-Literatur. Journalistisch aufbereitet, bietet die neue Auflage nicht nur zahlreiche Tipps der Verbraucherschützer zur Wahl der richtigen Versicherung, sondern auch wertvolle Hinweise dazu, wie man Fallstricke umgehen und sich gegen die unseriösen Tricks der Versicherer zur Wehr setzen kann.

Der 2-in-1-Effekt: Dreht man den Ratgeber um, wird der Leitfaden zum Leidfaden. Der Leser erhält hier einen Überblick über die grundsätzlichen Probleme mit Versicherungen. Von der Auswirkung des Lebensversicherungsreformgesetzes über die Abzocke mit Riester-Renten, den Stolperfallen in der Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung bis zur Mogelpackung `Sterbetafel` in der Rentenversicherung. ····· 10361166693

Die Lücke im Gesetz

····· lezzter Preis 14.99€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Alles, was gerade noch recht ist. Als Anwalt kennt Ingo Lenßen die Grenzen von Recht und Unrecht ganz genau. Er weiß, wie man um ein Knöllchen wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit herumkommt oder warum das Telefonieren am Steuer nicht grundsätzlich mit einem Bußgeld enden muss. Er erläutert, welche Schimpfworte gerade noch in Ordnung sind, wie Sie als Mieter zu Ihrem Rechtkommen oder auf welche Abzocktricks Sie beim Gebrauchtwagenkauf vorbereitet sein müssen. Unterhaltsam und informativ schildert er in seinem Buch, mit welchem Detailwissen man sich in bestimmten Situationen dem Zugriff der Justiz entziehen oder die gegnerische Partei übertrumpfen kann. Ganz legal, weil man eben etwas mehr weiß als die anderen. Angereichert mit Anekdoten aus seiner langjährigen Tätigkeit als Strafverteidiger hat Ingo Lenßen ein einzigartiges Buch geschrieben, das dem Leser interessantes juristisches Know-how bietet. ····· 10361184198

Ihr gutes Recht als Patient

····· lezzter Preis 16.58€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Konflikte auf Augenhöhe lösen

Patientenrechte werden oft mit Behandlungsfehlern assoziiert. Sie gehen aber weit darüber hinaus und gelten nicht
nur gegenüber Ärzten oder Krankenhäusern sowie Heilpraktikern, Hebammen oder Physiotherapeuten, sondern
auch gegenüber gesetzlichen Krankenkassen, privaten Krankenversicherungen oder Sozialversicherungsträgern.
Dieser Ratgeber schafft Orientierung, um die Rolle des Patienten im Behandlungsverhältnis zu stärken. Es wird aufgezeigt,
welche Rechte der Patient im Einzelfall hat und wie er diese am sinnvollsten durchsetzt.

- Wer hilft Patienten bei einem Problem im Behandlungsverhältnis
- Welche Kosten können auf einen Patienten bei einer Beschwerde oder Klage zukommen
- Mit vielen Beispielen und einschlägigen Gerichtsurteilen
- Mit Auszügen aus der Schmerzensgeldtabelle ····· 1036173439

Was ich als Mieter wissen muss

····· lezzter Preis 16.58€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Recht haben und Recht bekommen ist auch bei Problemen zwischen Mieter und Vermieter zweierlei. Dieser Ratgeber erklärt die Rechte und Pflichten im Wohnraummietrecht, vom Abschluss des Mietvertrags bis zum Aus- oder Umzug. Gerade hier gibt es oft Streit - wegen der Kündigung, notwendigen Schönheitsreparaturen oder bei der Wohnungsübergabe. - Was im Mietvertrag geregelt ist - Was bei der Mietzahlung und bei Mieterhöhungen zu beachten ist - Die `zweite Miete`: Was bei Nebenkostenabrechnungen und bei Erhöhungen der Betriebskosten gilt - Wie eine korrekte Kündigung aussehen muss - Mit Hinweisen auf die aktuelle Rechtsprechung in Mietrechtsfällen - Mit Praxistipps, Musterbriefen und Formulierungsvorschlägen ····· 1036173486

Rechtsfragen des digitalen terrestrischen Hörfunks

····· lezzter Preis 17.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Dieser erste Band einer neuen Schriftenreihe des EMR, die sich aktuellen Themen und Studien widmet, befasst sich mit der Einführung des digitalen terrestrischen Hörfunks im Standard DAB+ in Deutschland. Die Abhandlung stellt die ausführliche Fassung der juristischen Ausarbeitungen dar, die Grundlage des Projektberichts zu einer Studie waren, die das EMR im Jahr 2014 gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Rundfunktechnik im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie erstellt hat. Auf der Basis einer einleitend beschriebenen Ausgangslage werden zunächst die Entwicklung des Hörfunks in Deutschland sowie die Kompetenzen und Regelungsmöglichkeiten auf EU-, Bundes- und Landesebene für einen möglichen Digitalumstieg dargestellt. Den Kern der Untersuchung bildet die Herausarbeitung von Umstellungsszenarien auf Basis der völker-, europa- und verfassungsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und vor dem Hintergrund der Aktivitäten anderer europäischer Staaten auf diesem Gebiet. Nach einer Prüfung der grundgesetzlichen Schranken der gesetzgeberischen Ausgestaltungsfreiheit schließt die Ausarbeitung mit der Untersuchung von möglichen rechtspolitischen Schritten für einen Digitalumstieg. ····· 1036159502

Ensayos de Derecho Penal Internacional: una Perspectiva Boliviana

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
El presente análisis parte del alcance de la prohibición de la tortura y los `otros tratos` que emana del derecho convencional y jurisprudencial en el ámbito del sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos, centrándose en una muestra selectiva de distintas sentencias de la Corte Interamericana que, a juicio de la autora resultan relevantes para el objeto de estudio, por un lado y, por otro, considerando someramente el abordaje en el marco de los Tribunales Penales Internacionales ad hoc. Posteriormente analiza el desarrollo convencional en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional y el emergente desarrollo jurisprudencial de la Corte Penal Internacional. ····· 103614454

Above the law

für 17.82€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
The residents of our beautiful planet, oftentimes say no one is above the law. It is indeed easy to say and believe such a simple statement, especially if one is not aware that the the five permanent welding `veto` powers are the largest firearms exporters on the planet for example. Some countries have been sanctioned by those who claim to have championed humanitarianism. These sanctions have created hardship on the innocents instead of those aimed at. However, the sanctions remain in place. Furthermore, with the so called humanitarian, having possession and keeping people in facilities like Guantanamo Bay, who will now rescue the helpless If the judge has changed into a tyrant then, who judges the judge Find out! ····· 103614616

Honorare - Verträge - Urheberrecht

····· lezzter Preis 19.00€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Überarbeitete und um 136 Seiten erweiterte Ausgabe des Ratgebers `Honorare Verträge Urheberrecht` von 2002, mit Musterverträgen und AGB ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· ····· 10361204536

Strafuntersuchung ­ was tun?

····· lezzter Preis 19.80€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Bis weit in die 1970er Jahre sah sich das Gros der Anwaltschaft in Strafsachen als `Diener des Rechts` Eintracht mit Behörden war wichtiger als eine pointierte Interessensvertretung der Angeschuldigten. Eine junge Generation von Strafverteidigenden fing damals an, das anders zu sehen. Mit dem Risiko zu `ungeliebten Dieners des Rechts` zu werden, setzte sie sich konsequent für die Rechte der Angeschuldigten vor dem staatlichen Zugriff ein. Ein Produkt dieser Haltung war die Broschüre `Strafuntersuchung - was tun ` des Zürcher Anwaltskollektivs (1978). Sie leitete an, wie man sich in einer Strafuntersuchung am besten verhält.In den 1980er Jahren war die zweite Auflage Ratgeber der unruhigen Jugend. Das Buch fand zunehmend Zuspruch in breiten Kreisen: Sozialarbeitende, Pflegepersonal, Geistliche und andere Berufsgruppen lasen es und gaben die Ratschläge ihrer Klientschaft weiter auch Angeschuldigte gehobener Gesellschaftsschichten lasen (etwas verschämt) die verständliche Anleitung. Die dritte Auflage des Ratgebers datiert aus dem Jahre 1993. 18 Jahre später haben sich Routiniers und eine neue Generation von engagierten Strafverteidigenden zum 30-jährigen Vereinsjubiläum der Rechtsauskunft Anwaltskollektiv zusammengerauft: Mit Blick auf die am 1. Januar 2011 in Kraft getretene eidgenössische Strafprozessordnung haben sie gemeinsam den einzigen umfassenden Ratgeber zum schweizerischen Strafrecht überarbeitet, aktualisiert und neu geschrieben. Bereits rund sechs Jahre später ist nun eine fünfte Auflage nötig: Im Bereich der Strafen und Massnahmen sowie im Ausländerstrafrecht finden zahlreiche Verschärfungen statt. Der bisherige Ratgeber ist damit teilweise überholt. Gleichzeitig bietet die Neuauflage die Gelegenheit, die Gerichtspraxis zur neuen Strafprozessordnung umfassend einzuarbeiten. Orientierungsgrösse bei der Redaktion ist nach wie vor die konsequente Wahrnehmung der fragilen Angeschuldigtenrechte. Das Buch klärt in einer für Laien gut verständlichen Sprache umfassend über Ablauf und Form des Untersuchungs- und Gerichtsverfahrens, Grenzen des zulässigen Behördenhandelns, Beweiswürdigung und Zumessung der Strafe sowie wichtige Verteidigungsrechte auf. ····· 1036155948

Das islamische Wirtschaftssystem

····· lezzter Preis 19.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
m Namen Allahs, des Gnädigen, Barmherzigen, unter dieser Präambel werden Verträge im Islam geschlossen. Sie drückt die Einschränkung des menschlichen Waltens auf Erden aus. Alle Verträge unterstehen Gottes Beobachtung und Duldung. Die menschliche Herrschaft ist nach islamischer Überzeugung nicht absolut, sondern muss unter Befolgung von Gottes Weisungen gelebt werden. Der Islam und seine Anhänger stehen periodisch im Fokus der Weltpolitik und der Medien, besonders in jüngster Zeit. Allerdings wird hierbei oft ein sehr oberflächliches, größtenteils falsches Bild vermittelt. Dies gilt auch für die Wirtschaft und das Bankwesen der entsprechenden Länder. Dieses Buch will Vorurteile durch sachliche Aufklärung korrigieren. Hierbei geht es in erster Linie um die islamischen Grundprinzipien des Zivil- und Wirtschaftsrechts, die im westlichen Kulturkreis selbst dann, wenn man Geschäfte mit islamischen Ländern macht, oftmals unbekannt sind. Als Novum auf dem deutschsprachigen Büchermarkt behandelt dieses Werk sowohl rechtliche, betriebs- als auch volkswirtschaftliche Aspekte des islamischen Wirtschaftssystems. Ökonomische Aspekte werden dabei nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern in den Kontext der islamischen Glaubenslehre gesetzt. Neben ausführlichen und fundierten Erläuterungen zur Theorie des islamischen Wirtschaftssystems werden praktische Ansätze für Geldanlagen, Investitionen, Handel und Versicherungen aufgezeigt. Im Bereich der Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleistung, ob im islamischen oder westlichen Raum, ergeben sich daraus neue Märkte mit großem Potenzial. Hilfreich ist außerdem der interkulturelle Verhaltensratgeber dieses Werkes. Dieser liefert Hintergründe zu islamischen Moral- und Wertvorstellungen und enthält praktische Tipps im Umgang mit dieser Kultur. Durch den hohen wissenschaftlichen Standard und die Kooperation mit entsprechenden Institutionen eignet sich das Buch auch als Studiengrundlage im Bereich Islamwissenschaft. Der Autor ist durch seine bikulturelle Abstammung sowohl durch den arabischen als auch den deutschen Raum geprägt. Bereits während seines Studiums der Betriebswirtschaft und im Rahmen seines Masters in Business Administration beschäftige er sich mit interkultureller Kommunikation und alternativen Wirtschaftssystemen. ····· 10361172455

Método Arcón

für 21.51€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este libro comprende información científico-técnica y operativa de extraordinario valor e importancia, esencialmente, para los miembros de Cuerpos de Bomberos, Policías, Ejércitos, Protección Civil, Cruz Roja, Organizaciones no Gubernamentales de búsqueda y salvamento con perros, Protección Animal, estudiantes, docentes e investigadores universitarios de Veterinaria, Ciencias de la Salud, Biología, Etología, Aprendizaje y Conducta Animal, Seguridad y Gestión de Riesgos.Describiéndose en el mismo las innovadoras técnicas y proceso formativo del Método Arcón, sistema de formación e intervención para equipos caninos de búsqueda y detección, de carácter científico, creado por el prestigioso investigador Jaime Parejo, quien ha sido galardonado por numerosas Instituciones: Universidades, Naciones Unidas, Organizaciones Científicas, Fuerzas Armadas, Cuerpos de Seguridad, Bomberos,Defensa Civil...esta metodología está avalada oficialmente como un importante avance científico y operativo a favor de la humanidad. ····· 103612427

Gráfico de Juicios

····· lezzter Preis 22.32€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este Libro es un aliado perfecto para que el ejercicio de la abogacía no sea `realengo` ya que se constituirá como una `brújula` para el abogado moderno. Es un instrumento que permite saber cual es el estado y grado de un juicio. Esta forma de llevar los juicios, puede ser aplicada a los procedimientos civiles y penales de cualquier parte del mundo.Es un fiel aliado para quien transita tribunales. ····· 103614400

Geschichte des Piraterierechts

für 22.90€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
In diesem 1905 erschienenen Buch gibt Paul Stiel zunächst einen Einblick in die Geschichte des Piraterierechts und grenzt diese daraufhin eindeutig zu der Kaperei ab, indem er deren wichtigste Elemente und Rechtsfragen einander gegenüberstellt. ····· 10361138089

Top Performance in der Geschäftsführung

····· lezzter Preis 24.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Qualitätsmanagement für die Geschäftsleitung ist ein wichtiges Thema: Es dient zur Verbesserung der eigenen Performance, aber auch zur Reduzierung potenzieller Risiken. Wie steht es aktuell um Ihr Qualitätsmanagement Dieses praxisnahe Arbeitsbuch ermöglicht es Ihnen, systematisch die Bereiche Geschäftsleitung und Vertragswesen im Sinne eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems auf die wesentlichen, kritischen Prozesse hin zu durchleuchten, Schwachstellen inhaltlich und prozessual herauszuarbeiten und konkrete Verbesserungsmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Herzstück sind 96 klar strukturierte Checks: Anhand von konkreten Fragestellungen wird die Ist-Situation im eigenen Unternehmen überprüft, es werden die Grundlagen erläutert und Maßnahmen empfohlen. Das Buch bietet Ihnen Platz, um die aktuelle Situation stichpunktartig zu dokumentieren und - wenn sich ein Handlungsbedarf zeigt - geplante Maßnahmen im Sinne einer To-do-Liste festzuhalten. Die vier Autoren sind Experten der Materie: Die Juristin Tanja Rohlederer hat die rechtlichen Inhalte federführend erstellt. Für die klare Struktur zeichnet der Managementberater, Unternehmer und Urheber der Alchimedus®-Methode Sascha Kugler verantwortlich, der über langjährige Erfahrungen in puncto Qualitätsmanagement verfügt. Die Steuerberaterin Ines Scholz und der Risikomanager Wolf Braune trugen aus ihrem Blickwinkel wertvolle Aspekte bei. Das Buch eignet sich dazu, es unabhängig durchzuarbeiten Darüber hinaus kann es gemeinsam mit der Software Alchimedus® Qualitätsmanagement für die Geschäftsführung zum Einsatz zu kommen. ····· 10361162747

El fraude procesal en la conciliación extrajudicial

für 25.92€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Se trata, sin duda, de un trabajo que no se detiene en la mera descripción de la normativa vigente en Perú, sino que acomete con una visión audaz, para dejar sentadas sus discrepancias con posturas más tradicionales y proponer, luego, reformas legislativas acordes con el punto de vista del autor. Se compartan o no las ideas expuestas, la preocupación del autor requiere de su inmediata atención y debate, para prohijar una efectivización de la cultura de la paz, antes aludida, y para desterrar o prevenir el fraude en la conciliación extrajudicial. Luis Moisset de Espanés - Raúl E. Fernández ····· 103614705

Seguridad desde la óptica de las instituciones

für 26.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Este trabajo culmina una etapa en trabajos realizados en la temática de Seguridad. Estas tareas se inician en 1998 con el proyecto de un sistema de emergencias municipales para la ciudad de Neuquén. En 2004 se presenta un nuevo proyecto al municipio de Bahía Blanca y en 2005 se reformula dicho proyecto para ser presentado ante el ministerio de seguridad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. En 2007 se realiza la publicación de una metodología de análisis de la seguridad. En 2009 se presenta un proyecto de metodología de trabajo en seguridad pública en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y en 2010 se presenta, en conjunto con otros autores, la propuesta de una Ingeniería de Seguridad Pública en el Congreso Mundial de Ingeniería. Actualmente estamos trabajando sobre un manual de aplicación de Tecnologías en la Seguridad Pública. ····· 103612067

Mitigar Inyecciones SQL con Técnicas de Minería de Datos

····· lezzter Preis 26.10€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Las tecnologías y software desarrollados en el mundo es un producto de la inteligencia y conocimiento humano, y como producto de este no están exentas de errores. Estos errores de las tecnologías y software conocidos comúnmente como vulnerabilidades. Las vulnerabilidades informáticas pueden ser aprovechas por intrusos con la intención de obtener informaciones de un sistema o adueñarse de él violando normas de seguridad. Con el objetivo de que los administradores de sistemas y usuarios conozcan las vulnerabilidades que van apareciendo se han creado bases de datos internaciones que contienen estas informaciones. Estas bases de datos estandarizan esta información y brindan la posible solución a los problemas de seguridad que estas representan. Un tipo de ataques a vulnerabilidades son las inyecciones SQL, las cuales consisten en la inserción o inyección de una consulta SQL a través de los datos de entrada que posee las aplicaciones o mediante la URL. Con el empleo de técnicas de minería de datos se pueden mitigar muchos ataques de inyecciones SQL. ····· 1036123584

Verfassungsrechtliche Fragen zu 5 Vorarlberger Sittenpolizeigesetz

····· lezzter Preis 29.90€ ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
Prostitution war auch in Österreich lange Zeit strafbar. Dies änderte sich mit der Aufhebung des5 LandstreichereiG 1885 sowie dem darauf folgenden StafrechtsanpassungsG von 1974. In Folge dessen erließen die Bundesländer eigene, den Gegenstand Prostitution regelnde Landesgesetze. Vorarlberg schuf entsprechende Regelungen im 3. Abschnitt des Vorarlberger Sittenpolizeigesetzes. Dieses sieht vor, dass Prostitution ausschließlich in behördlich bewilligten Bordellen erlaubt ist. Bis heute wurde jedoch keine einzige Bordellbewilligung erteilt. Seit einigen Jahren bemüht sich nun ein Bewilligungswerber um eine Bordellbewilligung in Hohenems. Diese blieb ihm bisher versagt, da die Behörde das Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen des 5 Vlbg SittenpolizeiG stets verneinte. Auf Basis dieses Falles und der dazu ergangenen Judikatur des VfGH und VwGH analysiert das vorliegende Buch die Verfassungskonformität des 5 Vlbg SittenpolizeiG, insb im Hinblick auf die Vereinbarkeit mit ausgewählten Grundrechten. ····· 1036159599

Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession)

für 30.60€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
What are the discussions about `Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession)` in UK political arena This documentation features the transcripts of the unabridged speeches held in the UK Parliament from the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice (Mr Jonathan Djanogly), the Minister of State, Ministry of Justice (Lord McNally) and other MPs` of the UK Parliament. This non-partisan documentation offers the reader a direct glance at the parliamentary debate on `Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession)` and the discussions of the Parliamentary members in relation to the political agenda. ····· 10361135230

Observatorio sobre el conflicto y procesos de negociación

für 35.10€ kaufen ···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
La propuesta sobre la creación de un Observatorio sobre el conflicto y los procesos de negociación se dio dentro de un Grupo de Investigación que funciona de manera esporádica dentro de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia. Las personas que participaron al inicio es algo numeroso, en él se incluyen dos profesores: Abrahan Londoño y Nancy Gallo dentro de los estudiantes se tuvieron Isabel Cristina Agúdelo Muñoz, Alejandra María Hincapié Giraldo y Yuliana Garcés Arboleda. Durante el desarrollo de la propuesta cada una de ellas fue renunciando por múltiples causas que van desde la necesidad de trabajar hasta el poco tiempo que tenían libre para dedicarle a la investigación. Para la última etapa se contó con el acompañamiento de las estudiantes Sandra Milena Giraldo Avendaño y Viviana Paola Hernández Pastrana. ····· 103612629

