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Soria Natural Echinacea Verde 80 Tappi 83 Gr

für 15.26€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Questo prodotto ha proprietà di acidi organici (tra cui predominano cicloorici e verbascoside), inulina, polisaccaridi e resine. Può rafforzare l'organismo contro le aggressioni esterne, gli sbalzi di temperatura o il periodo invernale. Può essere usato come antisettico, antinfiammatorio e curativo naturale. Istruzioni per l'uso: - Prendere 3 compresse al giorno. - Bambini, la metà dell'assunzione. ····· 1039655604

Soria Natural Broccoli Verde 80 Capsule 83 Gr

für 15.26€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Questo prodotto ha proprietà antiossidanti naturali, proteggendo l'organismo dai danni causati dai radicali liberi. Ha l'acido folico, quindi è raccomandato per le persone che ne hanno carenza. Come si usa: - Prendere 1 compressa dopo ogni pasto. ····· 1039655603

Sanon Valeriana 515 Mg 225 Capsules 159 Gr

für 9.44€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Food supplement made from plant species Tranquilizer, hypnotic, spasmolytic, muscle relaxant, slightly hypotensive and anticonvulsant. Instructions for use: Take 3 capsules a day divided into the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Do not exceed this dose. ····· 1039655544

Sanon Valeriana 350 Mg 200 Tablets 95 Gr

für 8.63€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Un integratore alimentare a base di oli naturali e vitamine. Tranquillante, ipnotico, spasmolitico, miorilassante, leggermente ipotensivo e anticonvulsivante. Istruzioni per l'uso: Assumere 3 compresse al giorno, 1 compressa ai pasti principali (colazione, pranzo e cena). Non superare la dose giornaliera consigliata. ····· 1039655543

Sanon Te De Java Ortosifon 500 Mg 120 Tablets 88 Gr

für 4.27€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Integratore alimentare a base di piante -Ritenzione di liquidi. -Infezioni ricorrenti delle urine. - Sabbie renali. -Colica nefritica. Manuale utente: Assumere 2 compresse al giorno, con abbondante acqua, lontano dai pasti. Non superare la dose giornaliera consigliata. ····· 1039655542

Sanon Maca 500 Mg 100 Tablets 165 Gr

für 6.82€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Integratore alimentare a base di specie vegetali Stati di stress, stanchezza, sforzo fisico e mentale, ansia, spossatezza, nella covalecenza di una malattia, durante la menopausa. Modalità di utilizzo: Assumere 4 compresse al giorno. 2 compresse ai pasti principali (pranzo e cena). Non superare questa dose. ····· 1039655541

Sanon Hiperico 100 400 Mg Tablets 64 Gr

für 8.49€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Hypericin inhibits the action of monoamine oxidase (MAOI), hyperforin is a mild tranquilizer. In this case it is advised to take 300mg of the dry extract, in tablets or capsules, 2 to 3 times per day, to be taken with meals. It also shows a promising use in Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and in Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD) (which are aggravated by seasonal changes, especially when winter days become shorter and there is less sun). St. John's wort has been researched to find out how it works in treating viruses. Instructions for use: Take 3 to 5 tablets a day divided into the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). ····· 1039655540

Sanon Harpago 100 500 Mg Tablets 71 Gr

für 4.03€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
A food supplement made from plant species. It is very famous for its anti-inflammatory property, and above all for its usefulness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. It also fights arteriosclerosis, arthralgia and rheumatism. In cases of osteoarthritis is combined with hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide of regenerating power. It is relaxing, so it serves to combat various types of spasms including muscle spasms, as it acts at the peripheral level. Instructions for use: Take 4 tablets a day, with the main meals (2 tablets during breakfast and 2 tablets during dinner). Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. ····· 1039655539

Sanon Ginko Biloba 500 Mg 200 Tablets 131 Gr

für 8.73€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
A food supplement made from plant species. Neuroprotector, peripheral vasodilator, capillary protector (increases resistance and decreases permeability), venotonic, antiplatelet agent, diuretic. Instructions for use: Take 6 tablets a day, 2 tablets at meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. ····· 1039655538

Sanon Espino Blanco 500 Mg 100 Tablets 70 Gr

für 2.98€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Food supplement made from plant species It's a plant that specializes in heart health. Heart rhythm problems that do not require the use of digitalis: extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardia, palpitations, coronaritis. It has the ability to increase the size of blood vessels of the body periphery and hypotension by its tonic effect. -Prevention of angina pectoris. Helps to soften the alert states generated by the sympathetic nervous system. The hawthorn, along with other plants such as valerian, passionflower or St. John's wort, is an effective remedy to reduce nervous problems and their organic manifestations. How to use Take 3 tablets a day, with main meals. Do not exceed this dose. ····· 1039655537

Sanon Echinacea 500 Mg 225 Tablets 152 Gr

für 13.89€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Un integratore alimentare a base di specie vegetali. Molto utile nella profilassi e nel trattamento complementare dei disturbi respiratori: influenza, raffreddore, faringite, rinite, sinusite, bronchite. Come usare Assumere 3-6 compresse al giorno, 1-2 compresse ai pasti principali (colazione, pranzo e cena). Non superare questa dose. ····· 1039655536

