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Kreuzwege des Denkens

··· lezzter Preis 30.00€ ··· 9783869451435 ··· 10361191083 ···
Prof. PhDr. et Dr.Sc. Karel Mácha, born on January 2, 1931, in Dírná, Czechoslovakia, philosopher, sociologist, writer, holder of " Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande" (Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon) (2007) and " Großer Literaturpreis" (Grand Prize in Literature) from Exil-P.E.N.-Club-International (2001), etc. Studies in politology (Marxian Theory), modern history (social ideas) and philosophy (modern history of philosophy) at the " Universitas Carolina Pragensis" , Prague, (Seminary of Prof.Dr.Milan Machovec) studies in sociology (modern history of social ideas) and anthropology (the British social anthropology the American culture anthropology the French lanthropologie structurelle) at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (Institute of Philosophy, l954-57 " Csc." , l958). Appointed at the same " Institute of Philosophy" as scientist (l957 " Fellow" , l963 " Senior Fellow" ). Habilitation at the " Universitas Purkyniana Brunensis" (Brno, l962). Appointed to Professor of Philosophy at the Charles University (Faculty of Social Sciences), l966 " DrSc." , (" Doctor Scientiarum" , l968). Elected as " Dean of Faculty" in the first free academic election (June 1969). In autumn l969 he resigned his academic appointments and was expelled from the university for political reasons until his emigration private scientist. 1978 exiled invited as Visiting Professor to the " Universitas Ludovico-Maximilianea" in Munich (" Institute of Christian Philosophy" , Prof. D.Dr. Eugen Biser). 1987-88 invited as Visiting Professor to the " Polytechnic University" (" Philosophy and Technology Studies Center" , Prof.Dr. Wolfgang Schirmacher) in New York. - Since l988 appointed as Professor of Social Philosophy at the " Gustav-Siewerth-Academy. Graduate School" (Prof. Dr. Alma von Stockhausen, Southern Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg). l990 rehabilitated (by President Václav Havel) as Professor of Philosophy at the Charles University, Prague.
Hersteller: Traugott Bautz
Marke: Traugott Bautz
EAN: 9783869451435
Kat: Nonbooks/Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik/Philosophie/20., 21. Jahrhundert
Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar
Versandkosten: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland

14: Traugott Bautz
15: 1605240532
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5: Ab 20¤ Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland
6: Traugott Bautz
7: Kreuzwege des Denkens
:::: Nonbooks/Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik/Philosophie/20., 21. Jahrhundert
···· - Bücher, eBooks, DVD & Blu-ray
···· aufgenommen: 16.10.2020 · 02:43:21
···· & überprüft: 16.10.2020 · 02:43:21 zum letzten mal im Datenfeed gesehen
: Kreuzwege : Denkens :