México y Estados Unidos frente al narcotráfico

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Este libro prende señalar consideraciones sobre la perspectiva que son importantes en la relación México Estados Unidos sobre un tema que complica su relación: el narcotráfico. El desarrollo histórico de este documento tiene por objetivo señalar cuáles han sido las perspectivas que han tenido los dos países sobre este tema en momentos que han sido claves y que han afectado su relación. Mientras que para Estados Unidos ha sido una cuestión de combatir el consumo y la producción en otros países, para que deje de llegar a su territorio para México ha significado una cuestión de poca importancia al principio, luego un tema en su agenda y finalmente una prioridad en su la política sexenal del presidente Felipe Calderón. Esto ha implicó un cambio en México y en su relación con Estados Unidos, puesto que la inseguridad que se elevó en el país tarde o temprano afectó su relación con su vecino por la cercanía que guardan. ····· 1036122501

Factores de riesgo de accidente de trabajo en empresas industriales

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La salud de los trabajadores y la eficiencia de las empresas se ven afectadas por los accidentes de trabajo. Las consecuencias en los trabajadores son la incapacidad temporal, la incapacidad permanente parcial y total, y la muerte. Las empresas incrementan sus costos por pagos de seguros y compensaciones. Para abatir tanto el número y las consecuencias de los accidentes de trabajo es necesario realizar actividades de prevención. Tradicionalmente se han dividido las causas del accidente en un modelo simple actos y condiciones inseguras, sin embargo esta rígida creencia debe cambiarse por modelos más complejos, que ayuden a desarrollar teorías para lograr una efectiva administración de la seguridad en el trabajo. En la presente investigación desarrollada como tesis doctoral del autor, se elaboró mediante el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), un modelo de causación del accidente de trabajo, que permite la integración al mismo tiempo de diferentes variables predictoras del accidente, las cuales deben considerarse al momento de planear las actividades de prevención de accidentes de trabajo en las empresas. ····· 1036190174

Ambiente del vecindario e inseguridad ciudadana

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Como parte de las investigaciones en demografía urbana, este estudio aborda el problema de caracterizar el entorno físico y social de los vecindarios del Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica. Busca también identificar posibles asociaciones de estas características con la Percepción de Inseguridad Ciudadana como uno de los efectos sociales del vecindario. En este estudio se utilizó la técnica de análisis multivariado y se aplicó el Análisis de Factores por Componentes Principales, con el objetivo de construir indicadores para caracterizar y tipificar los 48 vecindarios en estudio. Mediante el análisis del índice de Percepción de Inseguridad Ciudadana y la variable de victimización, se identificaron los grupos de población más vulnerable a sentirse inseguros, así como los sub-grupos que han estado más expuestos a situaciones de victimización. Los datos provienen de dos encuestas efectuadas en el Centro Centroamericano de Población entre enero y marzo del año 2004: la Encuesta de Observación del Barrio y la Encuesta de Cultura Democrática. La presente investigación muestra que es difícil medir las características físicas y sociales del ambiente del vecindario ····· 10361137554

The Right To Health And The Fight Against Corruption In Uganda

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This book draws the link between the fight against corruption and the right to health. States are under a duty to fight corruption in the health sector. Whereas Uganda has put in place a regulatory framework that address corruption generally, the absence of a specific law or policy addressing corruption in the health sector waters down its efforts as regards its obligations the right to health. The general approach neglects the unique status of corruption in the health sector book and barely contains the right remedies to address the problem. The book makes recommendations to the Uganda Law Reform Commission Parliament of Uganda, to develop and pass respectively pass a comprehensive law that addresses corruption in the health sector. It also makes recommendations to the Ministry of Health to initiate the process for a comprehensive law and to come up with health sector specific anti corruption laws. ····· 10361578

Self-Determination of Peoples with Particular Reference to Sudan

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The right of self-determination showed many changes through-out the history. The twentieth century version entailed the dismemberment of states in favor of smaller units. This appeared after the collapse of the Soviet union (The end of the bi-pollar system). And the start of the American hegomany (Uni-lateral system) . This changes could give appearance to new units in Africa as in case of southern Sudan . ····· 1036121313

Auswirkungen des KAGB auf Publikumsgesellschaften

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Im Jahr 2013 wurde das Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch eingeführt. Das KAGB reguliert unter anderem Personengesellschaften, die als Rechtsform für geschlossene Fonds dienen. Vor dem Inkrafttreten des KAGB dienten die eigens von der Rechtsprechung konzipierten Publikumspersonengesell-schaften als Fondgesellschaften. Besonders viel Diskussionsstoff lieferten die Gesellschaftsverträge von Publikumspersonengesellschaften und ihre Auslegung. Daher stellt sich unweigerlich die Frage, ob das KAGB ebenfalls Publikumspersonengesellschaften reguliert und welche Auswirkungen das KAGB für die Gesellschaftsverträge der regulierten Publikumspersonengesellschaften beinhaltet. ····· 1036159588

Das neue Europäische Patent-Paket

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Das neue Europäische Patent-Paket, welches sowohl eine Verordnung für ein Europäisches Einheitspatent, eine Verordnung zur Normierung von Übersetzungsregelungen und ein völkerrechtliches Übereinkommen für ein einheitliches Europäisches Patentgericht beinhaltet, bietet reichlich Raum für Verwirrung und Rechtsunsicherheit. Als wäre dieses Konvolut an Rechtsquellen, auf den ersten Blick, nicht unübersichtlich genug kommen ergänzend Regelungen des nationalen Rechts und des Europäischen Patentübereinkommens hinzu. Dieser Unübersichtlichkeit soll mit dem vorliegenden Werk Abhilfe geschaffen werden. Es wird ein Einblick in das allgemeine Patentrecht gegeben, wonach das Patent-Paket in seiner Allgemeinheit und seiner historischen Entwicklung, inklusive seines außerordentlichen Werdegangs analysiert wird. Hierbei wird besonderer Bedacht auf die Rollen Spaniens, Italiens und Österreichs im Entwicklungsprozess genommen. Im zweiten inhaltlichen Teil wird das Problem des Forum Shoppings eingehend beleuchtet. Es geht eine detaillierte Begriffsbestimmung voran, gefolgt von einer Analyse spezieller Praxisprobleme und einem Ausblick in die nahe Zukunft. ····· 1036159449

Propuesta Manual de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo en un hotel

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El fin de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo es elevar calidad de vida de los trabajadores, eliminar o reducir a valores tolerables riesgos de daños a ellos, instalaciones, comunidad y ambiente, con mejoramiento de condiciones de trabajo. Integrar la actividad y adecuarla mediante procedimientos a la estrategia de un hotel es la vía segura para resolver problemas y cumplir objetivos. Un Manual es la compilación de la actividad en documentación única que permite organización y actualización de aspectos relativos a la Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. Facilita interpretar y ejecutar auditorías e inspecciones en la materia en un hotel. Brinda información detallada de procesos y procedimientos, permite organización del trabajo según requerimientos de la legislación, integrándolos a procesos y áreas. Se logra mejorar condiciones de trabajo, eliminar y reducir riesgos, preservar la salud, capacidades laborales de trabajadores y eficiencia de la gestión. Se traduce en protección al hombre, incremento de productividad y eliminar gastos innecesarios. Debe ayudar a profesionales de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud y a personas que no han sido formadas como técnicos en la especialidad ····· 1036122837

National Missile Defense

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La NMD -National Missile Defense- es el último sistema de defensa misilístico desarrollado por los Estados Unidos. Nuestro interés en dicho sistema se basa en las razones e intereses que subyacen a su despliegue. Nuestro propósito es analizar si hubo un cambio -principalmente en relación a la NMD- en la política estratégica estadounidense luego del atentado del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Ver qué discusiones hubo al interior de la Administración de George W. Bush en cuanto a la continuidad de su desarrollo y despliegue, y si en algún momento se pensó abandonar la NMD, o idear un sistema alternativo que fuera capaz de enfrentar las nuevas amenazas. Afirmamos también que hay una continuidad en la estrategia nuclear estadounidense desde aproximadamente 1958. Si bien las distintas administraciones han puesto grados de énfasis diferentes en dicha política, nunca fueron abandonados completamente los objetivos nucleares estadounidenses. Es más, han evolucionado en la misma dirección, hasta llegar hoy en día a la NMD. ····· 1036123914

Uchenie slavyanofilov o gosudarstve i prave

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Kniga posvyashchena malo izuchennoy probleme - gosudarstvenno-pravovomu naslediyu slavyanofilov. Avtor rassmatrivaet gosudarstvenno-pravovoy ideal slavyanofilov v kontekste pravoslavnogo mirovozzreniya slavyanofilov. V rabote obosnovyvayutsya glubokie dukhovnye osnovaniya russkoy gosudarstvennoy vlasti i prava i reanimiruyutsya stavshie nepopulyarnymi, no vechnye idealy samoderzhaviya kak sluzheniya narodu, prava v ego vnutrennem, nravstvennom ponimanii, ne sovpadayushchim s zakonom. Avtor raskryvaet ideyu misticheskogo edinstva vlasti i naroda v mirovozzrenii slavyanofilov, ideal zhizni po sovesti i pravde, a ne po formal`nomu zakonu. ····· 103614655

Jóvenes vulnerables y violencia urbana en Buenos Aires

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El estudio da cuenta de la evolución y estado de situación de la inseguridad en el área metropolitana de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, durante el período que va de fines de la década de 1990 a los años posteriores de la denominada crisis del 2001 en la Argentina. Una vez planteada la problemática, se seleccionaron tres variables a explorar que constituyen uno de los nudos críticos más relevantes de la misma, a saber: desempleo joven, distribución desigual del ingreso y brecha entre expectativas y logros de consumo. Luego de haber presentado un diagnóstico y una propuesta que se tornan relevantes, no tanto por la actualización de sus datos sino por el momento histórico bajo estudio que nos invita a pensar una década más tarde la problemática del involucramiento de los jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad en el contexto de la crisis socio económica actual de los denominados países del primer mundo, se sintetizaron algunos aportes para los decisores de políticas que creemos facilitan tanto dimensionar la complejidad del problemática como la incorporación de los mismos en sus agendas de gestión de políticas públicas. ····· 103614425

Refugee Operation in Tanzania and the Principle of Non-Refoulment

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In the last decade, Tanzanian s approach to refugee protection has changed from open-door policy to limited respect of refugee rights. This change is evident in not only sporadic refoulement of refugees but also in restrictive admission policies, decreased durable solution opportunities, and general disregard of other refugee rights. The major factors, which influenced Tanzania s new policies and practices are: democratisation process and change of ideology, lack of equitable responsibility sharing and increasing compassion fatigued. Accordingly, safeguarding the rights of refugees require collective action at the international level to address problems facing countries like Tanzania. Tanzania should resort to requesting effective and adequate international community support and this be incorporated into the larger domestic and foreign policy agenda. ····· 10361562

National Human Rights Institutions and Children`s Rights in Africa

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The vulnerability of children around the world and in Africa in particular cannot be over emphasized. The emergence and the recognition of children as rights bearers necessitates an investigation into the protection of children`s rights in Africa in the light of the various conventions on children`s rights. Thus,this book undertakes an examination of the mandate and activities of a few selected human rights commission/institution in Africa with a view to measuring their effectiveness on the protection of children`s rights through the implementation of International Children`s rights laws. ····· 10361629

Rethinking Kenya`s Anti-Corruption Strategies Lessons from Botswana

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Corruption is not new, nor is it unique to any particular locality, country or region. On the contrary, it is a global phenomenon, with varying degrees of severity from one country to another. Corruption affects the poor disproportionately due to their powerlessness to change the status quo, and inability to pay bribes, creating inequalities that violate their human rights. Corruption spins a complex web in which the state quickly loses its authority and ability to govern for the common good, making it possible for critics to be silenced, for justice to be subverted, and for human rights abuses to go unpunished. It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to isolate the loopholes in Kenya s anti-corruption machinery and explore mechanisms of sealing them. To this end, it borrows from Botswana s experience in curbing the vice. Having been thus informed, and further considering the relevance and importance of a human rights approach to curbing corruption, a set of practical and informative recommendations shall be made towards the re-orientation of laws and policy to ensure a more effective anti corruption machinery in Kenya. ····· 10361690

Access to Land and Land Rights in Post Conflict Societies in Uganda

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The war waged by the Lord s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels between 1988 and 2006 in northern Uganda led to the massive displacement of people from their villages to internally displaced people s (IDP) camps. With the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement between the LRA rebels and the Government of Uganda, and the phasing out of IDP camps, IDPs were afforded an opportunity to return to their villages. The post conflict era, however, further exacerbated an already existing practice of deprivation of women and children from accessing their land. This book seeks to draw attention to the increased vulnerability of women and children in a post conflict society in northern Uganda in accessing their land, and encourage the formulation of mechanisms through which the rights of access to land of these vulnerable members of society could be better protected. ····· 10361749

Bread and Peace for the Dr.Congo: Is Decentralisation the Answer?

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Unequal distribution of national resources and inequalities in access to and control of such resources has been one of the key factors of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC). Decentralisation of government was identified as one of the ways through which the Congolese people can address the underlying causes of conflict in the DRC and achieve an improved quality of life. This book explores not only challenges rose to achieve equal distribution of resources in the DRC, a country deeply affected by years of wars and mismanagement, but also the ways forward for a sustainable democracy in the DRC. ····· 10361811

Security of Payment

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In Malaysia, the particularly small sized sub-contractors need to enhance knowledge of the proposed Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act (CIPA Act) to improve their awareness of the benefits of the Act. Due to this, this research attempts to introduce balance and proper guidelines to the sub-contractors, in giving the knowledge, to claim for payment. Before that, this research identifying the payment provisions in the standard forms of contracts as well as in domestic sub-contracts especially on Contingent Payment, exploring the problems and legal issues relating to payment default, determining the level of knowledge that the sub-contractors have to the proposed CIPA Act, and analysing the various avenues which improve the payment problem in the construction industry those have been incorporated in the construction contract or statutes in the other developed countries as well as the proposed CIPA Act. As long as the Malaysian Security of Payment Regime remains in proposal, currently, the sub-contractors have to bear with the current structure of payment mechanisms, which are payment upon certification , direct payment from the employer, and contingent payment . ····· 10361843

Judicial Control Of Administrative Action In Bangladesh: An Appraisal

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The aim of this research is to give a critical analysis and evaluation on judicial control of administrative action in Bangladesh. How judiciary control administrative action, and its effectiveness is the most important focusing points of this dissertation. This dissertation is divided into seven chapters, The first chapter of this dissertation is the introductory chapter. It dealt with some basic requirements of research. Chapter two dealt with the historical background of judicial control of administrative action in Bangladesh as well as U.K., U.S.A., India and Pakistan. Chapter three focused on theoretical analysis of this subject and the next chapter discussed about available mechanisms of judicial control of administrative action in Bangladesh. Chapter five is an overview of Administrative Tribunals Act and Ombudsman Act. Chapter six is dealt with a very important matter judicial innovation. The last chapter is the concluding chapter. Posetive and negative side of this study is discussed in this chapter and recommendations are submitted to solve the problems of judicial control of administrative action in Bangladesh. ····· 10361893

Reparations for Women Victims of SGBV in Situations of Armed Conflict:

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Over the last decade, the issue of reparations for victims of SGBV has risen exponentially among a number of post conflict societies. Discussions on how to cater for these victims has been on the agenda of most post conflict societies. After two decades of violence and human rights abuses in the north, victims of SGBV still remain at large. Discussions have arisen as to what possible transitional justice mechanisms can be accorded to these victims. This study therefore provides a new twist to the discussion, that victims of SGBV can be accorded reparations. since they are foreseen to provide victims with rehabilitation both physically and psychologically, recognize them as human beings with their own human and civic dignity and also provide them with active roles in the transitional justice process. The present study is aimed at policy makers, civil society, academics and the wider society. ····· 103611079

Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en la Empresa

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La organización y división del trabajo actual, refleja el escaso control de las condiciones inseguras e insalubres, lo cual conlleva a daños a la salud de los trabajadores, todo esto debido a una serie de factores socio-culturales, que han afectado a la Seguridad y Salud Laboral a nivel Mundial. Esto nos lleva a reflexionar que, la dinámica de trabajo, se ha caracterizado por la falta de garantía de un `trabajo decente`, donde la participación de los trabajadores en la mejora de sus condiciones de trabajo, ha sido ignorada en los sistemas de gestión implantados en las empresas, lo que se traduce en la adopción de mecanismos de prevención de eventos no deseados, que no se ajustan a la realidad. La propuesta de un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en la Empresa,que abarque cada una de las vertientes de la actividad laboral,se desarrolla en función de las particularidades de cada centro de trabajo,con un modelo de participación de los trabajadores,que con su experiencia aportarán los insumos que generarán la identificación de los riesgos,conduciendo a la construcción de planes de trabajo para el control de los mismos, así como, la adopción de decisiones preventivas eficaces. ····· 103611939

Research on the Builder`s risk insurance

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China has been announced to be the world s largest shipbuilder in 2010. However, the author understood that the research on builder s risk insurance, which aims to protect the shipbuilding industry, is unfortunately quite limited. The countries, which having such important interests in shipping as China, should have a well-developed law body dealing with builder s risk insurance issues. She was therefore triggered to do a research by comparing the main clauses of builder s risk insurance according to the three legal systems (UK, China and Norway) and to find out the similarities and differences between them. The author keeps the hope that her research, though limited, could explain more these three systems by emphasizing some points and help to improve the existing clauses, especially the ones in Chinese situation. The author also hopes that this paper could attract more attention for research on the builder s risk insurance, as it plays an essential protective role for the shipbuilding industry. ····· 103613182

Telecommunications law under the light of convergence

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Telecommunication is one of the most important parts of a country s economy. It connects the world and is a gigantic growing industry. When dealing with telecommunications law, especially in terms of regulation of competition, generally two main ideas confront. On the one hand free market proponents are to be found. They claim that the absence of regulation would initiate the outcome of manifold telecommunications products at efficiently low prices. On the other hand there is asked for even more intervention and regulation with the argument to protect consumers against consolidation and monopoly. As telecommunications law is uniquely volatile in terms of political, economical and technological matters, the aforementioned question is constantly being raised. Over and above the question of the regulation in competition terms, two other major crunch issues are influencing the regulation and legislation of the telecommunications law: liberalisation of the markets and the convergence of the media. This bock will analyse and compare the current situation of the telecommunications law and market on the two examples of the German and the South African legislation. ····· 103613209

A review of the legal and institutional framework

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The aim of this book is to provide an evaluation of uganda s current strategy to fight corruption. Like many countries on the African continent, Uganda has deemed it necessary to make attempts to reduce and control corruption in the public sector. As awareness of the deleterious and debilitating effects of corruption has grown, so too have both internal political factors and external pressures from aid donors increased in order to push for fundamental change in this respect. ····· 103613232

The Right to Peaceful Assembly and Demonstration in Tanzania

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Abuse of the fundamental rights to freedom of peaceful assembly is predominant throughout Africa. These abuses continue despite the fact that freedom of association and assembly are enshrined in the constitutions of most African states. In Africa a face-to-face communication remains the principal method of transmitting ideas and information for the majority of the population, who do not have access to newspapers, radio, TV or the Internet. A wide variety of political causes or beliefs may attract public protest, which may take the form of public meetings or processions. The question here is whether Tanzanian law is sufficiently tailored to achieve the protection of the right to peaceful assembly and demonstration or rather the need to limit the powers of the police to maintain public order for the interests of society to ensure freedom of expression, assembly and demonstration. ····· 103613739

Osnovy pravovogo obespecheniya blagotvoritel`nosti v sfere obrazovaniya

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V uchebnom posobii rassmatrivayutsya osnovnye napravleniya normativnogo pravovogo obespecheniya blagotvoritel`noy deyatel`nosti v sfere obrazovaniya i praktiki ego primeneniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Posobie sootvetstvuet trebovaniyam Federal`nogo gosudarstvennogo standarta vysshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya (FGOS VPO), prednaznacheno dlya studentov, aspirantov, prepodavateley ekonomicheskikh i yuridicheskikh vuzov. Mozhet byt` rekomendovano spetsialistam nekommercheskikh organizatsiy, rabotnikam gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal`nykh organov obrazovaniya. ····· 103615425

Azerbaijan DeJure & DeFacto. Failure of the Law on Unfair Competition

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Violentia praecedit jus - Might over right or might is right, this is the way economic activities are conducted in many of the transition countries. Failure of laws and regulations able to coordinate the economic processes is attributed to various factors. Azerbaijan as formerly member of Soviet Union is also evidencing the malfunctioning of the laws and as a result unpunished predation of state officials due to lack of enforcement and regulation. Or is it vice-versa Predation of officials leads to their inclination to block reforms and laws from due performance In current work I sought to answer the puzzle advocating to indispensability of strong political will determined for positive change. ····· 1036118317

Impact of Trade Union act,1926 on Trade Unions

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This is a brief analysis connected to the problems of the Labour.Industrial unrest is arising every where in the world level due to lack of Industrial peace. Industrial disputes because of impact of the trade Union Act on Trade Unions.Certain privileges and immunities granted through Trade Union Act,1926 and there is practical impact on the Trade Unions. It is a general Labour phenomena every where in this Industrial world. ····· 1036118320