Sanon Diente De Leon 500 Mg 100 Tablets 70 Gr

für 2.68€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
A food supplement made from plant species. It is capable of increasing bile secretion 2 to 4 times. This is why it is recommended to, for example, stimulate those livers that are "lazy". Among other components, dandelion contains vitamins A, B and C, folic acid, potassium, silicon, iron and tannins. It is depurative. It cleanses our organism of toxins. Therefore we recommend it especially for those health problems that require eliminating toxins, such as uric acid or gout, kidney stones, etc.. It is diuretic, so it helps us eliminate liquids and avoid their retention. How to use Take 3 tablets a day, 1 tablet in the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Do not exceed this dose. ····· 1039655535

Sanon Cola De Caballo 500 Mg 200 Tablets 127 Gr

für 10.39€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
A food supplement made from vegetable spices. The flavonoids and potassium salts of horsetail justify its diuretic action. The abundance of silicic salts gives it remineralizing properties and contributes to the maintenance of the fundamental substance of the conjunctive tissue (collagen) by the fibroblasts, increasing the elasticity of the tissues. It increases the body's non-specific defences. Due to the abundance of tannins, the equiseto is astringent (antidiarrheal), haemostatic (due to local vasocontriction) and healing. Instructions for use: Anti-caking agents (Cellulose, calcium phosphate, magnesium stearate), Loading agent (corn starch), Horsetail dry extract (Equisetum arvense L., stem): 60mg. ····· 1039655534

Sanon Boldo 120 Tablets 90 Gr

für 3.44€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Its composition is based on essential oils such as cineol, eucalyptol and ascaridiol, as well as flavonoids and tannins. It also contains alkaloids such as boldine, which has diuretic properties, protects the liver, and promotes the production and expulsion of bile. Its leaves are used " Among its more than 20 active principles is the boldine that stimulates the functioning of the gallbladder and prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder. It also favours the reduction of gas formation by an essential oil (ascaridiol)." It has an aperitif effect because of its beneficial effects on the digestive system." Sialagogue effect (favours the release of saliva)". It is a plant with relaxing effects."It acts as an immunomodulator, improving the function of the immune system, especially useful for seasonal changes. "It is a natural antibiotic and has nematicidal active principles such as ascaridol and cineol." It has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. How to use Take 2 tablets before lunch and 2 before dinner, with a glass of water. ····· 1039655533

Sanon Ajo Negro 770 Mg 30 Capsule 23 Gr

für 7.92€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Black garlic helps our defenses,contributes to good circulationto the antioxidant effect and to maintain normal blood lipid levels. Maintainsnormal levels of blood lipids. Dosage: Take 1 or 2 capsules a day. ····· 1039655532

Soria Natural Verde Carciofo 80 Capsule 83 Gr

für 9.81€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Questo prodotto ha una grande quantità di carciofo che ha proprietà epatiche, digestive e diuretiche. Aiuta come protettore del fegato e contribuisce a migliorare la digestione. Istruzioni per l'uso: - Prendere 1 tavoletta prima di colazione, pranzo e cena. - Bambini, metà dell'assunzione. ····· 1039655530

Soria Natural Verde Orzo 240 Capsule 194 Gr

für 26.17€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Può essere usato come integratore alimentare perché contiene acidi grassi essenziali, clorofilla, antiossidanti, oligoelementi ed enzimi. Istruzioni per l'uso: - Assumere 3 capsule al giorno prima dei pasti (1 capsula prima di colazione, pranzo e cena). - Bambini, metà dell'assunzione. ····· 1039655529

Prisma Natural Gingko Biloba 100 Comp 700 Mg

für 10.7€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Il Ginkgo Biloba è uno dei migliori rimedi per migliorare la circolazione sanguigna, tra i tanti altri benefici. Istruzioni per l'uso: -Prendere 2 compresse al giorno in due dosi dopo i pasti principali. ····· 1039655526

Phyto Actif Biodetoxil LOCKdown

····· lezzter Preis 19.39€ ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
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Natysal Curcuma 12000 Mg 30 Capsule

für 15.3€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
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Herbora Circolazione 60 Compresse

für 10.87€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Ippocastano, centella asiatica, ginestra da macellaio, vite rossa, bioflavonoidi di agrumi e vit. C. E' indicato per il sollievo di edemi e sintomi legati all'insufficienza venosa, quali: sensazione di gambe stanche, pesanti, dolorose e gonfie, crampi e formicolio. Vene varicose ed emorroidi. Prodotto a base di ippocastano, centella asiatica, ginestra da macellaio, hamamelis, vite rossa, bioflavonoidi di agrumi e vitamina C. Utilizza estratti secchi standardizzati di massima concentrazione e qualità. Istruzioni per l'uso: * Prendere 2 capsule insieme al giorno, preferibilmente la mattina a stomaco vuoto. Se necessario, la dose può essere raddoppiata. ····· 1039655517

Golden & Green Natural Zenzero 90 Caps LOCKdown

····· lezzter Preis 18.99€ ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
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Equisalud Holofit Cúrcuma Fitosomada 50 Caps

für 33.39€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Integratore alimentare a base di fitosomi di curcuma. Istruzioni per l'uso: - Assumere da 1 a 2 capsule al giorno, preferibilmente durante i pasti o come indicato da uno specialista. - Adatto a vegetariani, diabetici e pazienti con diete restrittive. ····· 1039655508

Equisalud Holofit Boswellia 100 Mg 50 Tappi

für 26.96€ kaufen ···· - Farmacia e parafarmacia online
Integratore alimentare a base di Boswellia. Istruzioni per l'uso: - Assumere 1 capsula al giorno, al mattino. - Normalmente 1 capsula è sufficiente, ma puoi prendere fino a 2 capsule. - Adatto a vegetariani, diabetici e pazienti con diete restrittive. ····· 1039655507

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