Sovereignty and External Interventions: The Crisis in Cote d Ivoire

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The article examined the concepts of sovereignty and external interventions against the background of the crisis in Cote d Ivoire. This was with a view to appraising the nature and extent of assertions of sovereignty by the ousted President Laurent Gbagbo and possible implications of external interventions from some notable international communities. The crisis was wholistically considered in its historico legal, political, socio-economic and international perspectives. Reliance was placed on primary and secondary sources of information based on relevant theoretical and practical models propounded by scholars in other interdisciplinary subjects. All data obtained were subjected to content and contextual analyses. The study found that though, Cote d Ivoire is an independent nation having the right to exercise her sovereignty in the management of her domestic affairs such right should be exercised subject to other international legal instruments to which the country was signatory. Also, reducing the Ivorian crisis to just an election dispute could be naïve without a classic examination of the role of some nations especially France, a former colonial master. ····· 1036118482

The Regulation of Financial Services

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Although the evolution of the functions of the Central Bank since its inception until the present time, the regulatory mechanisms owned by central bank makes him the institution that stands at the top of the pyramid banking, and this confirms the importance of the active role played by central banks in the comprehensive control over the banking sector and capital market. In light of current economic conditions and intense competition in the banking sector, central bank should be more tightness and activating its regulatory mechanisms to force commercial banks to commit the principles of good corporate governance and to ensure the commitment of the central bank of its role, it must be a legal framework defines the responsibility of the Central Bank , so that it enables us to account the central bank if it Shortened in its oversight role in order to determine the real reasons for the occurrence of any financial scandals or economic crises with full transparency. In other words, it is the time to define who regulates the regulator by a provision of law for the establishment of legal responsibility at the top of the pyramid banking, and to ensure the economic stability. ····· 1036118937

Police Corruption in Cameroon and Uganda

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Police Corruption in Cameroon and Uganda critically examines the extent of corruption in the police in Cameroon and Uganda as well as the impact of police corruption and what best practices on anti-corruption measures in the police can be identified in Cameroon and Uganda. The work also looks at the correlation between corruption, policing and human rights. This study relies significantly on secondary data gathered from the library such as books, articles, case law, international and domestic instruments and internet sources. The write up is equally informed by the writer`s experience from both countries. Interviews and focus group discussions give more authenticity to the work. The work concludes by proposing the putting of efforts/resources into fighting corruption in the police in the meantime and ultimately using a sane police in a holistic fight against corruption since a corrupt police will ultimately get drown in the corruption fight. ····· 1036119112

The effectiveness of local integration as a durable solution:

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In 1989 a conflict between Senegal and Mauritania, caused over 70 000 Mauritanians to seek refuge in Senegal resulting in a protracted refugee situation. The office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is mandated to find lasting and durable solutions for protracted refugee situations. The current durable solutions available for refugees are voluntary repatriation, resettlement and local integration. Although many Mauritanians have returned to their country of origin via a process of voluntary repatriation, some chose to remain in Senegal. UNHCR (West Africa) has prioritised local integration as the most suitable durable solution for the region. Senegal in partnership with UNHCR has implemented a local integration strategy for those Mauritanians that have remained in Senegal. This strategy will be critically analyzed together with the legal framework governing refugees, further emphasizing the importance of social integration of refugees into the host community. In this regard the study aims to depict that local integration is a socio-legal phenomena and if not carefully considered, a situation meant to improve the lives of refugees can be the very source of conflict. ····· 1036119209

Law Abused

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After the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US, the world has witnessed some dramatic changes in governments policies combating terrorism. The US government took the lead in these changes which has concerned international lawyers all over the world. In fact, the US government treated its prisoners inhumanely and their most fundamental rights have been denied as the government argued that the Geneva Conventions neither apply to its declared war on international terrorism, nor to the prisoners captured in this war. That means, the detainees in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere could be held forever without any trial or charges. This book has challenged the US government s arguments and has found that there have been grave breaches of the Geneva Convections, and some war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed by the US government. ····· 1036119468

The HNS Convention and 2010 Protocol

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Over the last fifty years the international community has struggled to put into effect an international legal regime for dealing with transport of hazardous substances at sea. The accidents from such transportation are both numerous and potentially devastating, thus making the drafting of such an instrument essential. The most comprehensive and thorough attempt at establishing such a regime is the drafting of the Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS Convention). The Convention seeks to provide a uniform response to damage caused by HNS at sea-transport by establishing a two tier system of liability of both the ship owner and the HNS Fund. Despite the innovative and effective elements of the HNS Convention, the latter has not yet came into force and in fact a Protocol was drafted in 2010 in order to smooth those issues that caused contradiction and hesitation from the side of the State Parties. My books deals with the HNS Convention and 2010 Protocol and attempts to shed some light on the various implications of the first and second tier of compensation for the related industries. ····· 1036119573

EU Directives on Money Laundering

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This work discussed definition of money laundering and evolution of anti money laundering laws and the steps taken by International and European community in this behalf. It also discussed the role and efforts of international and European community to stop money laundering. This work examined EU Directives on money laundering in detail. In EU Directives this work discussed few major issues e.g. the extension of scope beyond the drugs, strategy of prevention and detection, Client ID, Record retention, Reporting suspicious transactions, Staff training etc. This work also discussed objectives and effectiveness of Directives. It also discussed weak points of the Directives which need improvements to make the Directives more efficient. ····· 1036119910

The Efficacy of ADR in the Adjudication of Commercial Disputes

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The Advanced form of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism is gaining momentum in Uganda`s commercial sector. Strong establishments like the newly introduced mandatory mediation at the Commercial Court division of the High Court have sprung up.This book is aimed at exploring the potential benefits that the commercial sector can reap from an effective ADR system and how the same can harness sustainable development. ····· 1036120082

Introduction to Criminology

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Crime is a breach of established criminal law or refers to behaviour which is adjusted to good or bad accordinging to some ethical, irrespective of whether the law is either broken or obeyed.Crime and punishment have undergone great changes during the recent times. If crime is regarded as an index of social stability then we can say keeping in view the anti social activities which a man can commit are offences. ····· 1036120421

Study of Jus Sanguinis Aspects in Granting Nationality

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Nationality is an important issue in governments and their national s international relationships. Nationality is a political and spiritual relationship in attaching a person to a government. There are two criteria in granting nationality: Jus sanguinis (based on blood or descent) and Jus soli (based on birth place). In Jus sanguinis (based on blood or descent) these factors should be clarified: discriminatory or non-discriminatory application of Jus sanguinis, Lineage in jus sanguinis, Conditional and absolute application of jus sanguinis. ····· 1036120496

Introduction to Administration of Criminal Justice in Nigeria

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To deal with crimes and criminals in any society deserves more of scientific approach than mere military, fire brigade approach. Criminals are products of the society they were not naturally criminals for God never made any one as such. Many factors are contributories for which crime becomes certainly an important area of study that any government must take with all seriousness to ensure a crime free society. This work is therefore an attempt to evaluate the Nigerian criminal justice system with the view to identifying some of the reasons for the failure of the system. This work grew out of my undergraduate research project at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria where I studied and obtained Bachelor of Law Degree. ····· 1036120863

Protection of marine environment of the Caspian Sea

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In this book an author underlines uniqueness of the Caspian Sea, which is by far the world`s largest inland water body.The rising importance of this sea is dictated by the number of various economic, geopolitical and environmental factors. The above-mentioned factors are mentioned to underline the controversial character of the regional developments arising out of its importance as an alternative source of hydrocarbons and as a transportation bridge or a hub linking Asia and Europe and at the same time potential global threat to its sensitive environment arising as the possible consequence of its misuse by major oil, shipping and other players. Therefore, it is important to understand that future developments should not take place at the expense of the Caspian marine environment. Based on the principle `safety first` an author attempts to provide the general overview of the best respective legislative practices all over the world with the purpose of researching their applicability in the Caspian Sea. ····· 1036121244

The Application of EC Competition Law in the Maritime Transport Sector

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This book explores the possible changes in the way that liner shipping takes place, in consequence of the removal of the EU Block Exemption Regulation on Liner Conferences. It is expected that some changes would have to be made, in particular concerning collusive practices that might no longer be exempted, and would therefore fall under the EU competition law rules as found in the Treaty. Since it is an International Maritime Law book, it also focuses on the interaction of EU Law principles with international maritime law and current maritime trading practices, and why non EU shipping companies may need to take note of any such new development in the EU if they trade in any way which affects the EU market, or trade on EU routes. The book tries to look ahead in this regard, since such a move is in line with the EU`s practice of increasing the application of competition law to different markets across Europe. ····· 1036121296

Realising the right to education in Lesotho

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The enjoyment of life depends on a minimum level of education including literacy. As one of the socio-economic rights, the right to education must be fully realised in order to empower great majority of people out there who are still facing social injustice. This study focuses on the right to education in Lesotho. The extent to which this country has incorporated socio-economic rights, specifically the right to education, is explored. The mechanisms through which the said right is turned into reality the challenges such right entails and the approach taken by the government are also looked at. As a signatory to many human rights instruments, Lesotho is charged with an obligation of realising socio-economic rights. One of the many international law obligations facing Lesotho emanates from the provisions of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). ····· 1036121478

Human Rights as Safeguarding

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The interface between HIV/AIDS, education and human rights is an important issue in Jamaican society. The spread of HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean is second only to that in Africa and Jamaica itself has the second highest numbers of HIV+ individuals within the Caribbean region. Using a qualitative methodology, this exploratory study aimed to discern the schooling experiences of HIV+ children and young people in Jamaica. Despite reported high levels of stigma and discrimination within society itself, there was no evidence of children and young people experiencing discrimination at school as a result of their HIV+ status due to the absence of relevant national laws on anti-discrimination or due to the failure, of any adult, to act on relevant policies aimed at safeguarding them. ····· 1036121588

NHRIs and the Challenges of Independence in a Kenyan Context

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The concept of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with a mandate to protect and promote human rights have been addressed by the UN for more than half a century, and such institutions have been established in several countries around the world for the last two decades. The establishment of a NHRI is however not equal to the commitment for human rights. Kenya has ratified many of the core human rights treaties but this does not reflect the state of human rights in the country. There is still a big gap between human rights in theory and in practice. One way to understand the challenges related to the implementation of human rights in Kenya is to understand the challenges of a national body vested with the mandate to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights in the country. This thesis examines the challenges of independence for the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR). It assesses how national law corresponds to international recommendations and furthermore, how the independence granted in law corresponds to the independence of the KNCHR in practice. It also examines how NHRIs effectively can exercise both the watchdog role and the advisory role. ····· 1036124539

Environmental Impact Assessment - A study of some important cases

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Environmental Impact Assessment has been a very important aspect as far as Protection of Environment is concerned. Each and every company has to follow the norms which has been stated under the act. Proper implementation of EIA helps in protecting the interest of all the stakeholders involved with the project. All the projects first of all needs an Environmental clearance from central as well as state legislation. Then company has the right to proceed for the implementation of the project. Here, I have emphasized on two landmarks cases for EIA. One is LAVASAA - The first hill city of India (pune) and second is the issue of Nirma Cement Plant (Bhavanagar). Each and every point has been carefully observed and justified for Environmental Impact Assessment with the help of this two cases. This book will help you to understand how the conservation of environment is important. It also states the care which we as a citizen has to take care in the conservation of environment. Our awareness will help to restore the ecological balance. I hope that this small contribution of mine will facilitate great hope. ····· 1036124824

The Mandate of Ombudsman Institution in Federal Ethiopia

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The ombudsman institution is a system of accountability mechanism that helps citizens to know and appreciate their rights to complain against the decision of the executive branch of the government. The Ethiopian Institution of the Ombudsman(EIO) is established in the Ethiopian constitutional order as a system of oversight and accountability mechanism over both federal and state public administration. This book enquires the legality of the mandate of EIO as an overseer over the states executive bodies and its implication on the state autonomy in the Ethiopian federation and its practical significance in bringing about good governance in the states. The book contends that the mandate of the EIO exercised over state executive organs has the tendency to undermine meaningful exercise of the right to self-governance of the states. The book also contends that the federal ombudsman institution is not an effective institutional mechanism to promote good administration in the states. ····· 1036125777

Insulating municipal administration from instability

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Effective, stable administration is crucial for local government to perform its constitutional mandate, but there is no protection for the continuity in administration where the political leadership of the municipality constantly changes. Unlike in other provinces, many municipalities in the Western Cape are not governed by a single political party but by coalitions. In many instances, political alliances are forged between parties with different ideological and political beliefs. The biggest challenge to these political partners is to keep the coalition together once it is in power. The instability inherent in these coalition arrangements has led to wider instability in the Western Cape municipalities and has become a real problem. This study examines the problem of unstable administration due to changing coalition governments and proposes possible ways to insulate administrations from the adverse effects of coalitions. ····· 1036125954

The Ethiopian Legal Regime on Plant Variety Protection

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The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is alleged to have ventured into a one size fits all/a larger size fits all approach by prescribing minimum level of IPR protection and enforcement to be adhered by all of its Members in the various fields of intellectual property Rights(IPRs). Though, the TRIPS Agreement, in relation to plant variety protection, purports to deviate from this alleged one size fits all approach by permitting Members to use alternative methods of protection, the absence of clarity in the Agreement as to the contents of these alternatives particularly as to what it takes for a Member to comply with effective sui generis system has rendered the depicted flexibility unreliable. Oftentimes the open ended clauses of the TRIPS Agreement have been restrictively interpreted to equate the effective sui generis option to some pre-existing precedents such as the UPOV system of plant variety protection, which was developed in the context of developed countries. However, close investigation of the issue shows that TRIPS Agreement has left considerable policy space to Members in designing plant variety protection laws. ····· 1036186694

Prostitution and the Law

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This book is about advocating for the decriminalisation of prostitution in uganda and also looks at the history of prostitution. As long as prostitution is kept illegal in uganda and women are persecuted for acts which harm no one,prostitute women will be subject to brutality at the hands of misogynists and moralists...they are,arguably,the same group. For poor women and girls in Uganda,as portrayed in the book, prostitution is a means of obtaining survival income and the only remedy and response available in this instance is to remove all criminal sanctions on prostitution and prostitution-related activities and to further treat it like any other business activity. ····· 1036186838

Sustainable Development in Ethiopia

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The planet earth is experiencing environmental disasters caused by the mal application of developmental strategies that put human survival at stake. The urge for economic growth and the competition created as a result have caused multifarious problems on the environment. As a response, in the early 1970 s there arose a growing concern regarding the impact of economic growth on social development and the environment leading to the foundation of global environmental institutions. Almost 20 years after the institutionalization of modern environmental policies governments of developed states began to consider more comprehensive approaches linking environment and development decision makings: sustainable development . To this end, all nation states are forced to design their own policy framework to help attain sustainable development. Accordingly, the government of Ethiopia has recently designed developmental strategies that is said to put Ethiopia in the right track. This book evaluates the developmental strategies- the investment and environmental policy- framework of the country and examine to what extent these policies are integrated to achieve sustainable development goals. ····· 1036187823

Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the work of Drug Courts

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The objective of this book is to present the theory of Therapeutic Jurisprudence -TJ-, as it has been developed by Professors David Wexler and Bruce Winick in the last twenty years. My interest in this new discipline originates in the study of the relationship between the individual before the court and the criminal system inside the punishment philosophy debate. In the first chapter, I will present the theoretical substrate of Therapeutic Jurisprudence backed by the works of Problem-Solving Courts, especially by that of Drug Courts, which is considered the best TJ theory`s application so far. In the second chapter, I will focus on the main socio-legal interpretations that Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Drug Courts have received, trying to outline some of the main criticisms of the current debate on the issue. In the third chapter, I will look at two of the main tensions that Therapeutic Jurisprudence, through the work of Drug Courts, may create from a legal point of view. ····· 1036188004

Secularism: the scope and implication of non interference clause

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The conception of secularism has been fragile and flexible it varies from country to country. Its scope and implication is too difficult to define in most legal systems including Ethiopia. This author, thus, tries to acquaint readers with the basic concept of separation of state and religion. He also tries to demarcate the line between state and religious matters. This book is useful for researchers, lawyers and academicians interested in the issues of secularism in general and particularly in Ethiopia. ····· 1036188313

ICRC`s Confidentiality Rule and the Fight against Impunity

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The establishment of the ad hoc international criminal tribunals (ICTY and ICTR) in early 1990s by the Security Council was one of the major breakthrough in the development of the international criminal justice system which was in a state of `hibernation` since the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials. It once more bore out the commitment of the international community to fight impunity through a coordinated global effort. However, the possibility where justice could be impeded by lack of evidence to try the culprits of the most egregious breaches of international law became apparent days after the tribunals began to function. Resolutely, as a solution tribunals have had to turn on their eyes to those who are usually on the spot when those crimes are committed. Humanitarian organizations and their personnel who usually work in conflict areas have become the first to whom the tribunals have made recourse. This has created a `clash` of interests with most humanitarian organizations including ICRC whose work is essentially underpinned by confidentiality. In this book, the author delved into the legal, pragmatic and moral issues involved in this `clash` and attempted to come up with a solution. ····· 1036188504

Evidence in International Construction Arbitration

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The monograph covers the legal and practical aspects of evidence collection, admissibility and assessment in international construction arbitration. Due to the complex, multiparty and confidential nature of the construction disputes and in the light of the limited available information, the provided research will be a helpful guide for any arbitration lawyer practicing this very specific area of law. The paper examines the existing rules and principles on the production, admissibility and assessment of evidence in international arbitration with particular emphasis on the construction disputes. While arguing that the arbitration is more appropriate means to settle many construction disputes as opposed to its other alternatives, the paper offers the recommendations regarding the time- and cost efficient evidentiary procedures in international construction arbitration. ····· 1036188645

Customary Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Raya, Ethiopia

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The customary conflict resolution mechanisms help to ensure peace and security thereby to maintain stability in the country in general and in Raya in particular. It is also accessible to members of the society. Above all such customary tribunals activities reduce unnecessary delay of justice, as `Justice delayed is justice denied.` And customary conflict resolution mechanisms help to avoid the sentiment of revenge among the disputing parties. However, the customary conflict resolution mechanisms have their own defect and sometimes they contradict with modern legal systems as they support criminals not to be prosecuted since customary tribunals resolve the problem. In Raya-rayuma there are almost the same customary laws and traditional practices though the people speak different languages. The Rayan customary conflict resolution mechanisms mainly focus on settling disputes and redressing the victim(s) of the conflicts rather punishing the perpetrator. ····· 1036188916

Legal and Political Dynamics of Raucous Kampala Compromise

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From 31 May to 11 June 2010, the first Review Conference of the Rome Statute took place in Kampala, Uganda. Under the Rome Statute, the International Criminal Court can only exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression when the ASP amends the Statute to include a definition of the crime, and the conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction. The Review Conference managed to define the crime, and set out the jurisdictional conditions. This book gives an analytical discription of the main issues which had remained unresolved concerning jurisdictional regime of the ICC vis-à-vis aggression prosecution inter alia, the controversy over filter mechanism and the question of whether consent by the alleged aggressor State should be required. After almost two weeks of political negotiations and arduous give-and-take, the Review Conference adopted the aggression amendments by consensus. This work seeks to illustrate how the negotiating dynamics eventually led to a consensus agreement on all controversial issues relating to the jurisdictional regime. ····· 1036189255

World`s models of legal aid for criminal cases:

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This research work focuses on the question of what are the main objectives and priority avenues for reforming the Russian system for provision of state-funded legal aid in criminal cases and whether the best international experience in this field can be adopted in Russia. With this purpose in mind the researcher provides the analysis of various models of state-funded legal aid existing in the world, the problems they have encountered in the process of their evolution and the strategies they have adopted to address these challenges. The amendments to the Russian criminal legal aid system proposed by the author were developed with regard to the best world s practices in the field and with due consideration of the Russian-specific conditions, including the typical problems of the country s criminal justice system. ····· 1036189351

Gender Mainstreaming And The Millennium Development Goals

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The mental arousal of the average African mind against the predominant male power-play in the African society has now reached its peak as divergence of views are now being expressed on a regular basis both locally and internationally on the need for gender equality and gender balancein every society thereby creatung opportunities for both sexes to participate in sustainable development. This State of affairs, it must be noted, is not exclusive to Africa only. there is now a universal move across the Globe to tacklr this social disequilibrium headlong in other to provide a socially balanced society where the equation would be Man = Woman and vice versa. Thus, the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Koffi Anan noted simply that for the world (especially the third world Nations) to achieve the set millenium development Goals, it must ensure that all parties enjoy equal opportunities and participate actively in the local polity. ····· 1036191391

Government, Politics, and Election Laws in Bangladesh

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There is no denying that man is a social living thing no one person to live a full life without the participation of others. Man, because it is the only creature talented with rational speech, is the only entity able to communicate truth, justice, and goodness to his fellows. As Aristotle says, Nature does nothing in vain and man alone among the animals has speech. . . . Speech serves to reveal the advantageous and the harmful, and hence also the just and the unjust. A book on Government, Politics, and Election Laws in Bangladesh: is theory of Government and politics in Bangladesh. It is an attempt to develop a positive theory of Government explaining and observed pattern of government for the democratic countries. Government of Bangladesh takes place in a framework of a democratic republic whereby the Prime Minister is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament. The Constitution of Bangladesh was written in 1972 and has undergone Fifteen amendments, embodied the democratic yearnings of the long struggle for independence and guaranteed human rights. ····· 1036191423

The International Criminal Court

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This book examines the challenges to the ICC prosecutions for the northern Uganda conflict and suggests approaches necessary to achieve justice and long-lasting peace in northern Uganda. The analysis is made largely on the basis of the issued warrants against the LRA top commanders. However, in some cases, reference is also made to possible prosecution of other persons if further investigations are carried out. It concludes that whereas the ICC prosecution has been successful in forcing the LRA to the negotiating table, it was clear that the ICC remained a very real obstacle to achieving an end to the conflict. Although justice is necessary in this conflict, where it conflicts with peace, peace should take precedence. It recommends that the Security Council should request the ICC to suspend prosecution to create way for peace. ····· 1036191448

Impact of FDI on Socio-Economic Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Africa

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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) play an important role in economies of various countries and influence their policies and laws in different ways. This is so because Multinational Corporations have great financial power to shape the economy of the host state. More often than not the host state would have little bargaining power to make a Multinational Corporation conform to international standards vis-à-vis protection of human rights. Hence, FDI has largely affected the human rights of people and in particular of the indigenous peoples in most African states.Since most of the lands occupied by the indigenous peoples are fertile, rich in resources and underdeveloped , they have been susceptible to evictions in economic development projects generated by FDI which has invariably infringed their rights and being protected by the governments in the disguise of fostering economic development. ····· 1036191534

Can lessons designed with Gestalt laws of visual perception

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There has been limited success teaching elementary students about the phases of the moon using diagrams, personal observations, and manipulatives. One possible reason for this is that instruction has failed to apply Gestalt principles of perceptual organization to the lesson materials. To see if fourth grade students understanding could be improved, four lessons were designed and taught using the Gestalt laws of Figure-Ground, Symmetry, and Similarity. Students (n = 54) who were taught lessons applying the Gestalt principles scored 12% higher on an assessment than students (n = 51) who only were taught lessons using the traditional methods. Though scores showed significant improvement, it is recommended to follow the American Association for the Advancement of Science guidelines and wait until 9th grade to instruct students about the phases. ····· 1036191948

Saviour Siblings

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One of the most controversial uses of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) in recent times is the creation of so called saviour siblings : children created by selecting embryos that are genetically tissue matched so that the child born can serve as a donor to an existing sick sibling requiring a stem cell transplant. This monograph addresses the science and regulation of saviour sibling technology in the UK, outlining the two distinct methods of saviour sibling selection and offering analysis of the UK s statutory approach. Furthermore, analysis of the main ethical concerns raised in conjunction with saviour sibling technology is provided: the fear that such behaviour treats the created child as a means to an end, rather than an end in themselves claims that sufficient consideration of the created child s welfare are not given, leaving the child vulnerable to physical or psychological harm and the assertion that saviour sibling technology is a step on the slippery slope towards designer babies and other eugenic pursuits. ····· 1036192446

A Critical Analysis of Legal Framework on Climate Change

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Owing to the recent challenge presented by climate change, there have been steps taken to combat the challenge by the international community. This thesis focuses on the gap between the international legislation and the domestic legislation in Uganda as regards climate change. More particularly are the lacunas that are eminent in the existing environmental legislation in Uganda. The thesis is in two parts as the first part deals with the scope of the research in international legislation and domestic legislation. This includes chapters one and two which bring out the statistics of the existing environmental conditions and the existing legislation thereto. The second part of the thesis emphasizes the weaknesses manifest in the present legislation domestically visa vie the international legislation. This can be found in chapters three and four of this thesis. It is eminent that so little has been done in Uganda with regard to legislation towards combating climate change manifesting in the form of global warming. Looking at the way forward, proposals are given to help combat the same. ····· 1036192492

American Prison Life in Literature of the 20TH Century

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American prisons for men are places of violence and degradation. This is a picture of that life. Most Americans view prisons as totally alien from the society which they inhabit. There is a crisis in American prisons, however, and it needs to be better understood because of the over two million people in prison, 95% will return to society. An examination of prison life, gleaned through the writings of prisoners, ex-convicts, guards, wardens, and prison personnel reveals a world similar to non-prison America. It is part of the social landscape and reflects the social relationships of men and women. Given the absence of women in male prisons, a gender order is created, mostly through male-on-male rape, in which men dominate `women,` and a male hierarchy is established wherein strong males dominate the weak. These relationships between men are part of the prisoners` code, and are tolerated, and at times tacitly encouraged, by prison administrators who are desperate to keep control of their prisons. The result is that prisoners who return to society are often meaner, angrier, more psychotic and violent than when they entered prison. ····· 1036192614

Doha Trade Talks

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This study examines the legal regime for Agricultural Tariffs and Subsidies and how it has derailed Doha Trade Talks. It also analyzes their implications, explores arguments advanced in favor and against agricultural liberalization and makes recommendations to the negotiators. The GATT 1947 did not prohibit subsidies and tariffs in Agriculture. It was only during the Uruguay Round that Members committed themselves to liberalize agriculture. Despite these commitments however, farm subsidies remain at obscene levels in OECD countries, including developed countries. This has undermined the current Doha trade talks as developed countries exhibit unwillingness to end farm subsidy support which perpetrates dumping and affects the incomes of farmers in developing countries as a result of price suppressions. By way of retaliation, developing countries have refused to open up their markets as a protectionist measure to protect their infant economies. ····· 1036198270

Disability Research

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The evaluation of the implementation of disability policies is a result of the low rate of public participations in the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature s programs as well as the low number of disabled persons who are employed. Institutions like Parliaments and Legislatures are law making institutions, some of their tasks in to attract comments, suggestions and ideas from all interested parties to participate in the law making process. They also have a responsibility to conduct vigorous oversight over the provincial government departments this includes issues like compliance with the relevant policies and regulations. The data was collect from three different groupings namely the staff of ECPL, the members of provincial legislature as well as the general public which includes disabled persons. It was clear from the findings that the management and the MPL, who are decision makers of the institution, have a very shallow knowledge of the disability policies and regulations. There is a disability strategy which was made for all the legislatures and National Parliament however the strategy has not been implemented in ECPL. ····· 1036198587

Assessing an ASEAN Human Rights Regime

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Human rights have always been a sensitive issue amongst the states in Southeast Asia and in large absent on the agenda of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The overall purpose with this study is to examine the recently established human rights regime within ASEAN, consisting of the ASEAN Charter, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Women and Children (ACWC). Can this human rights regime have any effective impact on state behaviour In an attempt to assess this issue, the author examines (1) the history and approaches to human rights in the Southeast Asian region with ASEAN as the framework for human rights cooperation (2) international standards for human right regimes in general and how they can be assessed (3) and, against this framework, the ASEAN Charter and the Terms of Reference (ToRs) to the AICHR and ACWC. What institutional framework does the ASEAN Charter create and what potential measures can the commissions adopt to engender a framework for human rights protection in the region ····· 1036198612

Nature and kinds of inchoate offences

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The word `inchoate`, not much used in ordinary discourse, means `just begun`. The common law has given birth to three general offences which are usually termed `inchoate` or `preliminary` crimes- attempt, conspiracy and incitement. A principal feature of these crimes is that they are committed even though the substantive offence (i.e. the offence it was intended to bring about) is not completed and no harm results. It must be noted that attempt, abetment and conspiracy is made punishable both under Indian Penal Code, 1860 in India and under English Law. In India there are both specific and general provisions whereas, in England it is now defined and punished in the Criminal Attempts Act 1981 and conspiracy in part I of the Criminal Law Act, 1977, as amended by the Criminal Attempts Act, 1981 Incitement remains a common law offence. The object of the paper is to explain the concept and kinds of offences which can be made punishable even if they are not committed or their commission is rendered impossible. ····· 1036198963

Restructuring the Indian Police System

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The Indian society is passing through a transient phase of social change with many new challenges emerging to redefine the role of police functions. With the existing structure the gap between police and administration on one side and people on the other is widening. The main legal instrument which presently governs the Indian Police Forces is the Indian Police Act, 1861 and any discussion on Police Reforms in India gravitates towards the reformation of this Act. Looking to the rampant instances of corruption, lack of transparency, no feed-backs on complaints, no time-bound response, delay in the administration of justice etc. by the public authorities and also the advancements in the Internet and other telecommunication technologies have created an imminent need for strengthening the Indian Police Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Indian Evidence Act Indian Penal Code and other applicable laws to fill-in the widening gap in the delivery of criminal justice system in India. The author has opined the need for implementing the police reforms on expeditious basis to ensure greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the system. ····· 1036199188

Protecting the Rights of Traditionally Intellectual

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It has been a topic of serious debate on multiple fronts- whether the right to use traditional knowledge falls in IPR regimes or not Traditional knowledge consists of information in the public domain as well as trade secrets and one wants to ensure that benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources are shared in a fair and equitable manner among the stakeholders. Despite serious attempts across multiple fora, it has been difficult to develop an international system to protect human knowledge per se. The time has come to move beyond talk of IPR and into doing something about protecting indigenous knowledge and values. This book explores the effectiveness of current IPR mechanisms in protection of traditional knowledge and attempts to propose a sui-generis model- that respects indigenous concerns and rights for global use of traditional wisdom. ····· 1036199219

Treatment of INsane Offenders in Ethiopia:the Law and the Practice

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Needless to say criminal responsibility follows intention. Insanity defence is among the widely criticized and debatable concept wirld wide.This thesis is a critical over view of administration of insanity defence in ethiopia with reference to domestic legislations and international obligations of the contry. Intring to do so practical problems in the administration of insanity defence esecially, those the institutions are facing, are assessed and critically evaluated. ····· 1036199221

The ICC in Political Conflict Management: A case of Africa

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This book investigates the origins of the process for the creation of a permanent international tribunal to enforce the international criminal concept of individual criminal analyses influencing dynamics specific to particular states posits that the criticism facing ICC-Africa relations is, in the main, to be appreciated as an outcome of the unfair power imbalances that abound in the larger framework of international relations and how it in turn, impacts on International law.conclusively conceives that the success of the ICC in impacting on Political Conflict Management will largely depend on how it rectifies the flaws within its founding statute whilst engaging multi-pronged approaches that prioritize conflict prevention alongside criminal prosecutions. ····· 1036199594

Land Reform and Human Rights in Post Colonial States

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This study examines a subject that evokes the strongest emotions and has potential at once to trigger the most egregious violations of human rights as well as to promote and further the cause of human rights in a big way - land reform in post-colonial States. In post-colonial States (mainly in Africa, Asia and Latin America) land is central to past and current conflicts as well as conflict-resolution strategies. For post-colonial States achievement of national independence has often been associated with the removal of institutional hangovers from the past, which may include land reform. This study establishes that land reform does not inherently have an adverse impact on human rights and that it is possible to carry out land reform programs in a human rights respecting way. For sustainable land reform programmes to take place a pro-human rights way, the critical challenge is not a development of new frameworks within the human rights system, but simply to validate existing human rights principles. ····· 1036199774

Performance Bond: Conditional or Unconditional

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In construction contracts, a `performance bond` is a bond taken out by the contractor, for the benefit of and at the request of the employer, in the event of the contractor`s default, repudiation or insolvency. There are two types of performance bonds: Conditional bond or default bond, whereby the surety accepts `joint and several` responsibility for the performance of the contractor`s obligations under the contract and Unconditional bond or on-demand bond, which is a covenant by the surety to indemnify the employer following contractor`s default, subject to stated terms and up to a sum commonly 5% of the main contract sum. However, in Malaysia, the question of whether the performance bond in a construction contract is a conditional or an unconditional guarantees is one of the issues relating to performance bond that has been discussed. Thus, in order to determine the types of performance bond applicable in a contract, a thorough understanding of the content of the bond is required. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the phrase(s) in the Performance Bond in a construction contract that determine whether the performance bond is a conditional or unconditional. ····· 1036199798

Some aspects regarding the public pension in Romania

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This work is presenting some forecasts of key developments aggregate of public pension system under transition of the Romanian economy from the status of `in transition` to the market economy - necessity, implementation and immediate effects. In the same time, is presenting theoretical-methodological bases of the macroeconomic forecasting model, the labour market and population - MITGEM, the impact of EU integration on macro-economic developments of the main variables influencing the profitability of pension funds alternative forecast scenarios - as the main way of operating the MITGEM model. Also, is presenting the prospective of the main variables of pension system structure of the model scenarios within MITGEM, average pension, the average retirement pension, disability pension and survivor`s pension in Romania. ····· 1036199905

The Restriction of IPRs by EU Competition Rules

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Being the two different branches of Law the Intellectual Property and Competition Law are closely related with each other thanks to the developing world-wide markets. Both serving to amelioration of the global economy and innovation, a possible conflict might occur simply because of their nature. While Intellectual Property rights bestow the right holder a `monopoly` over his right, Competition rules intervene to the right holder`s monopoly in order to protect and balance the competition market. The important element is regulating and drawing the line to restrict IPRs. To maintain the free-market and free-trade in the European Union, this balance between the Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Rules is certainly crucial. In cases of IPRs being scrutinized under EU Competition Rules, the Exhaustion of Rights principle came out as a protection measure. Therefore this research examines the interactions of Competition and Intellectual Property Law and the scope of Competition Policy to be applied on the IPRs along with the case-law in the European Union and the Exhaustion of Rights principle. ····· 1036199982

The impact of agro-biotechnology on the right to food in Africa

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This book assesses the impact of agricultural biotechnology on the right to food in Africa. It explores the multifarious implications of its introduction in order to spur food production and promote the realization of the right to food. In this context, the book also examines the differing and sometimes conflicting State party obligations under the United Nations International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to progressively achieve the full realization of the right to food by making use of all available resources the duty to make use of scientific knowledge in order to improve methods of food production and the duty to ensure that individuals enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. The book analyses these obligations to further explore the question whether African States have an obligation to immediately embrace agricultural biotechnology in order to protect the right of everyone to be free from hunger, which is the first step towards the realization of the right to adequate food. ····· 10361100143

Avoidance of contract under CISG

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The book presents a careful insight into the world of international sales contracts in the context of contract avoidance and the subsequent rights and obligations of the parties concerned. The book presents a study of the previous attempts at harmonising international trade in the form of the 1964 Hague Conventions and the present attempt in the form of a codified CISG. The book proceeds on the assumption of observance of good faith in international trade and the use of legislative history and doctrinal writings in the interpretation of the CISG. The book further looks at the terms and conditions of avoidance of contract and the consequent implications on the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller. ····· 10361103043

Post-conflict period in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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This book examines the role of the United Nations, the African Union and the three relevant sub-regional organizations namely the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) in the post-conflict period in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). These organizations played a threefold role based on the monitoring, intervention and assistance regarding the reconciliation and reconstruction process. To some extent, their strategies contributed to activate the reconstruction and the reconciliation process after nearly a decade of instability caused by the war in the country. However, in spite of the combined efforts of these actors, the conflict persists and continues to take innocent human lives, leaving the survivors affected by hostilities and violations of human rights that they have experienced. In conclusion, the book shows that the role of international organizations has not been fully explored, but it is equally clear that without their collective involvement the situation would in all likelihood have been much worse today. ····· 10361117662

Impact of RTI on Development

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The contemporary times have witnessed extensive Rights Activism in the Indian legal and social paradigms, pursuant to the enactment of the Right to Information Act by the Indian Parliament in the year 2005. India being the largest democracy of the world essentially requires transparency in the government procedures in order to achieve two fold expedience, primarily to exhibit the faith in its citizens by performing the functions of a welfare state, along with to achieve the highest standards of governance. The moments of enactment of the RTI Act realized the intention to escalate accountability in the governance on the part of legislators and public servants. Although the Act vests in the citizens a powerful tool to ascertain the functions of the government, it has also encountered various standstills in the government procedure as a result of the deterrence which the Act has created upon the government personnels. This book provides a comprehensive yet holistic approach to the readers facilitating an intensive assessment reached by empirical study of the expediencies brought and the government deadlocks which coexist with the RTI Act. ····· 10361118962

Negligence in Singur : A Tortuous View

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This book gives a different view point into the Singur controversy. The book is completely apolitical and purely based on legality to prove its hypothesis. All information in this book has been derived from a myriad of legal and non-legal sources. This book looks at the Singur issue through the eyes of the three essential requisites to prove negligence, i.e, presence of a duty of care, breach of that duty and ultimately, damage caused due to the above two characteristics to come to a conclusion. ····· 10361118969

International Maritime Arbitration:Some Issues in Public & Private Law

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The first monograph ever written on International Maritime Arbitration Law from South East Asia. In the field of maritime law, Arbitration has served as a common tool for the settlement of disputes for several decades. The term International Maritime Arbitration has two connotations. Maritime Arbitration has developed on both interstate and transnational level. International disputes relating to the maritime matters can be dissolved either through intergovernmental arbitration or through trans-national commercial arbitration. The general perception is that if arbitration somehow involves a ship , it can be specified as Maritime Arbitration. i.e., the connection between case and ship serves as the constant element of maritime arbitration. ····· 10361119655

Security Council

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Since the creation of the United Nations there have only been five permanent members in the Security Council. It has been many decades since and in today`s modern world it is necessary to make changes in order to move forward. There have been many proposals in order to reform the Security Council`s permanent membership, but they all take the same approach and have yet to be generally accepted. This book will address the League of Nation`s inability to prevent World War II, which at its end would bring the creation of the United Nations and the Security Council. After reviewing several Security Council membership reforms, the author will expose his own view on the topic and a brand new proposal to this issue. ····· 10361132819

The African philosophic discourse of human rights

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The tapestry of the splendour of African history has but received disproportionate attention in international scholarship on the African continent. These scholarships contrived erroneous beliefs that the history of Africa resided in utter darkness. This misleading historicity, though increasingly losing currency, has negatively influenced scholarship on the origin and philosophy of human rights prompting western dominance in both the discourse and attribution of the evolution and growth of the movement of human rights. This book forms a critical discourse by venturing to examine the concept and manifestations of human rights from an African philosophic perspective in a bid to reveal the excellent inputs from a continent once equated with intellectual penury. Whilst this work could prove a useful tool for both human right scholars/academics and human rights activists especially in Africa who continue to be confronted with remarks of modern notions of human rights being Eurocentric, it could further enrich and reinforce the universality of the applicability of human rights. ····· 10361133497

Amnesty or Punishment? Transitional Justice in Northern Uganda

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Northern Uganda has seen an atrocious war mainly prosecuted by the rebel Lord`s Resistance Army (LRA) against the Government of Uganda. The brunt of the war has largely been borne by civilians including through abductions, killings, looting and destruction of property including burning down of entire villages. Young children have been abducted and used variously by the LRA to carry looted items, fight as child soldiers and young girls used as sex slaves. Several attempts including fighting, peace talks and amnesty offers did not yield a comprehensive solution to the problem. This book provides an analysis of the situation with a particular focus on the use of transitional justice, not only as a means of dealing with the past in a post-conflict situation but also as an instrument ending an ongoing conflict. Three mechanisms trials at the International Criminal Court, amnesty and local traditional justice and reconciliation mechanisms are analyzed. This book should be useful to practitioners and academics in the field of transitional justice, mediators, as well as anyone else interested in the subject. ····· 10361133796

Protection of Internal National Minorities in Ethiopia

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Many ethnically diversified countries favored federalism as a best means of accommodation for linguistic, cultural and territorial autonomy interests of their people. Accordingly, Ethiopia has adopted ethnic based federalism since 1991 which enabled some ethnic groups to establish their own sub-national governments (regions). Yet this system hardly became attractive for internal national minorities (i.e. an ethnic groups who forms majority in one region but minorities in another region) since the procedure of protection controlled by regional majorities and high degree of systematic assimilation. This book, therefore, examines the procedure for recognition and protection of internal minorities under Ethiopian constitutional system and how the absence of constitutional protection affects cultural, linguistic, and political rights of such groups by giving special emphasis on the case of Raya Oromo in Tigray region. It scrutinizes the issue in light with international law, Ethiopian constitution and regional constitution. The analysis would help as insight for political scientist, government officials and constitutional drafter s to conduct further research and use it as input. ····· 10361136014

Woman and development

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The women in Uttarakhand played an important role in addressing the development issues be it a reformation of state or protecting environment. The steps taken by them has got a national recognition. The women in Uttarakhand has crossed the reservation from 33% to 40 %. Despite the positive facts and figure the women has faced a lots of problem in contesting election and addressing the social issues in the region. The majority of the women panchayats representatives who are functioning are without training, orientation and technical knowledge on Panchayati Raj, rules, functions and duties. They are manipulated by bureaucrats, politicians and dominant power brokers in the villages. Most of the Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) faced the problems of non cooperation from the officials. These problems have slowed the pace of developmental works and also elected representatives to fully participate in the Panchayats. Needless to say that the women were not meant to be elected as the rest of the members, instead they were meant to be co-opted. This book highlights the areas of training components, the problems faced by the EWRs which hinder her to performed better. ····· 10361146288

Structural Sexual Violence in the Peruvian Military

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The aim of this work is the better understanding of structural sexual violence against women. Through a human rights approach, the author examines the link between the gendered discriminatory policies against women and the occurrences of sexual violence against female soldiers within the Peruvian Armed Forces. This empirical study demonstrates that whereas civil and political rights must be respected and enforced, the satisfaction of socio-economic rights is also a key element for the prevention of violence against women. The cases of discrimination in the access to education, to labor, and reproductive rights within the Peruvian Military demonstrate that, in reality, women are forced to remain in situations where they are exposed to sexual violence because of the existence of structural organizations perpetuating the unequal power relations between men and women. ····· 10361146978

The Law on International Water Resources

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Water is essential to all life on Earth. However, the availability of potable water is decreasing every day as a result of a growing population as well as increasing polution of the national and internationl watercourses. Scientists estimate that in the year 2025 one third of the world s population will suffer under water stress or chronic water scarcity. For this reason, international disputes between states sharing an international watercourse are even more likely to occur in the near future. This book examines the concepts of Territorial Sovereignty, Sustainable Development, No-Harm and Equitable Utilization and discusses whether they qualify as principles of Customary International Law, and in what way they influence the area of International Water Resources Law. International regulation, case law and scholarly theory are studied as well as the role of regional basin regimes. Furthermore, the applicability of customary law principles on three fictitious case studies involving international conflicts relating to water resources is examined. ····· 10361147078

Yawning for Accountability and Transparency

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This book is about good governance that involves the twin principles of transparency and accountability. As these are some of the avenues through which the Oil curse and the Dutch disease that have characterized most resourced countries can be averted. Uganda being a new entrant in the oil waters ought to embrace these principles so as to enhance good governance in the exploitation of this rich resource for both the current and the future generations. ····· 10361147279

Exekution auf andere Vermögensrechte

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In dieser Arbeit wird zunächst die Verwertung eines Geschäftsanteils, der nicht an eine Übertragungsbeschränkung gebunden ist, behandelt und wird versucht die Un- bzw. Zulässigkeit alternativer Verwertungsmethoden für das Exekutionsverfahren aufzuzeigen. Im Anschluss daran, wird die Verwertung eines solchen Geschäftsanteils im Insolvenzverfahren erörtert. Durch die sinngemäße Anwendung der Bestimmungen der Exekutionsordnung in der Insolvenz wird untersucht, welche Rückschlüsse aus dem exekutiven Verwertungsverfahren von GmbH-Geschäftsanteilen für das Insolvenzverfahren zu ziehen sind. Nicht nur im Exekutions- sondern auch im Insolvenzverfahren verlangt das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen betreibendem Gläubiger und Mitgesellschaftern der GmbH eine sachgerechte Lösung dieser Interessenskollision. Die Verwertung von GmbH Geschäftsanteilen wird häufig aufgrund von vertraglich vereinbarten Übertragungs-beschränkungen erheblich erschwert, wobei zu hinterfragen ist ob die in der Satzung vereinbarten Übertragungsbeschränkungen zulässig sind. ····· 1036159557

Primenenie oruzhiya kak kvalifitsiruyushchiy priznak prestupleniy

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V monografii rassmatrivaetsya ryad voprosov, posvyashchennykh kompleksnomu analizu primeneniya oruzhiya kak kvalifitsiruyushchego priznaka nasil`stvennykh prestupleniy. Nazvannyy priznak rassmotren kak samostoyatel`naya mezhnormativnaya ugolovno-pravovaya kategoriya, obosnovana neobkhodimost` ego unifikatsii, v osnove kotoroy dolzhen byt` edinyy podkhod v opredelenii stepeni obshchestvennoy opasnosti primeneniya oruzhiya i inykh predmetov. ····· 1036125081

Frauen in der Sowjetunion (1918-1953)

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Mag. Theresa Kraschitz legt in ihren Ausführungen das Hauptaugenmerk auf die Rolle der Frau in der Sowjetunion zwischen 1918 und 1953. Ein Überblick über die geschichtlichen Geschehnisse zwischen 1918 und 1953 ermöglicht einen Einblick in die Entwicklung der Sowjetunion und die Verfassungsentwicklung im Zusammenhang mit den Grund- und Menschenrechten.Die Frage nach der Rolle der Frau im sowjetischen `Gulag` rundet die Ausführungen ab. ····· 1036159486

Der Entzug der Staatsbürgerschaft nach § 34 StbG

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Dieses Werk beschäftigt sich mit dem Entzug der österreichischen Staatsbürgerschaft wegen Beibehaltung einer fremden Staatsbürgeschaft. Neben der genauen Darstellung dieses Tatbestandes, inklusive der Rechtssprechung des Verwaltungsgerichtshofes sowie des EuGH, wird auch ein Überblick über das geltende Staatsbürgeschaftsrecht sowie dessen Entwicklung geboten. Mit dem Tatbestand zusammenhängende Vorschriften, wie zB die Verleihung der Staatsbürgerschaft, werden ebenfalls beleuchtet. ····· 1036159531

Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts - Der Fall Povse

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In Zeiten zunehmender Mobilität sind grenzüberschreitende Beziehungen zwischen Personen unterschiedlicher Nationalität freilich keine Seltenheit mehr. Die EU trägt der zunehmenden Internationalisierung von Beziehungen Rechnung und bietet ihren Bürgern gem Art 3 Abs 2 EUV einen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts (RFSR). Von fundamentaler Bedeutung in diesem RFSR sind der Grundsatz der gegenseitigen Anerkennung und der Grundsatz des gegenseitigen Vertrauens. Der Fall Pove - ein Fall der `Kindesentführung` - zeigt, dass diese beiden Grundsätze in der Praxis nach wie vor Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Der Fall beschäftigte neben den österreichischen Gerichten auch den EuGH und den EGMR. Der EuGH war zuerst mit mehreren Fragen bezüglich der Anwendung und Auslegung der Brüssel IIa-VO konfrontiert. Der EGMR wurde sowohl von der entführenden Mutter als auch vom Vater wegen Verletzung von Art 8 EMRK angerufen. Diese drei Entscheidungen werden in der folgenden Arbeit näher betrachtet und erörtert. Gerade solche Fälle, wie der Fall Povse zeigen, dass nach wie vor ein gewisses Misstrauen gegenüber den Rechtsordnungen der anderen Mitgliedstaaten besteht. ····· 1036159574

Der Sicherheitsbegriff des 5 Abs 1 Z 2 PHG

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Das Produkthaftungsgesetz verlangt, dass ein Produkt jene Sicherheit bieten muss, die man unter Berücksichtigung aller Umstände zu erwarten berechtigt ist, insbesondere angesichts des Gebrauchs mit dem billigerweise gerechnet werden kann. Die Grundvoraussetzung eines Fehlers gem5 PHG, ist die Enttäuschung der berechtigten Sicherheitserwartungen. Der OGH stellt dabei auf die Erwartungen eines `idealtypischen Produktbenutzers` ab. Produkte werden aber nicht immer ihrem eigentlichen Zweck gemäß verwendet. Laut OGH muss der Hersteller einen gewissen Missbrauch bereits bei der Konstruktion berücksichtigen. Der Gebrauch mit dem billigerweise gerechnet werden kann ist eng mit der Instruktion des Produkts verbunden. Anhand von Entscheidungen des OGH soll aufgezeigt werden, dass sowohl die Beurteilung des Schutzbedürfnisses als auch die Beurteilung mit welchen Eigenschaften ein `idealtypischer Produktbenutzer` behaftet sein muss, nicht problemlos vorgenommen werden kann und stark vom Einzelfall abhängt. Im Rahmen eines `risk managements` steht der Hersteller daher vor der schwierigen Aufgabe den Spagat zwischen Kostenoptimierung und gleichzeitiger Sicherheit seines Produkts zu meistern. ····· 1036159507

Farmers Rights versus Globalization of Intellectual Property Rights

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Intellectual property right is among the key areas that have attracted the attention of globalization and its globalizing forces while at the same time severely impacting upon sections of societies that are not direct beneficiaries of globalization. Patents or other forms of intellectual property rights over plant genetic resources joined the spectrum of patentable subject maters with the globalization of such rights through a shift of regime under the UN system to a stronger regime under the WTO system. Counter measures were underway by several developing countries in other international regimes among which was, farmers` rights movement. Hence, this book addresses the potential in the articulation of farmers` rights as a counter limit to globalization of intellectual property rights in particular to plant genetic resources. It takes the context of Ethiopia on the verge of the Country`s decision to join the WTO while remaing a biggest advocate of farmers` rights. ····· 10361147286

Das Baustellenhandbuch VOB und BGB

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Meinungsverschiedenheiten auf der Baustelle über Rechte und Pflichten sind Alltag - erst recht, wenn grundlegende Änderungen, wie durch das neue Bauvertragsrecht, noch nicht allen Beteiligten geläufig sind, wie z. B.:

Auftraggeber dürfen zukünftig zumutbare oder notwendige Änderungen eines Bauprojekts anordnen. Der Auftragnehmer muss dafür ein entsprechendes Nachtragsangebot vorlegen.
Beide Vertragsparteien können aus wichtigem Grund kündigen. Die Kündigung ist jedoch explizit schriftlich zu äußern, denn mündliche Aussagen haben keine rechtliche Wirkung.
Kommt keine Abnahme zustande, kann der Auftragnehmer den Zustand eines Werks einseitig dokumentieren und darauf basierend abrechnen. Die Beweislast für Mängel liegt dann beim Auftraggeber.
Ein schneller Blick in die aktuellen Gesetze und Verordnungen würde dann oft schon ausreichen, um solche Meinungsverschiedenheiten aus der Welt zu schaffen.

Mit dem `Baustellenhandbuch VOB und BGB` im Jackentaschenformat sind die Vorgaben des neuen BGB-Bauvertragsrechts und der VOB/B immer zur Hand. Das Buch bietet unter Schlagwörtern von `A` wie `Abnahme` bis `Z` wie `Zutrittsrecht` Antworten auf die wichtigsten rechtlichen Fragen rund um die Ausführung von Bauprojekten. Zahlreiche Praxistipps und Handlungsanweisungen helfen, die Regelungen des Baurechts richtig anzuwenden. ····· 10361161148

Application des paiements des services environnementaux en RD Congo

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Les ressources naturelles jouent un rôle important dans le maintien de l`équilibre écologique. Mais pour fournir des services les unes en faveur des autres, il est nécessaire parfois que l`homme, individu ou communauté se prive de certaines utilisations ou s`oblige un comportement. Ceci génère un coût évaluable que le bénéficiaire doit payer pour continuer à bénéficier de ce service ou pour compenser les efforts supplémentaires ou les manques à gagner encourus par l`ayant droit sur ces ressources naturelles. Ce travail examine le degré d`application de ces pratiques en RDC tant au plan interne qu`international. Il résulte de cette étude qu`il y a des paiements qui sont faits pour bénéficier des services dans le secteur écologique et touristique-récréatifs. Les secteurs de l`énergie, de l`agriculture et l`hydraulique devraient adopter ce système pour plus d`équité spécialement à l`égard des communautés rurales. Par ailleurs, l`État doit améliorer le cadre légal et institutionnel pour bénéficier pleinement de ses ressources naturelles et stimuler les particuliers de pratiquer les paiements des services environnementaux pour une meilleure gestion des ressources naturelles. ····· 103614743

AMEF De Virolas De La Empresa CALPRE.C.A. Pto. Ordaz, Estado Bolivar

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La investigación tuvo como objetivo general, evaluar por medio de un Análisis de Modos y Efectos de Fallas (AMEF), el proceso de elaboración de virolas de la empresa CALPRE S.A. Puerto Ordaz, estado Bolívar. La población al igual que la muestra de esta investigación estuvo conformada por los elementos que intervienen en el proceso de elaboración de virolas. La recolección de información se realizó a través de: observación directa, técnica que permitió visualizar el proceso de elaboracion de virolas, lo cual ayudó a obtener la informacion en el mismo lugar donde ocurren los hechos. ····· 1036123044

Die Kodifizierung der Arzthaftung im deutschen Patientenrechtegesetz

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In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Zahl der Arzthaftungsprozesse in Österreich und Deutschland stark zugenommen. Ein Grund dafür, ist das Bestreben der Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung eine Waffengleichheit des Arztes und des Patienten im Arzthaftungsprozess zu schaffen. Unter anderem aus diesem Grund wurde 2013 in Deutschland das Patientenrechtegesetz erlassen, durch welches das Arzthaftungsrecht, das bisher Richterrecht war, im BGB `kodifiziert` wurde. Dagegen beruht das Arzthaftungsrecht in Österreich großteils auf der umfangreichen Rechtsprechung des OGH. Es wird ein Vergleich des geltenden Arzthaftungsrechts in Österreich und Deutschland vorgenommen. Dabei soll auf Fragen zum medizinischen Behandlungsvertrag, der nun durch das Patientenrechtegesetz im BGB geregelt ist, eingegangen werden. Zudem sollen die Rechte und Pflichten des Arztes und des Patienten thematisiert und verglichen werden. Außerdem sollen auch die von der deutschen Rechtsprechung entwickelten Beweislasterleichterungen, die im Arzthaftungsprozess entscheidend sein können und nun im BGB kodifiziert wurden, Eingang finden und mit jenen der österreichischen Lehre und Rechtsprechung verglichen werden. ····· 1036159563

Insurance Theory & Practice

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This book covers both theories and practices on Insurance in modern world. To discuss about insurance, this book contains eight separate chapters Introduction, Life insurance, Fire insurance, Marine insurance, Risk, Miscellaneous insurance, Insurance business in Bangladesh and American Life Insurance Company (ALICO)- A Case Study, Insurance contract (IFRS 3), Schedules from insurance act and problems on life and general insurance. The author believes that this book can be an ideal text book on insurance in modern world. It goes a long way to cover the demand of any syllabus of any modern, developed and top ranked university. Along with the theory and practices, it also covers related IFRS on insurance, Insurance act and practical mathematical problems on life and general insurances. Teachers are expected to take help from this book for their class room teaching and any sort of referencing. Students will be able to meet their thirst for knowledge on insurance and insurance business from studying the topics covered in this book. These topics will be helpful for answering questions at their examination. ····· 1036171

Malaysian Construction Contract

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`A project manager or contract manager will be more adept in evaluating and selecting a contracting system that is most appropriate to the requirements of the work and conforming to the economic, legal, cost, time and quality requirements and managing it efficiently, if they are very knowledgeable in the principles and philosophy of construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems`. The aim for compiling this Lecture Note is to provide material and readable comment of interest and usefulness to both students and practitioners , This is achieved in eight chapters: laws of Malaysia, construction contract, contract management, construction contracting, procurement system, professional liability, construction contract studies and dispute resolution. The issues identified by this Lecture Note seem complete for anyone s findings due to the knowledge of the principles and philosophy of construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems is an utmost importance for contract management. Lastly, this Lecture Note is generally a useful literature into the relationship of the construction contract law and the construction contract management. ····· 10361614

Contextual Issues & Essays in International Criminology

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This book is a collection of original essays specifically designed to offer students, policy makers, and others an in-depth overview of the most up-to-date empirical, theoretical, and political contributions made by critical criminologists like the author around the world. The diverse essays in this book covers the history of critical criminology and cutting edge theories, but also the variety of research methods used by leading scholars in the field of criminological research and the rich data generated by their rigorous empirical work. In addition, some of the chapters in this book suggest innovative and realistic short and long-term policy proposals that are typically ignored by mainstream criminology. These progressive strategies address some of the most pressing social problems facing contemporary society today. ····· 103611009

Morskoy regionalizm:

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V monografii proanalizirovany osnovnye etapy vozniknoveniya i posleduyushchey evolyutsii morskogo regionalizma kak odnogo iz klyuchevykh faktorov v mezhdunarodnykh morskikh otnosheniyakh. Pokazana ob`ektivnaya slozhnost` i neodnoznachnost` etogo protsessa. Vyyavleny osnovnye mezhdunarodno-pravovye, politologicheskie i sotsial`no-ekonomicheskie problemy sovremennoy morskoy regionalistiki, pokazany perspektivy formirovaniya morskikh regionov, ikh posleduyushchey institutsionalizatsii. ····· 103614995

The Legal-Criminal Policy regarding the Romanian Border Waters

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This paper analyses a new theme that raises specific legal-criminal issues. The author, a passionate connoisseur of inland and border waters of Romania aimed at investigating the subject from the point of view of a criminal law specialist, suggesting possible improvements of criminal legislation in the matter, especially in light of EU regulations. There are also presented data on the types of activities carried out inland and border waters (from shipping goods and people to sport fishing), on the principle of territoriality of criminal law and its scope (including the contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone, on the various types of offenses which are committed in border waters with Moldova, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Serbia, Hungary or at maritime border, on border areas disputed between Romania and Ukraine, Snake Island and Channel Bystroe) all these aspects accompanied by documented explanations reveal the author`s passion for research. ····· 1036118820

Antidiscrimination Rights of Contingent Workers in the United States

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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits an employer`s discriminatory employment practices against an employee on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. Most contingent workers in the U.S. are faced with discriminatory employment practices, such as low wages and low or no benefits, and they are disproportionately women and minorities. Title VII is the focal point, but Title VII has not functioned as a remedy for contingent workers. This book examines why contingent workers suffer discrimination, depite Title VII, and suggests possible solutions. ····· 1036118862

Public Interest Litigation in the Development of Prison Jurisprudence

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Present book is an outcome of LLM dissertation work. In the present work author has made some prime observations regarding Indian prison system and the role of public interest litigation in its development. Public Interest Litigation is a socio-legal economic evolution developed by the judiciary aimed at bringing justice particularly to the weaker and less advantaged strata of the Indian society, for whom justice remains a distant mirage despite India being an independent democratic welfare state. The visionary approach of the apex Court indeed is a genuine attempt to wipe out the tears and bring out the smile on the faces of those who are underprivileged for a variety of reasons to take on the battle themselves in the highly cost-ridden litigation. It is the result of the vibration of the sensitive social nerve of the Supreme Court that has opened vistas or social objections of the enshrined in Part IV of Indian Constitution which Granville Austin aptly describes as the heart and soul of the Constitution. Present book has made some important suggestions for the improvement in the Indian Prison Administration. ····· 1036119603

The International Community Through a Human Rights` Perspective

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This piece of work aims at the present paradoxical relationship between the advancement of international community and Law with their new bonds related to the attempt by some States on undermining the human rights` scope in times of crisis. The methodology applied was a bibliographic and documental review of the main decisions adopted and the relevant case law. The theoretical horizon follows the major theories about terrorism and acts of exception, bringing to light the recent events that changed the history of the world. Concludes the work that is the current task of international society, today featured as universal, opened, equal and decentralized, to achieve balance between the state of exception and terrorism, counting on the role played by new international subjects that have functioned as effective operators of the Law, constantly trying to piece together what have been abruptly separated, State and Law. ····· 1036119781

Attracting and Regulating FDI in Biofuels Production in Tanzania

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Foreign Direct Investment is recognised as the engine for economic growth in both the developed and developing world. If properly harnessed, it may bring about employment opportunities, transfer of skills and technology and capital. The attraction of FDI in a new sector requires proper preparation in terms of laws and policies. The need becomes more pressing in the fast growing biofuels sector which is full of social, economic, political and environmental controversies. Biofuels production competes for land, water and food crops amongst other resources. With these controversies, biofuels production needs to be properly regulated in order to strike a balance between these competing and often conflicting interests. Such are the challenges faced by Tanzania and indeed many other developing states eager to attract investments in this new and rapidly expanding sector. ····· 1036120012

Corporate Governance of Share Companies in Ethiopia

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In publicly held companies, which are constituted by contribution of capital from a number of shareholders, ownership usually separates from the control of dispersed shareholders and goes into the hands of few managers or few controlling shareholders. Total separation between ownership and control in turn creates a risk of the managers (agent) working for their own interest at the expense of the shareholders (principal). This book put forward that the separation between ownership and control is growing in Ethiopia and submits some empirical evidence in support of adopting good corporate governance laws and institutions in this regard. Based on the available literature and data on the subject matter, it attempts to show the deficiency in the Ethiopian Commercial Code and other pertinent proclamations and directives in addressing current issues in corporate governance related to board of directors, protection of rights of minority shareholders and issues regarding financial reporting, transparency and audit. ····· 1036120861

Coproducción exitosa de seguridad en territorios periféricos

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Centrada en el complejo debate sobre el abordaje de la seguridad cuidadana y su vinculación con las periferias urbanas, esta investigación realiza una observación etnográfica acabada, a uno de los programas más exitosos de coproducción de seguridad ciudadana en Río de Janeiro: los agrupamientos policiales en áreas especiales(GPAÉ). A partir del análisis de esta experiencia en la Favela Cavalão de Niterói, se busca extraer aprendizajes y líneas de acción, para la generación de nuevas políticas de abordaje del crimen en áreas periféricas, por sobre los enfoques represivos ampliamente difundidos. Siendo un caso ejemplar de estudio, el Proceso de pacificación del Morro Cavalão sugiere matices y una complejidad raramente abordados por los distintos medios de comunicación y que, como se demuestra en el estudio, son indispensables para la correcta comprensión de éste. La investigación se enriquece además, de una exhaustiva descripción de las dinámicas sociales al interior de esta comunidad, de su configuración histórica, de sus espacios y actores sociales, de interés para todo aquel que quiera conocer las dinámicas al interior de las Favelas. ····· 1036123812

Awareness and Implications of Constructive Dismissal in Malaysia

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Constructive dismissal is neither a dismissal nor a resignation.It does however involve the termination of the relationship between an employer and employee and the consequences are invariably negative.This study examines the perplexing and yet important issue of constructive dismissal and explores the issues involving constructive dismissal in Malaysia by providing an in-depth study of perspectives in various levels ranging from employers, employees, legal sector, unions and individuals.A detailed study on all relevant cases has also been made to determine how the principles of law function in bringing a contract of employment to an end by reason of the employer`s conduct-should it be the contract test or the test of unreasonableness or other type of tests What type of employer`s conduct will justify justify constructive dismissal-should it be the employer`s conduct in breach of the terms of employment contract or unreasonable behavior on his part that leads the employee to walk out of his employment The study in addition explores the awareness level of employees and as well as employers in this growing nature of dismissal. ····· 1036124914

Youth Impowerment in Ethiopia

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Youth as a societal category and policy tool must be recognized as a legal construct within the system. In Ethiopia, the model of youth empowerment is inspired by the vision to create an empowered young generation with democratic outlook and ideals, equipped with knowledge and professional skills, get organized and built on ethical integrity.Participation forms the underlying make-up of empowerment while empowerment might mean transforming power relationships through transforming one`s self, changing relationships in society, and changing cultural patterns. Empowerment, as an ongoing process in the paradigm shift to human-centered development, is the highest developmental stage and the transformed form of participation.The youth development and empowerment model, envisioned under the Ethiopian National Youth Policy and Development Packages, which is characterized by strategic youth leadership, governmental supportive environment, multi-sectoralism and mainstreaming, will be effective, efficient and responsive with the codification of a comprehensive and unified body of youth legislation and establishment of corresponding youth focused institutional mechanisms fit tothe purpose. ····· 1036186548

Conflict of Family Laws in Ethiopia

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Ethiopia has promulgated a new Constitution in 1995. The Constitution provides Family Law enacting power to States of the Federation. However, the country does not have Conflict of Law Rules that can govern the selection of the applicable law in case of a case with a foreign element: where either one of the parties is from a different state, the immovable property is situated in another region or the transaction affects individuals of two states. This manuscript attempts to propose possible rules that should be adopted by the law maker in order to solve conflicts problems in areas family matters that could arise between persons domiciling in two or more regions of the country. ····· 1036188688

Fuerzas Armadas Ciudadanas

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Este magnífico trabajo del Cnel.(R) Lic. Sergio RICO, formula importantes mensajes para la definición del qué, el cómo y el para qué de la Defensa Nacional. El estudio analiza la situación de antecedentes de reservas, preparación ciudadana, doctrina de empleo, marco Jurídico y balance Militar, estableciendo comparaciones estratégicas. Sus conclusiones son ilustrativas respecto a la necesidad de reformulaciones originadas por obsolescencias legales y una situación estratégica desfavorable. Es destacable por su relevancia estratégica y practicidad de enfoques Cnel. (R) Mag. Antonio ROMANELLI, CPP. La investigación producida por el autor, se inscribe dentro de una moderna concepción de la Defensa Nacional de carácter integral, que remite a todas las dimensiones del Potencial de una Nación. En este caso, al abordar el tema de las Reservas y su Movilización, deja al descubierto - mediante un tratamiento descriptivo y comparativo de datos- la centralidad de la sociedad en la Planificación y eventual Implementación de las Políticas de Defensa Nacional. Connstituye un punto de referencia imprescindible para futuros trabajos. Daniel Locattelli, politólogo, Cnel. retirado. ····· 1036190590

Electricity Market In Turkey and Its Integration Policy Into The EU

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This book evaluates the electricity sector in Turkey by examining its historical development and the directives of the European Union on the energy sector, also by giving reference to statistical tables and the views of specialists and academic authorities. The globalization of the economy, developments and changes in technology and various economical and political movements have affected the energy sector and therefore, proposed amendments of the regulations have been initiated. In this book, the reform process in the energy sector and possible complexities and difficulties that might occur in that period are evaluated and discussed. Turkey has been through many changes in the procedures and regulations of its energy sector following the integration process into the European Union. Turkey, as a candidate country, is supposed to put the acquis communitaire into practice and a strategy is necessary to implement harmonization with the procedure in the energy sector. Within this study, various aspects of the change Turkey has been through in its legal procedure during its researches and studies for strategy in the energy sector have been evaluated by handling the directives of the EU. ····· 1036192227

Saving Book

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After the down fall of the unitary Government of Derg, Ethiopia has adopted Federal Government on the basis of ethnicity. Following this period ethnic and inter-ethnic conflicts and grievances have become exacerbated.Federal system conceived as mechanism to manage inter-ethnic conflict. It also argued that ethnic based federalism is the right way to peace and security, development, and to ensure unity in diversity among diverse ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The communities in the study area had a long history of peaceful co-existence and communal ties such as inter-marriage, however, disputes and incidences of violent conflicts have been observed after the formation of ethnic based federal system in Ethiopia. The merits of ethnic federalism particularly as mechanisms to minimize ethnic tension and conflicts and the opportunities and challenges with ethnic based federal system critically examined. Different methods were employed to convey sustainable peace and security, and to restore the community to peaceful co-existence but failed to bring any effect in Ethiopia. ····· 1036199122

Promoting and Protecting Human Rights by the United Nations

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This book focuses on the human rights situation in Uganda. it encompasses the various rights, looks at the formation of the UN as a body which facilitates protection of human rights, the role it has played to protect and promote these rights, the challenges it has encountered, areas that are lacking and advises on the way forward to enable the proper enjoyment and realization of human rights in Uganda. ····· 1036199561

International Protection of Traditional Medical knowledge

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In recent years, protection of Traditional Knowledge (TK) in general and Traditional Medical Knowledge (TMK) in particular has become hot agenda in many international fora. Ethiopia is one of the leading countries in promoting the slogan of protection. Several proposals have been made and put in place within and outside the IPR system to protect TMK. This book, reviews and analyzes different international agreements and initiatives, and examines the legal environments and policies of Ethiopia relevant to the protection of TMK. Considering the current situation of Ethiopia, its policy priorities and the experiences of some countries, the book tries to unveil the inherent and possible problems of existing and potential modalities of protection, especially in achieving the goal Ethiopia wants to secure from protection of TMK. As the book elucidate these imperative issues of the time, it would be expedient to legal practitioners, law students, policy makers or any one else who is interested in the subject matter of TMK. ····· 10361146294

Promoting Rights of the Child in Uganda

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The Children s Act of Uganda recognizes social arrangements for upbringing of children yet actors in these arrangements, in coping with the dynamics of social change, have the capacity to respond differently to new and old values and ideas , sometimes in conformity with the best interests of the child principle and sometimes against it. The book is based on an empirical study that starts with the author s personal experience of the custom under inquiry, and documents experiences of different generations. It is this custom that is recognized by conferring duties on de facto guardians and rights on children in their custody. A case is thereby made out for an integrated approach to legal reform in promoting rights of the child.This book will benefit scholars of Law and Society in socio-legal research studies, positive customary practices and their role in legal reform and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child . Civil society organizations can use information in the book to popularize rights of the child in Africa.It makes good reading for the general public. ····· 10361147124

The Guaranty of Rights of Individuals in Criminal Process

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There are ancient historical roots of the individual rights and legitimate interests in the criminal process, the moral, religious, scientific and other approaches, views and legal norms to guarantee these rights and interests. Like all other areas of the legislative work and the implementation of the law in the world countries, this area had a contradictory historical development course from the first laws of the civilization till the modern regulatory legislation. However, since the mid of the last century the problem of the individual rights in the criminal process has become the object of further theoretical research, the points of the Soviet legislation putting the personal interests, humanist and democratic values on the background were blamed, and numerous proposals were made for their elimination. A significant portion of these proposals has been accepted and, as we see from the comparison of current procedural legislations, they had a start in life. ····· 10361147248

Study of Intellectual Property Made Easy

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This book is to raise awareness of the principal concepts of intellectual property and its importance as a spur to human creativity in the advancement of economic and social development, and in the facilitation of international trade through the treaties offering multi-lateral protection. The level of the book is best described as introductory. It explain what constitutes protection of IP, introduce the treaties that govern IP and explain some of the services of WIPO that assist in the worldwide acquisition, management and protection of IP rights. ····· 10361147308

Political Party Regulation in the Republic of Azerbaijan

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This book explores legislation defining the functioning of political parties in Azerbaijan. It includes discussion of various issues ranging from the registration of political parties to the formation of factions within the parliament. The author analyses how an increasingly restrictive legal environment and government policies have influenced the development of a multi-party system in Azerbaijan. She highlights the impact of legislation and electoral practices, the status of factions and groups in the parliament, the political economy of energy rich states and degree of fundamental freedoms upon the development of political parties. The study pays special attention to the issue of women`s participation in the political sphere. It concludes with recommendations for the improvement of conditions for party development in the country. ····· 10361113685

Implementation of International Humanitarian Law

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This book, though was initially meant for partial fulfillment of a degree work, is very helpful to those who are interested to study International Humanitarian Law. It could serve as an introductory kit for students of the law of armed conflict who approach the subject for the first time. The descriptive analysis on treatment of prisoners of war in the Ethio-Eritrean war of 1998-2000 is not only informative for concerned authorities of the states parties to the conflict but generally for all states that could potentially engage in an armed conflict. It provides useful information for policy makers on issues that should be taken into consideration in peace times as well as during times of armed conflict to better implement the law of war. ····· 1036191789

Human Rights Commission and Vulnerable groups in Ethiopia

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Ethiopian Human rights commission was established in the year 2000 (1992 E.C) by proclamation # 210/2000 for the purpose of promoting and protection the fundamental rights and freedoms recognized both in the country`s constitution and by international and regional human rights instruments. Of these rights intended to be promoted and protected, the rights and freedoms of vulnerable groups especially children, women and persons with disabilities. The commission has a unit led by a a commissioner for children, women and persons with disabilities, nevertheless,The commission`s hand seems to be crippled by different problems, as a result of which the promotion and protection function could not be well managed. This book is then intending to asses the nature, content and seriousness of the problems and recommend a possible lee way out. ····· 10361147422

Das Österreichische FMedG - eine rechtshistorische Genese

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Die vorliegende Arbeit schildert in chronologischer Form die Entstehung des Österreichischen Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetzes 1992 sowie den während des Zeitraums zwischen Mitte der 1980er Jahre bis zum Jahr 1992 dauernden politischen Prozess, der zum Beschluss des FMedG geführt hat. Neben medizinischen Indikationen, die zur Inanspruchnahme reproduktionsmedizinischer Hilfe führen können, wird auch die rechtliche Problematik, die das Thema aufwirft, kurz geschildert. Um die Genese des FMedG nachvollziehen zu können, werden die politische Ausgangslage, die Positionen der politischen Parteien, die Arbeiten der österreichischen Rechtswissenschaft, Tätigkeiten einzelner Organisationen und MedizinerInnen sowie die Haltung von Kinderlosigkeit Betroffener beschrieben. Im Besonderen wird auf die Beteiligung von Frauen und Frauenorganisationen am Entscheidungsprozess eingegangen. Reproduktionsmedizinische Hilfe wird in Österreich gesetzlich sehr streng reglementiert, neben einer inhaltlichen Darstellung des Gesetzes wird in dieser Arbeit daher auch auf die Kritik am FMedG eingegangen und liefert abschließend den Ausblick auf eine mögliche Novellierung. ····· 1036159491

Das Washingtoner Abkommen 1998 über Vermögenswerte des Holocaust

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Hört man von Restitution hat man sofort die aufregenden Fälle vor Augen. Tatsächlich handelt es sich um unvorstellbare Massen an entzogenen Gütern. Viele Menschen, die nichts mit Jura am Hut haben, wissen nicht dass es bereits 1998 den Versuch gab eine internationale Lösung zu finden: Das Washingtoner Abkommen über Vermögenswerte des Holocaust. In meiner Arbeit versuche ich den Umgang mit diesem Abkommen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu vergleichen. ····· 1036159598

Pravovoe obespechenie sportindustrii

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V uchebnom posobii rassmatrivayutsya osnovy pravovogo obespecheniya i tekhnicheskogo regulirovaniya sportivnoy industrii po zakonodatel`stvu Rossiyskoy Federatsii, v tom chisle, osobennosti pravovogo regulirovaniya fizicheskoy kul`tury i sporta (FiS), vklyuchaya voprosy standartizatsii v oblasti FiS i sportindustrii, a takzhe sozdaniya bezbar`ernoy sredy dlya sportsmenov i inykh lits, s ogranicheniyami po zdorov`yu (adaptivnyy sport). Posobie sostavleno s uchetom sovremennykh aktov mezhdunarodno-pravovogo (v pervuyu ochered` mezhdunarodno-priznannye akty) i natsional`nogo kharaktera, vklyuchaya standarty, stroitel`nye normy i inye tekhnicheskie pravila i rekomendatsii, primenyaemye v mire i v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Dlya studentov i prepodavateley vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, a takzhe spetsialistov, rabotayushchikh v oblasti fizicheskoy kul`tury i sporta, v tom chisle, adaptivnogo, mediko-biologicheskogo obespecheniya sportsmenov, a takzhe lits, osushchestvlyayushchikh kontrol`no-nadzornye funktsii v sfere zashchity prav sportsmenov i prav invalidov. ····· 103615412

Judicial Activism & Environmental Pollution in India

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The protection of environment presents a most fundamental challenge to the nation s desire to industrialize faster and to be capable of fulfilling certain basic needs of the growing population. During development process a huge damage has been caused to the environment because it has resulted into the pollution like deforestation, air and water pollution, etc. Indian government has passed many legislations foe environmental protection e.g. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, etc. But the fact is that no law or authority can succeed in removing the pollution until the people cooperate. The role of judiciary in controlling the pollution and conservation can be duly acknowledged. This book defines about the meaning, sources and effect of environmental pollution, national policy and its implementation on environmental law, national policy and its implementation on environmental law, constitutional provisions, fundamental rights and environmental pollution, judicial adjudication on environmental pollution. This book will be useful for environmentalists, lawyers, policy makers, students etc. ····· 1036118900

Corporate Governance in Pakistan

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This book is an academic investigation of Pakistani Corporate Governance framework from Shariah perspective.The Book critically considers the imperative concepts and values of Corporate Governance.In the main body of this book the general concepts of Corporate Governance drawn from various standards and principles are explored.The Pakistani Corporate Governance Mechanism,Shariah issues in that Mechanism, Islamic Perspective of Corporate Governance, the basic elements of Corporate Governance in Islamic Law, the Business Ethics in Islam, there association with the governance of corporations and the Corporate Governance mechanism for Islamic Banks in Pakistan is also elaborated in this paper. The book clarifies that it is the only Shariah based Corporate Governance framework which is acceptable to Pakistani corporations and public. Being Muslims we can t deviate from the revealed universal values necessary for Corporate Governance framework. This book points out the need for a faith based Code of Corporate Governance,Islamic Banking Laws and Islamic Banking Tribunals for the eradication of Usury from the banking sector and settlement of transactional disputes. ····· 1036188123

Plain language, consumerism and reform of South African contract law

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When looking at the history and development of the plain language movement and the contextual approach to contract interpretation it is clear that contract law has come a long way from its rigid Roman past. This study not only aims to look at the past, present and future of contract law in South Africa. It sets out to prove that plain language contracts are not only enforceable (under the new contextual approach to interpretation) but that they are now a prerequisite in the realm of consumer contracts worldwide. Legalese is now not only becoming outdated, but also illegal and no one can afford to ignore the rapid changes that are happening every day. By looking at the different definitions, benefits, criticisms, techniques and legislative requirements pertaining to plain language it gives an idea of what drafters should be aware of when drafting legal documents. The aim is to paint a picture of what universal modern contract law and modern legal language are and how it is reshaping contract law in South Africa and around the world. ····· 1036199247

Insurance Intermidiaries in Ethiopia: The Law and the practice

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Insurance intermediaries, that originated and developed with the origin and development of insurance, are professionals who bridge the gap between the consumer and the insurers. The four types of insurance intermediaries are: an insurance agent insurance broker, insurance loss assessors or loss adjustors and insurance surveyors. The book confirms that they are agents of the insurer or the insured and owed duties to perform independently on behalf of the principals. The book focuses on the types and forms of insurance intermediaries, the regulation of their functions, their rights, duties and liabilities. The research was carried out by conducting interviews and paying visits and then evaluating it against the internationally accepted rules and principles. The sector is at its enfant stage of development and confusion between the insurance surveyor and assessor or adjuster is noticed. The book identified that there is no developed system of supervision. Agency contracts are not made in the form the law requires, mainly oral contracts are made with regard to insurance assessors, and letter of appointment is used in case of brokers. ····· 1036199703


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La presente investigación sobre la administración de los albergues instalados en el cantón Penipe durante el proceso eruptivo del volcán Tungurahua año 2006, tiene como propósito fundamental la elaboración de un Manual de Gestión Administrativa con el cual se tiene el pleno convencimiento de mejorar la atención al evacuado especialmente en el aspecto afectivo emocional. Dentro del Marco Teórico Científico abordamos un proceso administrativo moderno, en donde la planeación se constituye en un soporte fundamental, para que mediante la Gestión entreguemos un servicio de calidad al evacuado. Además se prioriza el aspecto afectivo, buscando un equilibrio emocional, partiendo del principio: El sentimiento es el motor del comportamiento. Para solucionar este problema se ha creído necesario elaborar una Manual de Gestión Administrativa considerando a la Presidencia de la República, al Ministerio de Bienestar Social en el nivel directivo al Coordinador y Subcoordinador en el nivel ejecutivo a los Jefes de área: de trabajo social y recreacional, salud y saneamiento ambiental, vigilancia, alimentación, bodega y colaboradores en el nivel operativo. ····· 10361117271

Environmental challenges for the Egg Processing Industry

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Environmental regulation within the European Union and its Member States has evolved from command-and-control regulation to more complex ways of regulation. Different industries may be more or less vulnerable towards an increased level of environmental regulation. The food industry is among those industries having a large consumption of natural resources (water and energy) and produces significantly amounts of residue (waste water, carbon dioxide and biodegradable waste). As such it is only natural that the food industry is governed by environmental regulation. In this book the Egg-processing industry has been selected as a case study in order to be capable of illustrating the impact of such regulation on industry ····· 10361135848

Mejoras al sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

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El presente trabajo se realizo en el Centro Nacional para la Certificacion industrial perteneciente al Ministerio de la Industria Básica permitio organizar el proceso de Segiridad y Salud en el Trabajo como subsistema del Capital Humano se identificaron las fortalezas y debilidades a esta última se le aplicarón herramientas de analisis tales como tormeta de ideas,técnica UTI, pareto y después se elabora programas de mejoras sobre las tres debilidades que más influyen en el proceso. Se aplica el paquete del SPS procesando los resultados de los espectos con relación a una escuesta elaborada por el instituto de estudio del trabajo con relacion a la implementacion de la Norma Cubana 18001:2005 estandar de requisito para la Certificación del Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo aprobado por la Oficina Nacional de Normalización ····· 103612799

La legislación internacional y los límites marítimos de Ecuador

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La presente obra trata la problemática de Ecuador en lo que respecta a sus límites marítimos al año 2009. Ecuador limita al norte con Colombia, al sur con Perú y al noroeste con Costa Rica, con quienes tiene firmados convenios que de alguna manera tratan de límites marítimos y que se han respetado hasta la fecha. Sin embargo, estos convenios en atención a los intereses nacionales, son vistos como documentos base para el establecimiento y reconocimiento de límites marítimos en unos casos y en otros no. Problemática compleja para los países involucrados que deben cerrar sus fronteras en atención a los objetivos nacionales permanentes. ····· 1036122972

Seguirdad perimetral en redes de computadores

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La falta de medidas de seguridad en las redes es un problema en crecimiento. Cada vez es mayor el número y el tipo de atacantes, están más organizados y van adquiriendo habilidades más especializadas que les permiten obtener mayores beneficios y provocar mayores daños. La propia complejidad de la red es una dificultad para la detección y corrección de los múltiples y variados problemas de seguridad que van apareciendo. Por estos y muchos otros motivos, hablar de la seguridad en redes se convierte en una necesidad dentro de cualquier organización. Nuestro principal objetivo será: Concienciar al lector de la importancia de proteger nuestros recursos de red y mostrar algunas de las estrategias de defensa con las que, actualmente, se cuentan para conseguir este fin . Mostramos unos capítulos teóricos que nos introducen a la seguridad, cómo se gestiona e implementa, qué nos preocupa y en concreto en la seguridad perimetral. Estos capítulos teóricos son complementados por una serie de casos prácticos, conformando un material didáctico ideal para desarrollar un primer curso de seguridad en redes, dentro de la formación de un profesional de la informática y del networking`. ····· 1036123891

Nigeria Police And Human Rights In The World History

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This Book discusses the Positive Role of Nigeria Police In The World History. It also emphasis on Human Rights, Challenges and the Positive Actions of Nigeria Police towards the People.This Book will be useful to Scholars, Researchers and all the Police in the World. LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING IS WORLD AND OCEAN OF KNOWLEDGE. Thank You. ····· 10361113089

Stifterwille und Begünstigtenrechte

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Das Privatstiftungsgesetz (PSG) kennt nur wenige ausdrückliche Bestimmungen betreffend die Rechte der Begünstigten und enthält keine Vorschriften, die die Einräumung weiterer Rechte an Begünstigte in der Stiftungserklärung für unzulässig erklären. Dem Prinzip der Vertragsfreiheit entsprechend ist es dem Stifter daher möglich, den Begünstigten in der Stiftungserklärung weitere - über den gesetzlichen Umfang hinausgehende - Rechte einzuräumen. Die vorliegende Arbeit `Stifterwille und Begünstigtenrechte` befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Rechte in welchem Umfang den Begünstigten durch den Stifter eingeräumt werden können. Probleme ergeben sich dort, wo Begünstigte Rechte erhalten, die ihnen eine eigentümerähnliche Stellung verschaffen, was mit der Privatstiftung als eigentümerloses Rechtssubjekt unvereinbar ist. ····· 1036159489

Die Unternehmenskrise

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Diese Arbeit behandelt im ersten Teil den betriebswirtschaftlichen Hintergrund der Unternehmenskrise, deren Eigenschaften, typischen Verlauf und wie das Krisenmanagement solche Unternehmenskrisen frühzeitig erkennen und dadurch rechtzeitig Maßnahmen einleiten kann, um eine Krise vom Unternehmen abzuwenden bzw. positiv zu überwinden. Außerdem werden der Zweck und die verschiedenen Funktionen der Krisenfrüherkennung dargestellt. Im zweiten rechtlichen Teil geht es um die verschiedenen Handlungsmöglichkeiten, die einem Unternehmen offen stehen, welches sich bereits mitten in einer Krise befindet. Es wird geprüft, ob eine Sanierung überhaupt noch möglich ist und wie diese Sanierungsprüfung genau abzulaufen hat. Dann kommen die Insolvenzeröffnungsgründe, die Fortbestehensprognose und der allgemeine Ablauf des Insolvenzverfahrens. Außerdem stellt sich die Frage, ob das Unternehmen fortgeführt oder geschlossen wird. Danach folgt die Unternehmenssanierung, welche man in eine außergerichtliche und eine gerichtliche Sanierung unterteilt. Als letzter Ausweg kann auch eine Unternehmenszerschlagung erfolgen. ····· 1036159540

Der Schutz des Nachbarn vor Immissionen durch Haustiere

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Dieses Werk beschäftigt sich mit den rechtlichen Möglichkeiten des Nachbarn, sich vor Immissionen durch Haustiere zu schützen, denn im Zusammenhang mit der Haltung von Haustieren werden häufig Nachbarschaftsstreitigkeiten verursacht. Zuerst wird ein Einblick in die Haustierhaltung im Allgemeinen in Österreich gegeben. Anschließend wird das Nachbarrecht als Ausfluss des Eigentumsrechts mit den für diese Arbeit zentralen Bestimmungen der 364 ff ABGB erörtert. Darauf aufbauend werden dann die einzelnen unmittelbaren und mittelbaren Immissionen von Haustieren im Hinblick auf ihre Untersagungsfähigkeit untersucht. Im Vordergrund der Abwehrmöglichkeiten steht der Unterlassungsanspruch des 364 Abs 2 ABGB und die Eigentumsfreiheitsklage gem 523 ABGB. Dabei richtet sich ein Teil des Hauptaugenmerks auf die Klagslegitimation, da die Frage geklärt werden muss, wem die Tiere zurechenbar sind. Da auch Haustiere Schäden verursachen können, befasst sich dieses Werk weiters mit möglichen schadenersatzrechtlichen Ansprüchen gegenüber dem Tierhalter. ····· 1036159545

Otvetstvennost` za mnozhestvo prestuplenij

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V monografii rassmotreny voprosy kvalifikacii mnozhestvennosti prestuplenij, v tom chisle voprosy otgranicheniya form mnozhestvennosti prestuplenij drug ot druga, a takzhe ot otdel`nyh vidov slozhnogo edinogo prestupleniya na osnove analiza norm UK Respubliki Uzbekistan, sravnitel`nogo izucheniya zakonodatel`nogo opyta ryada zarubezhnyh gosudarstv, sledstvenno-sudebnoj praktiki, teoreticheskih polozhenij nauki ugolovnogo prava i rezul`tatov sociologicheskogo oprosa. Dlya studentov, magistrantov, aspirantov i prepodavatelej vysshih juridicheskih uchebnyh zavedenij, a takzhe rabotnikov sledstvenno-sudebnyh organov. ····· 10361114127

Impact of ILO Conventions on Indian Labour Legislation

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The ILO is being established for the well being of industrial wage earners both physical and intellectual. It worked with an owed objective of universal lasting peace and harmony. The ILO`s meaning, nature and activities centre around three words : Peace, Social Justice and Labour. This study is to analyse the potency of the ILO as an instrument of social progress and to examine the magnitude of influence of ILO Conventions on Indian Labour Legislation. ····· 10361424

The UK Bank Corporate Governance Framework

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As the UK banking crisis (2007-2009) unveils, the pre-crisis bank governance framework failed to achieve its two-tier objectives by, inter alia, failing to ensure that bank executive remuneration does not incentivise excessive risk-taking and is not excessive and to effectively discourage unduly risky business models and acquisitions without adequate due diligence. This book is the first legal academic research that takes a holistic approach to the UK bank governance framework, with a focus upon bank executive remuneration and risk governance. Chapter One (the adapted principal-agent theory, a historical account of UK bank governance, and the FSA`s regulatory system in respect of bank governance) and Chapter Two (an experimental empirical study on enforcement mechanisms in UK bank governance) set the general backdrop, against which the UK framework for bank executive remuneration governance (Chapter Three) and the UK framework for bank risk governance (Chapter Four) are holistically discussed and critically analysed. Given its interdisciplinary approach, this book should be of particular interest to readerships in corporate governance, banking law and regulation, and management. ····· 10361657

Tamozhennaya sluzhba Rossiyskogo gosudarstva v XVI-XVIII vv.

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Tamozhennaya sluzhba yavlyaetsya vazhnoy sostavlyayushchey mekhanizma sovremennogo gosudarstva. Izuchenie rannikh etapov istorii tamozhennoy sluzhby pozvolyaet vyyavit` sushchnostnye kharakteristiki etogo napravleniya gosudarstvennogo upravleniya, opredelit` mesto tamozhennoy sluzhby v sisteme gosudarstvennogo mekhanizma, a takzhe ee rol` v pravovom regulirovanii. V rabote provedena popytka kompleksnoy rekonstruktsii institutsional`nykh i pravovykh osnovaniy organizatsii tamozhennoy sluzhby Rossiyskogo gosudarstva v XVI-XVIII vekakh. Istochnikovuyu bazu issledovaniya sostavili normativno-pravovye akty iz kollektsii Polnogo sobraniya zakonov Rossiyskoy imperii (PSZRI), a takzhe neopublikovannye dokumenty iz fondov Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhiva drevnikh aktov (RGADA, g. Moskva) i Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo arkhiva (RGIA, g. Sankt-Peterburg). Dlya prepodavateley, nauchnykh rabotnikov, aspirantov, a takzhe vsekh lits, interesuyushchikhsya istoriey gosudarstva i prava Rossii. ····· 103611046

Konservativnaya kontseptsiya gosudarstva v Rossii

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V knige avtor predprinyal popytku preodolet` odnostoronniy, rezko kriticheskiy podkhod k konservativnoy politiko-pravovoy doktrine Rossii, im pokazan vklad konservatizma v sozidanie i sokhranenie russkoy dukhovnoy kul`tury, gosudarstvennosti i prava. V monografii okhvachena istoriya russkoy okhranitel`noy pravovoy doktriny na vsem protyazhenii russkoy istorii s VII po XXI vv., vyyavleny skvoznye nachal russkoy traditsionalistskoy mysli: nravstvennoe opravdanie gosudarstva i prava, vlast` kak sluzhenie, ideal samoderzhaviya, simfoniya tserkovnoy i gosudarstvennoy vlastey, sobornoe upravlenie obshchestvom, prioritet religiozno-nravstvennykh printsipov nad formal`noy yurisprudentsiey, sovestnoe perezhivanie prava-pravdy i dr. Mnogie iz ispol`zuemykh pervoistochnikov predstaviteley russkogo konservatizma vvodyatsya vpervye v oborot yurisprudentsii (N.M. Karamzina, mit. Filareta, pochvennikov, svyashchennika P.A. Florenskogo, S.F. Sharapova, N.I. Chernyaeva mit. Ioanna (Snycheva), A.I. Solzhenitsyna i dr.). ····· 103613252

Role of External Auditor in Regulation (UK, Germany, Italy & the US)

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Up until 1989, there existed the Big Eight` accountancy firms namely the eight major international accountancy firms, Arthur Young (AY), Ernst & Whinney (EW), Deloitte Haskins & Sells (DHS) ,Touche Ross (TR), Price Waterhouse, Coopers and Lybrand, Arthur Andersen and KPMG. At present, there remain only four these four comprise of Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and KPMG. Whilst the collapse of Enron resulted in the demise of Arthur Andersen, the earlier collapses of BCCI, followed by Barings Bank Plc as discussed in the first part of this section, also involved the present Big Four accountancy firms. These collapses also produced devastating effects and one can only arrive at the conclusion that whilst Arthur Andersen paid the price for failing to live up to its role, the other Big Four accountancy firms escaped such draconian punishment as a result of the consequences of having two or more of such accountancy firms being made defunct, among which include concentration in the audit market. This thesis considers through a comparative analysis of selected jurisdictions, how the external auditor can assist the regulator in carrying out its functions. ····· 103613267

Rights and Interests in Land Among the Orang Asli in Pahang

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This book focuses on the changes in the customary land tenure among the Orang Asli particularly the Semai community in the state of Pahang. The book suggests that despite the locality of the villages, the Semai customary land tenure has gradually changed due to the laws and policies introduced by the government. The book also recommends that to enable the Semai to improve the tenure system and to develop the customary lands, the Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954 (Revised 1974)should be reviewed especially provisions relating to the security of Orang Asli customary land tenure. ····· 103613279

Indonesian Responsibility for High Seas Fisheries

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High seas fishery is among the biggest sources of export for many countries including Indonesia, especially for pelagic and highly migratory species, such as tuna and tuna-like. One of the major developments in high seas fishery is the role of regional fisheries management organizations, encouraged by the 1982 UNCLOS. Indonesia is surrounded by several big RFMOs which include CCSBT, IOTC and WCPFC. As a sovereign country, Indonesia decided to ignore those developments and played outside the scheme of high seas fisheries management. Unfortunately, the international market has then pushed Indonesia into an undeniable situation of needing to follow the idea of managing high seas fisheries in sustainable manner. Indonesia eventually ratified the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement by Law No. 21 of 2009 and has also become a member of CCSBT and IOTC, while membership in WCPFC is just about to begin. This book examines the major problems of Indonesian high seas fishing, the current condition of the relevant Indonesian policy and laws, and the preparedness of Indonesian stakeholders in high seas fishing to conduct high seas fishing in sustainable manner. ····· 103613443

Konstitutsiya Germanii i dogovory Evropeyskogo Soyuza

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Na segodnyashniy den` mozhno konstatirovat`, chto Evropeyskiy Soyuz nakhoditsya v glubokom krizise, prichiny kotorogo kroyutsya ne tol`ko v obshchem ekonomicheskom spade. Segodnya v gosudarstvakh-chlenakh Evropeyskgo Soyuza nablyudaetsya krizis natsional`noy identichnosti, kotoryy so vsey ochevidnost`yu pokazyvaet, chto idei K. Adenauera i Sh. de Gollya o sozdanii soyuza evropeyskikh narodov, ob`edinennykh v natsional`nye gosudarstva, a ne nekoego apatridnogo obrazovaniya (`Construktion apatride`),v kotorom ischeznut `nashi narody, gosudarstva i zakony`, kak pisal Sh. de Goll` v svoikh memuarakh, oderzhali verkh. V etoy svyazi po-novomu vstaet vopros o sootnoshenii natsional`nogo prava gosudarstv-chlenov i prava Evropeyskogo Soyuza. Rech` idet, prezhde vsego, ob ogranichennosti deystviya takikh osnovopolagayushchikh printsipov prava Evropeyskogo Soyuza kak printsipy pryamogo deystviya i verkhovenstva prava Soyuza nad natsional`nym pravom gosudarstv-chlenov. Eto sootnoshenie po ryadu prichin tselesoobraznie vsego rassmotret` na primere Osnovnogo zakona FRG. Monografiya prednaznachena dlya nauchnykh i prakticheskikh rabotnikov v sfere mezhdunarodnogo prava, prepodavateley, aspirantov i studentov, a a takzhe dlya vsekh interesuyushchikhsya evropeyskoy integratsiey. ····· 103615114

Finansovoe pravo

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V predlozhennom vashemu vnimaniyu uchebnike dlya vuzov `Finansovoe pravo` rassmatrivayutsya (s uchetom poslednikh izmeneniy zakonodatel`stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii) osnovnye instituty finansovogo prava: finansovaya deyatel`nost` gosudarstva, finansovyy kontrol`, byudzhetnoe i nalogovoe pravo, pravovye osnovy gosudarstvennogo kredita, strakhovanie, gosudarstvennye raskhody, bankovskoe pravo, denezhnaya sistema, valyutnoe zakonodatel`stvo i valyutnyy kontrol`. ····· 103615315

Protection of Database in Malaysia

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The main intention of this research is to examine the legal protection of database. For that reason, the relevant laws are investigated with the aim of identifying the strengths and weaknesses in them as well as to propose the appropriate legal protection. The pertinent laws on this issue are divided into two types of protection, i.e., intellectual property legal regime and other possible legal protection. The former comprises copyright law and sui generis database right. The latter analyzes other established laws that are applicable to safeguard the interest of database producer. Those laws are common law actionable torts, contract law and Islamic legal principles. The conclusion of this thesis proposes on the appropriate ways of remedying the weaknesses in the statutory provisions and examines the possibilities of invoking other relevant laws in protecting database in Malaysia. ····· 1036118101

Domestic Commercial Arbitration In Nigeria:

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The inadequacies of the national courts in Nigeria which include: the adversarial nature of litigation, unnecessary delays, lack of confidentiality etc has led disputing parties to seek alternative means of dispute resolution, one of which is domestic arbitration. Unfortunately, the potential advantages claimed for arbitration over litigation, are often not achieved in practice. Consequently, the primary focus of the work is the identification and examination of some problems and challenges hindering the law, practice, institution and growth of domestic commercial arbitration and customary arbitration in Nigeria. In the work, relevant suggestions are made for tackling these problems and challenges. The modest contribution of the work to the field of arbitration should help shed some light on this emerging and exciting field of dispute resolution in Nigeria, and should be especially useful to scholars, lawyers and other professionals in arbitration. ····· 1036118279

EC Competition Law Procedure and European Convention on Human Rights

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This book is an attempt to explore the interrelationship between the European Community competition law procedure and the European Convention on Human Rights. Specifically, the book assesses the overall compliance of the framework and procedure for the enforcement of competition law in the European Community with the norms and case law of the European Convention on Human Rights. Though the European Community is not a party to the Convention, the Member States of the Community who are saddled with the responsibility of enforcing the Community`s decisions against business undertakings in the field of competition law, are all parties to the Convention. If the procedure for arriving at those decisions is not compliant with the Convention, to what extent then could these Member States assist in enforcing sanctions in keeping with their obligations under Community law, and still operate within their obligations under the Convention. This book tries to explore this question, and in general is concerned with the unusual subject of human rights protection for corporations in corporate law. It calls for a major change to the way competition law is enforced in the European Community. ····· 1036118761

The Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the European Union

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Ensuring a space of freedom, security and justice requires an increase in specific activities on preventing and combating crime of all kinds and especially organized crime, goals that can be achieved at such level only by the adoption of a coherent legislative framework, accepted by all Member States. Structured in five chapters, the book addresses to all those who want to improve their knowledge in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the European Union, teachers, students, academics and practitioners. After an introductory chapter that provides a general overview of the institution, in the following chapters there are analyzed four main forms of cooperation, namely, the European arrest warrant, transfer of proceedings in criminal matters, transfer of sentenced persons and recognition of criminal judgments and judicial acts. Considered to be the most important form of cooperation, the recognition of criminal judgments is examined in detail, in a modern, smooth manner, accessible for the reader. The work suggests some solutions of adapting their operation in the union framework, in the context of new challenges caused by the increase of organized crime. ····· 1036118929

Relevance of Judicial Precedents

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This work critically examines the relevance of the practice of the common law doctrine of stare decisis in Shariah Courts in Nigeria. The legality of the application of the doctrine in Shariah Courts in the country is weighed on the scale of Islamic law. Apart from giving an encompassing analysis of the nature of the Islamic justice system and the wherewithal which any judge administering Islamic law must be armed with, this work exposes the reader to various forms of injustice, informed by the practice of judicial precedent, being perpetrated and perpetuated in Nigeria by courts adjudicating upon Islamic cases. The work shows how such injustice has been made to persist through the aid of the application of the doctrine in the Islamic courts. The work significantly critically appraises a major negative impact of the common law on the administration of Islamic law in Nigeria (i.e. doctrine of stare decisis). It thus advocates for detach of common law principles and doctrines, especially judicial precedent, from the Shariah courts in the country. ····· 1036119783

Special Economic Zones in India

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Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is considered as growth engine for India. Concept of SEZ came in India in the year 2000. Earlier SEZ was administered by Foreign Trade Policy and from 2006 it has been covered under the special act called Special Economic Zone Act, 2005. Present work is an outcome of the Master`s Dissertation submitted for M. Phil (Law) degree. In the present book I have discussed the overall picture of Special Economic Zones in India. What are the positive and negative aspects of the SEZ in India. What is the present scenario of SEZ in India. ····· 1036120042

Towards a European Energy Policy

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The European Union has set the objective to achieve a secure, sustainable and competitive energy policy. The development of a European energy policy is constantly emphasised in the declarations of political leaders. This book provides an assessment of the legal feasibility of a EU energy policy by looking into the sensitive areas of industrial restructuring, institutional reform and security of supply. The famous Endesa saga offers a paradigmatic case about the tensions between energy champions and energy markets. The persistence of monopolistic structures despite the liberalisation process requires the reinforcement of regulatory authorities, both at national and EU levels. Furthermore, while security of energy supply is in principle a responsibility of Member States, who often use that responsibility as a pretext to promote national champions, it also has a European dimension in terms of external dependence and internal solidarity. The absence of a specific legal basis on energy in the treaties did not prevent the EU from developing a European energy policy. A more coherent approach to energy policy should be expected with the new legal basis on energy in the Lisbon Treaty. ····· 1036120694

The Liberal Nation-state and Multiculturalism

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Migration is a phenomenon that has been with humans since the earliest times. But it has become a topic of politico-legal philosophy only recently, and thanks to liberalism, for, as far as we in the contemporary world are concerned, it is liberalism that has continuously advocated that one is entitled to live the way of life that one thinks is fit for one s own life. Multiculturalism arises from the claim that immigrants (ethnic minorities) have their own ways of life that should be respected. It should be based on liberalism. The thesis is an attempt to delineate what the author has in mind about liberal multiculturalism. We shall find that liberalism has a built-in tendency to tolerate or respect alien cultures or cultural practices. Multiculturalism, then, cannot allow any way of life to be at odds with its core: free and equal individuals. In a liberal multicultural society all people should support this principle. Other than that, anyone is free to engage in any activity or way of life. Multiculturalism, in one word, is liberalism in self-reflection. ····· 1036120923

Intellectual Property & Protection of Traditional Knowledge:

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This book is an assessment of the adequacy or suitability of the various legal options on protection of traditional knowledge in the context of Nigeria. The options covered include the Intellectual Property Devices, WIPO Draft Rules on Protection of Traditional Knowledge against Misappropriation and Misuse, African Union Model Law on Protection of Traditional Knowledge of the Local Communities, and Regulations on Protection of Varieties of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These options pose enormous challenges to Nigerian owners of traditional knowledge with purely basic orientation in customary law. The opportunities to protect traditional knowledge through any formal measures can only be meaningful where due cognizance is given to customary law. Therefore, this book provides useful insights for policy makers and other stakeholders on the integration of customary rules into mechanisms for protecting traditional knowledge. ····· 1036124599

A comparative study on fishers rights to marine fish

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Quasi-property rights has a positive impact on economic efficiency of fishing industry and conservation of fishery resources. Fishing licences and fishing quotas under British and Chinese fisheries laws have shown that fishing rights carry some attributes of property rights. But Chinese fishers rights are weaker than the UK fishers rights. Seven recommendations are put forward to enhance quality of rights: (1) Promoting international cooperation on fisheries management by reaching comprehensive fisheries agreements in East and South-eastern Asia (2) Improving exclusivity of fishing rights by reducing the number of fishing vessels, localizing fishers rights, and introducing a fishing quota system in China (3) Using the fishing quota as the only indicator of fishing rights instead of fishing licences and abolishing penalty of VCUs in the UK (4) Enhancing security of fishing rights (5) Granting permanent fishing rights to fishers (6) Making fishing rights more transferable (7) Acknowledging that fishers are entitled to sue marine polluters to safeguard fishers rights and preserve fish habitat. ····· 1036125645

Malaysian Construction Contract Law & Management

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`A project manager or contract manager will be more adept in evaluating and selecting a contracting system that is most appropriate to the requirements of the work and conforming to the economic, legal, cost, time and quality requirements and managing it efficiently, if they are very knowledgeable in the principles and philosophy of construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems`. The aim for compiling this Lecture Note is to provide material and readable comment of interest and usefulness to both students and practitioners , This is achieved in eight chapters: laws of Malaysia, construction contract, contract management, construction contracting, procurement system, professional liability, construction contract studies and dispute resolution. The issues identified by this Lecture Note seem complete for anyone s findings due to the knowledge of the principles and philosophy of construction law and operational aspects of the various contracting systems is an utmost importance for contract management. Lastly, this Lecture Note is generally a useful literature into the relationship of the construction contract law and the construction contract management. ····· 1036125668

Colonial Rule and Administration of Native Courts In Ejigbo

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This book discuses the role of colonial rule in Ejigbo from 1922 - 1960. It emphasized much on colonial policies, laws as related to sociopolitical of British laws and indigenous laws of the society in Ejigbo. Also, the author through the archives was able to highlight on most of the cases that were judiciously administered from 1922 - 1960. In conclusion, the book will be useful to the present day scholars. ····· 1036125978

Effective law enforcement in tackling organised wildlife trade crime

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In recent decades, the public has become increasingly aware that the many beautiful and varied forms of endangered wildlife species are an irreplaceable part of the natural system of the earth that must be protected for this and the next generations to come. Today, this is of more concern than ever because of the rapid rate of wildlife extinction around 27 thousand wildlife species being disappeared yearly. At this rate, one third to two thirds of all wildlife species are expected to be lost during the second half of the present century which would be equal to the total past extinctions. Meanwhile, there is much evidence to affirm that, next to habitat destruction, illegal trade offers the greatest threat to world s rarest wildlife species. Each year, about 350 million wildlife species of fauna and flora are traded on average, irrespective of international law enforcement efforts. Vietnam and England and Wales are CITES country members, both have made a lot of attempts to protect endangered wildlife species, laws relating to crime and also powers provided to law enforcement agencies have been made however they are still in danger and need both countries to do more. ····· 1036188206

Cyber Crime Prevention

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Cyber law governs the legal issues of cyberspace and that`cyberspace`is not restricted to the internet,but includes computers and computer networks,the Internet,data,software etc.The information technology is a double edge sword,which can be used for destructive as well as constructive work.Thus the fate of many ventures depends upon the benign or vice intentions,as the case may be,the person dealing with and using the technology.A malicious intention forwarded in the form of hacking,data theft,virus attack,etc.can bring only destructive results.These methods however may also be used for checking the authenticity, safety and security of ones technological device,which has been primarily relied upon and trusted for providing the security to a particular organisation.For instance the creater of the`Sasser Worm`has been hired as a`Security Software Programmer`by a German firm,so that he can make firewalls,which will stop suspected files from entering computer systems.This exercise of hiring those persons who are responsible for causing havoc and nuisance is the recognition of the growing and inevitable need of`Self protection`,which is recognized in all the countries of the world. ····· 1036188266

Framework for Divestiture of State Enterprises in Nigeria

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Despite the billion of naira invested in the state enterprises in Nigeria between 1960s and 1970s, the public enterprises failed to achieve their stated objectives. This, together with the pressure from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the country to liberalize her economy led Nigeria to embrace a privatization programme which involved the divestiture of state-owned enterprises to individuals and non-government organizations. The focus of this book is to investigate whether the method of privatization by full divestiture of state-owned enterprises through public offering on the capital market, or placement with core investor as adopted by the Bureau of Public Enterprises was appropriate in Nigeria despite the absence of enabling environment. The book also evaluates features of legal and institutional framework for privatisation that had been successful in other jurisdictions with similar socio and economic situation with Nigeria, particularly in the former socialist countries which are privatising like Nigeria, as part of transmission of their economy from command or centrally planned economy to market economy. ····· 1036188852

Women lawyers in the world history

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The Purpose of this book is to provide a detailed analysis of historical role of women lawyers in the world for the rights of the women and their liberation in the world. Women Lawyers since 1944 had contributed to the freedom of women all over the World in order to fight for the same opportunity like men to participate in politics, go to school not only to remain in Kitchen.Scolars and Students will find this book useful in all ramifications. ····· 1036189072

Reelección presidencial en Colombia- Enfoque hobbesiano

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La seguridad en el Estado entendido este, como la principal organización política de la sociedad, es el elemento primordial a la hora de salvaguardar los limites que regulan la vida en sociedad y garantizan a la postre la justicia y la igualdad, y de la misma manera importante al momento de su consolidación de los lazos sociales. Esta seguridad parte de unos principios sólidos como los son la Constitución, los derechos individuales, las libertades civiles los cuales en el discurrir social, deben ser respetados como máxima del progreso y sostenibilidad del Estado y sus asociados. El Estado de Derecho implica, que el Estado no puede ejercer coerción sobre un individuo, salvo mediante la aplicación de una regla general y conocida en este. Esto significa una limitación del poder estatal. Estos conceptos son recogidos como marco estructural del Estado Social de Derecho, donde a pesar del querer del Estado de legitimar sus acciones por medio del ejercicio de la seguridad, se debe tener como horizonte mismo el garantizar las libertades individuales de cada asociado. En este libro solo hicimos referencia a dos de los temas centrales que fueron fuente de elaboración en el Leviatán. ····· 1036189396

Information in Vietnamese Youth Sentencing

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This book derives from the author`s thesis submited in partial fulfilments of the University of the West of England, Bristol for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It develops and applies a rational decision-making model to the youth justice process up to, and including, the sentencing stage. In principle this model is, and should be, universal and suitable for analysing and assessing the rationality of sentencing (in terms of available information necessary for rational decision-making) in different jurisdictions with different procedural traditions. By applying the model to youth sentencing in Vietnam and in England and Wales, this book identifies problems in each. Given that both Vietnam and England and Wales require a rational youth sentencing process in order to fulfil their international obligations, the book identifies the pre-sentence report in England and Wales as an appropriate tool for providing sentencers with the information necessary for rational sentencing, and argues that suitably adapted it may assist Vietnam in complying with its international obligations. ····· 1036199722

American Health Care: Justice, Policy, Reform

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American Health CareThis book addresses the subject of reforming the American (or any other) health care system focusing on how to achieve a reformed system through the organized action of the citizenry. Dr. Conti calls upon examples from American history, arguing that the action of the people achieved both the abolition of slavery and the granting of rights, including the right to vote, to American women. These social movements succeeded in overturning social structures that existed for millennia. She argues that a comparable grassroots social reform movement could be equally effective in reforming the American health care system. Recently-enacted legislation notwithstanding, much more work is still needed to ensure that the reformed system is implemented properly and to create the policy to detect and overcome fraud and abuse. ····· 10361115970

Explosiones industriales

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Entre los accidentes más importantes de la industria, las graves consecuencias de las explosiones justifican los esfuerzos en materia de prevención, dada la peligrosidad del fenómeno, su inmediatez y la posibilidad de provocar otros accidentes de forma concatenada. Pero, ¿ofrecen las distancias de seguridad actualmente en vigor una protección adecuada ante los efectos de una explosión industrial Para responder a esta pregunta, este trabajo desarrolla una novedosa metodología de cálculo de consecuencias basada en curvas características sobrepresión-impulso-distancia. Esta metodología se usa para analizar las consecuencias sobre los seres humanos en exteriores y sobre los edificios a las distancias que se obtienen con los valores límite de Planificación de Emergencias en vigor en la legislación española. De dicho análisis se deduce que estos valores no proporcionan niveles de seguridad adecuados, por lo que este trabajo propone nuevos criterios para calcular esas distancias, con el fin de ayudar a los responsables (industriales y organismos competentes) a establecer los medios y actuaciones de protección. ····· 10361116276


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What has sometimes been described as the only rule of statutory construction is legislative intent. Though several other interpretive principles have been formulated supposedly only for the purpose of arriving at legislative intent, the best endeavours of the finest jurists, legislators and the courts have yet to produce a common ground on deciphering it. This lack of clear-cut parameters has bedeviled decisions of the country s apex court, the Supreme Court of Nigeria. This necessitates a historical and comparative inquiry that concludes that the lexical evidence points to that intentionalism and purposivism are one and the same and that what is needed is merely a refinement of the jurisprudence of intentionalism.There is a convergence in that the evidence from British constitutional history suggests that constitutional systems and hierarchies impact on the interpretive regimes adopted at particular periods. Given that evidence, the suitability of parliamentary intention as currently applied may be entirely dependent on the model of supremacy doctrine (parliamentary or constitutional) and of separation of powers (strict or liberal) that a specified jurisdiction practises. ····· 10361118202

Electronic Commerce in Islamic Law

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The adoption of the World Wide Web in conducting commercial activities has given rise to many legal issues one being online contacts. Concerns have risen to question the aptness pertaining to existing commercial rules/laws. This book attempts to mitigate such concerns primarily from Islamic legal perspective. What needs to be born in mind is that Islamic law must be followed on every aspect of life including business. The often quoted `Islamic law is relevant for all time and places` might be challenged with the rapid development of technology in the recent times and especially with the invention of the Internet. The Islamic commercial law was developed a long time ago hence, the possible application of it to accommodate the complex nature of conducting commercial activities over the internet is questionable. This work is an attempt to discuss whether the rules of Islamic law are aptly competent to fit in the electronic contract in a way that is consistent with the development of electronic commerce globally. ····· 10361133085

Gender equality in post-apartheid South Africa:

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The adoption of the 1996 Constitution in recognition of the historic imbalances that South Africa inherited from its past, affirms the commitment to the promotion of human rights including the right to gender equality. The emphasis on the right to equality in the South African Constitution and other related laws discussed in the book represents a guarantee for both men and women the right to equal treatment and benefit of the law. The historic legacy of inequalities, particularly in relation to the promotion of the right to gender equality, continue, to manifest itself even today. This book, therefore, provides an overview of the various factors that are an impediment to the promotion of the right to gender equality. The objective is to establish with sufficient certainty the substantive conception of the right to gender equality in post-apartheid South Africa. The book is designed to ascertain in practical terms what people need to know about the courts and how the laws and access to justice can have valuable assistance for them to claim their rights in order to advance the significance of the law for the promotion of the right to gender equality. ····· 10361135902

Constitutional Developments in India

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After adaptation of the Constitution of India, the judiciary is making relentless efforts to see that no citizen is deprived or denied of justice keeping in view the philosophy, ideology, objectives and vision of the constitution framers. Padma Vibhushan Justice Sri P.N. Bhagwati is one among those judges who strived to achieve the goals enshrined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar, the Drafting Committee Chairman of the Indian Constitution said that the object in framing the constitution is two fold the first one is to lay down the form of political democracy and the second one is to lay down that our ideal is economic democracy and also to prescribe that every Government whatever is in power, shall strive to bring about economic democracy. This has been effectively followed and implemented by Justice Bhagwati, with creative judicial interpretations, humanistic approaches by giving importance to the Directive Principles. It is through PIL that not only the problems of the poor but also the issues involving national interests like corruption on the part of Governments and its servants are now coming to the forefront. ····· 10361146188

People Living with HIV/AIDS under International Human Rights Law

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The Protection of People Living with HIV/AIDS under International Human Rights Law analysed and expounded upon the inequalities and difficulties faced by people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. It examined how national public health policies interface with human rights issues and recommended a UNAIDS convention. The thesis explored the underlying determinants and facilitators of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and argued for the adoption of communitarian and egalitarian ideologies in combating the pandemic. It suggested a new approach that will adopt a collective human rights and participatory theory that includes the community while still recognising the significance of individual human rights. The thesis analysed the relationship between multinational corporations and human rights law, and their human rights duties. It argued for the allocation of legally binding human rights responsibilities for multinational corporations and power to sign treaties along with states, while states remain responsible for fulfilling and protecting human rights. The thesis further explored the controversies surrounding the interpretation of TRIPS Agreement in relation to human rights principles. ····· 10361147092

Physician Assistant Medical Malpractice in the Healthcare Workforce

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Using the first 17 years of data from the National Practitioner Data Bank, contained herein is the first comprehensive examination of physician assistant medical malpractice and other markers of medical practice safety. The(PA)profession has become a significant factor in the United States health care delivery system. PAs and Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) play an increasing role in the cost effective delivery of health care in the United States. Quality of care stakeholders are increasingly concerned about the medical care being delivered by these non-physician providers. Stakeholders include local and national government, health care delivery organizations, education programs, the health insurance industry and the general public. Dr. Nicholson`s research answers the question of whether or not PAs and APNs are safe providers of medical care when compared with physicians. Often viewed as less trained and poorly qualified, Dr. Nicholson`s scholarly examination puts to rest the notion that non-physician providers of medical care pose a quality or safety risk to the public when compared head to head with the rates of medical malpractice and disciplinary actions against physicians. ····· 1036187994

Die Neukonzeption des Rechtsbruchtatbestands in § 4 Nr. 11 UWG

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`Unlauter handelt insbesondere, wer einer gesetzlichen Vorschrift zuwiderhandelt, die auch dazu bestimmt ist, im Interesse der Marktteilnehmer das Marktverhalten zu regeln.` Der Gesetzgeber hat im Jahr 2004 durch die UWG Novelle den Rechtsbruchtatbestand in4 Nr. 11 UWG erstmals festgeschrieben. Die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung zur richterrechtlich entwickelten Fallgruppe des `Vorsprungs durch Rechtsbruch` bis hin zur Kodifizierung dient in der vorliegenden Darstellung als Ausgangspunkt. Untersucht werden im Einzelnen sämtliche Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die richtlinienkonforme Auslegung der Richtlinie 2005/29/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11. Mai 2005 über unlautere Geschäftspraktiken. Die Veränderungen sowie die rechtlichen Konsequenzen, die sich aus der Neukonzeption des Rechtsbruchtatbestandes ergeben haben, werden aufgezeigt. ····· 1036159425

Actividad de Inteligencia y Democracia en América Latina

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Esta obra constituye una recopilación de ponencias y trabajos relativos a la actividad de inteligencia en América Latina y la búsqueda de legitimidad, eficacia y control en dicha actividad, presentados en diversos eventos académicos entre 2002 y 2010. Los referidos artículos comprenden análisis y estudios sobre la situación de dicha actividad en las diversas regiones de Latinoamérica, los esfuerzos realizados y en marcha para implementar controles y salvaguardar los derechos individuales, las dificultades encontradas para materializar tales propósitos, y las herramientas empleadas para superarlas. En conjunto, constituyen un examen cuya amplitud y profundidad le brindan un particular interés tanto para ls etudiosos de las cuestiones relativs a la seguridad y la defensa, como para especialistas en derechos humanos, en políticas públicas, legisladores, o funcionarios vinculados a la referida actividad y a su control. ····· 10361136860

Geschichte des österreichischen Erbrechts seit 1812

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Die Arbeit des Autors MMMag. Dr. Franz Josef Giesinger zeigt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung des östereichischen Erbrechts seit der Einführung des ABGB 1812. Die wichtigsten Veränderungen waren hierbei im Hinblick auf die erbrechtliche Stellung des unehelichen Kindes und des Ehegatten. Das hier gegenständliche Werk wurde als Dissertation des Autors im Jahr 2003 an der Universität Innsbruck fertig gestellt. MMMag. Dr. Franz Josef Giesinger war seinerzeit jüngster Rechtsanwalt Österreichs und Liechtensteins, als er im Alter von 25 Jahren über beide Rechtsanwaltszulassungen in Österreich und Liechtenstein verfügte. Der Autor gründete seine Rechtsanwaltskanzlei im Jahre 2006 und ist seit damals als selbständiger Rechtsanwalt tätig. ····· 1036159366

Tribunal po Yugoslavii kak institut mezhdunarodnoy yustitsii. T. II

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Osnovyvayas` na glubokom pravovom analize sudebnykh resheniy Mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo tribunala po byvshey Yugoslavii (MTBYu), opirayas` na lichnyy shestiletniy opyt raboty v kachestve rukovoditelya odnoy iz sledstvennykh grupp Ofisa Prokurora MTBYu, avtorom vpervye v rossiyskoy yuridicheskoy literature provedeno kompleksnoe issledovanie klyuchevykh problem pravoprimenitel`noy deyatel`nosti MTBYu, kasayushchikhsya ego legitimnosti, samostoyatel`nosti i kompetentsii, opredeleny istochniki ego prava, vydeleny osnovnye pravovye printsipy, kotorymi MTBYu rukovodstvuetsya v svoey pravoprimenitel`noy deyatel`nosti, i dana pravovaya otsenka ispol`zuemykh v MTBYu podkhodov k kvalifikatsii podpadayushchikh pod ego yurisdiktsiyu prestupleniy i k realizatsii trebovaniy, vytekayushchikh iz osnovnykh printsipov mezhdunarodnogo prava i obshchikh printsipov ugolovnogo i ugolovno-protsessual`nogo prava. Rabota rasschitana na uchenykh-yuristov, sudebnykh i prokurorskikh rabotnikov, prepodavateley vuzov, aspirantov, studentov vysshikh yuridicheskikh obrazovatel`nykh uchrezhdeniy i vsekh interesuyushchikhsya problemami stanovleniya mezhdunarodnoy ugolovnoy yustitsii, mezhdunarodnogo prava, mezhdunarodnogo gumanitarnogo prava i mezhdunarodnogo ugolovnogo prava. ····· 103615345

Humanitäre Intervention durch die Vereinten Nationen

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Militärisches Einschreiten zur Beendigung massiver Menschenrechts-verletzungen kann von den Vereinten Nationen als wesentliches Instrument zum Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung eingesetzt werden. Die Erfassung der konkreten völkerrechtlichen Zulässigkeit der humanitären Intervention ist auf Grund der vielerorts brodelnden Krisenherde von stets aktueller Bedeutung. Neben möglichen Kontrollmechanismen zur Begrenzung der Missbrauchsgefahr durch die Intervenienten selbst (Stichwort Individualrechtsschutz durch die EMRK) wird aufgezeigt, dass in der einschlägigen Praxis des Sicherheitsrates - siehe etwa auch Libyen 2011 - eine eindeutige Rechtsfortentwicklung zu erkennen ist. So steht hier die staatliche Souveränität auf der Zerreißprobe und stellt sich die zu untersuchende Frage des Bürgerkrieges als noch dem betroffenen Staat vorbehaltene, innere Angelegenheit oder als doch bereits zum Eingriff von außen berechtigendes Geschehen. Zudem eröffnet der Blick auf eine allfällige völkergewohnheitsrechtliche Geltung der humanitären Intervention und die dafür notwendige Länderanalyse neue Perspek-tiven. ····· 1036159422

Stalking im österreichischen und deutschen Recht

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Stalking war in Deutschland und Österreich ein lange Zeit unbeachtetes Phänomen. Durch medienwirksame Stalking-Fälle wurde die Gesellschaft und die Politik auf diese Thematik aufmerksam. Ein Großteil der Rechtswissenschaft war zunächst der Auffassung, dass Stalking ein staatliches Eingreifen nicht erforderlich macht.Schließlich haben sich die Gesetzgeber durchgerungen, Stalking mittels Zivil- und Strafrecht zu bekämpfen. Die Arbeit stellt die Rechtssituation in Deutschland und Österreich vor und nach den neuen Stalking- Regelungen dar. Die Gesetzesänderungen betreffen neben dem Strafrecht auch das Zivilrecht und das Polizeirecht. Die Arbeit stellt auch die Vorgehensweise von Polizei und Opfereinrichtungen in Stalking-Fällen dar. ····· 1036159391